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Product Market Fit Frameworks for Lean Product Development

-Denis Dennehy
-Laleh Kasraian
- Paidi O'Ragalig
-Kieran Conboy

Lean product development is a crucial process in product innovation to meet changing

market needs. In this essay, we will discuss the product market fit framework for lean
product development, presented by Denis Dennehy, Laleh Kasraian, Paidi O'Ragalig,
and Kieran Conboy at the 2016 R&D Management Conference.

The VFUD framework is a methodology that seeks to improve the connection between
products and market needs, focusing on the feasibility, usability and desirability of
products. Through this approach, the aim is to ensure that the products developed are
aligned with customer expectations and demands.

First, the conceptual development of the VFUD framework is based on a product-driven

process, focusing on well-known markets where customer needs are predictable and
competition is clear. However, a major limitation of this approach is that it does not
incorporate the voice of the customer, which can lead to a disconnect between what is
developed and what is actually needed in the market. Therefore, it is essential to
integrate customer feedback throughout the product development process to ensure

The concept of Product Marketing Fit (PMF) is crucial in this framework, as it refers to
the fit between the solution developed and the problem identified by customers. This
approach helps ensure that products launched on the market meet the real needs of
consumers, thus increasing the likelihood of success. Additionally, the Feasibility,
Usability, and Desirability Framework (MVP to PMF) helps focus the development
process on creating products that are viable, easy to use, and attractive to customers.

As for influencers in this field, Denis Dennehy, Laleh Kasraian, Paidi O'Ragalig, and
Kieran Conboy have contributed significantly with their work on the product-market fit
framework for lean product development. Their research and experience have helped
improve the way innovative products that truly meet customer needs are developed and
brought to market.
In conclusion, the product market fit framework for lean product development is a
valuable tool to ensure that products developed are aligned with market and customer
needs. Integrating customer feedback and focusing on the PMF are key aspects to
success in this process. Furthermore, the contribution of influencers such as Denis
Dennehy, Laleh Kasraian, Paidi O'Ragalig and Kieran Conboy has been instrumental in
the development and evolution of this framework. With a clear focus on product viability,
usability and desirability, companies can improve their ability to innovate and meet ever-
changing market demands.

produced by:
- Luis Guillermo Vasquez Torres cc. 1096223793
- Francy Melisa pineda Dueñez cc. 1098762959

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