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TP.HCM Học kỳ I. Năm học 2020 - 2021

--0-- Môn thi: Văn minh Anh (Đề A)
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
(Đề có 04 trang) (SV KHÔNG được sử dụng tài liệu/ các thiết bị
(SV làm bài trên phiếu trả lời) điện tử)

PART 1. Choose A, B, or C to best complete the following sentences about the British
civilization. Write your answers in the answer box.

1. England, Scotland, Wales and __________ form the UK.

A. Republic of Ireland B. Northern Ireland C. Britain
2. Caledonia was the Roman name of __________.
A. Wales B. Ireland C. Scotland
3. The English Civil War (also called Great Rebellion) began in __________.
A. 1605 B. 1642 C. 1645
4. The dominant culture: văn hóa thống trị of people in Ireland, Wales and Highland
Scotland was __________.
A. Irish B. Celtic C. Germanic: England, Lowland Scotland
5. The full name of the UK in Vietnamese can be __________.
A. Cộng Hòa Vương Quốc Anh
B. Vương Quốc Liên Hiệp Anh
C. Vương Quốc Liên Hiệp Anh và Bắc Ai-len
6. Great Britain is located in the __________ coast of Europe.
A. North-west B. South-west C. South-east
7. Which of the following is chronologically: theo trình tự thời gian correct?
A. The Celts, the Anglo-Saxons, the Romans, the Vikings, the Normans.
B. The Celts, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans.
C. The Celts, the Romans, the Germanic people, the Normans, the Vikings.
8. The system of politics that is used in all four nations today is of __________ origin.
A. English B. Irish C. Roman
9. The most popular sport in Britain is __________
A. cricket (2): bóng chày B. football (1) C. tennis
10. The national flag of the UK is often known as the ‘__________’.
A. National Union B. Union of crosses C. Union Jack
11. The _________ is a skirt with tartan pattern worn by Scottish men on special occasions.
A. skill B. dress C. kilt
12. The most common __________ in England is ‘Smith’.
A. given name B. surname/last name: họ C. first name: tên riêng
13. Saint George’s Day in England is on _23/4_________
A. April 14 B. March 1 C. March 17
14. Henry VIII started the process of creating the Church of England after his _____ with the
Pope in the 1530s.
A. solidarity B. split C. agreement
15. The British government decided to ask for membership of the newly-formed European
Communities and Britain joined it in _________
A.1970 B. 1973 C. 1976
16. Scotland’s educational system is __________ that in England and Wales.
A. similar to B. different C. exactly the same as
17. The reason why the British people seem to be interested in the weather is its
A. stability B. reliability C. changeability
18. The Queen of the UK calls her people ‘__________’.
A. citizens B. servants C. cabinet
19. In the UK, popular newspapers tend to focus on __________.
A. sexual health B. serious news C. advertisement & entertainment
20. Traditionally, the Prime Minister lives and works at __________.
A. 10 Downing Street B. 10 Downtown Street C. Downing Hall
21. The first female Prime Minister of the UK was __________.
A. Elizabeth II B. Theresa May C. Margaret Thatcher
22. What can be said about British food?
A. It has little taste B. It is rich in nutrition C. It is fresh but cold
23. __________ is Head of Church of England: Giáo hội Anh.
A. The monarch B. The Prime Minister C. The Archbishop of Canterbury
24. One remarkable aspect of British pubs is that__________
A. Both adults and teenagers can go to the pub.
B. There is no waiter service.
C. Women are not allowed in.
25. The roles of the British Parliament: nghị viện are __________.
A. checking the cabinet B. debating with the MPs. C. making/changing the laws
26. In the UK, the money TV viewers have to pay is called __________.
A. License fee B. Fee for TV ownership. C. Fee for TV services
27. __________ education is seen as compulsory in the UK.
A. Full-time B. Nursery C. Secondary
28. One of the important matters in the British education is the __________.
A. exams B. curriculum: chương trình giảng dạy C. shortage of teachers
29. __________ is seen as a typical personal quality of British people.
A. Conservatism: chủ nghĩa bảo thủ B. A sense of humor C. Politeness
30. In practice Queen Elizabeth is __________.
A. the head to decide B. not powerful at all C. the Commander-in-chief
31. The __________ is the Houses of Parliament.
A. Palace of Westminster B. Courts of Westminster C. Chambers of
32. In Britain Easter Holiday which lasts about 2 weeks takes place after __________.
A. Autumn term B. Spring term C. Summer term
33. __________ schools are funded by the government.
A. Public B. State C. Boarding
34. The compulsory age for full-time education in the UK is from __________ to
A. 5/16 B. 6/16 C. 6/18
35. Typical British habits are not as __________as before.
A. typical B. popular C. recognized
36. Oxford Street in London is famous for being Europe’s busiest ____________ street.
A. Red-light (prostitution): nơi mại dâm B. Banking C. Shopping
37. ‘Boroughs’ is an old English term that is referred to __________
A. countryside B. towns C. communities
38. The modern English is derived from a dialect: tiếng địa phương brought to Britain by the
A. Vikings B. Anglo-Saxons C. Romans
39. The __________ known as Scots different from other forms of English.
A. consciousness B. nationalism C. dialect
40. The national anthem of the UK is “ ________”.
A. God bless the Queen B. God save the nation C. God save the Queen
41. The proportion: tỷ lệ of people __________ is higher than those living with family
A. living with siblings B. living alone C. living with relatives
42. The __________ image of ‘city gent’ wearing bowler hat has not been common.
A. original B. legal C stereotyped
43. The __________ of England are warmer-hearted than the Southerners.
A. Easterners B. Westerners C. Northerners
44. In Britain __________ are intended for middle class.
A. Boarding schools B. Grammar schools C. comprehensive schools
45. In Britain, family gatherings are rare and confined: hạn chế to the __________ period.
A. Christmas B. Easter C. New Year’s Eve
46. Recently _______ have complained that British schoolchildren do not have the necessary
knowledge and skills.
A. The authorities B. Certain recruiters C. The schools in Britain
47. ________ is a composite word of Oxford and Cambridge, two top universities in the
A. Oxfam B. Oxbridge C. Oxcam
48. In Britain, Grammar schools provide the British schoolchildren with knowledge of
A. Academic bias B. technical bias C. practical bias
49. In the Houses of Parliament, __________ act as intermediaries between the
backbenchers and frontbenchers of a party.
A. the Cabinet B. the Whips C. the members of Parliament
50. Normally, there are five stages for a(n) __________ to become a law in the U.K.
A. bill : dự luật B. draft C. act
51. The Queen is regarded as __________ of the country in appearance.
A. an icon B. an image C. an embodiment
52. The role of __________ includes keeping an eye on the Government and representing
the people.
A. The House of Commons B. The House of Lords C. Both A and B
53. Talking about BBC Radio, which are devoted to music?
A. Radio 1, 2, 3 B. Radio 2, 3, 4 C. Radio 3, 4, 5
54. Which stadium is the largest in Britain?
A. Old Trafford B. Wembley C. Olympic Stadium
55. Independent television (ITV) get its money from __________.
A. the BBC B. advertisements C. the government
56. In the opening of the Parliament, the Queen’s job is to ___________
A. control the diccussion B. deliver a speech C. challenge the PM.
57. By law, people cannot be served any kind of alcohol in pubs until the age of
A. seventeen B. eighteen C. twenty
58. The BBC's reputation is __________.
A. its impartiality: vô tư, kh thiên vị B. its independence C. Both A and B
59. In Britain charitable organizations are staffed mostly by __________.
A. unpaid volunteers B. social workers C. general practitioners
60. Traditionally, one activity on Christmas is the singing of ____ in churches, streets or
public places.
A. choirs B. carols : bài hát mừng C. opera

PART 2. Give a brief answer to the following questions.

1. Give an explanation for the political characteristics of the national press in Britain.
2. What are the values of the monarch?
3. What are the roles of the House of Commons?
4. Explain the “dominance” of England over the UK.
5. Compare the way Christmas is celebrated in Britain and in Vietnam.
6. Why does the BBC World Service obtain more international fame?
7. List five common characteristics of the British.
8. Tell the difference between state schools in Britain and public schools in Vietnam.

--- THE END ---


PART I. Choose A, B, or C to best complete the following sentences about British civilization
1. The UK is a short form of ________
A. the United Kingdom
B. the United Kingdom of Great Britain
C. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
2. Britain is located in the ________ of Europe.
A. southwest B. northwest C.southeast
3. Britain is an island that includes ________
A. England, Ireland, Scotland
B. England, Wales, Scotland
C. Northern Ireland, Wales, Scotland
4. The cross in the flag of ________ isn’t displayed on the UK’s flag.
A. Wales B. Northern Ireland C. Scotland
5. The modern English is derived from various _________ dialects.
A. Roman B. Germanic C. Celtic
6. Saint George’s Day in England is on _________
A. May 1 B. April 1 C. April 23
7. Scottish men only wear _________, a traditional costume for men, on special occasions.
A. stripe skirts B. Celtic skirts C. kilts
8. Which of the following is chronologically correct?
A. The Celts, the Anglo-Saxons, the Romans, the Vikings, the Normans
B. The Celts, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings, the Normans
C. The Celts, the Romans, the Germanic people, the Normans, the Vikings
9. _________ is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from the Roman
Catholic Church.
A. Henry VII B. Henry VIII C. Bloody Mary
10. _________, popularly known for the story of the burning of the cakes, was not only an able
warrior but also a dedicated scholar and a wise ruler.
A. William the Conqueror B. Afred the Great C. King Arthur
11. The stand-by cabinet formed by the Opposition Party is called the _________
A. shadow government B. shadow cabinet C. opposite cabinet
12. The first female Prime Minister of the UK was __________
A. Theresa May B. Elizabeth II C. Margaret Thatcher
13. The British cabinet is chosen by __________
A. voters B. Parliament C. The PM
14. Traditionally the Prime Minister lives and works at _________
A. 10 Downtown Street B. 10 Downing Street C. 10 Downing Hall
15. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. The ministers cannot criticize the government’s policies in public
B. The cabinet members can criticize the government’s policies in public.
C. The ministers have to agree with the government’policies in public.
16. What can be said about British food?
A. It is extremely delicious B. It is nice and fresh. C. It has very little taste
17. One notable aspect of British pubs is that __________
A. there is no waiter service
B. Just men can go to the pub
C. children are not allowed in
18. The Queen of the UK calls her people “_________”.
A. citizens B. subjects C. servants
19. The value of the Monarch is viewed in different aspects, such as politics, __________
A. culture and economy B. culture and society C. economy and history
20. Child benefit is a small _______ payment for each child under 16, usually paid directly to
A. weekly B. monthly C. annual
21. As stated by the written law, Queen Elizabeth is __________
A. not powerful at all B. above the law C. Head of the government
22. What name is given to the day when people play jokes on each other until midday?
A.Remembrance Day B. April’s Fool Day C. Halloween
23. Members of the __________ must be elected.
A. House of Commons B. House of Lords C. both Houses
24. What is the relationship between the British monarch and the government?
A. advise, encourage and approve the government’s decisions
B. approve the government’s decisions on government policies
C. advise, warn and encourage the government’s decisions
25. St Patrick’s Day is celebrated each year on 17th March. Which plant is normally worn on
this special day?
A. shamrock B. thistle C. daffodil
26. ________ is Head of the Church of England?
A.The Prime Minister B. The Archbishop of Canterbury C. The monarch
27. Which country is known as the home of golf?
A. England B. Scotland C. Wales
28. What is the actual name of London's Houses of Parliament?
A. The Palace of Westminster B. The Chambers of Westminster C. The Courts of
29. The Minister of Finance in the UK is called the __________
A. Secretary of Finance B. Lord Chancellor C. Chancellor of the
30. The roles of the British Parliament include __________
A. making / changing laws B. check the monarch C. debate with the public
31. When it comes to stereotypes of national characters, the Scots are said to ________
A. be kind to others B. have singing ability C. be careful with money
32. The surnames Jones or Williams suggest __________ origin.
A. Welsh B. English C. Scottish
33. _______ is a strong London accent associated with the working-class origin.
A. Cockney B. West End C. Gaelic
34. ________ is seen as a typical personal quality of British people.
A sense of hunour B. Being polite C. Conservatism
35. The popular belief that Britain is a “ ___________ “ can be seen in public life.
A. conservative society B. country of the Queen C. land of tradition
36. ________ education is compulsory up to the middle teenage years in the U.K. .
A. Full time B. part time C. secondary
37. Schools funded by the government are called ________ schools .
A. State B. public C. independent
38. All public schools in Britain are _________ schools.
A. Single-sex b. boarding C. locally funded
39. The three R’s refers to Reading, Writing and ________
A. algebRa B. aRithmetic C. geometRy
40. Schools where both academic and practical subjects are taught are ________ schools .
A. Grammar B. modern C. comprehensive
41. The pupils who are studying beyond the age of sixteen are referred to as “ _______ “.
A. A-level B. higher education C. sixth form
42. ________ exams are taken mostly by people who wish to go on to higher education.
A. A-level B. entrance C. university
43. SCE stands for __________
A. Secondary Certificate of Education
B. Scottish Certificate of Education
C. School Certificate of Education
44. The national curriculum includes ________ subjects.
A. 8 B. 9 C. 10
45. Science is one of the ________ subjects and Geography a _______ one.
A. Core / foundation B. foundation / main C. main / core
46. The compulsory age for full time education in the UK is from ________ to _________
A. 6 / 18 B. 5 / 16 C. 6 / 16
47. One of the important matters of the British education is the _______ .
A. Money B. exams C. shortage of teachers
48. The oldest university in the UK is __________
A. Cambridge University B. Red Brick University C. Oxford University
49. The British press is mostly controlled by ____________
A. multinational companies B. the government C. the monarch
50. How do students study in Oxbridge?
A. Students mainly learn through lectures
B. Students study in groups through tutorials
C. Teacher is the center of teaching and learning
51. The custom in which the first person to visit a house on the New Year’s Day is “ ______” .
A. first visiting B. ground-breaking C. first footing
52. In the UK pubs are really seen as a typical place for ________ .
A. socializing B. personalizing C. drinking and talking
53. The benefit that retired people can get is called _______.
A. allowance B. pension C. old-age support
54. The BBC gets its money from ________ .
A. advertising B. government C. licence fee
55. The press is so powerful that it is sometimes referred to as “the _________”.
A. fourth estate B. fourth real estate C. fourth
56. The _______ deals with complaints regarding invasions of privacy.
57. The academic year in England starts in September and is divided into __________
A. 2 terms B. 3 terms C. 3 courses
58. Students in Scotland take the _______ to complete the high school program.
C. SCE B. GCSE C. A level
59. Which of the followings is not considered as a British cultural icon?
A. Adele B. Jessi J. C. Elton John
60. Who will be the next King/ Queen of the UK after Queen Elizabeth II dies?
A. Prince Charles B. Prince William C. Princess Anne

PART II. Give a brief answer to the questions below

1. What are the common characteristics of the tabloid newspaper in Britain?

2. Why is BBC news reliable?
3. Tell two differences between state schools in Britain and public schools in Vietnam.
4. What do you think are the typical characteristics of British people? List five of them.
5. What is BREXIT?
6. In what way does England dominate the UK?
7. What is the power or influence of the British monarch?
8. Compare the attitudes towards food and drink of British people and Vietnamese people.


TRƯỜNG ĐH NGOẠI NGỮ - TIN HỌC Học kỳ I. Năm học 2020 - 2021
TP.HCM --0--
KHOA NGOẠI NGỮ Môn thi: Văn minh Anh (Đề B)
--0-- Thời gian: 90 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC (SV KHÔNG được sử dụng tài liệu/ các thiết bị
(Đề có 04 trang) điện tử)
(SV làm bài trên phiếu trả lời)

PART I. Choose A, B, or C to best complete the following sentences about the British
civilization. Write your answers in the answer box.
1/ Which of these is not an acceptable short name for the United Kingdom of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland?
A. England B. Great Britain C. The United Kingdom
2/ Which city is not in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ?
A. Belfast B. Cardiff C. Dublin
3/ Which of the following figures is not associated with Britain ?
A. Britannia B. John Bull C. Uncle Sam
4/ By what name is the UK flag often known ?
A. The Britannia B. Old Glory C. The Union Jack
5/ Saint Patrick is the patron saint of …..
A. England B. Ireland C. Wales
6/ What is Stonehenge ?
A. A royal castle B. a historic document C. a prehistoric monument
7/ The traditional home of Cockneys is in ___________
A. The East End B. the West End C. The City
8/ What is the British national anthem ?
A. Land of Hope and Glory B. God save the Queen C. Rule Britannia
9/ With which country is haggis especially associated ?
A. Scotland B. Ireland C. Wales
10/ A bird table is ……….
A. a specially designed garden table with thin legs
B. a dish made with turkey and chicken
C. a raised platform on which birds can feed
11/ The leek and daffodil are both plants used to symbolize ………
A. Wales B. England C. Scotland
12/ In passing casual conversation, British people usually talk about…….
A. Their jobs B. their family C. the weather
13/ ______________ is an organization which looks after the well-being of animals.
A. The National Trust B. RSPCA C. Neighbourhood Watch
14/ Which of these names is NOT used to refer to the position of Prime Minister ?
A. Downing House B. Number ten C. MP
15/ Where does the British Parliament meet ?
A. Downing Street B. Buckingham Palace C. the Palace of Westminster
16/ What is a double-decker ?
A. a bus B. a house C. a ship
17/ The most popular sport in Britain is _________
A. cricket B. football C. basket ball
18/ What is England’s national flower ?
A. The tulip B. the daffodil C. the rose
19/ What is the most popular food in Britain ?
A. Spaghetti B. fish and chips C. pizza
20/ British people go to the coffee shop to enjoy a delicious, slow cup of coffee.
A. True B. False
21/ In Britain, cars are driven on the____________ side of the road.
A. left-hand B. right-hand C. either side
22/ Saint Patrick‘s Day is on _______________
A. 30th November B. 17th March C. 23rd April
23/ In which part of the UK do people speak with a Cockney accent ?
A. London B. Liverpool C. Manchester
24/ When is Guy Fawkes Night celebrated ?
A. 2nd November B. 5th November C. 31st October
25/ When is Remembrance Sunday ?
A. First Sunday in November B. 11th November C. Second Sunday in
26/ The symbolic flower of Remembrance Sunday is ___________
A. Poppies B. daffodils C. Roses
27/ The day right after Christmas is known as ____________ Day.
Thanksgiving B. Boxing C. New Year
28/ The highest mountain in Great Britain is
A. Snow Don B. Grampian C. Ben Nevis
29/ Students who want to get into the university have to pass the _____________
A. O level B. A level C. sixth form
30/ Which of these does NOT apply to British political system?
Constitutional monarchy B. Parliamentary democracy C. Presidential
31/ Which of these political parties is sometimes known as “the Tories” ?
A. Conservative B. Labour C. Liberal Democrat
32/ The members of the House of Lords is called
A. MP B. Peers C. representatives
33/ What is the money given to the royal family to perform their public duties called ?
A. The Civil Assignment B. the Civil List C. The Civil Service
34/ There are ______ of the Cabinet in the UK.
A. 100 MPs B. 20 ministers C. 400 major ministers
35/ The universities Oxford and Cambridge are referred as ________________
A. The Red Brick B. The Civic C. the Oxbridge
36/ Most of the British secondary school students now go to ______________ schools.
A. Comprehensive B. Grammar C. independent
37/ The British local government authorities are generally known as _______
A. Councils B. committees C. civil servants
38/ Who chairs and controls debates and other proceedings in the House of Commons ?
A. Black Rod B. The Chief Whip C. the Speaker
39/ What does GPs of the NHS stand for ?
A. General Pharmacists B. General Practitioners C. Global Positioning Systems
40/ In the 19th century, the poor usually went to _____________ for help
A. The workhouse B. the rest house C. the public house
42/ The most popular sport in the UK is ___________
A. Cricket B. Football C. golf
43/ The common name in Britain for public holiday is ____________
A. Bank holiday B. council holiday C. office holiday
44/ What is the meaning of the Christmas celebration?
A. To commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ - the Savior
B. To commemorate the Son of God, who took all the mankind's sins away.
C. Both A & B are correct
45/ You CANNOT study for A-level in ________________
A. Further education college B. Sixth form college C. grade school
46/ British secondary students have to pay tuition in_____________
A. Public schools B. state school s C. comprehensive
47/ A common topic for all kinds of British newspapers to cover is about
A. Job B. sports C. weather
48/ The traditional musical instrument of Scotland is _______________
A. bagpipe B. harp C. flute
49/ The most popular classless place for drinking is ________________
A. restaurant B. bar C. pub
50/ Life peer is a member in the House of Lords who can :
A. Sit there until death B. pass his /her seat to relatives C. be voted by the
51/ The present PM of the UK now is :
A. Tony Blair B. Margaret Thatcher C. Boris Johnson
52/ The English people are originated from
A. The Celtic B. The Gaelic C. The Germanic
53/ Which of the following means “Stairs” in Cockney speech :
A. Bee and honey B. apple and pears C. Honey and jelly
54/ The most popular system to take of the British people‘s health is
A. The National Health Service B. the Ministry of National Health C. Hospital
55/ Halloween was originated from ________
A. England B. Scotland C. Ireland
56/ When students graduated from high school, they get __________
A. GCSE O ‘Level B. GCSE A’ Level C.SCE
A. The right to do a business B. The right to vote C. the right to be French
58/ The “ Square City’ is the old name of _________
A. London B. Edinburgh C. Manchester
59/ The world-wide famous musical band from Liverpool, England named _________
A. The West Life B. The ABBA C. The Beatle
60/ British May Day celebrates:
A. The contribution of the labourers B. The good harvest C. May Flower

PART II. Give a brief answer to the following questions:

1. Compare non-state schools in Britain and private schools in the Vietnam.
2. Compare the political characteristics of the press in the UK and the press in Vietnam.
3. What do you know about the Wars of Roses (1455 - 1487) in England?
4. What are the most typical characteristics of the British? List five of them.
5. What are the two things which King Henry VIII is famous for?
6. What is the dominance of England over the UK?
7. What is the status/ position of London in the UK? (London is the …/ the center of…/
8. Give two examples that indicate Britain is still a land of tradition.

---THE END---
1. The central government comprises the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, and
the Parliament.
True 


2. Full time education is compulsory in

Britain. (1/1 Point)

True 


3. John Bull is an imaginary figure who is a personification of England, like Uncle

Sam of America.
(1/1 Point)

True 


4. In Britain in everyday life these days there are less traditions than there used to
be. (1/1 Point)

True 


5. Now most British people have the same way for their
breakfast. (1/1 Point)


False 
6. The House of Commons is by far more important than the House of
Lords. (1/1 Point)

True 

7. In the House of Commons, the prime minister has a separated seat from
his cabinet members.
(0/1 Point)


False 
8. The most powerful politician is anyone of the members of the
Cabinet. (0/1 Point)


False 

9. The currency of the UK is the British

dollar. (1/1 Point)


False 

10. In Britain, the Prime Minister has the power of

patronage. (1/1 Point)
True 


11. A cup of tea is a vital part of everyday life for the majority of people in
modern Britain.
(1/1 Point)

True 


12. The term ‘Anglo-Saxons’ is associated with

England. (1/1 Point)

True 


13. In Britain the assessment in each subject is just a combination of

coursework assignments.
(1/1 Point)


False 

14. The Thames is the longest river in the

UK. (1/1 Point)


False 
15. Grammar school admissions are based on the test of
ability. (1/1 Point)

True 


16. Snowdonia is the largest national park in

Scotland. (1/1 Point)


False 

17. The lack of teachers in Britain results in the fact that thousands of foreign
teachers are recruited every year.
(1/1 Point)

True 


18. Cockney is a working class native speaker from the West End, with the
distinctive dialect of English used in and around London.
(1/1 Point)


False 
19. The Kilt is the traditional costume for Irish
men. (-/1 Point)

1/19/22, 4:01 PM ĐỀ THI MÔN VĂN MINH ANH - 15g00 NGÀY 19/1/2022 - CA 2

20. ‘A levels’ means Advanced Levels taken mostly by people around the age of
18 who wish to go on to higher education.
(0/1 Point)

True 


21. What is the common internet domain address for

Britain? (1/1 Point)
A. .br

B. . gb

C. .uk 

22. Which of these is NOT an acceptable short name for the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland?
(1/1 Point)

A. England 

B. Great Britain

C. The United Kingdom

23. Which of the four nations’ flags is not incorporated in the flag of the
UK? (1/1 Point)

A. Ireland…
1/19/22, 4:01 PM ĐỀ THI MÔN VĂN MINH ANH - 15g00 NGÀY 19/1/2022 - CA 2

B. Scotland

C. Wales 

24. By what name is the UK flag often

known? (1/1 Point)

A. The Britania

B. Old Glory

C. The Union Jack

25. Historically and culturally speaking, may be divided into ‘Lowland’

and ‘Highland’.
(1/1 Point)

A. England

B. Scotland 

C. Wales
26. has the right to give the names of titles to politicians, or civil
servants. (0/1 Point)
A. The Parliament

B. The Queen

C. The Prime Minister …
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27. A surname beginning with ‘Mac’ or ‘Mc’ is understood to be

. (1/1 Point)
A Scottish/English

B. Scottish/Irish 

C Scottish/ Welsh

28. The
(1/1 includes the House of Commons and The House of Lords.

A. Government

B. Parliament 

C. Cabinet

29. Which of these does Britain not

have? (1/1 Point)

A. floods

B. earth tremors

C. active volcanoes 

30. Which is the least densely populated country in

Britain? (1/1 Point)

A. England…
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B. Scotland 

C. Wales…
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31. London is larger than any other city in Britain. About how much
larger? (1/1 Point)

A. twice as large

B. four times larger

C. six times larger 

32. The is made up of senior members of the main opposition party who
lose in the general election.
(1/1 Point)

A. Government cabinet

B. Shadow Cabinet 

C. Cabinet Office

33. What is the largest city in

Scotland? (1/1 Point)

A. Aberdeen

B. Edinburgh

C. Glasgow … 22/29
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34. Which of the following cities is not in

England? (1/1 Point)

A. Cardiff 

B. Leeds

C. Newcastle… 23/29
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35. Generally speaking, which part of Britain gets the most rain in a
year? (1/1 Point)

A. The East

B. the South

C the West 

36. The aim of was to prepare young men to take up higher positions in the
army, in business, legal profession, civil service, politics.
(0/1 Point)

A. Boarding schools 

B. Grammar schools

C. Comprehensive schools

37. England, Scotland, Wales and form the four

nations. (1/1 Point)
A. Northern Ireland 

B. Britannia

C. Britain… 24/29
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38. Caledonia was the Roman name of

. (1/1 Point)

A. Wales

B. Ireland… 25/29
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C. Scotland 

39. The dominant culture of people in Ireland, Wales and Highland Scotland was

A. Irish

B. Celtic 

C. Germanic

40. The UK is a short form of

. (1/1 Point)
A. the United Kingdom

B. the United Kingdom of Great Britain

C. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 

41. Great Britain is located in the coast of

Europe. (1/1 Point)

A. North-west 

B. South-west

C. South-east
42. The system of politics that is used in all four nations today is of
origin. (0/1 Point)… 26/29
1/19/22, 4:01 PM ĐỀ THI MÔN VĂN MINH ANH - 15g00 NGÀY 19/1/2022 - CA 2

A. English 

B. Irish

C. Roman

43. Today English can be detected in the way in which various aspects
of British public life are described.
(1/1 Point)

A. domination 

B. description

C. complication

44. The national flag of the UK is often known as the ‘

’. (1/1 Point)

A. National Union

B. Union of crosses

C. Union Jack 

45. The kilt, a skirt with tartan pattern worn by men on special occasions, is a
very well-known symbol of .
(1/1 Point)

A. Welshness

B. Scottishness … 27/29
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C. Englishness… 28/29
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46. . The most common in England is

‘Smith’. (1/1 Point)
A. given name

B. surname 

C. first name

47. Saint George’s Day in England is on

. (1/1 Point)
A. April 14 

B. March 1

C. March 17

48. is known for his role in the separation of the Church of England from
the Roman Catholic Church.
(1/1 Point)

A. James IV

B. Henry VII

C. Henry VIII 

49. The British government decided to ask for membership of the newly-
formed European Communities and Britain joined it in .
(1/1 Point)

A.1970… 29/29
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B. 1973 … 30/29
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C. 1976

50. Occasionally, a whole winter goes by in without any

snow. (1/1 Point)

A. higher regions

B. middle areas

C. lower regions 

51. The reason why the British people seem to be interested in the weather is its

A. stability

B. reliability

C. changeability 
52. The Queen of the UK calls her people ‘
’. (0/1 Point)
A. citizens

B. servants

C. subjects 
53. In the UK, popular newspapers tend to focus on
. (0/1 Point)… 31/29
1/19/22, 4:01 PM ĐỀ THI MÔN VĂN MINH ANH - 15g00 NGÀY 19/1/2022 - CA 2

A. Advertisement 

B. News

C. politics

54. Traditionally, the Prime Minister lives and works at

. (1/1 Point)
A. 10 Downing Street 

B. 10 Downtown Street

C. Downing Road

55. The first female Prime Minister of the UK was

. (1/1 Point)

A. Elizabeth II

B. Theresa May

C. Margaret Thatcher 

56. What can be said about British

food? (1/1 Point)
A. It has little taste 

B. It is rich in nutrition

C. It is fresh but cold… 32/29
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57. is the Supreme Head of Church of

England. (1/1 Point)

A. The monarch 

B. The Prime Minister

C. The Archbishop of Canterbury

58. One remarkable aspect of British pubs is that

. (1/1 Point)
A. Both adults and teenagers can go to the pub.

B. There is no waiter service. 

C. Women are not allowed in

59. The roles of the British Parliament are

. (1/1 Point)
A. checking the cabinet

B. debating with the MPs.

C. making/changing the laws 

60. In the UK, the money TV viewers have to pay is

. (1/1 Point)
A. License fee 

B. Fee for TV ownership.… 33/29
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C. Fee for TV services

61. education is seen as compulsory in the

UK. (1/1 Point)
A. Full-time 

B. Nursery

C. Secondary

62. One of the serious matters in the British education is the

. (1/1 Point)

A. exams

B. curriculum

C. shortage of teachers 
63. Which one is NOT seen as a typical personal quality of British
people? (0/1 Point)

A. sarcasm

B. sense of humor

C. friendliness

64. In practice Queen Elizabeth is

. (1/1 Point)… 34/29
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A. the head to decide

B. not powerful at all 

C. the Commander-in-chief
65. How did the UK decide to leave the EU in
2016? (0/1 Point)
A. passed a referendum 

B. voted in the general election

C. did a survey

66. In Britain Easter Holiday which lasts about 2 weeks takes place after
. (1/1 Point)
A. Autumn term

B. Spring term 

C. Summer term
67. schools are funded by the
government. (0/1 Point)

A. Public

B. State 

B. State… 35/29
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68. The compulsory age for full-time education in the UK is from to

A. 5/16 

B. 6/16

C. 6/18

69. Typical British habits are not any

more. (1/1 Point)
A. typical 

B. popular

C. recognized

70. Britain is made up by

. (1/1 Point)
A. England, Scotland and Northern Ireland

B. England, Scotland, and Republic of Ireland

C. Scotland, Wales, and England 

71. When did the UK officially leave the

EU? (1/1 Point)

A. Dec 2019

B. Jan 2020 … 36/29
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C. Jan 2021
72. Being is a token of
Britishness. (0/1 Point)
A. sentimental

B. conservative 

C. traditional

73. The known as Scots different from other forms of

English. (1/1 Point)
A. consciousness

B. nationalism

C. dialect 

74. The title of the song ‘God save is the British national
anthem. (1/1 Point)

A. the Queen 

B. the country

C. the nation… 37/29
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75. The proportion of people is higher than those living with

family members.

(0/1 Point)

A. living with siblings

B. living alone 

C. living with relatives

76. The image of ‘city gent’ wearing bowler hats has not been
common. (1/1 Point)

A. original

B. legal

C stereotyped 

77. What is
BREXIT? (1/1

A. Britain’s exit from Europe

B. the escape of Britain from European countries’ relations

C. the withdrawal of the UK from the European Union … 38/29
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78. Which newspaper is famous for “page three

girls”? (1/1 Point)
A. The Sun 

B. The Guardian

C. The Daily Mirror… 39/29
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79. In Britain, family gatherings are rare and confined to the period.
(1/1 Point)
A. Christmas 

B. Easter

C. New Year’s Eve

80. Recently have complained that British schoolchildren do not have

the necessary knowledge and skills.

(1/1 Point)

A. The authorities

B. Certain recruiters 

C. The schools in Britain

81. In Britain, the Prime Minister has the power of

. (1/1 Point)
A. coalition

B. administration

C. patronage … 40/29
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82. In Britain, Grammar schools provide the British schoolchildren with knowledge of

(1/1 Point)… 41/29
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A. Academic bias 

B. technical bias

C. practical bias

83. In the Houses of Parliament, act as intermediaries between the

backbenchers and frontbenchers of a party.

(1/1 Point)

A. the Cabinet

B. the Whips 

C. the members of Parliament

84. Normally, there are stages for a bill to become a law in the
U.K. (1/1 Point)

A. three

B. four

C. five 

85. The Queen is regarded as of the country in

appearance. (1/1 Point)
A. an icon… 42/29
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B. an image

C. an embodiment … 43/29
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86. The role of includes keeping an eye on the Government

and representing the people.

(0/1 Point)

A. The House of Commons 

B. The House of Lords

C. the two Houses

87. Talking about BBC Radio, which are devoted to

music? (1/1 Point)

A. Radio 1, 2, 3 

B. Radio 2, 3, 4

C. Radio 3, 4, 5

88. In the U.K, the members of the House of Lords were more in the past and
more now.

(0/1 Point)… 44/29
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A. aristocrats /aristocrats

B. peerages /aristocrats

C. aristocrats /peerages 

89. Independent television (ITV) get its money from

. (1/1 Point)

A. the BBC… 45/29
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B. advertisements 

C. the government

90. The money for the NHS comes from
. (0/1 Point)
A. the Treasury 

B. patients

C. social organizations

91. By law, people cannot be served any kind of alcohol in pubs until the age of
A. seventeen

B. eighteen 

C. twenty… 46/29
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92. The BBC's reputations are
. (0/1 Point)
A. its impartiality and objectives

B. its independence

C. the other two answers are correct … 47/29
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93. In Britain charitable organizations are staffed mostly by

. (1/1 Point)
A. unpaid volunteers 

B. social workers

C. general practitioners

94. Traditionally, one of the December features is the singing of sung in

churches or schools for charitable causes.

(1/1 Point)

A. choirs

B. carols 

C. ballad songs

95. In the UK, almost all boarding schools are

schools. (1/1 Point)
A. comprehensive

B. state… 48/29
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C. independent 

96. State schools are funded by the
. (0/1 Point)… 49/29
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A. government 

B. religious groups

C. local authorities

97. education is free of charge in

Britain. (1/1 Point)
A. Compulsory 

B. Secondary

C. Nursery

98. Which is NOT done on Guy Fawkes Nights in the

UK? (1/1 Point)
A. fireworks displays

B. bonfire lighting

C. bank & school closure 

99. Pub is a short form of… 50/29
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(1/1 Point)

A. popular house

B. public club

C. public house … 51/29
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100. The two popular categories of British national newspaper are

(1/1 Point)
A. broadsheet and tabloid 

B. broadfleet and tabloid

C. broadsheet and fleet street


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