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Article 257 – Non-Abridgment of Right to Self-Organization Union security clause – requires membership in the union so that

 Includes at least 2 rights: an employee may retain his job and the union’s existence is assured.
1. Right to form, assist, or join a labor organization.
2. Right to engage in lawful concerted activities. Closed-shop – only union members can be hired by the company
but must remain as union members to retain employment in the
Concerted Activity – refers to individual employee trying to company.
encourage a group action for collective bargaining or for mutual aid
and protection. Union shop – non-members may be hired but to retain
employment, they must become union members after certain
Interboro Doctrine – an individual’s assertion of a right grounded in period. Applies to present & future employees.
a CBA is recognized as a concerted activity, and therefore granted
protection of Section 7 of the NLR Act. Agency shop – agreement whereby employees either join the union
or pay to the union as EBA a sum equal to that paid by the
members. It prevents situation where non-union members enrich
Article 258 – Concept of ULP themselves at the expense of union members. Also known as
 It is unlawful for any person to restrain, coerce, discriminate treasury shop.
against or unduly interfere w/ the exercise of the right to
self-organization. Free riders -employees who benefit from union activities w/o
 ULP is not only a violation of civil rights but also a criminal contributing financially to union.
offense against the State.
 It is an offense against a public right or interest and should Runaway shop – business relocation to escape union labor
be prosecuted in the same manner as a public offense. regulations or state law.
 Civil aspect – under jurisdiction of Labor Arbiter
Right-to-Work law – a law that prohibits agreement requiring
2 Elements of ULP: membership in a labor organization as a condition of employment.
1. Employer-employee relationship between the offender
and the offended. Industrial Peace Act – guarantees the right of all employees to self-
2. Act done is an act of ULP. organization and to form, assist, & join labor organization of their
own choosing.


1. Religious Objectors – members in a religious sect that
prohibits membership in a labor union. Protected by RA
2. Members of minority unions
3. Confidential employees – CBA does not apply to them. 2. Chapter’s CBLs w/c can be the same as that of
4. Employees expressly excluded by CBA stipulation. federation.
Featherbedding – employee practices w/c create employment by When does a Chapter become an LLO?
unnecessarily increasing the number of employees used to work on  Upon the issuance of its CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION or
Confidential Employees – are those who assist and act in a REVOCATION OF CHARTER
confidential capacity to, or have access to confidential matters to, 1. The federation shall serve the local union a VERIFIED
persons who exercise managerial functions in the field of labor NOTICE OF REVOCATION
relations. 2. Copy furnished to BLR on the ground of disloyalty, or
 An important element in the confidential employee rule is such other ground as may be stated in the CBL of the
the employee’s access to confidential labor relations federation.
information w/ respect to his employer, the union or CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION – Grounds
association. 1. Misrepresentation, false statement, or fraud in connection
 The confidentiality of the position should relate to labor w/ the adoption of CBLs.
relations matters. 2. Misrepresentation, false statement, or fraud in connection
 They are prohibited from engaging in union activities w/ election of officers.
because in the course of their duties, they become aware of 3. Voluntary dissolution by the members.
management policies relating to labor relations. CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION OF LOCAL/CHAPTER
 Chapter will lose its status as LLO, unless they are covered by
CHARTERING – when a duly registered federation or national union a duly registered CBA.
issues a charter certificate to a union in an enterprise level and  In this case, they are allowed to register as INDEPENDENT
registers the creation of the chapter w/ DOLE Regional Office where UNION.
the applicant operates.  Otherwise, they will lose their legitimate status upon the
 The union recipient of the charter certificate is called a expiration of the CBA.
 It shall acquire LEGAL PERSONALITY on the date of issuance CHARTERING vs. AFFILIATION
of a charter certificate. 1. An affiliate is always an independent registered union (an
 The legal personality is ONLY for purposes of filing a petition LLO), while a chartered local is not an LLO.
for certification election. 2. An affiliate does not lose its legal personality despite
 The chapter shall be entitled to all other rights and privileges affiliation w/ a federation, while a chartered local acquires
of an LLO ONLY upon submission of the following its legal personality from the federation upon issuance of
documents together w/ the charter certificate: charter certificate.
1. Names of chapter’s officers, their address, & 3. A local union owes its existence to the will of its members,
principal office of the chapter. while chartered local owes it to the federation or national
4. A local union is a separate & distinct voluntary association. A
chartered local relies on the status of federation.

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