Research Paper

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Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St. Sampaloc, Manila 1008 Metro Manila




In Partial Fulfillment for the subject

Research Project


Agbisit, Benedict A.
De Luna, Josiah Praise P.
Domingo, Princess Ophilla B.
Guevarra, Defie Zyler W.
Lapeciros, Jerome Jr. C.
Legaste, Jan Immanuel E.
Macalalad, Jasmine I.
Mendoza, Chris Ann Mae L.
Adriane S. Padrigo
Angelika P. Solomon

Presented to:
Ms. Genalyn Cantoria
Practical Research Teacher
Grade 12 - STEM 1B

This humble research study is sincerely dedicated to the researchers' closest families

for their unending assistance and encouragement for this research. to our friends and

classmates who helped us complete the review with their assistance. Ms. Genalyn Cantoria,

our research project adviser, continues to assist and instruct us as we develop our research

study. To the students and faculty of Arellano University—Juan Sumulong Campus, as well as

the school organization, who have continued to support each of us throughout the cycle.

Moreover, a special thanks to our all-powerful God, the source of wisdom and

knowledge, who acts as direction and support to make this effort possible.


The researchers of this study would like to give a wonderful thanks and appreciation to

the following for all their help, support and assistance all throughout our research:

First of all, we would like to give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for helping us in every

step of the way in making this research. We thank him for the knowledge and wisdom that he

gave us.

Second, we would like to give a big thanks to the school, Arellano University Juan

Sumulong Campus for providing high quality education while ensuring our safety despite the


To our hard working teachers, especially our research Adviser, Ms. Genalyn Cantoria

for always helping us and supporting us with regards to our research and for always teaching

us and never getting tired of taking care of our health. For being considerate and giving honest

feedback for us to sharpen our work and to work hard.

Fourth, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to our family for all the support

and encouragement that they gave and for all the hard work they do just to provide us with the

best quality of education.

The last one that we would like to give thanks for is our classmates and fellow group

mates for being helpful and always ready to encourage each other with heart warming words.

We, group mates, are thankful with each of us and also the closeness we’ve been during this

semester and helped with regards to our research.





Benedict A. Agbisit

Adriane S. Padrigo

Angelika P. Solomon

Jasmine I. Macalalad

Jerome C.Lapeciros Jr.

Defie Zyler W. Guevarra

Josiah Praise P. De Luna

Jan Immanuel E. Legaste

Chris Ann Mae L. Mendoza

Princess Ophilla B. Domingo

Adviser: Ms. Genalyn Cantoria

School: Arellano University, Juan Sumulong Campus

Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Year: 2022-2023

Plastic pollution is one of the main problems in our country. The country itself ranks 3rd

place in the world’s most plastic polluters and is in debt with the use of plastic bags among the

areas. Plastic bags themselves are practical in use for food handling in long-term or short-term

use but it also has a long-term impact on our country’s environment. Filipinos are fond of

recycling and reusing the plastics itself in many particular ways. While recycling is important,

we cannot deny that only a few do it and many Filipinos still have problems in waste

management especially in the use of plastic bags.

This is where the idea of the use of the coconut husk as the alternative eco-paper bag is

going to be involved in this experiment. The county itself is blessed with natural resources

especially when it comes to the production of coconut. With these natural resources it paved

the way for the Filipinos to have various skills in handicrafts making it one of their reliable

sources of income.

The main focus of our study is to know how to make the alternative eco-paper bag that

came from one of the natural resources in the Philippines which is the coconut, for it came in

there the husk and the Coire. To answer the questions on the reducing of the plastic bag use

and for the development of eco-paper bags from the husk and coir of the coconut fruit. Based

on the result of the findings, we conclude that even though the null hypothesis is rejected, what

differs the coconut eco-paper bag from the commercially available paper bag is the durability,

sustainability and the cost effectiveness of the coconut eco-paper bag. As it is environmentally

friendly and helpful.


TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………………………… I

DEDICATION ……………………………………………………………………………… II

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………………… III

ABSTRACT ………………………………………………………………………………… IV

Chapter 1: The Background of the study

● Introduction …………………………………………………………………. 8

● Statement of the Problem …………………………………………………. 12

● Hypothesis ………………………………………………………………….. 13

● Conceptual Framework …………………………………………………… 13

● Significance of the Study …………………………………………………. 15

● Scope and Delimitation …………………………………………………… 17

● Definition of Terms ………………………………………………………… 18

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

● Foreign Literature ………………………………………………………….. 21

● Foreign Studies …………………………………………………………….. 23

● Local Literature …………………………………………………………….. 26

● Local Studies ……………………………………………………………….. 28

Chapter 3: Research Methodology

● Research Method ………………………………………………………….. 32

● Research Design …………………………………………………………… 32

● Statistical Treatment ……………………………………………………….. 33

● Instrument of the Study ……………………………………………………. 36

● Sampling Technique ……………………………………………………….. 37

Chapter 4: Results and Discussion

● Presentation and Interpretation of Data ………………………………… 38

Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusion

● Summary of Findings ……………………………………………………….. 49

● Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… 51

● Recommendation ……………………………………………………………. 52


● Appendix A (Product Making) ……………………………………………… 54

● Appendix B (Survey) ………………………………………………………... 58

● Appendix C (Questionnaire) ……………………………………………….. 59

Curriculum Vitae …………………………………………………………………… 64

Bibliography ……………………………………………………………………….. 75

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Plastic waste, most commonly known as plastic pollution, is one of the most common

forms of issues that we are still experiencing globally. It is the augmentation of plastic objects

and other fragments that leaves negative impacts on the earth’s environment. It affects

humans, animals and other living forms on earth due to its massive amount of particles that

cannot be recycled every year. According to Parker, Asian and African nations are the places

where plastic pollution can be visible due to their inefficient garbage collection systems.

Although in our modern world, many countries with low recycling rates also find it difficult

collecting plastic waste, plastic trash is all over the place that caused a global treaty negotiated

by the United Nations (Parker, 2019).

According to National Geographic, plastics are made from fossil fuels such as natural

gas, oil or plants that are processed using polycondensation. Plastic and other types of plastic

products were produced and developed after World War II. Every year, around 448 million tons

of plastic waste are produced and this is expected to double by 2050 (National Geographic,

2019). Plastic wastes can be seen in many places most especially in big cities, forests and

oceans. In fact, 79% of plastic wastes go to landfills and only 9% of all plastic wastes are

recycled every year. The 79% percent most likely will end up in the ocean (NatGeo, 2018).

Every year, plastics are produced more durably which helps the lives of people more

easily but because of this, the lifespan of plastics will be much longer and that can greatly

affect our environment. Besides all the waste that comes from plastic, the production used in

making them and the raw materials used are bad for our environment. According to the Vanella

Group, there are different types of plastics in the world but all of them have negative impacts

on our environment. The common types of plastic are called polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and

polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Both of these are made from petroleum which is a

non-renewable resource. This means that when all the petroleum is used, there will be no

more left and we cannot do anything about it (Vanella Group, 2022). These plastics contain

harmful chemicals and are mostly durable which means that they can stay for a very long time

in our environment. Although there are biodegradable plastics that are made from plants, it

also has a negative impact on our environment since it will affect our food crops for land and

water resources. Plastic production produces greenhouse gasses which can negatively affect

not only humans but also wildlife. Petroleum also comes from under the land so deforestation

is inevitable due to the need for bigger drilling areas for petroleum.

Ritchie (2021) claims that 80% of the world’s plastic waste produce comes from Asia.

The plastic waste then goes to rivers that gravely affects the ocean and marine life. In fact, the

top 7 rivers that contribute to plastic waste that goes in the ocean are from the Philippines,

Pasig river as the number one. The most country in Asia that contributes to plastic waste is

China due to its population.

An article in the Manila times states that the Philippines produces 2.7 million metric tons

of waste every year that goes to landfills and ends up in rivers and oceans (2022). There are

many corporations in the Philippines that contribute to plastic waste every year. Some of them

are Coca-Cola, Nestle and Universal Robina. These corporations produce plastic packaging

and containers that gravely contribute to the Philippines plastic waste, Although these

corporations are recycling plastic, the plastic waste that they produce remains significant. Only

9% of the plastics are recycled and only 2% are successfully recycled while 7% are

downcycled and also end up in landfills (Guevarra, 2022).

Other contributors to plastic wastes in the Philippines are households and schools that

produce not only plastic wastes but also food waste, papers and other stationary items.

Schools from different places, especially in Manila are consistently trying to find ways to lessen

plastic waste but their efforts have yet to make an impact in reducing plastic waste. However,

they help to recycle plastic into more reusable things that can be used for a long period of time.

In an article in Philstar, some efforts of schools resulted in the recovery of 3.2 million pieces of

plastic sachets and over 870,000 plastic bottles that they successfully turned into “new normal”

school chairs with safety dividers to protect students from COVID-19 ( 2020).

Many Filipinos are fond of recycling things, especially parents who want to be practical.

Filipinos are creative and imaginative when it comes to different things. Although not many

people recycle, there are few who use recycling as a form of art, enjoyment, practicality and

bonding sessions with their loved ones. Filipinos also use recycling as a start for their

business. They often use what is only available to make a living. Filipinos are known to use

raw materials to make various products that do not use plastic to prevent plastic waste. The

Philippines is one of the countries that is known for its rich culture. According to Arch, the

Philippines is blessed with natural resources that helped give birth to Filipino skills in making

various handicrafts using raw materials that come from trees, plants and other natural

resources. Some raw materials that are rich in the Philippines are bamboo, rattan, coconut

shells just to name a few (Arch, 2019).

The Philippines is known as the 2nd world’s largest producer of handicrafts, mainly

baskets using indigenous materials (Arch, 2019). Coconut is one of the most important

indigenous materials used in handicrafts here in the Philippines. Based on Castillo and Ani

(2019), coconut remains to be one of the most important crops in the Philippines. Coconut

tree, also known as the “tree of life”, is one of the major exports next to banana, corn and rice

that contributes to 3.6% of our country's gross value-added in agriculture. There are many

uses of coconut in handicrafts. Its leaves can be used in making baskets and is a major

material used in making Nipa huts. Its trunk, which is a good source of lumber, can be used for

various things like chairs and other wood products. Coconut tree is considered as the tree of

life since all of its parts can be used for various things.

Coconut husks is a part of the rough exterior of the coconut that is made from the coir,

also referred to as tough fibers. There are many uses for coconut husks. Its coir is used by

locals to clean pots, it can also be used for stuffing inside mattresses and can be made as

toys. Locals also use it to fuel fires since its coir is extremely flammable (Magnan and

Bonnelame, 2016)

The researchers from Grade 12 STEM 1B aims to conduct this study to determine if

there are other uses for coconut husks and the effectiveness of using coconut husks as an

alternative eco-paper bag to lessen plastic wastes in schools especially in Arellano University,

Juan Sumulong Campus. The study intends to identify the feasibility of eco-paper bags made

from coconut husks as an alternative container bag to reduce the use of plastics inside the

school. It also wants to gather information from Grade 12 STEM Students and teachers of the

campus on their perception about the efficiency of using coconut husk eco-paper bags in

school. This study intends to help students and teachers to practice using things that are made

from indigenous materials so that it is reusable and can help lessen the waste produced by the



This study aims to determine how effective coconut husk as an eco-paper bag in

reducing plastic waste at Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the Grade 12 STEM Students and teachers in Arellano University Juan

Sumulong Campus in terms of:

1.1. Name

1.2. Age (optional)

1.3. Gender

1.4. Strand and Section / Occupation

2. Does Grade 12 STEM Students and teachers of Arellano University Juan Sumulong

Campus have viewpoints in terms of:

2.1. recycling

2.2. do-it-yourself (DIY) crafts

3. Is coconut husk passable as an eco-paper bag in terms of:

3.1. Sustainability and Availability of Materials

3.2. Durability

3.3 Effectivity

4. Is there a significant difference between the commercially made eco-bag rather than the

alternative eco-bag and plastic bags?


Ha: There is a significant difference between the effectiveness of the coconut husk as an

eco-paper bag and commercial plastic bags in reducing plastic waste.

Ho: There is no significant difference between the effectiveness of the coconut husk as an

eco-paper bag in reducing plastic waste and commercial paper bags.


The conceptual framework that will be used in this research study is the input – process

– output (IPO) model where it shows the series of boxes that are connected to each other.

Figure 1 interprets the conceptual framework of the research. The materials and

ingredients needed to conduct this study are shown in the Input process to specify the details

and information needed to explain how the alternative eco-bag is made. It is a process of

cutting, soaking, mixing and drying. The process of making the product is indicated in the

process part of the conceptual framework.

Moreover, after the product is made, the researchers include the output of the

framework. The alternative eco-bag is the final product of this study. The product is a more

sustainable eco-paper bag consisting of coconut husk and coir and scratch paper which is an

indigenous material that are readily available in households or at the public market.

The second part of the conceptual framework of the study includes the demographic

profile of the respondents that includes their name, age (optional), gender and the strand and

section/occupation. The researchers also included the data gathering technique that they will

use to conduct this study as well as the research title of the study.



Ingredients and Materials Procedure: Name of the Product

Coconut Coir 1. Cut scrap paper into pieces, soak Alternative Eco-Paper Bag
Scrap papers and blend with water and coconut
Dish tub/pan husk.
Screen frame 2. Pour the mixture into a screen in
Sponge a container filled with water. Mix if
Glue gun necessary to even out the surface.
Glue Stick 3. Carefully lift the screen out of the
Puncher container, Let the water drain
A big bowl or basin afterwards.
Needle and Thread 4. Leave the paper in a cloth out in
the sun until it's completely dry.
5. Put the papers together forming a
bag shape, glue and sew the papers
to stick them together then add the
handles by gluing and sewing it into
the bag.

Data Gathering
- Proposal of approval sheet to the
Research Adviser, the Subject
Coordinator and the Principal of
⇨ Arellano University Juan Sumulong
campus to conduct a survey


- Gathering of respondents that

consists of Grade 12 - STEM
students and teachers that are
willing to participate in the survey
Respondents Demographic
1. What is the profile of the - Distribution of survey
Grade 12 STEM Students and
questionnaires to the respondents
teachers in Arellano University
Juan Sumulong Campus in while presenting the research
terms of: product and taking of pictures that
will serve as the documentation for Research Title
1.1. Name
The Efficiency of Coconut Husk
1.2. Age (optional) the research
as an Alternative Eco-Paper
1.3. Gender
Bag to Reduce Plastic Waste in
1.4. Strand and Section / - Analyzation and Interpretation of Arellano University Juan
Data Sumulong Campus

“Study on the Dynamic Characteristic of Coconut Fibre Reinforced Composites”

In the conducted study we can see that coconut coir is an environmentally friendly

product. According to this research “Natural fibers can be easily obtained in many tropical

areas and available throughout the world. Today these fibers are considered as environment

friendly materials owing to their biodegradability and renewable characteristics. Natural fibers

such as sisal, jute, coir, oil palm fiber have all been proved to be good reinforcement in

thermoset and thermoplastic matrices (Varma et al. 1989; Joseph et al. 1996; Sreekala et al.

1997; Geethamma et al. 1998).

Nowadays, the use of natural fibers reinforced composites is gaining popularity in

automotive, cosmetic, and plastic lumber applications because it offers an economical and

environmental advantage over traditional inorganic reinforcements and fillers (Murali &

Mohana 2007).” This tells us that the coconut coir is easy to access and a renewable source

that can be found around the world in tropical areas. The sturdiness and toughness of our

product is supported by this study “Coir is the natural fiber of the coconut husk where it is a

thick and coarse but durable fiber. It is relatively water-proof and resistant to damage by salt

water and microbial degradation (Ray 2005).” This shows that our product is more resilient

than ordinary paper bags, which could be continually reused than its other counterparts.


Plastic is one of the major contributors to land and water pollution. The raw materials

used in making plastic are non-renewable resources like petroleum. Although plastic offers

convenience to many, there are many negative effects of using plastic, especially its

production. There can be many replacements that people can use aside from plastic. Baskets
and bags made out of indigenous materials are one of the alternatives that people can use.

The goal of this research is to know whether it is efficient to use coconut husk eco-paper bags

as an alternative for plastic in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus. This study aims to

perform an experimentation as to how efficient an eco-paper bag made out of coconut husk is

as an alternative to lessen the plastic waste.

Students from the school will be able to learn how to be creative and convenient. They

will be able to know why recycling is important and why traditional handicrafts can be of help to

our everyday lives.

Teachers from Arellano University, Juan Sumulong Campus will be able to practice in

using sustainable things and will be one of the contributors with regards to reducing plastic

waste in the school.

Parents can gain various information and crafts that can be a start of their business.

This study would help save the environment and will be able to make a great change for our

world. This will also help them save money as well as gain money.

Arellano University, Juan Sumulong campus will be able to reduce plastic waste that

they produce every year that can also help reduce the use of plastic waste in the region every


Communities will be able to enhance their livelihood and source of income by using

raw materials like coconut husks to create new and environmentally friendly objects that are

useful in their everyday lives.


The study, “The Efficiency of Coconut Husk as an Alternative Eco-Paper Bag to Reduce

Plastic Waste in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus.” is an experimental type of

quantitative research that plans to investigate the efficiency of eco-paper bags out of coconut

husks as an alternative for plastic bags to reduce the plastic waste that Arellano University

Juan Sumulong Campus, uses every year. As STEM students, we would like to contribute

research studies and various products that can be useful to the everyday lives of people and to

be able to propose various solutions to one of many issues in the world.

The researchers chose registered students and teachers as their respondents during

the academic year 2022–2023 as the Grade 12 STEM Students and teachers in Arellano

University Juan Sumulong Campus for this research since students and teachers are one of

the major contributors of plastic waste due to the convenience that it brings. The intended

Grade 12 STEM Students and teachers in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus for this

study are anyone regardless of their ages and regardless of gender. The research will be

needing 30 respondents to answer the survey questionnaire as a mode of collecting data

needed to complete this study. Since plastic bags are one of many essentials that people use

in everyone's daily life and plastic waste is one of the main contributors to water and land

pollution, the researchers decided to create an eco-paper bag out of coconut husks as a

replacement for plastic bags. Coconut husks are chosen to be the primary need in making the

paper bag since it is a type of indigenous material which is a type of renewable resource that

can help reduce the use of plastic bags. The product can be made by students, and the raw

materials needed to make it are readily available on the market. This research will be carried

out during the academic school year 2022-2023 through face to face to ensure the legitimacy

and accuracy of the answers.


Agriculture - A part of the Philippine economy that practices cultivating soil, producing crops

and raising livestock for the marketing of resulting products

Augmentation - A cluster of plastic objects that leaves negative impacts on the earth’s


Biodegradable plastics - Plastics that are made out of plants/plant based materials that are

not harmful for the environment.

Coconut tree - Also known as the tree of life because of all its parts that are useful for

Filipinos, one of the most important crops in the Philippines.

Coir - a stiff coarse fiber from the outer husk of a coconut.

Deforestation - the action or process of clearing of forests also : the state of having been

cleared of forests due to harvesting of petroleum.

Eco-paper bag - a paper bag used mostly in various stores that is reusable and recyclable.

Fossil fuels - a fuel (such as coal, oil, or natural gas) formed in the earth from plant or animal


Greenhouse gasses - any of various gaseous compounds (such as carbon dioxide or

methane) that absorb infrared radiation, trap heat in the atmosphere, and contribute to the

greenhouse effect.

Handicrafts - manual skill requiring skill with the hands crafts using raw materials that come

from trees, plants and other natural resources.

Landfills - a system of trash and garbage disposal in which the waste is buried between layers

of earth to build up low-lying land; A place where 79% of plastic waste are dumped.

Lumber - The bark of a coconut tree used for various things like chairs and other wood


Nipa huts - Bahay Kubo, Balay, or Nipa Hut, is a type of stilt house indigenous to most of the

lowland cultures of the Philippines.

Petroleum - an oily flammable bituminous liquid that may vary from almost colorless to black,

occurs in many places in the upper strata of the earth; A non – renewable resource for making


Plastics - any of numerous organic synthetic or processed materials that are mostly

thermoplastic or thermosetting polymers of high molecular weight and that can be made into

objects, films, or filaments.

Plastic waste - the accumulation of plastic objects in the Earth’s environment that adversely

affects wildlife, wildlife habitat, and humans; A product of making and developing plastic.

Polycondensation - a chemical condensation or process used in making plastics.

Polyethylene terephthalate - One of the common types of plastic that is made from

petroleum, consists of harmful chemicals and are mostly durable which means that they can

stay for a very long time in our environment.

Polyvinyl chloride - One of the common types of plastic that is made from petroleum,

consists of harmful chemicals and are mostly durable which means that they can stay for a

very long time in our environment.

Recycle - Reusing plastic into making other reusable things that can be used for a long period

of time.

Water pollution - contamination of water sources by substances which make the water

unusable for drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities. Pollutants include

chemicals, trash, bacteria, and parasites.


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter includes foreign and local literature and studies that will guide the

researchers in their research project. These are taken from trusted sources such as books,

journals, articles in order to comprehend more and properly about the chosen research project.

Foreign Literature

“Utilization of recycled aggregate, plastic, glass waste and coconut shells in concrete-A


According to A Gupta, A Shukla, Et. Al., (2020) The exploitation of waste increases

insignificantly every year worldwide and is not recycled as per the need of the environment. In

recent years, managing the waste which is causing a lot of environmental issues is one of the

critical problems faced by the world. The recycling of these waste materials in concreting not

only helps in managing solid waste but also renders the occurrence of natural resources.

In conclusion, recycling trash alone is not sufficient to meet environmental demands;

trash burning has a negative influence on the ecosystem, just as smoking is bad for the

environment and which can also make people sick. Therefore, it is now considered to utilize

the rubbish as a material to produce concrete rather than burning it. The positive news is that

they had a fantastic idea for what to do with the garbage since they merely used the waste that

they saved and benefited the environment rather than wasting money on materials that would

be used in concrete.

“A critical review on the utilization of coir (coconut fiber) in cementitious materials.”

As stated from the study of A Hawreen, Nabil Ben Kahla, Marc Azab, Et. Al., (2022) Coir

is a natural lightweight fiber having the highest toughness among all-natural fibers. It is one of

the most widely investigated natural fibers in cementitious materials compared to other natural

fibers (i.e., jute fiber, sisal fiber, and banana fiber). This review summarizes the published

literature on the behavior of coir-reinforced composites for civil engineering applications.

In conclusion, when Coir, the fiber extracted from the coconut husk, is included as one

of the ingredients in the cementitious materials, it becomes one of the more lightweight and

tough fibers that are used in the cementitious materials compared to the other fibers. While the

study shows that the review of the use of coir in cementitious materials, But do not draw the

conclusion that the material used in the production of the eco-friendly paper bag from the

coconut husk will have the same toughness as the one used for cementitious materials, but

rather give the researchers, insight on how to make the paper bag from the named item that is

going to be used, which is the coir, stronger and more durable compared to the other paper

bags. This also gives an additional idea to the researchers of this particular project that the

fiber of the coconut husks can be also used in some other ways such as adding it in the

cementitious materials.

“Properties of Coconut Shell Aggregate Concrete: A Review.”

According to A Sujatha, S Deepa Balakrishna Et. Al., (2021), Coconut shell is a waste

material from agricultural industries and available in plenty throughout the tropical regions

worldwide. Coconut shells are used for many useful purposes, but most of the coconut shell

wastes are yet to be utilized commercially. A promising solution to the challenges in coconut

waste management involves coconut shells as aggregate in concrete. The current

understanding of coconut shell aggregate concrete provides a basis for further research in this


By reading a current study about the properties of the coconut shell, this shall give the

researchers an idea of the properties of the focused object. From the gathered data, the idea

given is the use of the coconut husk fiber, which is called Coir. It is being used as a mix in the

concrete, wherein commonly used in construction work. The understanding of the properties

of the coconut shell will give a guide for the main group on how to produce eco - friendly paper

bags. By this review of the study, this will give an idea to the group about the making process

of the eco-friendly paper bag, in order to avoid any precautions in regards to these research


Foreign Studies

“Utilization of coconut coir sack waste as eco friendly canvas material”

The coconut fruit consists of coir, meat, water, and shell wherein the largest component

of the fruit is the coir, occupying 35% of the total mass. As stated by Munib, the coir has the

largest percentage and has many benefits such as sacks, crafts, and agriculture. The coir

produced by coconuts can be classified into different types of coir which can be used to make

various objects such as mat, ropes, can be processed as industrial raw materials, and planting

media. Coconut husks are mostly wasted and contribute to pollution (Munib, 2021) and

maximizing the use of it can contribute in production of less waste.

The study by Munib, is an action research with a descriptive study method. Data used in

this study was collected from several methods- site observation, interviews and document

study. Munib compared durability, quality of cloth when coconut coir is used. Munib discussed

the benefits of canvas made from coconut husk, which is more durable, thick and not easily

damaged by heat and water compared to conventional cloths made of fabric material that is

thin. With these results, this study will focus on maximizing the utilization of coconut husks in

creating a sturdy eco bag which can prevent further accumulation of waste products.

“A review on natural fibers for development of eco-friendly bio-composite:

characteristics, and utilizations”

Karimah & Ridho, Et. Al. (2021) ,stated that these natural fibres have low density, which

makes them lightweight, abundant in the environment, cost-effective, and only has minimal

health hazards. However, the researcher also considered its cons. Despite their

advantages,these fibers have short halflife, poor adhesion, and may absorb moisture which

may cause growth of fungi. With these stated properties of natural fibers, this study should aim

to produce an eco bag that is durable and can be used for a long time, and should lessen its

wettable property with better adhesion.

The study will utilized the factors that Karimah & Ridho, et al, (2021) used which

includes: affordability, lightness, and renewability in the formulation of the questionnaire.This

study will involve participants which will be given hand-made eco-paper bag from the

researchers and will be asked to answer a questionnaire. From there, the data from the

questionnaire will be used for analysis. Based on the reviewed article, coconut husk has low

density fibers making them lightweight, abundant in the environment making them easy to find,

cost - effective compared to the plastic counterpart and has minimal health hazards which are

better than the plastic ones. The short storage life of its fibers of the coconut husk makes us

look for another way of making it durable for longer shelf life of the coconut husk fibers while

maintaining the minimal health hazards in order for it to be safe for the environment. In

addition, this reviewed article shall be one of the researcher’s guides on how to make the eco -

friendly paper bag from the coconut husk in its durability and long-term shelf life.

“Natural Fibers as Sustainable and Renewable Resource for Development of

Eco-Friendly Composites: A Comprehensive Review”

According to the study by Girijappa et al. (2019), eco-friendly materials have been

developed as a result of growing public awareness of the harm synthetic materials do to the

environment. In recent years, demand for natural fiber-based composites for commercial use

across a variety of industrial sectors has increased. Natural fibers are readily available in

nature, sustainable materials with benefits like affordability, lightness, renewability, and high

specific properties. Natural fiber-based composite materials are more environmentally friendly,

which has increased their use in a variety of manufacturing industries.

Both discuss the use of natural fibers as a sustainable and renewable resource for the

development of eco-friendly materials with coconut husk being a specific example of a

promising natural fiber with potential to replace traditional plastic bags. The related study

focuses on natural fibers in general and the potential for their use in the development of

eco-friendly composites. It reviews the current state of research on natural fibers and

composites, and discusses the benefits and limitations of using natural fibers in this context.

This research study focuses specifically on the use of coconut husk as a sustainable

alternative to plastic bags. It examines the properties of coconut husk and its potential as an

eco-friendly material for paper bags. It also discusses the benefits of using coconut husk paper

bags over plastic bags in terms of reducing plastic waste.

Local Literature

“Production process of coir and coir products.”

According to Kavitha (2016), fibers are extracted from the husk of the coconut and are

made into geotextile and a variety of manufactured articles such as ropes, bags, mats, rugs,

carpets and many other products. Hence, the production of coconut coir is important because

there's a lot of things that individuals can do using the fibers from it. It can also help them to

restore Mother Nature's beauty and vigor by rehabilitating agricultural lands and preventing

erosion of topsoil.

The research article gave the researchers a slight view of information about the process

and production of coir. While coir is called from the extracted fibers from the coconut husk and

now it is commonly used to produce much more products such as ropes and bags. Plantation

of the coconut trees can help the environment of the country to avoid floods and erosions in

some places and can also bring benefits to our local farmers when it comes to coconut

products and the production of the coconut husk. The gathered data from this literature

brought the researchers ideas on the process of the extraction of the fibers from the coconut

husk so that the research members would have enough knowledge on what to do in the

proposed research project.

“Consumers’ preferences on the use of eco-friendly bags: A green marketing


According to Gano-an (2018), the study revealed that consumers have the highest

perception on the use of Eco Bags in terms of environmental benefits. High level of consumer

awareness about Eco Friendly bags as part of the green marketing campaign was found out.

There has been a radical shift in consumer behavior towards a green lifestyle.

Environmentalists were involved in massive green marketing campaigns trying to reduce the

impact of plastic products to the environment. However, the problem is prevalent and evolving

continuously. Because there are still people who are not open minded about the advantages

and benefits of eco-friendly bags as an alternative to plastic bags.

This study will be beneficial for this research because consumers appear to have an

even knowledge about the campaign so as with the environmental consequences of using

plastic bags. This study also infers that the perceived environmental benefits of Eco Friendly

bags are at high level. In deciding whether to use a plastic bag or a tote/Eco-bag, consumers

would tend to consider the environmental advantage of an Eco-bag. Although the bag entails

costs, consumers still showed interest and they perceived themselves to be ready to pay for its

price to reduce pollution and support the environment. The loving natures of Filipino

consumers for the environment was shown and were readily available to embrace the green

marketing initiatives.

“Plastic bag consumption habits in the Northern Philippines.”

The Philippines is an example of a nation in the Global South that has struggled with the

direct consequences of plastic bag consumption, and the challenges associated with adopting

and enforcing legislation to ban these non-biodegradable products. The passing of the
Republic Act No. 9003 (RA 9003) of 2000 paved the way to make an effort of proper solid

management at the local levels. Despite the passing of the stated bill it is found that there is

much more plastic bag consumption in the urban areas than the rural ones.

(Zambrano-Monserrate and Ruano, 2020).

From the information gathered in this article, it provided the researchers a slight view on

how the Philippines passed a bill on managing the plastic waste in the country. While the focus

is the northern part of the Philippines, it gives the researchers a small sight on what is currently

happening in the management of the plastic waste of the country. The waste management of

some certain areas inside of the country has been mismanaged making it the urban areas of

the northern part of the Philippines produce more plastic waste than rural ones. With this

information, the researchers decided to focus more on the durable eco - friendly paper bags in

order to reduce the waste of the use of plastic bags mainly in the urban areas.

Local Study

“Major Non-Food and Industrial Crops Quarterly Bulletin, July-September 2022.”

According to a study conducted by the PSA or Philippines Statistics Authority (2022),

Coconut production has increased approximately 4.08 million metric tons to 4.12 million metric

tons in the 2 previous years, specifically the CALABARZON region. Knowing this information is

essential to the researchers, since producers might encounter a problem in the future

regarding the quantity of the coconut husk that will be used. This information is enough to say

that many coconut husk can go to waste since the production rate of the coconuts are high.

Coconut husk are getting thrown without knowing the alternative uses of them. These

alternative uses of coconut husk might be ordinary to some, but at least this will help the

community in Arellano Juan Sumulong Campus lessen the production of plastic waste.

In this provided information, the CALABARZON region of the country has increased

coconut production around the year of 2022. With this information from the given article, the

country produces plenty of coconut products every year and the given problem seems to be

that the coconut after being eaten and thrown, there hasn’t been any much use of them. The

only alternative use of the coconut husk in some certain rural areas is to make a coal out of

them. With this stated problem and news from the given article, the making of the paper bag

from the coconut husk can help provide another income for the local farmers or coconut

sellers, thus making the buying of the coconut husk more profitable to the research members

and the coconut sellers for its low cost.

“The Philippine Coconut Industry: Status, Policies, and Strategic Directions for


According to an article The Philippine Coconut Industry (2019), coconuts are one of the

most important crops and major exports of the Philippines. However despite this information

the coconut industry remains the same, controversies like the coconut levy fund is one of the

reasons why the coconut industry is not improving. This fund is known to help the farmers

income, productivity, and developmental changes. Now up to this day the coconut industry is

not getting the improvement and recognition it deserves, coconuts are known to be the tree of

life. Most of our needs can be provided by it, but like any other products and inventions we

need to act in order to achieve it. We must innovate in order to make use of the excessive

production of coconuts. The coconut industry is one of the biggest assets the Philippines has,

its development and improvement will benefit many Filipino people. But in order to attain it the

coconut industry must have a right and continuous proper path. An innovative path that opens

new ideas and implementation of different learnings towards the improvement of the coconut

industry. (Castillo, Ani, 2019)

Coconut industry in the Philippines is being ignored and not recognised. Many people

aren't aware of the capabilities it has to improve the country, industry, and agriculture. Some

people are ignoring despite knowing its capabilities, it is due to the fact that not everyone is

innovative enough to turn their idea into a reality. Wasted ideas that can somehow help not just

the farmers but also the coconuts industry. The students of the Arellano University Juan

Sumulong Campus want to turn these ideas into reality with the purpose of not just helping the

farmers and the coconut industry, but to also help reduce the plastic waste of the philippines.

Coconuts can be a good alternative to some things, it can be very durable and very cheap at

cost. It is also rot resistant, so it can be reused as long as users want. That also brings the fact

that when coconuts are left to rot it will just cause problems to the country. Being innovative

with it will turn it into something useful and it might help to lessen the overall waste production

of the country.

"Utilization of Coconut Husks (Cocos Nucifera) Into Fiberboards."

It was stated in an article Vol. 3 No. 2O (2019): Ascendens Asia Journal of

Multidisciplinary Research Abstracts, that coconuts husk can be the source of many products.

It provides the human's basic needs such as clothing, shelter, and even source of income. This

explains the connection of the rapid growth of the coconut production and the poverty rate of

the coconut farmers. This proves that coconuts can be used or be used in our everyday life,

with the proper usage we can save a lot. It can be used as a material for structures, it can be

molded into anything it goes well too with different binders. Coconuts consist of fibers, fibers

that are very elastic and durable. They are also rot resistant making them very reusable, this

explains the fact that they might cause serious pollution when left to waste. This proves that

coconuts or more specifically coconut husk are multipurpose when it comes to maximizing the

opportunities, along with creativity this massive production of the coconuts might be the source

of income of many Filipinos. Coconuts can be very useful when it comes to crafting, we just

have to know and learn how we will make use of it. (Limjoco, 2019)

With that being said it is enough to say that making an eco paper bag out of the

coconut husk is one efficient way of making use of the coconut husk. Coconut husk as an eco

paper bag will be also durable and reusable. As the study said it consists of elements that will

make it an excellent product when crafted. Fibers that are very elastic for making a durable

and sustainable paper bag. Which is missing for some normal paper bags, they are also rot

resistant making it more durable. Coconut husks are also very cheap when it comes to buying

it, that's why it is used in many crafts and products. Production of cheap and durable paper

bags at the same might cause it to be very popular amongst students in Arellano University

Juan Sumulong Campus.



This chapter presents the method used in the study. The reasons on why the study was

conducted will be thoroughly explained here in the methodology. In these chapter explanations

on research design and approach, the population, sample and sampling procedures, data

collection methods used during data collection are provided. Explanations are also provided on

how instruments were validated and how data was collected and analyzed.

Research Method

This study is a quantitative research approach with an experimental research design.

Quantitative research is a systematic investigation in which a researcher collects data from

various respondents that are based on numerical figures, and the data obtained is then

analyzed to obtain the results using various mathematical, statistical, and computational tools.

This study collects measurable data on the target audience that may be used to make

statistical inferences about them via data analysis. It only asks closed-ended questions,

limiting its capacity to deliver new insights.

Research design

In this study, the researchers will use experimental research. “Experimental research is

widely implemented in education, psychology, social sciences and physical sciences.

Experimental research is based on observation, calculation, comparison and logic.

Researchers collect quantitative data and perform statistical analyses of two sets of variables.

This method collects necessary data to focus on facts and support sound decisions” (Harappa

2021). A set of techniques is developed through experimental design to systematically

examine a hypothesis. The hypothesis is at the core of an experimental research design. To

know the effectiveness of coconut husk as an eco paper in reducing plastic waste, the

researchers employed experimental research. The effectiveness will be known by the

significant differences between the students who are using commercial paper bags and those

students who are likely to make their own bags.

Statistical Treatment

The data gathered will be recorded, carefully analyzed and interpreted according to the

results from the Grade 12 STEM Students in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus. In

this study, the researchers will be using the specific answers from the Grade 12 STEM

Students in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus in every particular item by using the

following statistical tools:

1. Frequency

This is used to determine the number of times a particular value or set of values occurs

in a data set. This will be used to describe part of the whole.

The Formula:


F = Frequency

T= Time in sec

2. Percentage

This is commonly used to express the proportion of the Grade 12 STEM Students in

Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus in relation to the total.

The Formula:


P = Percentage of a category

f = Number of responses per category

N = Total number of Grade 12 STEM Students in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus

3. Ranking

This is used to compare and analyze the responses of the Grade 12 STEM Students

in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus.

The Formula:


R1 = The rank of a variable in a chronological order

R2 = The rank of the other variable

4. Weighted Arithmetic Mean

This can be used to combine data from different sources, by assigning different weights

to the data from each respondent according to their reliability or accuracy.

The Formula:


= Weighted Arithmetic Mean

X = Value of the items

w = Weight of the items

5. Likert Scale

This is used to assess Grade 12 STEM Students and teachers in Arellano University

Juan Sumulong Campus attitudes regarding the supplied research study by asking the Grade

12 STEM Students and teachers in Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus whether they

agree or disagree with the questions in the survey questionnaires created by the researchers.

The Likert scale is used in the following cases:

a. Likert scale for the interpretation on the efficiency of eco paper bags made out of

coconut husk as an alternative for plastic to reduce the plastic waste every year.

Scale Range Verbal Interpretation Symbol

5 4.50 - 5.00 Strongly Agree SA

4 3.50 - 4.49 Agree A

3 2.50 - 3.49 Neither N

2 1.50 - 2.49 Disagree D

1 1.00 - 1.49 Strongly Disagree SD

6. T Test. will be used in this research study to determine the comparison and present the

differentiation between the two variables that serves as the main tool in order to demonstrate

and know the efficiency of the product in this study.

The Formula:


x1 = The mean of the sample 1

x2 = The mean of the sample 2

s2 = Standard Error of sample 1 and 2

n1 and n2 are the number of observations in each of the groups.

Instrument of the Study

A survey questionnaire will be used as the research instrument because it will be an

experimental study. When it comes to acquiring data and information, this kind of research tool

is quite effective. The researchers shall rely on its success and acceptance by the Grade 12

STEM Students and teachers at Arellano University. To gather information, the researchers

may improve the ECO paper bag, and will administer a survey to the Grade 12 STEM Students

and teachers. Face to face interview or in person survey will be used as the research

instrument for the experimental research project. By this tool, the information gathered from

the interviewees will be genuine and precise. Addition to that face to face interactions with the

interviewee will provide us authenticity when it comes to answering our questions.

Sampling Technique

This study uses convenience sampling, a non-probability method, and the researchers

choose their own sample of participants based on availability or ease of access. In order to

choose a group of participants that are enthusiastic about reducing plastic waste and may also

apply to typical students that are environmentally conscious, convenience sampling will be

employed in the study of coconut as an alternative eco bag. At the Arellano University-Juan

Sumulong Campus, we'll be conducting a survey and giving participants a hardcopy form to fill

out. As a result, the sampling strategy we'll use is the ideal one to use or choose, saving time

and also lowering participant resistance.



This chapter presents the statistical data, analysis and interpretation of data with regards to the

Efficiency of coconut husk as an alternative eco-paper bag to reduce plastic waste in Arellano

University Juan Sumulong campus from the answers in a questionnaire survey to the chosen


Demographic Profile of Respondents

Age. As shown in pie graph 1.1, 14, or 46.7 percent of the respondents are 17-20 years old

while 11, or 36.7 percent of the respondents prefer not to mention their age while the

remaining 5, or 16.7 percent range from 21-29 years old. Therefore, the majority of the

respondents are 17-20 years old.

Pie Graph 1.1

Gender. Shown in the pie graph 1.2 are the respondents' gender. Based on the results, the

majority of respondents are female with a 20, or 66.7 percentage while the remaining 10, or

33.3 % are male. In conclusion, the majority of the respondents are female.

Pie Graph 1.2

Grade and Section / Occupation Pie graph 1.3 shows whether the respondents are Grade 12

STEM students and teachers enrolled and working at Arellano University Juan Sumulong

Campus. The results show that 15, or 50 percent of the respondents are teachers and the

remaining 15, or 50 percent are Grade 12 STEM Students. Therefore, the respondents equally

have the same results.

Pie Graph 1.3

2. Does Grade 12 STEM Students and teachers of Arellano University Juan Sumulong
Campus have viewpoints in terms of:
Table 2.1

2.1 Recycling Students Teachers Composite Mean Rank

Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

1. The student practices recycling when 4.47 SA 4.87 SA 4.67 SA 2

given the opportunity.

2. The students believe that recycling is 5.27 SA 4.8 SA 4.87 SA 1

important for environmental sustainability.

3. The students are not willing to pay more 3 N 3.73 A 3.27 N 5

for products that are made from recycled

4. The students believe that the government 1.93 D 3.4 N 2.73 N 6

should not provide more incentives for

5. The students initiate actions to encourage 4.87 SA 3.93 A 4.23 A 3

others to practice recycling.

6. The students think that recycling is a waste 1.4 SD 3.07 N 2.27 D 7

of time when doing it in your school

7. The students are willing to sort wastes for 4.2 A 4.2 A 4.2 A 4

recycling at school or at home

TOTAL: 3.59 A 4 A 3.75 A

Table 2.1 shows the viewpoints of the respondents with regards to recycling. The table

shows that students and teachers mostly answered Strongly agree, agree and neither with

regards to recycling. The results show that students and teachers agree that they have viewpoints

with regards to recycling based on the result of the weighted mean which is 3.59 and 4 with a total

weighted mean of 3.75.

Table 2.2

2.2 do-it-yourself (DIY) crafts Students Teachers Composite Mean Rank

Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

1. The Students have experiences when it 4.47 A 4 A 4.43 A 3

comes to D.I.Y (Do It Yourself) crafts.

2. The Students believe that DIY (Do It 2.33 D 3 N 2.67 N 6

Yourself) crafts don't have practical
applications in their future careers.

3. The students are likely to engage in DIY 3.8 N 4.27 A 4.03 A 5

crafts after they graduate high school

4. The students believe that DIY crafts can be 4.4 A 4.53 SA 4.47 A 2
used as a way to promote environmental
sustainability to lessen the usage of
unnecessary waste.

5. The students think that DIY crafts can be a 4.73 SA 4.67 SA 4.7 A 4
way to promote cultural and artistic

6. The students do not enjoy expressing 2.13 D 2.73 N 2.43 D 7

themselves and think that doing D.I.Y crafts is
gonna eat their free time.

7. The students believe that DIY crafts can 4.53 SA 4.6 A 4.57 SA 1
help develop their critical thinking and
problem solving skills.

TOTAL: 3.77 A 3.97 A 3.9 A

Table 2.2 shows the results of the survey questionnaire with regards to the viewpoints of

Grade 12 STEM Students and Teachers of Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus with
regards to do it yourself (DIY) crafts. As shown from the table above, some students and

teachers agree that they have viewpoints with regards to DIY crafts based on the total

weighted mean of students that is 3.77 with a verbal interpretation of Agree and 3.97 with a

verbal interpretation of Agree. The total weighted mean of the overall respondents show that

they agree.

3. Is coconut husk passable as an eco-paper bag in terms of:

Table 3.1

3.1 Sustainability and Availability of Students Teachers Composite Mean Rank


Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation
A. Sustainability of Materials

1. The materials used in making the eco-paper 4.33 A 4.47 A 4.4 A 1

bag are from indigenous materials that are
sustainable for the community.

2. The materials used in making the eco-paper 2 D 2.6 D 2.3 D 6

are from indigenous materials that are harmful
for the community.

3. The coconut husk is sustainable to use in 4.27 A 4.2 A 4.27 A 2

making an eco-paper bag.

4. The coconut husk is not sustainable to use 2.07 D 2.67 N 2.37 D 5

in making an eco-paper bag.

5. The procedure in making the product is 4.13 A 4.07 A 4.1 A 3

sustainable because it uses only sunlight and
water to form.

6. The procedure in making the product is time 2.6 D 3.47 N 3.03 N 4

consuming and is hard to make.

B. Availability of Materials

7. The materials used to make the eco-paper 3.93 A 4.47 A 4.2 A 2

bag can be easy to find and are more likely
accessible in the public market.

8. The materials used to make the eco-paper 2.93 N 2.8 D 2.7 D 5

bag are hard to find and are more likely
accessible in provinces.

9. The materials used are mostly recycled 3.67 A 4.4 A 4.03 A 3

materials and are easily available in every

10. The materials used are mostly recycled 2.6 D 4.87 SA 2.9 D 4
materials that are not used daily and are not
readily available in every household.

11. The product itself can be easily made at 4.2 A 4.33 A 4.3 A 1

12. The product itself is hard to make at home. 1.2 SD 3 N 2.5 D 6

TOTAL: 3.16 N 3.78 A 3.43 N

Based on the survey questionnaire that the researchers conducted, the results of table

3.1 as shown are mainly about the sustainability and availability of the materials used in the

product. The average answers for questions 1, 5, 7, 9, 11 were agreed. The questions here are

composed of the main materials and the actual product making, how they are easily accessible

and how easily they are made. While on the other hand questions are answered with neutral,

disagree and strongly disagree are about how often it will be harmful to the environment, how

hard it is to make, and how it is not sustainable as an eco- paper bag. The verbal interpretation

of results from table 3.1 were both neutral and agree, with neutral weighted mean ranging from

3.16-3.43 and agree with 3.78. With the results of table 3.1, the respondents agree that the

materials used in making this product are easily accessible and the product making of it

doesn't take as much time as it seems.

Table 3.2

3.2 Durability Students Teachers Composite Mean Rank

Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

1. The alternative paper bag is much more 3.6 N 4.27 A 3.93 A 1

effective than commercially made eco-bag.

2. The commercially made eco-bag is much 3.33 N 4.6 A 3.47 N 7

more effective to use than the alternative
paper bag.

3. The alternative eco-bag can hold various 4.13 A 3.87 A 3.6 N 4

heavy objects that are needed for school.

4. The commercially made eco-bag can hold 3.27 N 3.53 A 3.4 N 8

heavier objects than alternative eco-bag.

5. The materials used in this research are 4.06 A 3.73 A 3.83 A 2

more durable than commercially made

6. The materials used in making the 2.87 N 3.87 A 3.37 N 9

commercially made eco-bag are much more
durable than the alternative bag.

7. The coconut husk as the main ingredient 3.93 A 3.93 A 3.93 A 1

for the alternative eco-bag is effective to
make the product more durable.

8. The coconut husk as the main ingredient 2.33 D 3.47 A 2.9 D 10

for the alternative eco-bag is not effective to
make the product more durable since it is

9. The alternative paper bag is much lighter 3.4 N 4.6 A 3.37 N 9

than commercially made eco-bag

10. The commercially made eco-bag is much 3.33 N 3.93 A 3.63 A 3

lighter than alternative eco-bag

11. The commercially made eco-bag is more 3 N 4.07 A 3.53 A 5

accessible to use than the alternative

12. The alternative eco-bag is more 2.6 D 3.4 N 3.5 N 6

accessible to use than the commercially
made eco-bag.

TOTAL: 3.32 N 3.94 A 3.54 A

The data gathered for table 3.2 are mainly about the durability of the alternative product.

To ensure the durability of the product, the researchers undergo it through a durability test and

also let the respondents test them. The test includes how heavy the alternative paper bag can

hold along with some research and articles that supports the durability of the main materials

used. Compared to commercially made eco bags, the verbal interpretation of the durability of

the product is mostly agreed and partially neutral with the weighted mean ranging from 3.54 -

3.94, and 3.32 as per neutral. This proves that the respondents agree that the alternative

paper bag made out of coconut husk is durable.


3.3 Effectivity Students Teachers Composite Mean Rank

Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

1. The eco-paper bag made out of coconut 3.87 A 3.53 A 3.7 N 6

husks is easier to carry than the usual paper

2. The commercially made eco-bag is easier 3.2 N 3.4 N 3.67 A 7

to carry than the eco-paper bag made out of
coconut husks

3. The eco-paper bag made out of coconut 4 A 3.8 N 3.87 A 2

husks is more effective to carry students'
things such as lunch boxes and water bottles
than the commercial paper bag.

4. The alternative eco-paper made out of 2.6 D 3.27 N 2.93 N 11

coconut husk cannot be recycled as a
storage box.

5. Using the alternative paper bag made out 4.4 A 4.27 A 4.3 A 1
of coconut husk can help the environment
more than the usual well-known commercial
paper bag.

6. The alternative paper bag is more 4.06 A 3.4 N 3.73 A 5

effective enough to handle many items
during the day than the commercially
produced paper - bag.

7. The commercially produced paper - bag. 3.3 N 4 A 3.6 N 9

is more effective enough to handle many
items during the day than the alternative
paper bag.

8. The alternative paper bag is not effective 1.27 SD 3.67 A 3 N 10

enough to handle small amounts of wet
products due to the materials used.

9. The Alternative paper bag can be used as 3.73 A 3,73 A 3.77 A 4

an everyday product than the commercially
known and produced product.

10. The paper bag made from the coconut 3.8 N 3.33 N 3.63 A 8
husk can last longer than the well - known
commercial paper bag.

11. The commercially used paper bags are 3.2 N 4.13 A 3.83 A 3
more reusable and durable than the
well-known commercially produced paper

TOTAL: 3.40 N 3.68 A 3.64 A

As shown above table 3.3, it discusses the effectiveness of materials that the

researchers used and also the comparison of the alternative bag to commercially made eco

bags. The table includes questions comparing how effective the alternative product rather than

the commercially made eco bags is in terms of sustainability, lightness of the product, and the

overall effect of materials used in making it and the product itself to the environment. The

verbal interpretation of data showed that numerous teachers agree that an alternative eco

paper bag made out of coconut husk is more effective than the commercially made eco paper

bag, while students neither agree or disagree about the effectiveness of the product, the data

is composed of 3.64 - 3.68 weighted mean for agreement. And 3.40 for neutral.

4. Is there a significant difference between the commercially made eco-bag rather than the

alternative eco-bag?


4. Is there a significant difference between Students Teachers Composite Mean Rank

the commercially made eco-bag rather than
the alternative eco-bag?

Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal Weighted Verbal
Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation Mean Interpretation

1. The commercially made eco-bag is more 3.07 N 3.8 N 3.5 N 5

efficient than the alternative eco-bag.

2. The alternative eco-bag is more efficient 3.6 N 3.6 N 3.6 N 4

than the commercially made eco-bag.

3. The materials used in the alternative 3.6 N 3.8 N 3.7 N 3

eco-bag are far more efficient and sustainable
to the environment than the commercially
made eco-bag.

4. The materials used in the commercially 3.13 N 3.87 A 3.33 N 7

made eco-bag are far more efficient and
sustainable to the environment than the
alternative eco-bag.

5. The alternative eco-bag is more durable 4 A 3.53 A 3.73 A 2

than the commercially made eco-bag.

6. The commercially made eco-bag. is more 3 N 3.67 A 3.23 N 8
durable than the alternative eco-bag.

7. The materials needed for making the 3 N 3.93 A 3.77 A 1

alternative eco-bag are readily available in
public markets rather than the commercially
made eco-bag.

8. The materials needed for making the 2 D 3.87 A 3.4 N 6

commercially made eco-bag are readily
available in public markets rather than the
alternative eco-bag.

TOTAL: 3.18 N 3.76 A 3.53 A

Table 4 shows whether there is a significant difference between the alternative paper

bag and the commercially made eco-paper bag. Based from the results, the respondents have

various opinion with regards to it’s significant difference, Grade 12 STEM Students of Arellano

University neither agree or disagree while teachers of Arellano University Juan Sumulong

Campus agrees that there is a significant difference with regards to the commercially made

eco-paper bag and the alternative eco-paper bag. Overall results of the table presents that the

weighted mean of the respondents ranges in 3.53 with a verbal interpretation of agree which

means that the respondents agree that there is a significant difference between the two


Table 5 - Independent Sample T-Test Computation

Variable 1: Variable 2:

Mean 3.175 3.75875

Variance 0.35668571 0.0204125

Observations 8 8

Pearson Correlation -0.6582173

Hypothesized Mean difference 0

Df (Degree of Freedom) 7

T Stat -2.360087

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.0251674

T Critical one-tail 1.8945786

P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0503348

T Critical two-tail 2.3646243

The main objective of this study is to determine whether the alternative paper bag made

out of coconut husk is effective as an alternative for eco-bags, plastic bags and paper bags

and to be able to lessen the plastic waste that Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus

produces every year. More importantly, the researcher aims to determine whether there is a

significant difference between the alternative paper bag and the commercially made paper

bags or not. Thus, the hypothesis for this research is constructed. The null hypothesis states

that there is no significant difference between the effectiveness of the coconut husk as an

eco-paper bag in reducing plastic waste and commercial paper bags. To be able to test this

hypothesis, an independent sample t-test was conducted.

Based on the calculations and findings of the researchers, the p-value of the findings in

the t-test is smaller than the significance level of the test which is 0,05 or 5%, then the null

hypothesis of the research is rejected. The indicated table above shows the results of the

p-value is less than the targeted value of the significance level which is 2.365. Based on the

results indicated from the table above, the null hypothesis of this research is rejected.

Therefore, The table for T-Test indicates that the alternative hypothesis of this research is the

result of the said findings. This means that there is a significant difference between the

effectiveness of the coconut husk as an eco-paper bag and commercial plastic bags in

reducing plastic waste in Arellano University, Juan Sumulong Campus.


Summary and Conclusion

Based on the previous chapters, the researchers summarized, concluded, and provided

suggestions in this chapter. The findings and data provided beforehand had been summed.

This brings the research to a conclusion and provides an answer to the hypothesis.

Summary of Findings

Plastic waste, most commonly known as plastic pollution, is one of the most common

forms of issues that we are still experiencing globally. It is the augmentation of plastic objects

and other fragments that leaves negative impacts on the earth’s environment. It affects

humans, animals and other living forms on earth due to the massive number of particles that

cannot be recycled every year. Many Filipinos are fond of recycling things, especially parents

who want to be practical. Filipinos are creative and imaginative when it comes to different

things. Although not many people recycle, there are few who use recycling as a form of art,

enjoyment, practicality and bonding sessions with their loved ones. This study aimed to

determine if there are other uses for coconut husks and the effectiveness of using coconut

husks as an alternative eco-paper bag to lessen plastic wastes, specifically, it aimed to: find

the significant relationship between the effectiveness of the coconut husk as an eco-paper bag

and commercial plastic bags in reducing plastic waste.

To know the efficiency of coconut husk as an alternative eco – paper bag the

researchers have compared it to a commercially made eco bag and paper bag in terms of their

availability, sustainability, durability. The availability was used as a factor to compare the

alternative eco-paper bag to the commercially made eco bag and paper bag.

The alternative eco-paper bag's sustainability ensures that the product does not pose a

threat to the environment or people's well-being as the raw materials used in its creation are

eco-friendly and recyclable in comparison to the eco bag and paper bag. In terms of durability,

the alternative eco-paper bag outperforms its predecessor, due to its natural toughness given

by its raw materials.

The researchers gathered and collected valuable data from related literature and

studies that formed the foundation of the study. Its ideas, purpose and methods are combined

in order to create the alternative eco paper bag. The researchers discovered local studies that

currently use coconut husk to make geotextiles and other manufactured products. This

enabled the researchers to make use of the coconut husk and undertake trials that resulted in

the alternative eco-paper bag.

Based on the information provided, the researchers concluded that the null hypothesis

is rejected, implying that the alternative eco-bag outperforms commercial eco-bags. The null

hypothesis is rejected because the alpha level of 0.05 has 0.05033484 and the t value range is

2.36462425. Some of the best features of the alternative eco-bag that distinguishes it from the

commercial eco-bag are its durability, sustainability, availability, cost effectiveness, and ease of

manufacture. The alternative eco-bag was subjected to a durability test, and the researchers

ensured the product’s durability. Because the materials are readily available in most parts of

the country, the bag can be made at any time and from any location. The product seems to be

very helpful to both the user and the environment as it shares the same features as a

commercial eco-bag except with improvements and comes from natural resources, reducing

waste in the environment. Furthermore, additional investigation and experimentation are

needed to further develop knowledge about the study and enhance the eco-bag to its full

potential. As a result, the outcome may change soon.


Based on the information gathered by the researchers, the researchers had come to the

conclusion that the null hypothesis, which states that there is a significant difference between

the variables involved, should be rejected. The null hypothesis should be rejected in two

cases, such that the absolute value of the t-stat is greater than the absolute value of the

t-critical value, and when the p-value is lower than the significance level. One example of this

case is clearly visible in question experiment 2.1, wherein the absolute value of t-stat is equal

to 2.86, which is greater than the t-critical value of 1.80. In the same questions the p-value is

equal to 0.008 which is much less than the significance level which is 0.05. It is evident that

there is enough proof for the decision of the researchers to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, it

can be concluded that coconut husk is an efficient alternative material for eco-paper bags in

reducing plastic waste.

Additionally, as seen from the survey data as interpreted, most teachers of Arellano

University-Juan Sumulong campus agreed to the significant difference between the coconut

husk and commercially made bags. The researchers found evidence that using coconut husk

as a material for eco-paper bags does make a significant difference in reducing plastic waste

compared to traditional paper bags made from wood pulp.


Recommendations are provided based on the information gathered by the researchers.

This research's recommendations would be beneficial to students, human beings, and future

researchers. The researchers recommend the following things in light of their findings and


1. The researchers recommend to use machines that can create coconut husk eco bags

2. For the coconut husk, we recommend to use a machine that easily removes the husks from

the coconut

3. For the paper we recommend to use a blender or any machine that can crush a paper into

very small pieces

4. Must use very strong adhesive glue to improve the durability of the eco-bag

5. Must improve the handle

6. We recommend to make different sizes of coconut husk eco bag for better storage capacity

7. Learners from STEM strand senior high school of the Arellano University Juan-Sumulong

Campus may be taught about the importance of reducing plastic waste. This is premised on

the principle that non-plastic bags/ eco paper bags can be the most effective and easy way to

reduce the issue about plastic wastes. The participation of peers in the research study may be

considered an important factor towards the improvement of our environment.

Furthermore, future research should use a variety of concentrations for more

comparisons and observations. It is also suggested that different types of eco-bags be used to

broaden the scope.

These recommendations were made with the intention of improving future studies using

existing ones. This experiment may be improved and innovative by future researchers.



Coconut Husk Glue, Scissors, Glue Sponge. Scratch Paper

Gun, Needle, and Thread

Coconut Coir Screening Frame Water Towel

Product Making:.

Step 1 : Break apart the chunks of coconut coir and place it in a

bowl. Add enough warm water to cover the coir and allow it to

soak overnight

Step 2: Cut out construction paper, tissue or any shiny paper and

soak it in a lukewarm water while gently breaking it into smaller

pieces until it becomes an oatmeal shaped shred.

Step 3 : Pour the mushed paper into a dishpan or shallow plastic

tub then place a handful of the coconut fibers in the dishpan with

the paper pulp and mix them together with your hands. Add more

warm water if necessary until the mixture resembles a thick soup.

Step 4 : Dip the frame into the pulp and fiber mixture, then hold

them vertically. Once frames are fully submerged, flip them over.

Immediately, remove the frames from the pulp. The pulp and

fibers should now be applied to the screen.

Step 5 : Hold the screen over the container until the draining is

complete, you may use a sponge to easily absorb the excess

water from the mixture. Turn the screened frame over onto a flat

kitchen towel so that the paper is now sitting on the towel with

the screen on top. Remove the empty frame and set it aside.

Step 6 : After the mixture is already dry and ready to use, you

may now start covering the sides with scratch paper to ensure the

paper is ready to use as a bag.

Step 7 : Ready the handle of the bag using the dry excess

coconut coir by twisting it while mixing it with glue to ensure the

handles' durability.

Step 8 : After all the coconut husk paper is made, start to stitch

the parts of the paper and form it as an eco-bag.

Step 9 : After the eco-bag is made, start to assemble your

desired design on the bag and the handle.

Step 10 : Secure the handle with stitching and glue gun, as well

as the other parts of the bag.

Documentations (Survey)

Request Letter
March 01, 2023

To whom it may concern,

We, the researchers from Grade 12 - STEM 1B are conducting research about “ THE EFFICIENCY OF
JUAN SUMULONG CAMPUS.” Therefore, we are humbly asking for permission to kindly acknowledge and fill
out the survey questionnaire we will be giving with your sincerest and honest answers. We will do our best to
keep your personal information confidential and shall not be leaked at any cause. You have the option of
participating or not. If you choose not to participate in our survey questionnaire, your decision will be highly

Thank you for your participation and God bless!

Agbisit, Benedict B.
De Luna, Josiah Praise P.
Domingo, Princess Ophilla B.
Guevarra, Defie Zyler W.
Lapeciros, Jerome Jr. C.
Legaste, Jan Immanuel E.
Macalalad, Jasmine I.
Mendoza, Chris Ann Mae L.
Padrigo, Adriane S.
Solomon, Angelika P.


Part I. Demographic Profile of the Respondents


Age (Optional):


Strand and Section:

Part II. Directions: Put an (x) sign in the given boxes next to each statement in the survey below to determine whether you
agree or disagree with the information. You will only put 1 (x) sign for every statement given below.
Scale Verbal Interpretation Symbol

5 Strongly Agree SA

4 Agree A

3 Neither N

2 Disagree D

1 Strongly Disagree SD

1. Does Grade 12 STEM Students of Arellano University Juan Sumulong Campus have viewpoints in terms of:
1.1. Recycling
Statements SA A N D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The student practices recycling when given the opportunity.

2. The students believe that recycling is important for environmental


3. The students are not willing to pay more for products that are made
from recycled materials.

4. The students believe that the government should not provide more
incentives for recycling.

5. The students initiate actions to encourage others to practice recycling.

6. The students think that recycling is a waste of time when doing it in

your school.

7. The students are willing to sort wastes for recycling at school or at


1.2 do-it-yourself (DIY) crafts

Statements SA A N D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The Students have experiences when it comes to D.I.Y (Do It Yourself)


2. The Students believe that DIY (Do It Yourself) crafts don't have practical
applications in their future careers.

3. The students are likely to engage in DIY crafts after they graduate high

4. The students believe that DIY crafts can be used as a way to promote
environmental sustainability to lessen the usage of unnecessary waste.

5. The students think that DIY crafts can be a way to promote cultural and
artistic expression.

6. The students do not enjoy expressing themselves and think that doing
D.I.Y crafts is gonna eat their free time.

7. The students believe that DIY crafts can help develop their critical
thinking and problem-solving skills.

2. Is coconut husk passable as an eco-paper bag in terms of:

2.1. Sustainability and Availability of materials

Statements SA A N D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

A. Sustainability of Materials

1. The materials used in making the eco-paper bag are from indigenous
materials that are sustainable for the community.

2. The materials used in making the eco-paper are from indigenous

materials that are harmful for the community.

3. The coconut husk is sustainable to use in making an eco-paper bag.

4. The coconut husk is not sustainable to use in making an eco-paper


5. The procedure in making the product is sustainable because it uses

only sunlight and water to form.

6. The procedure in making the product is time consuming and is hard

to make.

B. Availability of Materials

7. The materials used to make the eco-paper bag can be easy to find
and are more likely accessible in the public market.

8. The materials used to make the eco-paper bag are hard to find and
are more likely accessible in provinces.

9. The materials used are mostly recycled materials and are easily
available in every household.

10. The materials used are mostly recycled materials that are not used

daily and are not readily available in every household.

11. The product itself can be easily made at home.

12. The product itself is hard to make at home.

2.2 Durability
Statements SA A N D SD
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The alternative paper bag is much more effective than commercially

made eco-bag.

2. The commercially made eco-bag is much more effective to use than the
alternative paper bag.

3. The alternative eco-bag can hold various heavy objects that are needed
for school.

4. The commercially made eco-bag can hold heavier objects than

alternative eco-bag.

5. The materials used in this research are more durable than commercially
made eco-bag.

6. The materials used in making the commercially made eco-bag are much
more durable than the alternative bag.

7. The coconut husk as the main ingredient for the alternative eco-bag is
effective to make the product more durable.

8. The coconut husk as the main ingredient for the alternative eco-bag is
not effective to make the product more durable since it is flimsy.

9. The alternative paper bag is much lighter than commercially made


10. The commercially made eco-bag is much lighter than

.alternative paper bag.

11. The commercially made eco-bag is more accessible to use than the
alternative eco-bag.

12. The alternative eco-bag is more accessible to use than the commercially
made eco-bag.

2.3 Effectivity
(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The eco-paper bag made out of coconut husks is easier to carry than the
usual paper bag.

2. The commercially made eco-bag is easier to carry than the eco-paper

bag made out of coconut husks.

3. The eco-paper bag made out of coconut husks is more effective to carry
students' things such as lunch boxes and water bottles than the
commercial paper bag.

4. The alternative eco-paper made out of coconut husk cannot be recycled

as a storage box.

5. Using the alternative paper bag made out of coconut husk can help the
environment more than the usual well-known commercial paper bag.

6. The alternative paper bag is more effective enough to handle many

items during the day than the commercially produced paper - bag.

7. The commercially produced paper - bag. is more effective enough to

handle many items during the day than the alternative paper bag.

8. The alternative paper bag is not effective enough to handle small

amounts of wet products due to the materials used..

9. The Alternative paper bag can be used as an everyday product than the
commercially known and produced product.

10. The paper bag made from the coconut husk can last longer than the well
- known commercial paper bag.

11. The commercially used paper bags are more reusable and durable than
the well-known commercially produced paper bags.

3. Is there a significant difference between the commercially made eco-bag rather than the alternative eco-bag?

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

1. The commercially made eco-bag is more efficient than the

alternative eco-bag.

2. The alternative eco-bag is more efficient than the commercially

made eco-bag.

3. The materials used in the alternative eco-bag are far more efficient
and sustainable to the environment than the commercially made

4. The materials used in the commercially made eco-bag are far more
efficient and sustainable to the environment than the alternative

5. The alternative eco-bag is more durable than the commercially

made eco-bag.

6. The commercially made eco-bag. is more durable than the

alternative eco-bag.

7. The materials needed for making the alternative eco-bag are readily
available in public markets rather than the commercially made

8. The materials needed for making the commercially made eco-bag

are readily available in public markets rather than the alternative



Benedict B. Agbisit

18 Years Old

34 E Mabolo St. Parian Calamba City, Laguna



Primary School

Parian Elementary School

6572 MJC, Manila S Rd., Barangay Parian, Calamba City Laguna


Junior High School

Integrated School of Lawa

Purok 4, Barangay Lawa, Calamba City Laguna


Senior High School

Arellano University(Juan Sumulong Campus)

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021- Present

Josiah Praise P. De Luna

18 Years Old

Block 3, Lot 1, Cattleya St., Camia Homes, Lumbangan,

Nasugbu, Batangas



Primary School

ST. Paul, Foundational, Learning and Excellence Center

J.P Laurel Street, Campo Avejar, Nasugbu, Batangas

2012 - 2017

Junior High School

Batangas State University, ARASOF, Nasugbu, Batangas

R. Martinez Street, Brgy. Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas

2017 - 2021

Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Princess Ophilla B. Domingo

18 years old

742 H Benita St. Tondo Manila



Primary School

Legarda Elementary School

J. Fajardo Street, Sampaloc, Manila 1008

2010 – 2012

Francisco Benitez Elementary School

134 Solis St, Tondo, Manila, Metro Manila

2012 – 2017

Junior High School

Lakan Dula High School

2252 Juan Luna St, Tondo, Manila, Metro Manila


Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Defie Zyler W. Guevarra

18 years old

2866 Manuel Hizon St, Santa Cruz, Manila



Primary School

F.G. Calderon Integrated School

Hermosa St., Tondo, Manila

2011 - 2017

Junior High School

F.G. Calderon Integrated School

Hermosa St., Tondo, Manila

2017 - 2021

Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Jerome C. Lapeciros Jr.

17 years Old

Ph 1, Blk 81, Lot 22, Ara Vista, Brgy. Biclatan,

General Trias City Cavite, 4107



Primary School

Habay Elementary School

Habay 1 Road, Habay 1, Bacoor, 4102 Cavite

2011 – 2017

Junior High School

St. Matthew Academy of Cavite

Niog I, Tirona Highway, Bacoor Cavite

2017 – 2021

Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Jan Immanuel E. Legaste

19 years Old

766 Leo Street Sampaloc Manila



Primary School

Padre Burgos Elementary School, Sampaloc Manila

586 Altura corner, Buenos Aires Street, Sampaloc, Metro Manila


Junior High School

Victorino Mapa High School, Sampaloc Manila

300 San Rafael St., San Miguel, Manila

2017 - 2021

Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Jasmine I. Macalalad

18 Years Old

116 C. Benitez St, Brgy. San Martin De Porres,

Cubao Quezon City,



Primary School

People of Grace Christian School

58 Kamuning Rd, Diliman, Quezon City, 1102 Metro Manila


Southeast Asia Mission Christian Academy

26 Natib, Quezon City, 1111 Metro Manila


Junior High School

Ramon Magsaysay (Cubao) High school

731 Epifanio de los Santos Ave, Quezon City, 1112 Metro Manila


Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Chris Ann Mae L. Mendoza

19 years Old

35A Zambales St., Cubao, Quezon City



Primary School

Linaban Elementary School

Linaban, Hamtic, Antique


Junior High School

Governor Julian Fullon Pacificator National School

Funda, Hamtic, Antique


Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Adriane S. Padrigo

18 years old

15 B Interior G. Roxas St., Barangay San Jose Quezon City



Primary School

D. Tuazon Elementary School

Don Manuel Agregado, Santa Mesa Heights, Lungsod Quezon, Kalakhang Maynila

2011 – 2017

Junior High School

Don Alejandro Roces Sr. Science Technology High school

Don A. Roces Ave, Diliman, Quezon City, Metro Manila

2017 – 2021

Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present

Angelika P. Solomon

17 years Old

#14 Aster St., Green Park Village, Cainta Rizal



Primary School

Sto. Niño Elementary School, Dela Paz, Pasig City

44 Street, Karangalan Village, 1611, Kaginhawaan, Pasig, Metro Manila


Junior High School

Manggahan High School, Pasig City

44 Street, Karangalan Village, 1611, Kaginhawaan, Pasig, Metro Manila


Senior High School

Arellano University - Juan Sumulong Campus

2600 Legarda St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

2021 - Present


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