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What is Math?

- Mathematics is a branch of science which deals with numbers and the operations involved
in it

What is Algebra?

Algebra comes from 2 words

• Al-Jab

- It is the reunion and reduction of fragmented parts of a problem in to a whole.

According to webster(Algebra):

- It is a mathematical symbol wherein numbers (constant) can be represented by letters


What are real number system?

- A real number system, it can be positive, negative or zero.

- It is a definite value

- can assume many values


3x + 5 = 2 constant: (3,5,2) variable: (x)

2x - 2y = 0 constant: (2,2,0) variables: (x,y)

If X variable is an Independent variable, then the Y variable is dependent variable

- It is any value presided by a plus or a minus sign.

- it has an only one term

• 3x
• 2x³y⁴

- it has two terms

• 3x + 1
• x + 1/2 or x/2 + y/2
• 2x³y⁴ + 5

- it has three terms

• 5 + 2x + y
• 3x + y + 2

- it is the sum of finite numbers of monomial

• 3x + 5
• 3x + 2y + 2

Algebraic expression
- it is a collections of constant and variables involving atleast one of the basic operations in

• 3x + 5

Absolute value
- The Absolute Value |a| is positive, if a is positive

• the absolute value of |5| is 5

• |10| is also 10
• if the absolute value of a is 0, then it is 0
• if the absolute number of a is negative, then it is negative. Unless it is specified

Distant formula
- it is impossible to have a negative value

• Like-sign

• 2x + 3x = 5x

2 or the constant is numerical coefficient

X or the variable is literal coefficient

• 2x² + 3x = 2x²+3x because it is unlike sign

• -2x + -3x = -5x

Like terms
- they have the same numerical coefficient

• 2x + 3y = 2x+3y

Unlike sign
- if there is a unlike sign you subtract the small numerical coefficient from the bigger
numerical coefficient and follow the sign of the bigger numerical coefficient.

• 4x + -2x = 2x
• -4x + 2x = -2x


• Like terms

4x - 2x = 2x

• Unlike terms
2x - 4x = -2x
• To easily understand, the subtrahend always took the operation sign and after the
subtrahend took the subtraction operation then change the operation into a addition


- Positive multiplied by positive is equals to positive (like sign)

- Positive multiplied by negative is equals to negative (unlike sign)
- negative multiplied by negative is equals to positive (like sign)
- Negative multiplied by positive is equals to negative (unlike sign)


- Positive divided by positive is equals to positive (like sign)

- Negative divided by positive is equals to negative (unlike sign)
- Negative divided by negative is equals to positive (like sign)
- positive divided by negative is equals to negative (unlike sign)
Grouping symbols

• 3 types of grouping symbols

( ) - the parenthesis
[ ] - the brackets
{ } - the braces

Add the ff.

1.) 2x + 3y + 5, x - y - 2, 4x + y + 3


• 2x + 3y + 5
+ x-y-2
4x + y + 3
7x + 3y + 6

Subtract the ff.

1.) Subtract 3x - y + 5 from x - 4y - 8


x - 4y - 8
- 3x - y + 5
-2x - 3y - 13

Grouping Symbols(GS)
() [] {}

If a GS is proceeded

1.) Plus sign - no change


• + ( 3x + y - 4 )
= 3x + y - 4

• + [ 3x + y - 4 ]
= 3x + y - 4

2.) Minus sign - change the sign of each term

• - [ 3x + y - 4 ]
= -3x - y + 4

• - { 3x - y + 4 }
= -3x + y - 4

3.) Factor - use distributive law by multiply

• 2 ( 3x + 2y - 8 )
= 6x + 4y -16

• -2 ( 3x + 2y - 8 )
= -6x - 4y + 16

If a GS is within another GS
- perform the innermost first.

Ex. Simplify

1.) ( 3x + 2y - 2 [ x + y - 5 ] + 8 )


= ( 3x + 2y - 2x - 2y + 10 + 8 )
= 3x + 2y - 2x - 2y + 10 + 8
= x + 18


1.) -2 [ x - y + 3 ( x + 4y - 5 ) + 3y + 3 ]

= -2 [ x - y + 3x + 12y - 15 + 3y + 3 ]
= -2x + 2y - 6x - 24y + 30 - 6y - 6
= -8x - 28y + 24
= -2x - 7y + 6 (divisibled by 4)



RULE 1. To add two or more polynomials, add similar or like terms together.
Example: Add the following sets of polynomials

1. 3X + 4Y - 4, -5X + 3Y + 4, -6X - 5Y - 8

3X + 4Y - 4
-5X + 3Y +4
-6X - 5Y - 8
- 8X + 2Y - 8

RULE 2: To Subtract polynomials change the sign of the subtrahend and proceed as in

2X - Y - 4 ~ 2X -Y - 4
- 4X - Y - 3 ~ -4X + Y +3 ( + )
________ ____________
-2X -1

Addition of algebraic expression frequently involves the Symbols of Grouping such as
parenthesis ( ), brackets [ ], and braces { }

RULE 3. To remove a grouping symbol preceded by a

i) Minus sign , change the sign of each of the terms;
Example: remove the grouping symbol
- ( 4X + 3Y - 7 )
= -4X -Y + 7 : now this time in the final answer there is no grouping symbol or
parenthesis and has changed the sign of each of the term.

ii) Plus sign , no furthe change

Example : remove the grouping symbol

[ -8X + 4Y + 6 ]

= -8 X + 4Y + 6 notice upon removing the brackets there is no change in the sign of each

Factor , use the distributive law

Example: Remove the grouping symbol

3{ 2X - 5Y + 3 }

= 6X -15 + 9 , multiply 3 to each of the term and with regards to its sign.

When one symbol of grouping is within another symbol of grouping, the innermost symbol
must be removed first.

Example: Simplify the given

-{ -2x -Y -( 3X -[ 4X + Y -3 ] -Y ) -7 }
Solution :

= -{-2X -Y -( 3X -4X -Y +3 -Y ) -7}

= -{-2X -Y -(-X -2Y + 3 ) -7 }
= -{-2X -Y + X + 2Y -3 -7 }
= -{-X +Y -10 }
= X - Y + 10

Please study the topics.

● Equation
It is an equation wherein two quantities is equal

• 4x - y = 5

Two types of equation

1.) Identity

- It is an equation that true for all permissible values of the quantities involved.

For example:

x² - 9 = (x + 3)(x - 3)
0² - 9 = (0 + 3) (0 - 3)
-9 = (3)(-3)
-9 = -9

x² - 9 = (x + 3)(x - 3)
(1)² - 9 = (1 + 3)(1 - 3)
1 - 9 = (4)(-2)
-8 = -8

2.) Conditional

- It is an equation with holds true for some permissible value

For example:



If x = 10
10 - 2 = 6
8 is not equal to 6

● Literal Equation

- it is an equation in which some or all of the unknown are represented by letters

For example:

● I = Prt : t
Prt = I (reflexive property)

I = Prt
t = I/Pr

● A = ½bh : h


• A = ½bh multiply by 2

• 2A = bh

• bh = 2A (interchanged of the position or known as reflexive property)

• h = 2A/b

• bh/b = 2A/b

● A = h/2 (a + b) : a


• A = h/2 (a + b) x 2

• 2A = h (a + b)

• 2A = ha + hb

• ha + hb = 2A

• ha = 2A - hb

• a = 2A - hb/h

• a = 2A/h - hb/h

• a = 2A/h - b

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