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A Research Paper Presented at the faculty of NOTRE DAME

OF TULUNAN INC. Senior High School Department
Tulunan, North Cotabato Inc.

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement In

Practical Research I



April 2024

This research paper was conducted to know the perceptions of the

students of Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc. about proper waste segregation. This
research paper can determine the innovative and convenient solution on
waste management of the students. To accomplish the paper, there was a
collection of raw materials, the paper making process, the testing and
gathering of data. With the help of data collection technique which is
interviewing each of our respondents, we gathered information and data that
helped us in our research paper. The result from the interviews and the
statements of the respondents showed that waste segregation is the common
problem of the students of Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc.
We would like to thank the following individuals who have supported us
throughout the entire research process. We truly appreciate it.
To our parents and guardians, who helped us with our research paper
and provided us with guidance. They also helped us out financially and
emotionally and made sure we had everything we needed for our studies and
our daily lives.
Respected panelists: Mrs. Janeth T. Funa, Sir Salven S. Bisuyan,
and Ms. Donna Louise Afinidad thank you for your hard work and dedication
in bringing this paper to life, as well as for giving up their time during the oral
examination to share their goals, ideas, comments, suggestions,
recommendations, and corrections on it.
Thank you to all of our respondents for donating their valuable time and
cooperating with our interview requests.
To Mr. Junrey Maturan, our cherished research subject instructor, for his
support and for giving us plenty of time to complete our research paper. His
unwavering devotion, encouragement, tolerance, drive, and vast knowledge
are acknowledged. In particular, his advice and perceptive remarks were very
helpful to us in finishing this research paper.
Above all to our almighty and ever living God who is always with us,
enlighten our mind and guide us all throughout our journey in our lives.
Gallentes, Trissha Sabrea N.
Sumido, Princess Kyle P.
Cadiena, Paul Axcel P.
Hortillosa, Jaemer R.
Solano, Aran Kirk F.
Tacadao, Dona T.



Waste management is a perennial problem that our world is facing

today, and this can be due to lack of information dissemination on proper

waste disposal. An unhealthy environment can surely damage the living of the

public. For the high school students, it is also alarming to study in a place in

which it is not clean and green friendly. The factors that affect the academic

performance of the students include improper waste disposal and unclean

surroundings. Therefore, practicing proper waste disposal can improve their

knowledge and understanding of how their behavior can have a big impact on

the environment. It is stated that the best way to dispose of waste is by

reducing the amount of waste that we are generating. We are helping the

environment by ensuring its safety and the students in cultivating discipline

and decency.

In Nigeria, Adedotun T. Adeoulu (2014) conducted their study about

the knowledge assessment, attitude, and practices of students towards waste

management. A clean environment being a huge factor on the students’ level

of focusness on their studies. As said that proper waste management is

needed to ensure the protection of the environment and human health.

In Philippines, Eveth P. Banoa (2016) conducted their study to capture

the knowledge, attitude, and practices on solid waste management of the LPU

students. It is to promote awareness on environmental issues and improve the

attitude of students towards environmentally sustainable practices. And to

assess the level of awareness, degree of attitude, and extent of practice on

solid waste management.

In Makati City, Edison O. Macusi (2019) stated that solid waste

management is a major problem in the Philippines. It was perceived that

improper solid waste disposal has a negative impact on the school

community. In this study also revealed that the lack of environmental

education in practical environmental curricula of teachers to respond to

modern day environmental issues.

Exploring the perception of the students in proper waste disposal, are

already conducted by other researchers, however, our research is the current

one and it specializes on the high school students of Notre Dame of Tulunan

Inc. This study is purposely to identify the areas of improvement in the school

and to enable students practice their basic skills in proper waste segregation.

This study is to explore the perceptions of the high school students

regarding the widespread environmental issue such as improper waste

segregation. This study attempts to find the answers to the following

questions: How did the students dispose their wastes? How can the students
contribute to minimize improper waste disposal? How can the students cope

to maintain proper waste disposal in their environment?


The main purpose of this study is to explore the perception of the high

school students on proper waste disposal. By studying successful waste

segregation initiatives and practices among high school students, this

research can contribute to the development of best practices and guidelines

for schools to adopt. Practicing proper waste segregation can help the

students to be more aware on how they can help the surrounding or the

environment rather. Our study also aims to make the students more aware

and increase their knowledge on proper waste segregation.


Determining the perceptions of the high school students on proper

waste segregation, attempts to answer the following questions:

1. How did the students dispose their waste?

2. How can the students contribute to minimize improper waste


3. How can the students cope to maintain proper waste disposal in

their environment?

The theoretical lens of research about proper waste segregation can

vary depending on the specific approach and focus of the study.

Some relevant theoretical perspectives include:


Albert Bandura (1960) examines how individual behaviors and beliefs

are influenced by social factors, such as norms, attitudes, and social learning.

It can explore how people’s attitudes towards waste segregation are shaped

by their social environment and how these attitudes translate into behavior.


Icek Ajzen (1991) focuses on the relationship between attitudes,

subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intention to perform a

specific behavior. This theory can be applied to understand the factors that

influence individuals’ intentions to engage in proper waste segregation



E.M. Rogers (1962) explores the adoption and spread of new ideas or

practices within a social system. It can be used to study the factors that

facilitate or hinder the adoption of proper waste segregation practices within

communities or organizations.

Perkins and Berkowitz (1986) investigates how social norms influence

individual behavior. This perspective can be used to understand how social

norms surrounding waste segregation, such as peer influence or community

norms, impact individuals’ adherence to proper waste segregation practices.


Urie Bronfenbrenner (1970) analyzes how individuals interact with their

physical and social environments. It can help identify the various levels of

influence (e.g., individual, interpersonal, community, societal) on waste

segregation behavior and how interventions can be designed to address

these different levels.

These theoretical lenses provide frameworks for understanding the

psychological, social, and environmental factors that influence waste

segregation behavior and can guide research in this area.


This study aims to explore the perceptions of the high school students

of Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc. on proper waste segregation. This study will be

conducted in the school year 2023-2024 by the senior high school students of

Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc. The participants of this proposed study will be the

high school students of Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc.


This section will provide brief description on the various significance of

the study given the problems of high school students of Notre Dame of

Tulunan Inc. waste segregation.

For the school - the proposed study serves the high school students,

personnel as their references or guide in creating their program concerned

with waste segregation. This study will also help the school maintain its


For the students - the proposed study can enlighten them up

regarding the various ecological problems.

For the constituents - the proposed study will help the constituents of

school to have a deeper understanding of the programs that their students are

making. By this study they will come up easier and powerful programs that the

students would conduct.

For the future researchers - the proposed study will benefit and help

the future researcher as their guide. The study can also open in development

of this study.


To understand the different terms in the study, the following

terminologies are defined operationally:

Students Consciousness – In our study, students’ consciousness

refers to the awareness of the students on practicing proper waste


Perception – In our study, perception means the level of

understanding of the students.

Proper Waste Segregation – In our study, proper waste segregation.

Refers to the environmental practice that should be executed by the high

school students.

High School Students – In our study, high students refer to the

participants who is going to share their insights regarding proper waste



In this part of the research paper, we will find the organization and brief

explanation of every chapter. Every chapter explains the outline of the study

on exploring the perception of the high school students on proper waste


Chapter 1 presents the introduction and the background of the study

for our research to be understandable. Statement of the problem, research

questions, purpose and significance of the study are also made in this

chapter. Theories are also found there to support our study. Investigations or

scope of our study can also be found in this chapter.

Chapter 2 presents the RRL or the review of related literature, articles,

and investigations of the related research. This can be done with the help of

the internet, books, and other helpful resources.

Chapter 3 presents the methodology of this qualitative research.

Research design, participants, role of the researchers, data analysis, data

collection and ethical consideration can be found in this part of our research.

Chapter 4 presents the outcome of the surveys, data analysis, and

interpretation of the data in the research questions.

Chapter 5 presents the results of the overall data gathering. This part

has the interviewees or surveys result that serves as evidence to support our



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies. The

scope and topics presented in this section includes the environmental

education in high school, students’ attitude, awareness, challenges, and



Environmental education is a branch of study that aims to improve

citizens standards of quality of life while fostering not just environmental

awareness and comprehension but also link between humans and their

natural surroundings (Anijia-Obi, 2001). Sustainable education is a

requirement for all forms of education and could lead to absolute

transformation of the society. Teachers need to be conversant with the

relevant knowledge, attitudes, and skills and must also be creative to be

effective in environmental sustainability or sustainable waste management


Education for sustainable development encourages the development of

knowledge, cognition, understanding, and the activities needed to create a

sustainable world, which involve environmental protection and conservation,

social fairness, and economic sustainability. The concept of environmental

education, which must instill individuality with knowledge, skills, attitudes,

values, and behaviors needed to practice conservation, has a significant

influence on the concept of education for sustainable development. Education

for sustainable development aims to give people the power to make changes

and engage in solving our problems without compromising our ability to

survive. Additionally, it attempts to incorporate sustainable development's

ideals throughout all facets and levels of education (Nath, 2003).

It has long been shown that environmental education affects students'

environmental knowledge, especially those in high school. A student's

knowledge of the environment is greatly influenced by the quality of

environmental education they get (Kagawa, 2007).

Subject for human improvement caused the establishment of

environmental education. The mitigation and maintenance of distinctly

negative results at the environment is its number one objective. Saving the

surroundings, which incorporates preserving and maintaining herbal habitats

and ecosystems. Addressing poverty, the development of social justice, and

the improvement of human's nice of lifestyles are among development

schooling's top priorities. It links local and global actions while getting to

simple human wishes. In sustainable education development of the human

manner of lifestyles without threatening the surroundings, improving the first-

rate of instruction is the primary aim. Having access to a top-notch education

is essential to creating a more sustainable world. This was emphasized during

the UN World Summit in Johannesburg in 2016. In 2002, it was noted that

contemporary educational systems needed to be reoriented (Nevin, 2008).

According to Heimlich (2008), environmental education is the process of

developing citizens who can make educated decisions and carry them out in a

way that is both socially and environmentally sustainable. It has long been

shown that environmental education affects students' environmental

knowledge, especially those in high school. The importance of education and

training in finding long-term solutions to environmental problems is widely

acknowledged, and the most effective way to address these issues is to raise

awareness of environmental issues.

Environmental education is a unique approach to learning about human

relationships with the environment, which focuses on the connection among

people and environment. It is a type of education that emphasizes the

integration of human nature and natural and physical resources, with the aim

of making self-confident, accountable, and environmentally conscious

individuals. It is broadly well-known that the social origins of the impending

global ecological crisis are rooted within the modern understanding of

society's surroundings and the values associated with its functioning (Cancurt,


Environmental education, which covers topics like environmental

standards, environmental regulations, the dangers of environmental

deterioration and its effects on human health, the citizens' obligations towards
the environment, neighborhood environmental practices, and the significance

of protecting and restoring natural resources, both the international and local

levels. Environmental situations are encouraged by the Philippine Republic

Act 9512, of 2008 (Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines).

Public education programs on the environment will be implemented by the

Department of Education (DE), the Department of Technical Education (TE),

the Skills Development Authority (SKD), and the Department of Social

Welfare and Development, working with the Science and Technology and

other authorities.

It is becoming more and more clear that higher education institutions

should put more of an emphasis on fostering attitudes toward environmental

challenges in place of just teaching precise actions in a world that is rapid

converting and unsure. Survey of secondary college students, attitude-based

totally shaping training proved to be greater powerful than information-based

guidance in students' impressions in their environment (Pedro 2010).

Waste is an undesirable substance produced inevitably by human

activity (Periathamby, 2011). Each habitat utilized by human beings and

animals produces it. It could be labeled as solid, liquid, or gas. Strong waste

(SW) consists of sludge, garbage, reluctant, and different stable substances

that truly has are discarded. it's also appeared as refuse of nugatory or

useless stuff, material not been used for any purpose through human beings
within a selected locality. SW from mining, agriculture, enterprise, electronics,

and municipal waste.

Waste management and school procedures are in place at school.

Students’ separation behavior after graduation will be influenced by how they

handled their waste on school. Because of this, environmental education is

highly regarded. While environmental education has some influence on

knowledge, understanding of the environment is the main factor that

determines environmental behavioral intent (Zhang et al., 2017).

Environmental education activities begin at home and in the

neighborhood all through the simple and center school years. From this

perspective, even if individuals can participate informally in the environmental

education process, this education must still be provided for in formal

educational charters (Ablak, 2020).


Tikka et al. (2010), stated how environmental attitude and awareness

are influenced by education. Due to students lack of understanding, the

majority of them in developing country lack the skills that are necessary to

implement proper waste segregation.

Abdullahi and Tuna (2014), refuted this argument as their study found

that there was no significant difference in the conceptions of students in in the

average of the three schools they surveyed. Alp et al. (2014) stated that

students at higher grade levels tend to have a better understanding of proper

waste segregation and other environmental issues. This is largely due to their

increased exposure to nature as they grow older, facilitating their

comprehension. However, the study also revealed that students across all

grade levels still struggle to grasp environmental concepts effectively.

According to Enssuman (2014), negative attitudes towards waste

separation and a lack of social pressure to deal with the environmental

consequences of littering are prevalent. A study conducted in Ghana revealed

an apathetic mindset towards waste management, as many believe it is solely

the responsibility of waste management organizations. This leads to

inefficiencies in their operations. Additionally, it was found that many in Ghana

adopt a mentality of 'If I don't throw away trash, waste companies won't have

a job.’’ This transforms waste management companies into mere waste

collection services.

A case study by Panko and Sharma (2016), showed that immersion of

students in the practical aspects of environmental education like waste

segregation can lead them to a deep comprehension of the wider principle of

knowledge to be acquired and the attitudes to be cultivated. In developing

countries, sustainable and efficient waste segregation can only be achieved

when a deliberate effort is made to develop curriculum levels and teachers

who are adequately trained in the practical application of awareness. Finding

long-term solutions to environmental issues like SW, pollution, energy,

degradation, deforestation, and others that are caused by humans and

jeopardize sustainable improvement requires a willingness to learn about the

environment. In Gequinto’s (2016) study, she determined the extent of strong

waste practices of college students from various state universities and college


A study conducted by Fabio and Kenny (2018), indicate that the way

people think about the environment and how they feel about it are linked to

the quantity to which they see themselves as connected to the natural world.

This will affect the level of sustainability that needs to be achieved across the


The difference in environmental knowledge between young and elderly

individuals in developing countries is causing issues with managing waste,

ultimately leading to unsustainable growth and impact consequences. A lack

of awareness among students is connected to the insufficient waste

segregation practices taught by instructors for hands-on environmental

sustainability learning experiences (Debrah, 2021).

Having a positive outlook towards environmental education can

facilitate better communication between younger and older generations in

developing countries regarding waste management. In schools, waste is

produced from various activities such as classroom work, cleaning, meal

service, and bush cutting. It is expected that implementing waste separation

practices in schools will become a fundamental aspect of the educational

curriculum, engaging students in developing a responsible approach towards

waste management and segregation. The initial step towards creating positive

adjustments in behavior and learning lies in raising awareness, particularly in

environmental concerns (Verhulust et al., 2021).


The implementation of proper waste segregation faces a number of

challenges. These challenges may include a lack of qualified

administrators/trained teachers, lack of resources, and lack of students’

commitment, and awareness of sustainability. A lack of resources can have a

negative impact on both time and money. Many schools and organizations

struggle to implement sustainable interventions due to resource limitations.

This is often because institutions and governments do not prioritize

sustainability initiatives, causing schools to miss out on crucial funding for

effective waste management practices (Mcintosh et al,. 2011).

Another problem is that most people, especially students, don’t feel like

they have a voice in the decision-making process, so they don’t bother to

complain it to authorities. This perception varies between socioeconomic

groups. Wealthier socioeconomic groups are more inclined to feel that they

can take action on these environmental issues or being part of a solution, as

they believe they have the capacity to make a greater impact in fixing and

resolving the issue (Periou, 2012).

In the present study, people’s perceived need to separate solid waste

at source, their interest in separating solid waste from its source, and lack of

space at home where three reasons why people might neglect their SSW

participation. In a similar survey conducted in the UK, people’s lack of

responsibility and low priority in source separation were identified as barriers

for reducing household food waste (Graham-Rowe et al., 2014).



This chapter presents the operational framework of the study. It

provides informations on the participants, that is, the criteria for inclusion in

the study, who the participants are and how they sample. The researchers

describe the research design that was chosen for the purpose of this study

and reasons for this choice. The instrument that will be used for data

collection is also described and the procedures that will be followed in

carrying out this study are included. The researcher also discusses the

methods that will be used to analyze the data that will be gathered.


This research utilized a case study, a type of qualitative research that

determines the problems of Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc. regarding on the

proper waste disposal. In this study, the random selected students will be

interviewed about their perception regarding proper waste disposal in school.

A case study is a process that focuses on people’s specific problem that they

are currently experiencing. Through these experiences, the researchers would

provide an innovative and a convenient solution to resolve or address the

problem being targeted.


The study will be conducted in Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc. a private

school located at Purok 6 Bual, Tulunan, North Cotabato since the study’s

main aim is to determine the perceptions of the high school students

regarding proper waste disposal.


The participants are random high school students at the Notre Dame of

Tulunan Inc. To select a sample in the quickest and most practical manner,

the researchers used the convenience method of non-probability sampling.


The participants of the study will consist of one (1) high school student

per grade level of Notre Dame of Tulunan Inc. At present, NDT has a large

population, thus, the researchers have decided to select only the said number

of students from each grade level of high school students in a more

convenient manner.


For the study, the researcher used a custom interview guide for in-

depth interviews. Being a self-structured tool, it received expert content

evaluation. The researcher additionally uses a cellphone as a recorder to

capture the participants' responses.

After randomly selecting the respondents to be interviewed, a consent

form is given to each of them before the interview and will serve as a

document proving that they have given their permission for them to be

interviewed by the researchers. A brief description of the study is printed on

the consent form which also includes the confidentiality and disclosure of the

respondents’ name during and after the completion of the study. When all the

respondents have already been interviewed, the recorded answers will be

transcribed into texts for analyzation.


This research study utilized the following data tools in analyzing the

data gathered. The researcher uses the thematic analysis to examine the

experiences of the participants about their perceptions in proper waste

segregation and the problems they observe regarding waste disposal.


Before the interview, there are research guide questionnaires for face

evaluation by the specialists. Using validated guiding questionnaires, the

researcher formally conducted the interview after the validation.

The face validity test verifies that the survey questionnaires for this

study don't contain typical mistakes like leading, unclear, or double-barreled

questions. Face validity is the most fundamental type of validity and is

connected with the highest amount of subjectivity.


A written consent form was provided to the participants, and they were

informed of the objectives and terms of their participation. The study's

participants give their consent to participate, and they are free to withdraw at

any time and stop the interview. The participants received equitable treatment

and faced no forms of prejudice. The participants are given the code names

S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6. The participant's consent to have the entire

interview recorded is also requested by the researcher. The researcher

protected the anonymity of the data and did not reuse the recorded verbal

interview in other studies or upload it to any internet sites. The transcript of

the interview's findings was made using the tapes. The researcher instantly

destroyed all the lists and data after the study was finished.


This chapter presents the results, the analysis and the interpretation of
the data gathered from the answer of the participants to the questionnaires


Blindsided by Waste

Lack of understanding about proper waste disposal creates problems for

individuals in the environment.


I dispose my waste by throwing it at the designated trash bins but honestly, I

dispose my waste sometimes by uhmm just throwing it anywhere because
thats what i see and also observe with others so i copy what they do even
though i know that it is wrong. Due to laziness and lack of understanding of
what my actions can affect the community.

I dispose my waste by throwing it at the designated trash bins but honestly, I

dispose my waste sometimes by just throwing it anywhere because that’s
what I see and also observe with others, so I copy what they do even though I
know that it is wrong. Due to laziness and lack of understanding of what my
actions can affect the community.


To tell the truth I dispose my waste by throwing it but not properly, like I throw
it at a trash bin, but I don’t segregate it properly, I just throw it away without
looking at the signage. Because of laziness and uhm not knowing the
segregating trash properly.
To tell the truth I dispose my waste by throwing it but not properly, like I throw
it at a trash bin, but I don’t segregate it properly, I just throw it away without
looking at the signage. Because of laziness and not knowing the segregating
trash properly.
By this you can raise awareness about the hidden costs of waste
mismanagement and inspire a cultural shift towards a more responsible and
RRR-focused approach to consumption and waste management.
According to most experts, integrated and sustainable solid waste
management should not only be given top priority, but must go beyond
technical aspects to include various key elements of sustainability to ensure
success of any solid waste project. Aside from project sustainable impacts,
the overall enabling environment is the key feature determining performance
and success of an integrated and affordable solid waste system. (Christian
Zurbrugg, 2012)
Understanding Waste Category

Disposing of waste in the correct category is crucial for efficient and

environmentally responsible waste management.


I dispose my waste according to the categories such as biodegradable and

non-biodegradable resources, and I always remember the 4Rs: reuse,
reduce, recycle, and recover. I also separate waste that can be broken down
by living things into containers designated for biodegradable resources that
cannot be recycled or broken down biologically into non-biodegradable
materials. Aside from that, I intend to keep recycling or repurposing viable
stuff for the foreseeable future. I do this because I want to live in a world that
is waste free.
I dispose my waste according to the categories such as biodegradable and
non-biodegradable resources, and I always remember the 4Rs: reuse,
reduce, recycle, and recover. I also separate waste that can be broken down
by living things into containers designated for biodegradable resources that
cannot be recycled or broken down biologically into non-biodegradable
materials. Aside from that, I intend to keep recycling or repurposing viable
stuff for the foreseeable future. I do this because I want to live in a world that
is waste free.

By understanding your categories and disposing of waste accordingly, you

contribute to a cleaner environment and make waste management more
efficient. Remember, if you're ever unsure, check with your local provider for

During the past decades, construction, and demolition (C&D) waste issues
have received increasing attention from both practitioners and researchers
around the world. A plethora of research investigating a wide range of topics
on C&D waste management (WM) has been published in scholarly journals.
The aim of this paper is to develop an intuitive framework to help understand
the state of the art of the C&D WM research. (Weisheng Lu and Hongping
Yuan, 2011)

The Allure of Distance

Might seem like a solution at first glance, it has limitations and isn't the most
sustainable approach.


I dispose my waste, by putting it properly in the trash and making sure it's far
from the people so no one could be harm, because some waste is fragile or
toxic. And knowing if it's biodegradable, non-biodegradable, or recyclable.
Because I want to save the nature.

I dispose my waste, by putting it properly in the trash and making sure it's far
from the people so no one could be harm, because some waste is fragile or
toxic. And knowing if it's biodegradable, non-biodegradable, or recyclable.
Because I want to save the nature.

While putting waste far from people might seem like a solution, it's important
to understand the limitations and potential downsides. Focusing on waste
reduction, responsible disposal methods like recycling and composting, and
exploring innovative solutions is a more sustainable path forward.

This environmental assessment of alternative means for managing food waste

is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. It covers the
service provided by a household in-sink food waste processor (FWP) unit, and
alternatives to it. The three alternatives considered are home composting,
landfilling food waste with municipal waste (“codisposal”) and centralized
composting of green (food and garden) waste. (Sven Lundie & Gregory M.
Peters, 2005)

Throwing Away

laziness in throwing trash away is a big problem. It leads to litter, overflowing

bins, and ultimately, environmental damage.


Gina dispose ko ang aking basura sa pamamagitan ng pagtapon sa

basurahan pero minsan kahit saan saan nalang dahil alam ko na kung tatagal
sa lupa ang basura ay matutunaw rin naman ito at ang maging compose na
pwedeng taniman ng halaman. Dahil siguro sa katamaran na maghanap ng
basurahan at dahil na rin siguro ako ay wala masyadong pakialam sa
I am disposing my waste by throwing my trash but sometimes I am throwing it
everywhere because I know that if the trash stays on the ground for a long
time, it will decay and will become a fertilizer for plants. Because of being lazy
on finding trash bins and also because of not being bothered by the

This waste is generated in hospitals during different healthcare activities such

as pathological diagnostic, surgery, etc. (Ankur Chauhan and Amol Singh,

Bin Heroes

Bin heroes’ segregates wastes not only for her own good but also thinks about
the impact of it for the other people and also for the environment.


Dispose my waste by sorting it into recyclable and non-recyclable materials

and Then placing Them in the appropriate bins for collection Additionally i
compose organic waste like foods scraps and yard trimmings to reduce the
amount of waste send to landfills. To help the environment.

Dispose my waste by sorting it into recyclable and non-recyclable materials

and Then placing Them in the appropriate bins for collection Additionally i
compose organic waste like foods scraps and yard trimmings to reduce the
amount of waste send to landfills. To help the environment.

Being able to help both your fellow humans and the environment by just doing
small work has a big impact to both of them and it is a good practice to be
able to determine which categories your waste belongs.

Our planet is facing an unprecedented waste crisis. With landfills reaching

their limits and seas becoming increasingly polluted, it’s time for us to take
responsibility and make a change. The good news is that there are plenty of
eco-heroes out there who are leading the way in waste reduction, inspiring us
all to do our part and make a difference. (Rory Broughal) (2023)



Zero Waste Aspirant

Has the goal of having a zero non-segregated waste.


By practicing proper waste segregation. By learning something from

school on how to properly segregate and by always throwing waste at the
designated trash bins, because now I’ve come to realize that properly
throwing and segregating waste can be a big help to the environment. By now
it is instilled in my mind that our world should have zero waste.

By practicing proper waste segregation. By learning something from

school on how to properly segregate and by always throwing waste at the
designated trash bins, because now I’ve come to realize that properly
throwing and segregating waste can be a big help to the environment. By now
it is instilled in my mind that our world should have zero waste.

We humans are lucky that our environment provides something for us,
so in order to reciprocate that we need to throw away our trashes properly as
it is the most easy thing to do to help our environment.

“Zero waste” is a way of living that promotes the objective of lowering the
quantity of stuff we throw away. It is an advocacy effort aimed at assisting
people ethically, economically, and efficiently transforming their lifestyles and
habits toward sustainable systems, as well as ensuring that wastes become
beneficial for other purposes a systematic design and management of
products and processes are required to reduce the amount of waste created,
eliminate toxicity in the resulting waste, and conserve and recover resources.
(Aya shikinah F. Hibaler) (2022)

Encourages personal responsibility

An Eco-organizer person gradually throws trash in an organized manner.


I can contribute to minimize proper waste disposal by following several

methods of waste management like segregation, reduction, reuse, and
recycling. Even though I’m in a rush I should never forget to throw away my
trash properly, instead of just throwing it away wherever.

I can contribute to minimize proper waste disposal by following several

methods of waste management like segregation, reduction, reuse, and
recycling. Even though I’m in a rush I should never forget to throw away my
trash properly, instead of just throwing it away wherever.

Having a mindset that a busy schedule cannot hinder us from throwing away
trashes and recycling it if possible is a good mindset that this student S2

Taking responsibility for waste management has been an emotional journey

for me. It's been a process of recognizing the impact of my actions on the
environment and taking steps to reduce that impact. But it's also been
empowering, as I've realized that even small actions can make a big
difference when it comes to protecting our planet.

(Ahlström, R., Gärling, T. & Thøgersen, J.) (2020)

Education and awareness

By using the knowledge gained from school, they apply that into segregating
their wastes properly.

I can contribute to minimize improper waste disposal through education and
awareness. Educating myself and others about the importance of proper
waste disposal. In order to properly know the biodegradability of my trash, I
would look up information about its material.

I can contribute to minimize improper waste disposal through education and

awareness. Educating myself and others about the importance of proper
waste disposal. In order to properly know the biodegradability of my trash, I
would look up information about its material.


By conducting campaigns at school so we can stay informed and educate

myself about the importance of, about the importance of uhmm, proper waste
segregation. Because by proper knowledge we can be aware of what proper
waste segregation can do to help in restoring the beauty of nature. By these I
can also make up to the mistake that I have done in the past because of

By conducting campaigns at school so we can stay informed and educate

myself about the importance of proper waste segregation. Because by proper
knowledge we can be aware of what proper waste segregation can do to help
in restoring the beauty of nature. By these I can also make up to the mistake
that I have done in the past because of carelessness.

Using acquired knowledge from the teachings at school and applying that into
real life situations specially in throwing waste properly is very helpful because
not only you can help the environment but also you can help everyone by
being a role model to them.

There is still the need for the school to encourage through education and
awareness on managing solid waste in the campus. This can be done by
raising the students’ education and awareness level of waste. To achieve this,
a carefully thought-out waste education and awareness strategy must be
developed in order to change students’ habits and behaviour and traditions.
(Asmawati Desa, Nor Ba’yah Abd Kadir, Fatimah Yusooff) (2012)

Mindful Consumer

A mindful consumer uses alternatives and chooses reusable items in order to

minimize usage of waste.


Maka contribute ako instead of buying bottled water mag balon dulang ko
nung nasa, nung nasa uhmmm, wait, nung nasa tumbler, tapos instead of
using plastics maghanap ako ng alternative ng plastics like mga burutangan
ka mga aluminum nga, aluminum nga, uhmmm lunch box so maka minimize
ako ng gamit ko na waste. Kay na realize ko na it is better to reduce our
usage of waste para maka bulig sa aton environment. Na imbis na mag tapon
nalang kung diin diin mag dala nalang ako ng alternatives para wala nalang
ko sang basura.

I can contribute by using my tumbler instead of buying bottled water, and

instead of using plastics I will find alternatives like aluminum lunch box for my
foods so I can minimize my usage of wastes. Because I realized that it is
better to reduce our usage of waste to help our environment. That we should
make it a habit to find an alternative to reduce waste and not to throw it

Finding alternatives to reduce the usage of waste is like saving our planet
earth 25% higher from destruction, and being mindful about what you can
help to the environment is a good behavior that we all should attain like this

Transcending its origins in wellness and spirituality to serve as a cornerstone

for tackling complex societal challenges, mindfulness awakens a keen sense
of awareness regarding our daily consumption patterns and waste disposal
habits. (Bernama) (2023)

Bin Heroes
Bin heroes segregates wastes not only for her own good but also thinks about
the impact of it for the other people and also for the environment.


I can contribute to minimize the impact of improper waste disposal by

segregating my wastes into different categories such as plactics, paper, glass,
and organic waste. So, I can make it easier for the waste management
companies to recycle and dispose waste properly. I ensure that I am well
aware of the importance of waste segregation and the proper procedure for
segregating different types of waste.

I can contribute to minimize the impact of improper waste disposal by

segregating my wastes into different categories such as plastics, paper, glass,
and organic waste. So, I can make it easier for the waste management
companies to recycle and dispose waste properly. I ensure that I am well
aware of the importance of waste segregation and the proper procedure for
segregating different types of waste.

Being able to help both your fellow humans and the environment by just doing
small work has a big impact to them and it is a good practice to be able to
determine which categories your waste belongs.

Our planet is facing an unprecedented waste crisis. With landfills reaching

their limits and seas becoming increasingly polluted, it’s time for us to take
responsibility and make a change. The good news is that there are plenty of
eco-heroes out there who are leading the way in waste reduction, inspiring us
all to do our part and make a difference. (Rory Broughal) (2023)

Catalyst for Change

Gradually takes a good care of the environment to make an effective change
that can surely have a good effect for the people and the community.


By showing more care in the environment and within the school premises. By
making it a habit and continuing to dispose waste properly. Because proper
waste segregation can make a change for our environment and in our school.

By showing more care in the environment and within the school premises. By
making it a habit to continuously dispose waste properly. Because proper
waste segregation can make a change for our environment and in our school.

Having the mindset of being persistent in making a change and exploring

things to make that change effective is a great kind of practice that could also
be followed by others.

Humans are the key element in the waste cycle: from extraction and
processing of raw materials, over the manufacturing of products to their
disposal. Depending on how well a community is informed and aware of what
type of waste it generates and its potential impacts on the natural ecosystem
and human health, a waste management system can bring benefits and
generate wealth or cause serious environmental and health hazards. Thus, by
doing remarkable things we can help to make a change in the environment.
(Odessa Decano,.2022)

Education and Awareness

By their obtained knowledge they apply it into real life situation on how to
properly segregate and

I can cope through awareness and education. Putting the reduce, reuse, and
recycle into practice and participating in school activities. Simple acts like
cleaning and proper sorting of waste are a good start to make a big
contribution to have a more sustainable and cleaner environment. I can
maintain practicing proper waste disposal by uhmmm, including it in my
everyday practice to help me develop uhmm, the habit of segregating my
garbage into different categories.

I can cope through awareness and education. Putting the reduce, reuse, and
recycle into practice and participating in school activities. Simple acts like
cleaning and proper sorting of waste are a good start to make a big
contribution to have a more sustainable and cleaner environment. I can
maintain practicing proper waste disposal by including it in my everyday
practice to help me develop the habit of segregating my garbage into different


By educating myself about the importance of proper waste disposal and the
impact of improper waste disposal on the environment and the human health.
We should make proper waste disposal as our habit. Incorporating proper
waste disposal into my daily routine. I will show others how I separate my own
waste and dispose it in a correct manner.

By educating myself about the importance of proper waste disposal and the
impact of improper waste disposal on the environment and the human health.
We should make proper waste disposal as our habit. Incorporating proper
waste disposal into my daily routine. I will show others how I separate my own
waste and dispose it in a correct manner.

Having the drive to apply the learnings learned from school to real life
situation such as properly disposing waste is a kind act that can have a big
impact to the nature.
There is still the need for the school to encourage through education and
awareness on managing solid waste in the campus. This can be done by
raising the students’ education and awareness level of waste. To achieve this,
a carefully thought-out waste education and awareness strategy must be
developed in order to change students’ habits and behaviour and traditions.

(Asmawati Desa, Nor Ba’yah Abd Kadir, Fatimah Yusooff) (2012)

Building a Better Tomorrow

Would not hesitate to actively participate in campaigns that could be helpful

for the environment and can build a sustainable and clean surrounding.


By conducting campaigns about proper waste disposal. I could get involve in

some activities like volunteering for some clean up events. I would also look
for some informations about proper waste disposal so it can help me how to
properly throw trash and for me to know the importance of how proper waste
disposal helps our surrounding to be clean.

By conducting campaigns about proper waste disposal. I could get involve in

some activities like volunteering for some clean up events. I would also look
for some informations about proper waste disposal so it can help me how to
properly throw trash and for me to know the importance of how proper waste
disposal helps our surrounding to be clean.

Participating in clean up events and making sure what type of waste you do
have is a great gesture to help workers in reducing their workload and most
importantly it can be a big help for the environment.

Every day, we fill up our rubbish bins with big and small things. We’re using –
and wasting – more energy and resources than ever before, and this isn’t
good news for the planet. Students discover the hidden reasons to reduce,
reuse, and recycle with this educational activity. Educational activities are a
way to supplement lessons taught in the classroom. There are also a way of
bringing environmental education outside of the classroom and into
extracurricular activities. (Apple Aegan, 2017)

Rule Follower

Follows the rules and regulations regarding the proper way of disposing


By following the rules and by disciplining ourselves and following the rules
that cope to maintain the cleanliness in the environment. By reminding myself
na kung paano mag proper waste disposal tung mga 4r’s e remind ko palagi
yung sarili ko kung paano yun himoon and by doing that. Edidisiplina ko anay
ang sarili ko to be a good model for others para e follow din nila ang ginagawa

I can cope to maintain the cleanliness of the environment by following the

rules and by disciplining myself. By reminding myself on how to properly
dispose waste and I will always remind myself on how to always do the rule of
4r’s. I will discipline myself first in order to be a good model for others, and for
them to also follow what I do.

Disciplining oneself about the importance of disposing waste and following the
guidelines set for properly segregating waste is a good practice that all should

The Republic Act (RA) 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act of 2000, provides the necessary policy framework,
institutional mechanisms and mandate to the local government unites (LGUs)
to achieve 25% waste reduction through establishing an integrated solid
waste management plan based on 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycling).
(Premakumara Jagath DICKELLA GAMARALALAGE Aloysius Mariae L.
Canete Masaya Nagaishi, March 2013)
Zero Waste Aspirants

Has the goal of having a zero non-segregated waste.


By segregating waste into recyclable and non-recyclable. To be informed

about the waste management practices and recycling and by educating
myself about the importance of waste disposal. Being aware of what are the
consequences if I could not maintain the practice of throwing trashes in their
designated bins.

By segregating waste into recyclable and non-recyclable. To be informed

about the waste management practices and recycling and by educating
myself about the importance of waste disposal. Being aware of what are the
consequences if I could not maintain the practice of throwing trashes in their
designated bins.

Being thoughtful of the impact if they would be careless in disposing waste

and has the mindset of not leaving any trashes unattended.

Zero waste” is a way of living that promotes the objective of lowering the “
quantity of stuff we throw away. It is an advocacy effort aimed at assisting
people ethically, economically, and efficiently transforming their lifestyles and
habits toward sustainable systems, as well as ensuring that wastes become
beneficial for other purposes a systematic design and management of
products and processes are required to reduce the amount of waste created,
eliminate toxicity in the resulting waste, and conserve and recover resources.
(Aya shikinah F. Hibaler, 2022)



Based on the study's findings, the researchers draw the conclusion that
the some of students were disposing their waste improperly rather than
properly for the following reasons: a lack of awareness and understanding on
the part of the students and an improper attitude toward the proper disposal of


The researchers provide the following suggestions in light of the study's


 The implementation of solid waste management at Notre Dame of

Tulunan Inc. must be prioritized by the SSG officers first. If this is done,
and the violators are appropriately sanctioned, it is possible that the
issue of improper waste disposal will lessen or perhaps eliminated.
 The teachers and the staffs should be a help, a role model, and a
source of knowledge. The students must always see that they practice
what to actually do when there are waste and what to do with it, with
that they will follow that practice and also apply it in actual.

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