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Name : Dandy Yunus Hutabarat

NIM : 2212421007
MIDTEST-Current Issues
Answer the following questions.
1. List five (5) current issues in English Language Teaching nowadays.
 Teacher Training
 Teaching Methods
 The use of technology
 Student Engagement
 Life Skills Integration
2. Of all the five (5) issues, list the most important issues to the least important issues.
Explain your reasons of choosing the most important issues to the least important
 Teacher Training: Most important because well-trained teachers are essential
for effective learning.
 Teaching Methods: Next in importance as they directly impact how students
 Student Engagement: Important for keeping students interested and involved
in learning.
 The Use of Technology: Useful for enhancing learning but should complement
teaching methods.
 Life Skills Integration: Valuable for holistic development but often integrated
into teaching methods. Students need to have soft skill such problem solving,
collaborative, and critical thinking.
3. There are several challenges associated with the application of TPACK in the
1) Lack of Training and Support
2) Overwhelming Number of Technologies and Pedagogies
3) Time Constraints
4) Computer Literacy and Technical Problems
5) Inadequate Skills in TPACK
As a teacher to be, choose one (1) challenge that you might have in the future (5 years
from now) as a teacher. Explain your answer.
 As a future teacher, one of the biggest challenges I foresee is the
overwhelming number of technologies and pedagogies available. The
educational technology landscape constantly evolves, with new tools and
resources emerging all the time. It can be difficult to keep up with the latest
trends and determine which ones are truly valuable for my classroom. At the
same time, there are numerous teaching methods, each potentially compatible
with different technologies. Figuring out the best combination to match my
students' needs and learning styles can feel like a never-ending puzzle. Finally,
sifting through the vast amount of educational materials online and in app
stores can be incredibly time-consuming. Not all resources are created equal,
so finding high-quality options that align with my curriculum can be a
4. The TPACK Framework can be a valuable tool in designing assessments that align
with the intersections of technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge. Please give an
example how TPACK is applied in designing assessment in the form of technology (1
example), pedagogy (1 example), and content (1 example).
TPACK Integration:
 I chose to give example in teaching descriptive.

Technology (T): Create a multimedia presentation using a tool like "Canva".

Students would use images, audio clips, and text to describe a chosen object,
place, or person. This assessment allows students to showcase their descriptive
language skills in a visually engaging way.

Pedagogy (P): Utilize peer review. Students would present their multimedia
descriptions to classmates who would then provide feedback using a rubric
focused on specific descriptive techniques like using sensory details, similes, and
metaphors. This fosters collaboration and helps students learn from each other's

Content (C): The assessment focuses on descriptive language skills. Students

will be assessed on their ability to use adjectives, adverbs, and sensory details to
paint a picture of their imaginary destination with words. The multimedia aspect
allows them to showcase their understanding of vocabulary related to places,
activities, and descriptions.

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