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Parts of speech


Presented by: Mo’ath AL-Sarhan ; lexical VS.functional

3.1 open VS closed parts of speech

Open class POS:

Allow neologisms [new words].

Express content.
Noun, Verb,adj, adv.

Closed class POS:

Do not allow new additions.
- Express function,
3.2 lexical VS functional

Lexical POS:

Provide the contentofthe sentence.

Can be a part of word or chain of words.
It is easy to define the meaning of words.

Functional POS:

Provide the grammatical information.

Link a sentence together.
It is hard t o define the meaning of words.

The main functional categories of English:

1.prepositions[PJ:to, from, under,over, with,by,at, above, b

before, after,through,near,on,off, for, in, into,of,during,
across, without,since, until.

2. determiners[D]:it contains a number of subcategories

including :

Articles: the ,a ,an.

Deictic articles: this, that, these, those .

Quantifiers: every, some, many, most, few, all, each, any, less,
Numerals: one, two, three, four, etc.

Possessive pronouns: my, your, his, her, its, our , their.

Wh- question words: which, whose, what, why, etc.

Conjunctions [conj]: for, and ,nor, but ,or,neither,


Complementizers[C): that, for, if, whether, after,

time since, until .


Modals :
will, would, shall,should, can,could, may,might, must.

Non - finite tense marker: to

Negation[Negl: no, any, and the noun none.

Caeze check cae from

4.subcategories and features :

The only way to mark subcategories is through the use of

The case of T : [+-model] and [+-non-finite]: Auxiliary T[-
Modal T[+modal,-nonfinite]
To T[+modal,-nonfinite]

Can also make tense distinctions using I+-past].

The case ofD: [+-w h],[+-quantifier],[+-deictic],etc.

4.1 subcategoriesofnouns:
Nouns in English including :plural VS.singular, Proper
VS.common, pronoun VS.lexical noun, and count VS.mass

Plural VS singular: tomarkthis distinctionwiththe feature [+-


A]*cat ate the spider.

B] The cat ate the spider.
C] Cats ate the spider.
D] The cats ate the spider.

Count VS Mass: to mark this distinction with the feature [+-

count]. / mass nouns take the quantifier much, while count
nouns take many.

A] many apples.
B]*much apples.
C]* many sincerity
D]* many air
E] much sincerity
Fl much air

Mass noun do not require a determiner, but count nouns do.

A]*| ate apple

B] l ate the apple

Proper vs.common: to mark this distinction with the


A]Andrew carnie
b] *the Andrew carnie

subcategories of pronouns and anaphors.

Pronouns belong to the class [+pronoun,-anaphor].

Anaphors are[+pronoun, tanaphor].
All other names are I-pronoun,-anaphor].

They never allow determiners or adjectival


A | he
b] himself
C]*the he
d]*the himself
E]*big he
f] *big himself
4.2subcategories of verbs:

Subcategories of verbs are defined by their argument


The Predicates: the relation between the individuals being

talked about and the real world as wel as among themselves.

The arguments: are the individuals who are participating in

the relation.

Ex: Ali chased Ahmad

argument predicate argument

The number and type of arguments that a predicate takes.

1] The teacher smiled [1 argument]
2] Ahmad loves sport [2 arguments]
3] Ali gave the book to the teacher [3 arguments]

There are three subcategories of verbs:

1] intransitives: does not allow an object

EX: The package arrived.

2]transitive: only allows NP complements.

Ex : I hit [NP the ball]
*I hit [CP that you knew the answer] V[NP_NP]
Ex: Ask alows both NP and clausal complements (objects].
l asked [NP the question]
I asked [CP if you knew the answer]

3] Ditransitive: requires one or two NP objects.

Ex: I spared [NP him]
I spared [NP him][NP the trouble.]
*| spared [ NP the trouble][pp to him]

Put requires 1 NP and 1 prepositional phrase (PP)

*I put[NP the box][NP the book]
I put[NP the book][PP in the box]

Give allows either two NP objects or an NP and a PP

I gave [NP the box][PP to leah]
I gave [NP leah][NP the box]

Tell allows an NP objects and either another NP, CP or PP

I told [NP Daniel ] [ NP the story]
I told [NP Daniel ] [CP that the exam was cancelled]
I told [NP the story ] [PP to Daniel ]

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