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“16 Best Types of Charts and Graphs for Data

Jami Oetting
June 2023

Name: Ancheta, Angel Mae A. Business Analytics

Course & year: BSAIS-4C April 20, 2024

Please click the link then read the article regarding graphical visualization.

1. What steps could be taken to ensure that the visualization is accessible to a diverse
 By ensuring that visualizations are accessible to a diverse audience, it is important
to provide steps for effective communication of data. The first step is selecting the
most appropriate chart or graph type based on the data being presented and also,
it is important to have the preferences of the audience. Second, add an alternative
text descriptions or captions for visual elements to make sure that the audience
who are using screen readers and other assistive technologies can access the
information. Next is include accessible labels, provide interactive features, test the
optimization for screen readers, and consider multiple formats. And lastly, provide
clear navigation instructions while presenting the visualization whether in a digital
format, because it includes links to relevant resources or documentation for further
2. How does the level of interactivity in the graphical visualization influence users'
engagement and understanding of the presented data?
 The level of interactivity in graphical visualizations can have a significant impact on
users' engagement and understanding of the presented data. So, there are different
levels that influences the users, the low, medium, and high interactivity. Low-
interactivity visualizations may be enough for transporting basic information, while
medium and high-interactivity visualizations can significantly enhance the ability
of users to explore, analyze, and interpret complex datasets, which leads to more
informed decision-making and obtainable insights. Therefore, choosing the
appropriate level of interactivity based on the nature of the data and the target
audience is necessary for maximizing the effectiveness of graphical visualizations.
3. Are there elements within the visualization that may lead to misinterpretation or
ambiguity? How might adjustments to the design improve clarity and communication of
the data?
 Yes, there are several elements within visualizations that may lead to
misinterpretation or ambiguity if not carefully considered. If there are elements of
the axes in a chart or graph is not appropriate, it can distort the perception of the
data. Incorrect or unclear labeling of data points, axes, or categories can be also
misinterpreted and, in the end, can lead to confusion. In terms of using charts or
graphs, where data points overlap, such as bar or line charts with multiple series,
it can be challenging for users to differentiate between individual data points. By
making appropriate adjustments to the design of the visualization, such as
adjusting axis scaling, improving data labeling, and simplifying the design, you can
enhance clarity and communication of the data, minimizing the risk of
misinterpretation or ambiguity.

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