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1.The concept of climate change.
- Climate change is the change of climate over a long period of
time due to the impact of natural conditions and human activities,
manifested by global warming, sea level rise and an increase in
extreme hydrometeorological phenomena.

2.The reality of climate change.

a) Temperature rise:

- Average temperature rises, causing more extreme ambient

temperatures for humans. Prolonged heat spells above 40°C lead
to difficulty in bearing.

+ On average on land and ocean, surface temperatures in

2020 are 1.76°F (0.98°C) warmer than the 20th-century
average of 57.0°F (13.9°C) and 2.14°F (1.19°C) warmer
than pre-industrial (1880-1900).

b) Sea level rise:

- The melting of Antarctic and Arctic ice sheets leads to

flooding in coastal areas and plains lower than sea level.

+ Global situation:

 On average, global sea levels rose by 0.27 cm

between 2021 and 2022. This is equivalent to
adding water from one million Olympic-sized
swimming pools into the ocean every day over
the course of a year .

+ Situation in Vietnam:

 Since 1993, the average sea level in the South

China Sea has increased by about 4.7 mm per
year. Vietnam alone has an average increase of
about 2.8 mm / year .

c) Natural disasters are increasing:

- Prolonged floods and droughts are frequent occurrences.

+ The UN report shows that climate change is the cause

of more than 7,000 natural disasters in the past 20 years.
These disasters have killed more than 1.2 million people
and affected 4.2 billion

d) Biodiversity loss:

- Temperature extremes cause damage to food and

agricultural production. Animals and plants also have difficulty
adapting to extremely hot climatic conditions.

+ The International Organization for Conservation of

Nature (WWF) estimates that in the past two generations,
animals have halved and every year about 10,000 to
100,000 species are on the verge of extinction. The IUCN
Red List of Threatened Species identifies 78 species,
classifications and species (including 39 animal species
and 39 plants) that have become extinct in the wild .
1.Causes of climate change.
a)Human activities:

- Greenhouse effect: due to the burning of fossil fuels (coal,

oil, natural gas) in industrial activities, transportation, power
generation and agriculture.

+ Greenhouse gas concentrations are at the highest level

in the past 2 million years. Today, the Earth is 1.1°C
warmer than it was in the late 1800s. The previous decade
(2011-2020) recorded the warmest 4 on record.

- Rapid population growth leads to a series of new needs such

as housing, indirect energy use, putting pressure on the

+ Urban population growth can increase greenhouse gas

emissions by 25% in some developing countries

More than 90% of the world's population is breathing dirty


1/2 of the world's population will have severe water

shortages for at least 1 month each year .

- Deforestation and uncontrolled and unreasonable exploitation

of natural resources.

+ Situation in Vietnam:

 From the beginning of 2020 until now, the total area

of forest cleared is 687.3 ha, an increase of 45.1%
over the same period in 2019. Due to the impact of
the Covid-19 pandemic, wood processing enterprises
faced difficulties, leading to a decrease in the
purchase of raw wood.

b) Natural elements:

- Sun fluctuations: The sun's activity can affect the amount of

radiation the Earth receives, leading to climate change.

- Volcanic activity: Volcanic eruptions release greenhouse

gases and ash into the atmosphere, which can affect climate.

+ Cloud cover absorbs and interrupts the heat flow from

the sun, causing the temperature to drop significantly,
possibly from 0.5 – 2 degrees Celsius. This depends on
the size and intensity of the volcano's eruption.

Causes acid rain: Dust particles and sulfur gas dissolved

in clouds create acid rain, lowering the pH of rain.

2.Consequences of climate change.

a) Impact on the ecosystem:

- Climate change changes habitats leading to a decline in

biodiversity, causing many species of animals and plants to go

+ Golden frogs are rare animals but have become extinct

in the past 40 years. They live a lot in the mountains of
Costa Rica, but due to environmental pollution, climate
change, the skin of this frog is inflamed, diseased and
officially disappeared since 1989.

b) Effects on human health:

- Climate change increases infectious diseases, respiratory

diseases, cardiovascular diseases, cancers due to habitat
changes and disease evolution.

- The risk of lack of clean water, food and other health

problems due to natural disasters and climate change.
+ According to a report by the Lancet Countdown, a
coalition of 35 organizations, including WHO and the
World Bank (WB), 2022 saw people exposed to "life-
threatening" average temperatures for 86 consecutive
days. At the same time, the number of people over the
age of 65 killed by heat increased by 85% between 1991-
2000 and 2013-2022.

c) Effects on the economy:

- Climate change causes heavy economic losses due to

natural disasters, crop failures, epidemics, affecting tourism and
other economic sectors.

+ Vietnam will lose 10 billion USD in 2020, equivalent to

3.2% of GDP due to the impact of climate change. Risks
to urban areas, industrial zones, and especially the
Mekong Delta are displacing many people and facing the
risk of food shortages.

+ Causing great financial burden for countries in

responding to climate change.


1.Greenhouse gas emission reduction:
- Increase the use of renewable energy such as wind, solar, tidal
energy, and geothermal energy.

- Save energy and water in daily life and production.

2.Using public transit and trams:

- Reduce fuel demand for transportation by using public transit,
walking, bicycles, and electric vehicles.
3.Protection of forests and oceans:
-Reforestation and forest protection to reduce emissions and
increase carbon sequestration.

-Protect the oceans from pollution and overexploitation.

4.Limiting the use of fossil fuels:

Replace fossil fuels such as coal rock, oil, and gas with green
energy sources.

5.Increase awareness and education:

-Raise awareness of climate change and its impacts.

Educate the community about minimizing negative impacts.


1. Climate change is an extremely serious and urgent problem today, it is
a problem not unique to anyone but to everyone living on this earth.
As the young generation, we must be more aware of this issue, join
hands to protect the environment by propaganda sessions about the
environment from family, school to society. Let's contribute together
to protect their blue planet.

2. Mastering the provisions of the law, building strong responsibilities

such as economical and efficient use of resources to contribute to
environmental protection.
3. Actively participate in movements to build a culture of behavior, a
sense of environmental responsibility.
4. Actively participate in planting trees, limiting the use of personal
transport to protect the air, participating in garbage collection at living

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