Meg COT 1 PE and Health12 Revised

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Teacher Jornito C. Aniban Learning Area PE and Health

Date February 17, 2022 Quarter 3rd Quarter


A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates an understanding of:

1. Fitness and exercise in optimizing one’s health as a habit; as requisite for physical
activity assessment performance, and as a career opportunity.

B. Performance Standards The learners…

1. Leads fitness events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and
in influencing others positively.

C. Learning Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week
Competencies/Objectives in a variety of settings in- and out-of school

Write LC code for each (PEH12FH-IIa-t-8)



A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide pages 150-160

2. Learner’s Material pages 153-167

3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials from internet

Learning Resource (LR)

B. Other Learning

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity Learners’ Activity


Prayer Please rise for the prayer. Students rise for the prayer.

Our Father, who art in

heaven, hallowed be thy
name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as
it is in heaven. Give us
today our daily bread, and
forgive our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass
against us. Lead us not into
temptation, but deliver from
evil. Amen

Greetings Good morning, class. Good morning, Ma’am

Management and Order Before you take your seats, make sure that your seats are well arranged and Students do as told
there are no pieces of garbage on the floor.
You may now take your seats.

Checking of Attendance Who are absent from the class? None

Very Good. Give five claps to everybody for being present. Students do as told


A. Reviewing previous Review & Drill:

lesson or presenting the
new lesson.

Barriers to physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet

Last week, we have discussed about the barriers to physical activity Students will answer:
assessment participation and one’s diet.

1.Insufficient time to exercise

✔ Monitor your
● What is the solution for this barrier? Give one example. activities for one
week and identify
at least three, 30-
minute slots you
could use for
physical activity.

Example: Walk or
ride your bike to
work or going to

✔ Explain your
interest in physical
activity to your
family and friends.

2.Social influence.

● What is the solution for this barrier?

✔ Schedule physical
activity for times in
the day or week
when you
feel energetic.

3.Lack of motivation and/or energy ✔ Select activities

that require
● What is the solution to this barrier?
minimal facilities or
equipment, such as
jogging, jumping
rope or

4.Lack of resources or equipment.

● What is the solution to this barrier? ✔ Family obligations

✔ Weather conditions

5.What are the other last two common barriers to physical activity?

Very good! All of you have already mastered on the 6 common barriers to
physical activity assessment participation and one’s diet.


Let’s give ourselves 5 claps. (1,2,3,4,5)

Now, today, you will learn to engage in moderate to vigorous physical

activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety
of settings in- and out-of school.

B. Establishing a Purpose The importance of this lesson is that you will be able to move your body just Students listen.
of the Lesson for 60 minutes in most days of the week through physical activities.

At the end of the lesson, each of you is expected to engage in moderate to

vigorous physical activities for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a
variety of settings.

C. Presenting Teacher says: Students listen.

examples/instances of the
new lessons
I am going to show you a certain image. (People dancing)

Who among you here loves to dance? Student answers

What do you do when you dance? Student answers

I will show you another image. (People running)

What is the person doing in the image? Student answers

I will show you another image. (Gardening)

The images are example of physical activities.

Students listen.

Allow me to define the term physical activity.


Unlocking of terms


- simply means movement of the body that uses energy which helps Students listen.
develops bones and muscles, enhance confidence and abilities, and
strengthen the bond between you and your family.

Intensity of Physical Activity

- refers to the rate at which the activity is being performed or the

magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity or exercise.

1. Moderate physical activity

- Requires a moderate amount of effort and noticeably accelerates the heart


- examples:

a. brisk walking

b. dancing
c. gardening

d. housework and chores

e. stretching

2. Vigorous physical activity

- Requires a large amount of effort and causes rapid breathing and a

substantial increase in heart rate.

- examples:

a. Running

b. Fast cycling

c. Fast swimming

d. Competitive sports

We are encouraged to do physical activities at least 60 minutes a day and

these physical activities can be done or performed in a variety of settings like
in or out of the school.

Across Learning Area:

Earth and Life Science, TLE 8

I do:

I am going to engage myself in moderate to vigorous physical activities

(MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety of
settings in- and out-of school by making a plan of daily activities for Monday
and Tuesday as well as the setting or venue of the physical activity to be

Days Physical activity Setting

Monday Gardening In of school

Tuesday Running Out of school



1. Which among the two physical activities that I have listed is a

moderate physical activity?

2. Why is it considered a moderate physical activity?


3. Which among the two physical activities is a vigorous physical


Student explains.
4. Why is it considered a vigorous physical activity?

Student explains.

D. Discussing new Across Learning Area:

concepts and practicing
new skills #1 Science (Biology and Physics)

We do:

The teacher together with the students will make a plan of physical activities
for Wednesday and Thursday as well as the settings or venue of the physical
activity to be done.

Days Physical activity Setting

Wednesday Cleaning the school In of school


Thursday Basketball In of school



1. Which among the two physical activities that I have listed is a

moderate physical activity?
Students answer.
2. Why is it considered a moderate physical activity?

3. Which among the two physical activities is a vigorous physical


4. Why is it considered a vigorous physical activity? Students answer.

You do:

The students will make a plan of physical activities for Friday and Saturday or
Sunday as well as the settings or venue of the physical activity to be done.

Days Physical activity Setting

Friday Baking Out of school

Saturday or Sunday Fast cycling Out of school

Across Learning Area:




1. Explain why is baking considered a moderate physical activity.

2. Explain why is fast cycling considered a vigorous activity.

Do you have any questions or clarifications class?

Students answer.

E. Discussing new concepts

and practicing new skills 1. The learners will be grouped into three.
#2 2. The learners will engage in physical activities based on the task
given to them.

GROUP I (Images of physical activities)

Students will perform.

Days Physical activity Intensity Setting

Students’ answers may

GROUP II (Jumbled words)

Days Physical activity Intensity Setting



GROUP III (Make their own)

Days Physical Intensity Setting



Saturday or

F. Developing mastery Directions:

(Leads to Formative
Assessment 3)
This time, I am going to ask half of the class to engage in a moderate Students will perform.
physical activity (sweeping the floor) and the other half will do a vigorous
physical activity (brushing the floor using a coconut husk).
G. Finding practical The teacher will ask a few questions: Students will answer
application of concepts

1. What happens to us when we do not engage in physical activities?

2. What are the benefits of engaging in physical activities in your life?

The teacher will show two quotes.

Students will listen
1. “Your body is a reflection of your lifestyle.”
2. “Health is not valued until sickness comes.” – Thomas Fuller
3. “Life is happy when you are healthy.”

Every day is an opportunity to engage in physical activities whether it be

moderate or vigorous.

Set goals and make plans in engaging physical activities in most days of the
week because this will greatly help you not just keeping your body shape but
it can also keep you healthy.

H. Making generalizations What did you learn today? I have learned to engage in
and abstractions about the moderate to vigorous
lesson physical activities for at
least 60 minutes most days
of the week in a variety of

Student answers.

What is a moderate physical activity? Give an example.

Student answers.

What is a vigorous physical activity? Give an example.

None, Ma’am

So, do you have any questions and clarifications before we proceed?

I. Evaluating learning The teacher will show images and words of physical activities and instruct Students will answer
the learners to engage the physical activities being shown. individually.

J. Additional Activities for ½ crosswise sheet of paper

Application or Remediation


Engage in MVPAs by making your own week plan of physical activities

including the setting of each activity.
Prepared by:


SHS Teacher II

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