China Welfare Services

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Healthcare: China has two parallel medical systems which are traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM) and modern medicine. The Chinese government still invests in TCM, however it is in
opposition with the advancement of modern medicine since the public is becoming more aware
on the practicality and effectiveness of modern medicine.
Education: Children in China have the right and are required to attend a minimum of nine years
of education. China also has what they call “Gaokao,” which is a standardized test for students
to gain the opportunity to be admitted in universities to attain higher education.
Transportation: China offers a variety of ways to travel the country from high-speed rails to
urban rail transits, citizens can easily traverse their country without much trouble. Its railways is
the primary mode of transportation with the country offering the largest high-speed railway in the
Social services: China uses the hukou system which registers an individual in the system and
offers benefits such as healthcare, employment, housing, pensions and education for people not
registered in agriculture. However, this is slowly changing with rural residents also enjoying the
said benefits due to reforms.
Water: Drinking water in China has steadily improved in the last three decades. According to the
UN, 457 million citizens have been enjoying the access of drinking water which is accredited to
the increased water pipe systems. However, even with the improvements, drinking water can
still be a problem in China due to increased pollution caused by manufacturing companies.

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Chan, K. W. (2015). Five decades of the Chinese hukou system. In Edward Elgar Publishing

Asia and the Pacific | International Decade for Action “Water for Life” 2005-2015. (n.d.).

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