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1, COca-cola — oPen Happiness | AbOUE the Advert rsement: “the Clca-cola ofen Happiness camPar Tecan oa ireic: ee _whethe? her tts leentered annlnd the tdea | Of SPACAALN My ana past wvity thadgh the semPlle act Of “shaarn @ COke, The Advertisements Often dePtet Seenes of PedP. Te nen ALVeASEe. coated cOML ¥ ether, UWA LNG, ANA e tote ete one s 0-60) cn of FALENAS Nect ri ia che Zerrony be ouP [SHGATNG favgn. a ae ra Ver a neal, On stnandpAs cio as ether Cn \MexPected Ways, the message Ls 5 cfean” Coea-cola pas (tnd Power 10 bacrt People chosen and cheate moments oF hapPrness i where YOu Saw 1 the Advert LSement The COce-Cola oPen HaPPiness cam Paegn can SeeN AchOSS VAALOVS Plat foams nel Wa Ny LeleviscOm cOmmese cals bulb taaids, Pat nt Cade. an a) a lo esis 7 Qe. a des tive vent Nich as oat Ng LDuKa dane + 0, APPeal used LN the Advert Lsement: ‘the appeal Vsed Ln the Ctca-cofa open. peach": |HAPPLNess camPparon vs Parmaacly emdtconal, | oy tapping cnto V Lversal Jeet ot a |cdANect LON, aNd celebratory, Chca-Cofa creMes a staong emdtronal bond with ts avarence, The Advert Sements arm tO evdke Pdsittve emdtLOns ana aes ass0e Lat ing, the baand woth moments OF Shared haPPrness ANd camandderte [best Pant That AliAacted YOUI [what attaacts me most the etearcola oPen happiness camPargn cs ; Abul ct 40 caPturc the essence Of Pisul mdments andi ceflebr PE | [the Acveascty Of “human exPerlenices, The | _incLuswity UF the camPpacan, shdneasen PedPhe soon AcFtenent cultures and vacate cOMiNgG together WeA A Shaded Love Jor Clea-cola LS bth Weaatwaaming and cnsPracng Thadrtimatiy, the cateny qongbe and 1 Lbaant LSvals ada TO 4 Oven LY a Lamang tt. membiacblle ama VP Le ftemg Th lS Advertise =colas baana valves Of SS Makeng ct a | 2, amul - the taste Of Indra | AbOUL the Advert usement: | Ambvls the taste Of Indra camPargn celebadtes [tne Ateh cubunasy jheactage 0} of 2 een a AcveRSe Aa ge of ACLAY PAOAUCTS Offered by the baad, The Advertisements Often eatWae cB, Loa PUL aNa VebAaNE viusvals Of NAALOUS i tnacan ALSheS Made VSLNG AMUL PADAVeES InceghLcrgnteng the baands “Adle tn enhanern [the Ahavons OF taaactromafl Indran cveseme, Sala “whete YOU Saw the Advert eseme: | the Amul The ate t at Tnaca edn PA gn can be sPOtted acndss multcPle PLat forms TeLvarcng, Televi S On cOrnrmerccals, biffboanas Paint aas © aNd Steal media, Tts PAOMiNentL = AVALNG cOOKLNG ShOWS SOO jest ale Na —_ leultural evenfs where Amu es | Avan tod 40 : ‘ana emPnras LELNg, the athenttle taste. 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Vae Of ALG, ee LO al _| About the Advert Lsement: lnange Of watches ANd Gecessttles, The “TLtans Cefebacte Every Moment camPacgn [RevOlves aAdINA the cael er ung Leses |SPeccal mdments and me Gavert sements Otten dePict heartwarming __|seenes OF cndivedvalls maaking seanefrcant | where Nou San the Advert iserment: jOceAStONS, Sieh As wees ACAVALLONS, OA PAOMot cons, With & TLtan “temeP Lece, __ symbol eur the Lumeless valve OF these moments, | the tetan Celebrate Every i Moment camPargn [us veseble On vaacous Pla JOAMS, CNeLVAcn 7 televi sin cOmmererals, 2 4 cto). 045 5 Geen ee limestone arsPlays, Its Paaticvlaaly 4 PaOmenent AVAL festive S easons. ge At ng Oct SONS ANA SPeccal events, where 7 TCLAN emPnasrées the Lm Ppoatance 0,) “cme OAL Lng Lefes melestones with thetr PAOAUCES APPeal used LN the Advert rsementi ‘advent LSements Aum 10 evdke teof ngs 04 © nostahaca, ANA ANE LELPAL LON, eNcb' wie [Nlewers 10 LNVest Ln a Lume? 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