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The Lesson Design

1. Routine information of the lesson:

 Grade: 10
 Date and duration of lesson: 03 may 2024
 Lesson Topic: sentence types

2. Purpose of this lesson: What should learners know and/or be able to do by the end of the lesson?
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to identify and explain various types of sentences.
Learners will be able to demonstrate their understanding through written assessments where they
will form at least three sentences of each. The purpose of this lesson on types of sentences is to
help students understand and identify the different types of sentences: simple, compound, and
complex. By engaging in exercises that require students to analyze and categorize sentences, the
lesson aims to enhance their understanding of sentence structure and improve their writing skills.
This lesson also helps students differentiate between the types of sentences and how they
contribute to effective communication in writing.

3. Explain the most important knowledge to be taught during this lesson. Include the key concept/s, the
things that the learners learn about them and the ways ideas are connected.

The most important knowledge to be taught during this lesson is the simple sentence which consists
of single independent clause, compound sentence which is a sentence that consists of two or more
independent clauses joined together by coordinating punctuation marks and a complex sentence
which is a type of a sentence that consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent

4. Which teaching and learning strategies will you use, and why are they appropriate to use for this
topic and this class of learners?

The lesson will start at a low sematic wave where learners will demonstrate their prior knowledge. By
explaining what they know about type of sentence structure. Learners will create their own examples
of simple, Compound and complex sentences to show their understanding of the concepts. At the
end of the lesson learners will be given an activity where access their understanding .
5. Write the sequence of lesson steps that build a process of learning.
Lesson Describe what happens in each lesson step Resources to
step and be used
purpose What will the teacher explain / ask / do? What do you want the learners to discuss,
answer or do? By themselves, in partners or in
Introduce A sentence is a grammatical unit that expresses a Powerpoint
the topic. complete thought. It typically consists of a subject
and a verb, and it conveys a statement, question,
command, or exclamation. In writing, a sentence
starts with a capital letter and ends with a
punctuation mark, such as a period (.), question
mark (?), or exclamation point (!).
For example: "The sun is shining brightly."

Learners’ What kind of sentence types do you know?

prior Expected answers. Board
knowledge *Simple sentence
* Compound sentence
* Complex sentence

Simple Simple sentence

sentence Simple sentence consists of single independent
Independent clause – has a subject and a verb and
express a complete thought.

For example: The dog barks

Dog- subject
Barks – verb

Give me at least one example of a simple sentence. Any relevant answer

A compound sentence is a sentence that consists of
two or more independent clauses joined together by
coordinating punctuation marks.
Each independent clause in a compound sentence
can stand alone as a complete sentence. Compound
sentences are often used to show relationships
between ideas, provide contrast, or emphasize
related thoughts.

For example; I wanted to go to the park, but it

started raining
I wanted to go to the park- first independent clause.
It started raining- second clause.
Any relevant answer
Give me at least one example of a simple sentence.
Complex sentence is a type of a sentence that
consists of one independent clause and one or more
dependent clause.
A dependent clause is a group of words that has
both a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as
a complete sentence. It depends on an independent
clause to form a complete thought.

For example:

6. Activity and solutions

Class Work Exercise: Types of Sentences

Identify the type of sentence for each of the following sentences: complex,
simple, or compound.

1. The students worked quietly in the library.

2. Although she studied hard, she did not pass the test.
3. He wanted to go to the movies, but she preferred staying home.
4. After the rain stopped, the sun came out.
5. The cat slept peacefully on the windowsill.

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