Gec 3 Activity 6

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Activity Sheet

Name: ___________________ Score: ________
Course, Year and Sec.: __________ Date: __________


Directions: According to what you have learned from the previous discussion, answer
the following questions/statements in your own words. Write your answer on the
space provided below.

1. What is the difference of regionalization and globalization?

Regionalization focuses on regional economic integration and collaboration within

specific areas, aiming for equitable development. In contrast, globalization involves the
interconnectedness and interdependence of countries on a global scale, encompassing
economic, social, and cultural integration worldwide

2. Why do Asian countries form regional associations/organizations?

Asian countries form regional organizations to boost their economic competitiveness, manage shared
challenges, and strengthen regional stability and cooperation, while preserving national sovereignty

3. Analyze how different Asian States confront the challenges globalization and

Asian states have confronted the challenges of globalization and regionalization through a pragmatic,
multi-track approach that seeks to balance national interests, regional cooperation, and global

4. Is regional governance a better alternative to global governance in general?

Regional governance can be more effective in addressing localized challenges and promoting regional
integration, as seen in initiatives like NAFTA, the EU, and ASEAN. On the other hand, global governance
is essential for tackling transnational issues that require coordinated action on a global scale, such as
climate change, pandemics, and international security

5. What is the major challenge in Asian Regionalism?

The major challenge in Asian Regionalism is the global economic crisis, which has had a mixed impact on
Asian regionalism. While it spurred calls for regional action, the crisis also highlighted the deep
integration of East Asia with the global economy, raising questions about the relevance of regional
solutions for dealing with global challenges

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