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Maulana Mahgribi

1. Qualitative data is suitable for use when you want to understand why and how a
phenomenon/event can occur. This data can define a problem or develop an approach
to it. For example, you are trying to find a concept, experience, or public opinion about
a company's services/products. You can use qualitative data to conduct research. From
here, you can also get criticism and suggestions for future improvements. In contrast to
qualitative, which tries to understand the occurrence of a phenomenon, quantitative data
is used when you want to test or confirm something, including hypotheses and theories.
This data is also suitable for use if you are trying to quantify a problem and understand
how common the phenomenon is. Even though they are two different types, qualitative
and quantitative data can be used simultaneously. Researchers quite often use these two
approaches simultaneously. This method is usually called a mixed method. For
example, you want to analyse a company's ideal sales and marketing practices. First,
you can see the purchase history of all customers. From that data, you determine several
customers who most often buy products and are satisfied with the service.
2. - Jurnal 1:

- Jurnal 2:
- Jurnal 3:

3. – to find out strategies for improving 4C (Critical Thinking, Creativity,

Communication, & Collaborative) competencies. 4C competencies are very necessary
in the future when looking for workers because competition is getting tougher. Design:
This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. This method provides data in the
form of verbal data. The data collection technique used was interviews with teachers at
SIDH, namely Safreni Candra Sari and Ponco Handayawati, through the Zoom
application media, and the documents obtained were in the form of pictures or photos
showing several activities at SIDH.

- This research aims to determine 1) the differences in learning outcomes between

students who use the blended learning model and the direct face-to-face learning model;
(2) the differences in learning motivation between students who study using the
integrated learning model and the direct face-to-face learning model;( 3) there is
interaction using the blended learning model, direct learning model and student learning
motivation on the learning outcomes of class VIII students at SMPN 1 Gumukmas
Jember. Design: The method used to achieve the research objectives is quantitative
research with a quasi-experimental approach (Quasi-Experimental). The design used is
a Pretest-Posttest Non Equivalent Control Group Design. The population in this study
were all students in class VIII of SMPN 1 Gumukmas in ICT subjects for the 2016/2017
academic year, with a total population of 235 students and a sample size of 69 students.
In this study, non-probability sampling techniques were used; the number of samples
in this study was 69 students from classes VIIIA and VIIIB. The instruments used are
pre-test and post-test, performance tests, and learning motivation questionnaires.
Validation results from three Validators: Dr. Tri Rijanto, M. Pd, Prof. Dr. Bambang
Supriyanto, MT and Moh. Solikin, M. Pd stated that it is valid and can be used with
slight revisions for RPP, LKS, Motivational Questionnaires, performance test
instruments, Affective Domain Observation Instruments

- Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) impacts all aspects of life, including

education. Face-to-face education must be transferred to online learning. In face-to-face
and online learning, character education must always be instilled in students. Character
education is an important thing that students must have to grow their character so they
can have good personalities. In a pandemic such as now, character education is
necessary for students to continue developing their potential, even though learning is
online. The purposes of this study are 1) to analyse the role of character education in
learning and 2) to describe the role of character education in learning in the pandemic
era of COVID-19. Design: The object of this research is the role of character education
in learning in the COVID-19 pandemic era. Data validity is done by Triangulation of
Sources and Triangulation of Extension. In this study, data analysis techniques used
constant comparison. The results of the study are twofold: 1) Character education in
learning has a role for students to foster good character that can be realised in their
social life; 2) In the pandemic era COVID-19, character education can play a role that
students independently want to learn material and develop an attitude of responsibility
towards the tasks given by the teacher in online learning

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