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Article 250 – Rights & Conditions of Membership 4.

In the absence of CBLs, the implementing rules (IR) of Book 5

shall apply.
 Election of officers – the heart of union democracy 5. The IRs require the incumbent president to create an election
 Fiduciary in nature – dealings between the union & its committee w/in 60 days before expiration of the incumbent
members. officer’s term.
 2 factors: 6. The IRs specify the composition, powers, & duties of the
1. Degree of dependence of employee on the union. election committee.
2. Power vested in the union w/ respect to the employee. 7. If officers w/ expired term do not call an election, the remedy
if for at least 30% of the members to file a petition w/ DOLE
Rights of Union Members: regional office.
1. Political right – member’s right to vote & be voted for.
2. Deliberative & Decision-making right – right to participate in Eligibility of Voters:
deliberations on major policy questions & decide them by  Only members of the union can elect union officers.
secret balloting.  Every member in good standing is entitled to 1 vote.
3. Rights to money matters – right against excessive fees,  A member in good standing is any person who has fulfilled
unauthorized collection of contributions. the requirements for membership in the union, & who has
4. Right to information – right to be informed about the neither voluntarily withdrawn, expelled or suspended from
organization’s constitution & by-laws & CBA. membership.
 May require period of prior membership, such as 6 mos. or 1
 When & how does an employee become a union member? year.
o It depends on the union’s CBLs.  May condition the exercise of the right to vote on payment of
o An employee is already qualified for union dues.
membership starting on his day 1st day of service. o 2 qualifications:
 Inclusion in CBU – depends on determination of its 1. Denying dues-delinquent members the right to vote must
appropriateness under Articles 240 & 267. be applied uniformly.
 Inclusion in a union – depends on the union’s CBLs. 2. Members must be given opportunity to pay dues,
 Inclusion in the CBA – depends on the stipulations in the CBA. including grace period.

Election of Officers:  One should be employed in the company to qualify as officer

1. Officers are elected directly by the members in secret of a union in that company.
balloting.  No person convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude
2. Election takes place at intervals of 5 years. shall be eligible for election.
3. Positions to fill up, how, & where depend on the union’s  Any individual who belongs to a subversive organization or
CBLs. any subversive activity shall not be admitted as a union
 If intra-union remedy failed to correct any violation, the case
MORAL TURPITUDE – an act or behavior that gravely violates the can be filed w/ the BLR w/c is authorized to hear & decide
accepted standard of the society. cases of this nature.
 EXCEPTIONS on exhaustion of Admin. Remedies:
SUBVERSIVE ORGANIZATION – an organization that advocates for o The complaint filed is against the union and its
the overthrow of an incumbent government by force & violence. incumbent officers, or board of directors.
o Violation of due process.
Procedures in Impeachment:
1. It should be initiated by a petition signed by at least 30% of  Violation of conditions of membership results to cancellation
all bona fide members of the union. of union registration or expulsion of culpable officers.
2. A gen. membership meeting shall be convened by the board
chairman to consider the impeachment.  EXCEPTION: When such violation affects only 1 or 2
3. Before impeachment vote, the union officer who is filed w/ members, then only 1 or 2 members would be enough to
impeachment shall be given opportunity to defend himself. report such violations.
4. Majority of all the members shall be required to impeach or
recall an officer. VISITORIAL POWER
 The SOLE or his duly authorized representative shall inquire
 A union member may be expelled only for a valid cause, & by into the financial activities of any labor organization on the
following the procedures in the CBLs of the union. basis of a complaint under oath, supported by 20% of the
 Expulsion of a member for arbitrary or impetuous reason membership in order to determine compliance or non-
may amount to ULP by the union. compliance w/ the laws % to aid in the prosecution of any
Relief within the Union:
 Redress must first be sought within the union in accordance CHECK OFF – method of deducting from an employee’s pay at
w/ its CBLs in order to: prescribed period, the amounts of union fees, fines, or assessments.
o Give the grievance machinery of the union the o Union dues must be recognized by employer or authorized in
opportunity to decide the matter by itself. writing by the employee.
o To prevent unnecessary & premature resort to judicial o Must be reasonable.
bodies. o Union dues must be approved by the members themselves.

Rule on Exhaustion of Administrative Remedies – when the DUES – payments to meet the union’s general & current obligations.
grievance machinery is given the chance to pass upon the matter, it ASSESSMENT – payments used for special purpose, required only for
will decide the same correctly. a limited time.
o No special assessment, attorney’s fees or negotiation fees  Payment of union dues & agency fees are personal
may be checked off w/o the worker’s written authorization obligations of an employee not demandable from the
duly signed by him. Authorization should state the amount, employer upon refusal of the employee to consent to a check
purpose, & beneficiary of the deduction. off.
o Attorney’s fees may not be checked off w/o his written
consent, except for mandatory activities. Regional Director of DOLE – has jurisdiction over check off
o Mandatory activity – a judicial process of settling disputes disputes.
laid down by the law. It may be checked-off from any amount BLR – has jurisdiction over cases of violations in Art. 250 w/ their
due to an employee w/o the individual written check-off appropriate penalty.

3 Requisites to Collect Special Assessment: ARTICLE 251 – Rights of LLO

1. Authorization by a written resolution of the majority of all
the members at the general membership meeting duly called 1. To act as representatives of its members for the purpose of
for that purpose. CB.
2. Secretary’s record of the minutes of the meeting. 2. To be certified as the exclusive representative of all
3. Individual written authorization for check-off duly signed by employees in a CBU.
the employee. 3. To be furnished by the employer upon written request, w/
the annual financial report, w/in 30 days from receipt of the
 AGENCY FEE - an amount equivalent to union dues w/c a request.
non-union member pays to the union because he benefits 4. To own real & personal properties for the use & benefit of
from the CBA. It is “agency fee” because the union serves as the labor organization & its members.
the agent in negotiating the CBA. Check off is allowed. 5. To sue & be sued in its registered name.
6. To undertake all other activities for the benefit of the
Employer’s Liability in Check-off Arrangement: organization & its members.
 No provision in the law that makes an employer directly
liable if it failed to deduct union dues & assessment from  The 1st three rights pertain to a union selected as EBR.
employee’s salaries & wages pursuant to check-off  To negotiate a CBA, the union must be certified by DOLE as
stipulation. the SEBA.
 Failure to deduct may constitute a violation of a contractual
commitment w/c may incur liability for ULP. The Union as Representative:
 Employer is not liable to the union for uncollected dues or  Without CBA, the union need only be registered w/ DOLE.
assessment.  To negotiate a CBA, the union must be certified by DOLE as
 Checkoffs impose extra burden on the employer for being the EBR.
additional administrative & bookkeeping costs.  A labor union represents its members against ULP.
 It has personality to sue on behalf of its members for their 3. List of members at least once a year.
individual money claim.
 Failure to comply shall subject the erring officers or members
Members Distrusting their Union: to suspension, or expulsion from membership.
 Authority of a union includes power to represent its
members for the purpose of enforcing the provisions of CBA.
 When a union files a case on behalf of its members, the
members are not permitted file in the same case a
‘COMPLAINT-IN-INTERVENTION’ even if the union was not Article 253 – Coverage & Employees Right to Self-Organization
pursuing the case properly.  The right to organize & to bargain are NOT given exclusively
 The intervention may be allowed when there is fraud, to employees.
collusion or that the representative will not act in good faith.  Employed in commercial, industrial, agricultural, religious,
 Magna Carta of Labor – promotes the settlement of charitable, medical, or educational.
differences.  Even workers who are not employees may form their
organization to protect their interests.
Compromise on Money Claims:  The right to form a labor organization is granted to all kinds
 Money claims- cannot be the subject of settlement or of workers and employees.
compromise agreement w/o consent of each worker.  Exception: Managerial Employees – they would be exposed
 The beneficiaries are the complainants themselves. to the temptation of conspiring w/ the union during the
 The union can only assist them but cannot decide for them. negotiations to the detriment of the employer.
 Authority of the union to waive or quitclaim a judgment
award must be expressly granted by the worker.  Employees of non-profit medical institutions are permitted to
 The court should verify and assure itself the fact & extent of form labor unions for purposes of CB.
the authority of the union leadership to execute any  Union must be certified by DOLE to become EBR.
compromise or settlement on behalf of the workers.
 Waiver of money claims by workers is a personal right that EXCEPTION: Employee-Members of Cooperative
must be personally exercised.  Cooperatives – run & operate either by persons, partnerships
 For a waiver to be legally effective, the individual consent of or corporations.
the workers involved must be shown.  Its owners or/and members run the business.
 An employee of cooperative who is also a member & co-
Article 252 – Reportorial Requirements owner cannot invoke the right to CB.
 Documents to be submitted to BLR by LLO:  Employees who are not co-owners are entitled to rights of all
1. CBLs w/in 30 days from adoption or ratification of CBLs. workers organization.
2. List of officers, minutes of election, & list of voters w/in  It is the fact of ownership that disqualifies a member from
30 days from election. joining a labor organization.
 All members cannot form or join a labor org. for the purpose  Government employees are guaranteed their right to
of CB. organize & to negotiate, but not the right to strike.
 A member-employee may withdraw from membership in  The right to form organizations is for the furtherance and
order to join a labor organization. protection of their interests.
 The right to self-organization is denied for purposes of
Exception to Exception: members-employees of cooperative cannot collective bargaining is because the terms and conditions of
unionize for CB but are not prohibited from forming an association. government employment are fixed by law & not by
(worker’s association) collective bargaining.
Exceptions:  Only those terms and conditions not fixed by law that may be
1. International Organizations the subject of negotiation.
 Employees of an organization immune from Philippine  Not negotiable: (requires appropriations of fund) salary
jurisdiction cannot unionize. emoluments & other allowances, hospitalization, increase in
 Examples: IRRI & ICMC retirement benefits.
 Negotiable: schedule of leaves, work assignment of pregnant
2. Foreign Workers & Foreign Corporations women.
 Strictly prohibited from engaging directly or indirectly
in all forms of trade union activities. The 1987 Constitution
 Aliens workers w/ valid work permits may exercise  The right to self-organization shall not be denied to gov’t.
self-organization if they are nationals of a country that employees.
grants the same right to Filipino workers.  The state shall guarantee the rights of all workers to self-
organization, collective bargaining & negotiations, including
3. Iglesia Ni Cristo Members (religious objector) the right to strike in accordance w/ law.
 Closed shop – an agreement whereby an employer
agrees to hire and retain in employment only persons CSC Memorandum Circular No.6
who are members of a union. (Industrial Peace Act) o The Commission prohibits all gov’t, officers & employees
 Union security from staging strikes and other forms of mass action w/c will
 Iglesia ni Cristo are exempted from compulsory union result in temporary stoppage or disruption of public services.
membership. (RA No. 3350)
 Despite any closed shop agreement, the members Executive Order No. 180
cannot be refused employment or dismissed from o The right to self-organization pertains to all employees of all
their jobs on the sole ground that they are not branches and agencies of the gov’t., including GOCCs w/
members of the CBU. original charter.
o Such employees shall not be discriminated against in respect
Article 254 – Right of Employees in the Public Service of their employment by reason of their membership in
employees’ organization.
o Employment shall not be subject to the condition that they  The resolution of complaints & grievances are not left to
shall not join or relinquish their membership in the collective bargaining, but to CS Law & Labor Laws &
employee’s organization. procedures.
o Established the Public Sector Labor Management Council, to  The parties may refer any unresolved dispute after
implement EO No. 180. The council formulated & issued the exhausting all available remedies to the Public Sector Labor-
IRRs of EO No. 180. Management Council (PSLMC).
 Since the terms & conditions of employment in the
government, including GOCCs, are governed by law, the
employees SHALL NOT STRIKE for the purpose of securing

No Signing Bonus:  Gov’t. employees’ organization shall register w/ CSC & the
 Signing bonus is a sum of money paid to a new employee by DOLE.
the company as an incentive to join the company.  The application shall be filed w/ the BLR of DOLE.
 Collective negotiation agreement does not include signing  Applications may also be filed w/ the Regional Office of DOLE,
bonuses because such negotiation in the public sector doe w/c will transmit the said application to the BLR w/in 3 days.
does not encompass appropriations of public funds.  Upon approval of application, a registration certificate shall
be issued, recognizing it as legitimate employees’
Employees exempted from E.O. No. 180 for reason of security. They organization.
are not allowed to unionize.  The registration certificate shall be jointly approved by the
1. AFP Chairman of CSC and the SOLE.
2. Policemen
3. Firemen  Certification Election – may be conducted by the BLR,
4. Jail guards whether governed by civil service or labor code rules.
 Civil Service – covers only GOCCs w/ original or legislative
 High level employee – one whose functions are considered charter, that is, those created by an act of Congress or special
policy determining, managerial, or one whose duties are law.
highly confidential in nature.  Labor Code – covers GOCCs w/o original charter.
 Rank & file employees – ordinary workers in a company who
are not leaders or managers. PSLMC – has jurisdiction to hear charges of ULP filed by gov’t.
employees against their employer.
RIGHT TO STRIKE (E.O. No. 180) o May also rule on dismissal, if the 2 issues – ULP & dismissal-
 Must be exercise I accordance w/ law, subject to CS Law & are interlinked.
rules, & any legislation that may be enacted by Congress.
Article 255
o Managerial employees – cannot form labor org. R.A. 6715 – (Herrera-Veloso amendment) retain the ineligibility of
o Supervisory employees – not eligible in CBU of rank & file. managerial employees but revive the right of supervisory employees
o Rank & file union & Supervisor’s union in same establishment to unionize.
may join the same federation or national union.
Definitions of Manager & Supervisor:
Article 256  A supervisor has the power only to recommend while a
 Inclusion as union members of employees outside the BU managerial employee has the power to decide & do those
shall not be ground for cancellation of registration. acts.
 Such employees are automatically deemed removed from
the list of membership of said union. SUPERVISOR – the power to recommend requires the use of
independent judgment.
CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYEES  The recommendation should be (a) discretionary or
1. Managerial judgmental (not clerical) (b) independent (not a dictation of
2. Supervisory someone else) (c) effective (given weight in management
3. Rank & file decision).

TYPES PF MANAGERIAL EMPLOYEES MANAGER – one who possesses managerial powers.

1. First-line managers – direct operating employees only; they  To lay down & execute management policies to hire, transfer,
do not supervise other managers. Examples: foreman & suspend, discipline employees.
production supervisor. They are often called supervisors.  Takes part in policy making.
2. Middle managers – direct the activities of other managers &
sometimes also those operating employees.  A manager makes policy decisions or people decisions or
3. Top managers – responsible for overall management of the both, while a supervisor recommends those decisions. One is
organization. a decision maker, one is a recommender.

2 Distinctions:
1. Top & middle managers – those who have the authority to
devise, implement, and control strategic & operational
2. First level managers/supervisors – those whose task is simply
to ensure that such policies are carried out by the rank & file

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