May We Meet Again (Script)

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May we meet again (Script)

J : So we meet, again..

F : It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

J : Yeah, it’s been over a year since I last saw your face.

F : And the last time I saw your face, you held a gun on me.

J : You know I had to do it Franco, for the sake of the world.

F: The world? Over 4 years of our friendship?!

J : You’ve got to understand I had to do it!

F : You’re laughable Jewel, if only Yassy was here now.

J : Don’t say her name.

F : You say that like you never killed her in cold blood?

F : What? You’re gonna stay silent?

- Flashback UwU -

J : F-franco.. Yassy!

Y : Oh hey Jewel

F : What’s up?

J : Could you uh.. help me out in the basement?

Y : Of course!

F : I’m not going it’s too dark down there!

(they both go down)

Y: Jewel? I can’t quite see down h-
( J shoots Y )
F : What was that?!

( F goes to see Y shot, with J holding a gun )


( J shoots F )

J : F-franco.. Y-yassy I’m s-so sorry..

( J flees the scene )

- Flashback Ends UwU -

F : You killed us both Jewel!
J: I am sorry! I really had to!

F : You shot us and run away like nothing happened!

( J pushes F )

J : Let’s move on with this! I wasn’t happy with what I did either!
F : If only it was that easy Jewel..

( F stabs J )

F : May we meet again.

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