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Name: Gladys May M.

Francisco Date: 05-12-2024

P/Y/S: BSES 2a Course: GE Ethics

Schindler's List: A Reaction Essay on the Horror Reality of the Jews

"Schindler's List" is a powerful film highlighting the dark story and experience during
Holocaust, focusing on Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved over a thousand
Jews. Just like Schindler, he shows people change when faced with tough choice, who goes
from caring only about money to saving Jews during the Holocaust. We can see his
conscience wake up slowly as he sees the cruelty around him, especially through his
friendship with Itzhak Stern. Amon Goeth, on the other hand, is the opposite, showing how
cruel people can be.

In the opening scene, an image of a young girl in red is shown. However, despite being
different and unique from the black and white colored if the scene, she still died, which
caught my attention. Because that defines that, life in holocaust may be seen as no light,
nothing is unique and different with having a color. It just shows that the girl was no different
from all the Jews who experienced death and sufferings.

In addition, the movie itself doesn't hide the terrible things that happened during the
Holocaust, like the Krakow ghetto being destroyed or the horrors of the Plaszow camp. But it
also shows moments of kindness and bravery, like when Schindler risks his life to save his
workers or when the prisoners support each other.

The film clearly illustrates the cruelty of the Holocaust while also highlighting moments of
human morality and determination. It focuses on how people like Schindler made decisions
that saved lives and provided hope amid misery. Furthermore, one of the most moving
passages is when Schindler bids farewell to the people he has saved, feeling guilty for not
doing more. As well, whey they offered him a ring with a message, “whoever saves one life
saves the world entire.” The Jews want Schindler to know that by saving them, he has saved
humanity. And their forgiveness demonstrates the capacity of compassion to overcome even
the most horrific tragedies.

"Schindler's List" leaves a lasting impression, reminding us that even in the darkest moments
of history, there are acts of bravery, kindness, and humanity that shine through. As the film
concludes, it prompts reflection on the power of individual choices and the profound impact
they can have on the lives of others. Through Schindler's journey, we are challenged to
consider our own capacity for compassion and moral courage, inspiring us to take a stand
against injustice and strive for a world where love and empathy prevail.

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