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Seventh Edition

Part 1
Digital marketing fundamentals

Chapter 1
Introducing Digital Marketing

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Chapter 1 – Introducing Digital Marketing

Main Topics:

• How digital marketing has transformed marketing

• What are digital and multichannel marketing
• Introduction to digital marketing strategy
• Introduction to digital marketing communications

Case Study: eBay thrives in the global market place.

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How digital marketing has transformed
Digital marketing is about:
• Audiences
• Digital devices
• Digital platforms
• Digital media
• Digital data
• Digital technology

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Figure 1.1 Customer lifecycle marketing
touchpoint summary for a retailer

Source: Smart Insights (2017)

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What are digital and multichannel

Digital marketing can be defined as:

Achieving marketing objectives through applying digital

media data and technology

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Paid, owned and earned media

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The marketing technology landscape

Source: With permission –

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Introduction to digital marketing strategy

Key considerations:
Key features of digital marketing strategy
Applications of digital marketing
Benefits of digital marketing

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Mini Case 1.2 Zalando exploits the power of
digital media and distribution to grow a multi-
billion Euro business in less than 5 years.

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Figure 1.5 Summary and examples of
transaction alternatives between businesses,
consumers and governmental organisations

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Figure 1.6 The distinction between
buy-side and sell side of e-commerce

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Strategic framework for developing a
digital strategy

Source: Altimeter Consulting (2014)

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Summary of organisations challenges in
digital marketing
Superordinate goals

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Figure 1.8 A generic digital marketing
strategy development process

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Introduction to digital marketing

Source: Smart Insights (2010)

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Figure 1.10 Six categories of digital
communications tools or media channels

Source: Chaffey and Smith (2017)

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Figure 1.11 Summary of communication models
for (a) traditional media, (b) new media

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Figure 1.13 Channels requiring integration as
part of integrated digital marketing strategy

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Key communication concepts for digital

Permission marketing
Content marketing
Customer engagement

Source: Smart Insights (2015a)

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Case study: eBay thrives in a global
Key content:
Revenue model

Objectives and strategy

Case Question: Discuss how eBay has had to evolve its

online brand proposition and communicate it to achieve
continued growth

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Seventh Edition

Part 1
Digital marketing fundamentals

Chapter 2
Online marketplace analysis:

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Chapter 2 - Online marketplace analysis:
Main Topics:
• Situation analysis for digital marketing
• Digital marketing environment
• Understanding customer in digital markets
• Consumer. Choice and digital influence
• Customer characteristics
• Competitors
• Suppliers
• New channel structures
• Digital business models for e-commerce

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Situation analysis for digital marketing

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Understanding customer in digital markets

Customer segments
Search intermediaries
Intermediaries, influencers and media or publisher sites
Destination sites and platforms

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Figure 2.2 An example of a customer
journey map

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Figure 2.3 An online marketplace map

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Figure 2.4 Model Showing conversion
between the digital channel and traditional
channels during the buying process

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Consumer choice and digital influence

Customer characteristics:
– Demographic variables
– Psychographic and behavioural variables
Social media and emotions
Consumer Personas
The buying process

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Figure 2.9 Framework for understanding
online customer experiences

Source: Rose and Hair (2011)

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Figure 2.10 A summary of how digital media can
impact on the buying process in a new purchase

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The shape and nature of online competitive markets

Competitor analysis and benchmarking

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Digital marketing intermediaries

Online intermediary sites

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New channel structures

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Digital business model for e-commerce

Source: with permission.

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Figure 2.15 Alternative perspectives on
business models

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Case study; Boo hoo – learning for the
largest dot com failure
1) Discuss which strategic market assumptions and decisions led to’s inevitable failure?
2) Compare and contrast the marketing strategy of with
successful online travel and leisure retailer Suggest
what made the difference between success and failure
3) Use the framework of the marketing mix to appraise the marketing
strategy and tactics of
4) In many ways the vision of Boo’s founders was ‘ideas before their
time’. Give examples of e-retail techniques adopted by that
are now common place.

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Seventh Edition

Part 1
Digital marketing fundamentals

Chapter 3
The digital macro-environment

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Chapter 3 The Digital macro-environment

Main topics:
• The rate of environmental change
• Technological forces
• Economic forces
• Political forces
• Legal Forces
• Social Forces

Case Study:
Social media – Do celebrities call all the

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The rate of environmental change

In the digital world, changes in market forces are

increasingly rapid. Firms should respond to these changes,
emerging opportunities and threats by developing strategic

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Technological forces
In the digital world, changes in market forces are
increasingly rapid. Firms should respond to these changes,
emerging opportunities and threats by developing strategic
Key factors to consider:

• Internet technology
• Cyber security
• How to develop secure systems
• Mobile and SMS messaging and applications
• Mobile Apps
• Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless applications
• Emerging technologies

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Emerging Technologies
Assessing the marketing value of technology innovation

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Commercial application of the diffusion
of innovation curve

Source: Gartner Group

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Figure 3.6 Alternative responses to
changes in technology

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Economic Forces

Economic growths
Market growth and employment
• Interest and exchange rates
• Globalization
Economic disruption

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Political forces

Political control and democracy

Internet governance
Tax Jurisdiction

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Legal forces

Data protection and privacy law

Anti-spam legislation
Disability and discrimination law
Brand and trademark protection
Intellectual property rights
Online advertising law

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Social forces

Social exclusion

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Case study 3 Social media – do
celebrities call all the shots?
1. Use the dimensions of the SMMF to analyse the following:
a. Kylie Jenner’s cosmetics
b. Shannon Coulter’s grabyourwallet
2. Suggest how the SMMF helps to:
a. Interpret what is happening in the financial services industry in relation
to its use of social media;
b. Provide strategic solutions for the use of social media that might help
to protect banks and building societies from the GAFAMs
3. Discuss the extent to which it is possible to strategically manage social
media using case evidence 1 to 4.

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Seventh Edition

Part 2
Digital marketing strategy

Chapter 4
Digital marketing strategy

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Chapter 4 Digital Marketing Strategy

Main topics
• Digital marketing strategy and channel strategy
• Importance of integrated digital marketing strategy
• How to structure a digital marketing strategy
• Competitor analysis
• Setting goals and objectives
• Strategy formulation
• Strategy implementation
• Assessing different digital projects

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Digital marketing strategy and channel
strategy management

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Figure 4.2 Typical shopper behaviour
before a town-centre shopping trip

Source: Hart et al. (2017)

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Figure 4.3 Digital access during
town-centre visit

Source: Hart et al. (2017)

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Importance of integrated digital
marketing strategy

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Table 4.2 Digital Marketing Planning
failures and solutions
Potential failure or problem Potential solution
Underestimated customer demand for online Research demand, set objectives, allocate
services sufficient resources

Intense competition from existing and new Analyse the market, especially the intensity
market entrants who may spark digital of rivalry, anticipate competitive
disruption in sector through new business responses, plan a clear market entry
or revenue models strategy or potential changes to business
and revenue models

Duplication of resources Improve internal communications to avoid

different parts of the marketing
organisation purchasing different tools or
different agencies for performing similar
online marketing tasks

Insufficient resources and capabilities Ensure budget and specific specialist digital
skills are available to support the strategic
initiatives including ‘always-on’ activities to
continuously engage audiences using
search, social and email marketing

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Table 4.2 Digital Marketing Planning
failures and solutions (Continued)
Potential failure or problem Potential solution
Relevant customer data not collected or Research to ensure best possible knowledge of
utilised target customers; integrate customer
data into existing systems

Lack of control Measure and analyse regularly to take

corrective action to ensure achievement of

Lack of senior management support Ensure support for a long-term digital

transformation plan as this will be needed to
drive major strategic initiatives

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How to structure a digital marketing strategy

Source: Chaffey and Smith (2012)

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Situation Analysis

Source: Smart Insights (

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Consumer Profiles

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Competitor analysis
• Intermediary analysis
• Assessing opportunities and threats

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Setting goals and objectives:
• The online revenue contribution
• Setting SMART objectives
• Framework for objective setting

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Strategy formulation and implementation

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Key decisions in strategy development:
1. Market and product strategies
2. Business and revenue model strategies
3. Target marketing strategy
4. Positioning and differentiation
5. Customer engagement and social media strategy

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Key decisions in strategy development:

6. Multichannel distribution strategy

7. Multichannel communication strategy
8. Online communication mix and budget
9. Organisational capabilities and governance to support
digital transformation

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Figure 4.15 Customer lifecycle segmentation

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Differential advantage

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Figure 4.17 Influences on customers of
multichannel decision making

Source: adapted from Dholakia et al. (2010)

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Figure 4.18 Matrix for evaluating digital
marketing business investment alternatives

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Figure 4.19 Influences on customers of
multichannel decision making

Source: adapted from Dholakia et al. (2010)

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Figure 4.20 Channel coverage map showing the
company’s preferred strategy for communications
with different customer segments with different value

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Assessing different digital projects

The online lifecycle management grid

Generic digital marketing strategies to achieve objectives in the
grid include:

• Online value proposition strategy

• Online targeted reach strategy
• Offline targeted reach strategy
• Online sales efficiency strategy
• Offline sales impact strategy

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Case study 4 – ASOS shifts the focus of
high street retailing
1. Apply the SOSTAC model to ASOS and highlight why it has
become such a successful online fashion brand
2. Describe how ASOS uses elements of the marketing mix as part
of its digital strategy
3. Discuss how ASOS has used digital to develop its differentiated
market position

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Seventh Edition

Part 2
Digital marketing strategy

Chapter 5
Digital media and the
marketing mix

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Chapter 5 Digital media and the
marketing mix
Main topics:
• Product
• Price
• Place
• Promotion
• People, process and physical evidence

Case study: Spotify streaming

develops new revenue models

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What is the marketing mix?

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Implications for digital technology for the product element
of the mix

1. Options for varying the core product

2. Options for offering digital products
3. Options for changing the extended product
4. Conducting online research
5. Speed of new product development
6. Speed of new product diffusion

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The long tail concept

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Branding in a digital environment

• Success factors for brand sites

• Brand identity
• Brand names for online brands

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1. Increased price transparency
2. Downward pressure on price
3. Innovative pricing approaches
4. Alternative pricing structure or policies

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Price elasticity of demand

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Price elasticity of demand for a relatively
inelastic product

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Figure 5.6 Alternative pricing mechanisms

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1. Place of purchase
2. New channel structures
3. Channel conflicts
4. Virtual organisations

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Communications Tool Online implementation

Advertising Interactive display ads, pay-per-click search advertising, targeted ads in social

Selling Virtual sales staff, site merchandising, assisted selling (including livechat) and affiliate

Sales promotion Incentives such as coupons, rewards, online loyalty schemes

Public relations Online PR and influencer outreach, blogs, e-newsletters, newsletters, social
networks, links and viral campaigns

Sponsorship Sponsoring an online event, site or service

Direct mail Opt-in email using e-newsletters and focused ‘solus’ emails

Exhibitions Webinars, virtual exhibitions and white-paper distribution

Merchandising Promotional ad-serving on retail sites, personalised recommendations and email


Packaging Virtual tours, real packaging displayed online

Word of mouth Social, viral, affiliate marketing, email a friend, links

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People Process and Physical evidence


1. Customer define support query

2. Receipt of email and acknowledgement
3. Routing of emails
4. Compose response
5. Follow-up

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• Customer preferred channel

• Company -preferred channel
• Delivering customer services and assisted sales through

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Physical evidence refers to:

A customer’s experience of the company through the web

site and other digital media.

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Case study: Spotify streaming develops
new revenue models
Assess how Spotify compete with traditional and online
music providers by reviewing the approaches it uses for
different elements of the marketing mix


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Seventh Edition

Part 2
Digital marketing strategy

Chapter 6
Relationship marketing using
digital platforms

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Chapter 6 Relationship marketing using
digital platforms
Main topics
• Using social media to improve customer
loyalty and advocacy
• The challenge of customer engagement
• Customer lifecycle management strategy

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The goals of marketing orchestration

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Using social media to improve customer
loyalty and advocacy

Source: Altimeter (2010)

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What are the main social media platforms?

Source: Smart Insights (2015)

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Social media activities requiring management:

Activity 1 Define listening and reputation strategy

Activity 2 Transform the brand through social media
Activity 3 Acquire new customers using social media
Activity 4 Increase sales to existing customers
Activity 5 Enhance customer service through social media

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The challenge of customer engagement

• Involvement
• Interaction
• Intimacy
• Influence

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Benefits of using CRM to support
customer engagement:
• Targeting more cost-effectively
• Permission marketing
• Mass customisation of the marketing messages
• Increased breadth and depth of information
• Deeper customer understanding
• Lower cost
• Delivering loyalty programmes
• Gamification

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Marketing applications of CRM:

• Sales force automation

• Customer service management
• Managing the sales process
• Customer communication management
• Analysis

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CRM technologies and data management

Three main types of customer data held in a CRM system:

• Personal profile
• Transaction data
• Communication interaction data

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Artificial intelligence for marketing

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Customer lifecycle management strategy

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Permission marketing

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Figure 6.9 Example of a pop-up on

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Figure 6.10 Matrix of customer touchpoints for
collecting and updating email contact and other
profile information

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Figure 6.11. Options for lifecycle email
marketing messages for a retailer

Source: Kath Pay, Holistic Email Marketing (2016) What is lifecycle marketing?, (accessed 30 July 2018).

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Personalisation and mass customisation
To derive maximum benefits from the use
of personal information consider giving
individuals more control

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Summary of elements of CRM strategy:

• Permission marketing
• Personalisation and mass customisation
• Using digital media to increase customer loyalty
• Determining what customers value
• The relationship between satisfaction and loyalty
• Measuring the voice of the digital customers
• Differentiating customers by value and engagement
• Lifetime value modelling
• Product recommendations and propensity modelling

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Figure 6.13 Factors affecting customer
satisfaction and loyalty

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Figure 6.14 Activity segmentation of a
site requiring registration

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Figure 6.15 Different representations of
LTV calculation

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Figure 6.16 An example of an LTV
segmentation plan

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Figure 6.17 RFM analysis

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Case Study 6 Dell Gets closer to its
Customers through its Social Media Strategy

This case explores Dell’s business

strategy and how it has positioned
the brand through marketing
communications especially online.

The case applies the RACE

framework and demonstrates how
this relates to the design of online
campaigns and promotional offers

Source: Philip Sowels/Future Publishing/Shutterstock

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Seventh Edition

Part 3
Digital marketing:
implementation and practice

Chapter 7
Delivering the digital customer

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Chapter 7 Delivering the digital customer
Main topics:
• Planning web sites
• Initiating digital experience project
• Defining site or app requirements
• Designing the user experience
• Managing and testing the concept
• Online retail merchandising
• Site promotion and traffic building
• The impact of service quality on e-loyalty

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Delivering the digital customer experience

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Planning web sites, app design and
redesign projects
Main development tasks:
• Pre-development
• Discovery, analysis, design
• Content creation, coding development and testing
• Publishing or launching the site or improvement
• Pre-launch promotion or communications
• Ongoing promotion
• Ongoing development

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Figure 7.3 Summary of the process of
website development

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Figure 7.4 Interactive approach to
improving site effectiveness

Source: Sullivan (2011)

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Who should be involved in a digital
experience project?
• Site sponsor
• Site owner
• Project manager
• Site designer
• Content developer
• Webmaster
• Digital experience analyst
• Stakeholder

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Figure 7.5 Example of a website ‘Design
and Build’ project timeline

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Initiation of a digital project
• Domain name selection and registration
• Uniform resource locators
• Selecting a hosting provider
• Web site performance optimisation

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Figure 7.7 Web Page performance test
service results ( )

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Defining site or app requirements

The discovery or analysis phase involves using marketing research

techniques to find out the needs of the business and audience.
Key considerations:
• Business requirements
• Usability requirements
• Web accessibility requirements
• Personalisation requirements
• Localisation and cultural customisation
• Reviewing competitor web sites
• Designing the information architecture
• Blueprints, wire frames and landing pages

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Figure 7.10 Personalisation pyramid web site

Source: Monetate, with permission.

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Figure 7.11 The continuum of translation types

Source: Chaffey (2017)

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Figure 7.12 Site structure diagram (blueprint)
showing layout and relationships between pages

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Figure 7.13 Example wireframe for a
children’s toy site

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Designing the user experience
Key topics:
• Evaluating
• Elements of
site design
• Mobile design

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Managing and testing content

• Criteria for selecting a content management system

• Testing the experience

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Online retail merchandising
Common approaches:

• Expanding navigation through synonyms

• Applying faceted navigation
• Featuring the best-selling products
• Use of bundling
• Use of customer ratings

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The impact of service quality on e-loyalty

• Tangibles
• Reliability and responsiveness
• Assurance
• Multichannel communication preferences
• Empathy

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Figure 7.16 Variation between product
complexity, customer value and type of
online experiences used to deliver service

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Table 7.5 Online elements of service quality

Tangibles Reliability Responsiveness Assurance and

Ease of use Availability Download speed Contact with call
Content quality Reliability Email response Personalisation

Price Email replies Call-back Privacy

Fulfilment Security

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Case study 7 Refining the online
customer experiences at
1. Select one country that i-to-i operates in closest to the
area where you live. Define a persona based on their
age and product needs and then identify the main
customer journeys and content requirements for this
persona. Which routes through the site would this user
2. Review the range of engagement techniques on the
i-to-i web site to engage the audience to generate leads
3. Identify key area for improvement of i-to-i based on
your use of the site.

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Seventh Edition

Part 3
Digital marketing:
implementation and practice

Chapter 8
Campaign planning for digital

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Chapter 8 Campaign planning for
digital media
Main topics
• The characteristics of digital
• Goal setting
• Campaign insight
• Segmentation and targeting
• Offer, message development
and creative
• Budgeting
• Integrations
Case study: Facebook – a Titan of the digital age
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The characteristics of digital media
• From push to pull
• Interactive dialogues
• From one-to many to one-to -some and one-to-one
• From one-to many to many-to-many communications
• From lean back to lean forward
• Medium changes, advertising standards
• Increase in communications
• Integration
• Timing of campaign

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Figure 8.1 The differences between one-to-many and one-to-
one communication using the Internet [organisation (O)
communicating a message (M) to customers (C)]

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Figure 8.2 The communication model of
Schramm (1955) applied to the internet

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Step1: Goal setting
Terminology for measuring digital campaigns

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Figure 8.4 An example of the effectiveness
measures for an online ad campaign

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Figure 8.5 Conversion marketing approach to
objective setting for web communications

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Campaign response mechanism

Online response mechanism

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Step 2 Campaign insight
Customer insight for digital marketing campaigns

• Site audience
• Online buying behaviour
• Customer media
• Customer search behaviour
• Competitor campaign activity
• Competitor performance

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Step 3 Segmentation and targeting

Targeting variable Examples of online targeting attributes

1 Relationship with company New contacts (prospects who haven’t purchased), ‘nursery’ (new
customers), existing customers, lapsed customers

2 Demographic segmentation B2C: age, gender, social group, geographic location

B2B: company size, industry served, individual members of decision-
making unit

3 Psychographic of attitudinal segmentation Attitudes to risk and value when buying, e.g. early adopter, brand
loyal or price conscious

4 Value Assessment of current or historical value and future value

5 Lifecycle stage Position in lifecycle, related to value and behaviour, i.e. time since
initial registration, number of products purchased, categories
purchased in
6 Behaviour Search term entered into search engine; interaction with content in
websites or emails; responsiveness to different types of offers
(promotion or product type); responsiveness to campaigns in different
channels (channel preference); purchase history in product categories
including recency, frequency and monetary value (Chapter 6)

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Step 4 Offer message development
and creative
Content marketing

Source : (with permission)

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Review a company’s use of different types of content
support marketing

Source: (with permission)

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Set 5 Budgeting and selecting the digital
media mix
Level of investment
Selecting the right mix of digital media
Level of investment in digital assets

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Figure 8.10 Options for the online vs offline
communications mix: (a) online>offline, (b)
similar online and offline, (c) offline>online

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Figure 8.11 Recommendations of the mix of
investment in digital media for direct and brand
response campaigns

Source: Zenith Media (

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Figure 8.12 Examples of different referrers
contributing to a sale for a car rental company

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Figure 8.13 Example of different referrers
contributing to a social media campaign

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Figure 8.14 Examples of the referring mix
for an airline

Source: Lee (2010)

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Levels of investments in digital assets

Source :

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Step 6 Integration into overall media
schedule or plan
Key activities:
• Branding and messaging
• Varying the offer
• Frequency and interval of communications
• Sequencing of communications
• Optimising timing

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Figure 8.17 Integration of different
communication tools through time

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Case study Facebook – a Titan of the
digital age
1. As an investor in a social network such as Facebook, which
financial and customer-related metrics would you use to
assess and benchmark the current business success and
future growth?
2. Complete a situation analysis for Facebook focusing in an
assessment of the main business risks that could damage the
future growth potential of the social network
3. Imaging you are Facebook’s marketing director. Suggest a
marketing strategy for the next 18 months based on your
answers to question 2.

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Seventh Edition

Part 3
Digital marketing:
implementation and practice

Chapter 9
Marketing communications
using digital media channels

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Chapter 9 Marketing Communications
using digital media channels
Main topics
• Search engine marketing
• Online public relations and
influencer relationship
• Online partnerships including
affiliate marketing
• Interactive display advertising
• Opt-in email marketing and
mobile messaging
• Social media and viral marketing
• Offline promotion techniques
Case study: Facebook – a Titan of the digital age
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Search Engine marketing (SEM)

Two main types:

1. Search engine
2. Paid search
marketing (PPC)

Source: Reprinted by permission of Google, Inc. Google™ search engine is a trademark of

Google, Inc.

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Figure 9.3 Popularity of different Google Search
features for a selection of 10,000 keywords

Source: MozCast (

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What is SEO?
Improving positions in the natural listings.
Processes include:
1. Crawling
2. Indexing
3. Ranking or scoring
4. Query request and results serving

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Figure 9.4 Click-through rates depending
on position in the natural search results

Source: Advanced Web Ranking (2018)

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Figure 9.5 Stages involved in producing
search engine listing for the natural listing

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Advantages and disadvantages of SEO
Advantages Disadvantages

• Traffic driver • Lack of predictability

• Highly targeted • Time for results to be
• Potentially low cost implemented
• Dynamic • Complexity and
dynamic nature
• Ongoing investment
• Poor for developing
awareness in
comparison with other
media channels

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Best practice in SEO:

• Search engine submission

• Index inclusion
• Key-phrase analysis
• On-page optimisation
• External linking
• SEO for mobile devices

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Paid search marketing
Examples Google Ads and Microsoft Bing
Advantages Disadvantages

• Advertiser is not paying for • Competitive and expensive

the ads to be displayed • Inappropriate
• PPC advertising is highly • Requires specialist
targeted knowledge
• Good accountability • Time-consuming
• Predictability • Irrelevant
• Technically simpler than SEO
• Remarketing
• Prospecting with the
customer match
• Branding

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Figure 9.7 Google Ads campaign structures:
(a) clothing retailer; (b) restaurant chain

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Online influences and influencers
relationship management
What is online public relations?

Public relations are about reputations. The main online

activity are media relations or managing outreach with
different online influences or key opinion leaders.

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Advantages and disadvantages of online
public relations
Advantages Disadvantages
• Reach cost • Limited control unlike online
• Credibility advertising
• SEO • May generate negative as
well as positive comments

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Online partnerships including affiliate
Affiliate marketing is known as pay-per-performance
Digital marketers have options
for this type of marketing:
• Aggregators
• review sites
• Reward sites
• Voucher code sites
• Uber bloggers
• Everyone else

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Figure 9.9 The affiliate marketing model (note that the
tracking software and fee payment may be managed
through an independent affiliate network manager)

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Best practice in managing affiliate marketing

• Affiliate networks
• Commission
• Cookie expiry period
• Create links

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Interactive Display Advertising
An advertiser pays for the placement of an advert on a
third-party site.

Source: IAB (

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Advantages and disadvantages of
display advertising
Advantages Disadvantages

• Reach to drive awareness • Relatively low click-throughs

• Direct response • Relatively high costs
• Retargeting • Brand reputation
• Advertising now available for
smaller advertisers
• Indirect response
• Media multiplier or halo effect
• Brand interactions
• Targeting
• Cost dynamic updates

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Figure 9.11 Behavioural ad targeting process

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Opt-in email marketing and mobile messaging

What is email marketing?

Opt-in email marketing:

Cold-email campaign
Co-branded email
Third party e-newsheet
Inbound email marketing

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Advantages and disadvantages of email
Advantages Disadvantages

• Relatively low cost • Deliverability

• Direct-response mechanism • Renderability
• Faster deployments • Email response decay
• Ease of personalisation • Communication preferences
• Options for testing • Resource intensive
• Integration

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Social media and viral marketing
Viral marketing is closely related to social media and is a
marketing approach which involves harnessing the network
effect of the Internet; can be effective in reaching large
number of people rapidly

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Online promotion techniques

Source: The Hitwise UK Media Impact Report, September 2006

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Seventh Edition

Part 3
Digital marketing:
implementation and practice

Chapter 10
Evaluation and improvement
of digital channel performance

Copyright © 2019, 2016, 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Chapter 10 Evaluation and improvement
of digital channel performance
Main topics
• Performance management for
digital channel
• Content management process
• Responsibilities for customer
experience and site

Case study 9. Learning for Amazon’s culture of metrics

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Performance measurement for digital channels
3 stage process:
Stage 1 Creating a performance measurement system
Stage 2 Defining the performance metrics framework
Stage 3 Tools and techniques for collecting insights,
running processes and results

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Figure 10.2 A summary of the
performance measurement process

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Figure 10.3 The five diagnostic categories
for digital marketing measurement

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Figure 10.4 potential reasons for causing
attrition on an e-commerce site

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Figure 10.5 Multichannel performance
scorecard example for a retailer

Source: Wilson (2008)

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Figure 10.6 Thirty categories of martech and insight
tools structured across the customer lifecycle

Source: Smart Insights (2017)

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Figure 10.7 Examples of different
measures of visitor volume to a website

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Figure 10.8 A framework for different measures used
to evaluate and manage social media marketing

Source: Altimeter (2010) with permission (Creative Commons)

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Figure 10.10 Results of multivariate testing for
National Express

Source: Oracle Marketing Cloud Customer Success Story,

html (accessed May 2018)

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Figure 10.11 Different types of data within a performance
management system for Internet marketing

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Content management process
A process of continuous improvement in online marketing,
which involves:
• Write
• Review
• Correct
• Publish
• Test
• Publish

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Responsibilities for customer experience
and site management
Questions to ask are:
Who owns the process? Who owns the format?
Who owns the content? Who owns the technology?

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Case study 9: Learning from Amazon’s
culture of metrics

1. Evaluate how well Amazon communicates its core proposition and

promotional offers
2. Characterise Amazon’s approach to marketing communications
3. Explain what distinguishes Amazon in its use of technology for
competitive advantage
4. How does the Amazon ‘culture of metrics’ differ from that in other

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