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8 кл Reading Sport

I Read the texts below. They are all about women talking about sports they used to do
when they were younger. Match choices (A-H) to (1-5). There are three choices you do not
need to use.
1 ____
I really wanted to be an Olympic swimmer when I was at school. I used to watch the
winners on television, and I begged my parents to let me take up the sport. Eventually,
they agreed, and I went swimming regularly until I left school. I never achieved my dream of
entering the Olympics, but swimming kept me fit and helped me meet some very good friends.
2 ___
My mother did a lot of dancing when she was young. She wanted to become a
professional dancer, but she didn’t feel she was good enough. So, when I was about
three, it seemed natural for her to make me join a ballet class. However, this just wasn’t me,
and I’m afraid to say I didn’t behave very well. I left after six months, and then started
doing judo. This was much more my sort of thing!
3 ___
My favourite sports at school were athletics and hockey. I think this was partly because
my dad had been a hockey coach, and I really admired him. I was in the school team for both
sports. I used to do a lot of running, although I didn’t win any major competitions. Our hockey
team was really successful though. Unfortunately, I hurt my ankle badly when I was fifteen,
and had to give both sports up.
4 ___
I started skiing late on – after I’d left university – when some good friends invited me on a
winter holiday with them. I didn’t think I’d enjoy it that much, but, in fact, I loved every
minute of it, and, before last year, I was going to the French Alps skiing several times
a year. But I didn’t go last year because I didn’t have enough money. Sadly, I’m still short of
5 ___
I’ve never been much of a sportsperson, and I know that I’m a bit out of shape. So, last year, I
started jogging before and after school. It’s great for waking you up properly in the
morning! It’s more fun when a couple of friends join me – this happens twice a week.
However, at the moment, I haven’t been going out much because of the bad weather,
but I’ll start again when the snow clears up, and it’s safer out there.

The woman stopped the activity because

A. the conditions have been too dangerous.
B. her official education finished.
C. she had financial problems.
D. she wasn’t very good at it.
E. she preferred to do something else.
F. she had a serious injury.
G. she was influenced by her friends.
H. she wasn’t given a choice.

Task 2
Read the text below. For questions (22–26) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
Crossing the Atlantic by Raft for WaterAid
Anthony Smith and his crew of the An-Tiki arrive in Philipsburg,
St. Maarten after 66 days at sea

After 66 days at sea, a grandfather from London and his three-man crew have successfully
crossed the Atlantic on a raft made of pipes.

Anthony Smith, 85, wanted to complete the 2,800-mile voyage to highlight the fact that a
billion people worldwide live without clean water.

The former BBC Tomorrow’s World science correspondent and presenter hoped to collect
£50,000 for the charity WaterAid. They set sail from the Canary Islands and reached the
Caribbean 66 days later. Mr. Smith recruited the team of “mature and daring gentlemen” –
aged between 56 and 61 – by placing an advert in the Daily Telegraph. It read: “Fancy rafting
across the Atlantic? Famous traveller requires 3 crew. Must be OAP (old age pensioner).
Serious adventurers only.”

Speaking ahead of the trip Mr. Smith said: “Water strikes at the very heart of need. To voyage
almost 3,000 miles upon the salty kind will make us intensely aware of places in the world that
are without adequate supplies.”

Their vessel, named the An-Tiki, was constructed out of 39 foot lengths of pipe. It was
powered by a 400-square-foot sail and travelled at an average speed of four knots. The crew
had intended to end their voyage in the Bahamas, but strong winds and currents forced them
to the Dutch Caribbean island of St. Maarten.

Crew member John Russell, 61, from Stroud, said he was looking forward to “having a nice
shower and washing the salt off me and having a nice steak to eat. We haven’t had fresh food
for a long time. We’ve been living out of tins. Our fresh fruit and vegetables ran out a long
time ago.”

22 Why did Anthony Smith decide to cross the Atlantic?

A He wanted to earn money.
B He wanted to become famous.
C He wanted to appear on TV.
D He wanted to raise money.
23 What was Anthony’s occupation?
A a television journalist
B an advert agent
C a social activist
D a vice president for a charity
24 Where did Anthony and his crew originally plan to complete their crossing?
A in the Canary Islands
B in the Caribbean
C in the Bahamas
D in Philipsburg on St. Maarten

25 What did they mostly consume towards the end of their voyage?
A fresh food
B tinned food
C fresh steak
D fruit and vegetables

26 Why did the crew have to change their original route?

A They had run out of water supplies.
B They had no fresh food left.
C They had problems with the vessel.
D They had unexpected weather conditions.

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