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Data Mining Techniques and Algorithms in

Psychiatric Health: A Systematic Review
Shikha Gupta*, Nitish Mehndiratta, Swarnim Sinha,
Sangana Chaturvedi and Mehak Singla

Apex Institute of Technology, Chandigarh University, Gharuan, India

The area of Data mining is expanding day by day since it provides interesting
insights covering many sectors under it, one of it being the Medical Science area.
Under the Medical sciences specifically when it comes to the mental health, it
helps to understand and classify the type of disease whose symptoms might be
predominant in the human body. The chief aim of this article is to review the most
lately literature belonging to the intercessions for Data Mining in Mental Health
covering many techniques and algorithms linked with Data Mining in the most
occurring diseases such as Alzheimer, Dementia, Depression, Schizophrenia and
Bipolar Disorder. Some of the academic databases used for this literature review
are Google Scholar, IEEE Xplore, Research Gate which include a handful of e-
journals for study and research-based materials.

Keywords: Mental health, disorders, Alzheimer

10.1 Introduction
Mental health is evaluated by the deterioration, for instance, the affliction
which leads to depression and different anxiety diseases. Approximately
25% of people worldwide suffer from mental health problems and

*Corresponding author:

Sujata Dash, Subhendu Kumar Pani, S. Balamurugan and Ajith Abraham (eds.) Biomedical Data
Mining for Information Retrieval: Methodologies, Techniques and Applications, (263–292) © 2021
Scrivener Publishing LLC

264 Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

illness [1]. The data for mental disorder is at an escalating rate presently.
The data is converting into unstructured data which refers to conversion
to Terabytes and Petabytes (which is not structured); and this has led to
difficulties in handling or processing data. The cost for the treatment of
these kinds of diseases estimates in trillions all over the world. With the aid
of data mining techniques, the expenses for a better quality of treatment of
such diseases are reduced [2].
The past few years have witnessed an increment in data mining tech-
niques in several ways. Data mining provides a way to understanding
the knowledge discovery and serves as an important channel for pattern
discovery of data by surveying and modeling a big amount of data. Data
mining directs to the extract, learn, explore, and identify the needful
information and most appropriate information of the large databases.
These techniques are being applied since many years in the researches
related to the medicines essentially in the basics of neuroscience and
biomedicine. The mental health departments have begun to make use of
the techniques for the understanding of the diseases [3, 4]. According to
WHO, some of the major mental disorders which are into essential con-
sideration include, trauma related disorders, anxiety disorders, bipolar
disorder, eating disorders, personality disorders, and psychotic disor-
ders [5].
Presently many people suffer from the diseases related to brain which
includes neuroscience concept [6]. Anxiety disorders are the ones, such
a panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder and post-traumatic stress
disorder. Bipolar disorder is another example which is associated with
mood swings [7]. Clinical depression which include highly depressed
mood as loss of interest in any kind of activity. These kinds of disorders
are basically included in 70–80% of mental disorders [8]. The motive for
this data extraction is to construct models from the medical information
(high-­definition) and utilize them for the prediction of results, from the
medical data which is unseen, in order to sustain clinical making [9]. For
the construction of decision models for clinical procedure and diagnosis, a
predictive data is required [10].
This review aims to discover work that is related to data mining and
how the techniques and algorithms are used for the predictions related to
mental health. Novel algorithms related to treatment of such disorders can
be devised. The analysis, evaluation and reassessment of the diseases at
the early stages can be done by machine learning as well as Data mining
techniques in order to obtain an analytical data for prediction of mental
health [11–14].
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health 265

10.2 Techniques and Algorithms Applied

Data Mining assumes an imperative job in numerous fields, for example,
healthcare, administrations identified with finance, regular science. It is an
approach to find models that are helpful. Data can be separated into two
kinds; Algorithm being (utilized in forecast) and Diagnosis of emotional

Type 1: Descriptive (unsupervised learning) that is used to find the pat-

terns, involving summarization and transformation of data (raw facts) into
meaningful data. It involves proper monitoring and reporting. It is used to
produce correlation, cross-tabulation, frequency etc.

Type 2: Predictive (supervised learning) whose idea is to predict the future

outcome by using few variables of the present to predict the future. This
method comes under classification, time series analysis and regression.

• Artificial Neural Networks (ANN): It falls under supervised

learning algorithms. Neural refers to brain inspired sys-
tems. Neural networks are called perceptrons comprising of
two layers input and output and for some situation, there
is third layer known as hidden layer which contains units
that change the input into something that output layer can
• Association: It retrieves interesting alliance and relationships
among large dataset having data items. This rule helps to
predict the occurrence of an item based on the occurrence
of other item in a particular transaction.
• Classification: It is where information can be arranged into
a given number of classes. Principle objective of a classifica-
tion problem is to distinguish the category or class to which
another information will fall under.
• kNN (k-nearest-neighbor): Being the laziest calculation in
Machine learning, it works in an extremely basic route by
taking into account the distance from known information
point. After the K neighbors are assembled, the majority is
taken and the unknown information is ordered into that
• Decision tree: It commonly begins with a single node which
branches into potential results. Every one of those results
266 Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

prompts extra nodes which branch off into different pros-

pects giving it a tree like shape. They can be utilized to
comprehend non-linearity and guide out a calculation that
predicts the best decision scientifically.
• Random Forest: It takes into utilization a great deal of deci-
sion trees, state an ensemble where each tree is minimal not
quite the same as other. The new information got, and most
of vote is considered for the conclusive outcome.
• Naïve Bayes Algorithm: Chipping away at the rule of Bayes’
theorem. The theorem finds the likelihood of another occa-
sion that has just happened. It is called Naïve Bayes or Idiot
Bayes because the calculations of the probabilities for every
hypothesis are simplified to make own calculations.
• SVM: It is an algorithm consisting of ideas that are mod-
erately straightforward. The maximal-margin classifier is a
theoretical classifier that best clarifies how SVM functions.
In SVM, a hyper plane is chosen to best separate the points
in the input variable space by their class. In two dimensional
measurements you can see this as a line and three dimen-
sional measurements; it tends to be a hyper plane.
• Logistic Regression: This function is also called the sigmoid
function; input values are joined linearly utilizing loads or
coefficient values to anticipate an output. It is not quite the
same as linear regression in light of the fact that the output
value being utilized is binary rather than continuous.
• Ensemble methods: These are the combination of various
base models which are combined to produce one optimal
predictive model.
• Boosting algorithm: This transforms weak learners into
strong learners. A weak learner is one which is marginally
superior to arbitrary speculating. Boosting is a successive
procedure, for example trees are developed utilizing the data
from recently developed trees consistently. This procedure
gradually gains from information and attempts to improve
its expectation in other subsequent iterations.
• AdaBoost Algorithm: It comprises of various steps such as;
initializing weights to all training points, then calculating
error rate for each classifier, picking classifier with the low-
est error rate, computing the voting power for the classifier,
append classifier in the ensemble classifier and checking if
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health 267

the classifier is good enough or not, and lastly update weights

of each point where the previous classifier went wrong [11,
12, 15].

10.3 Analysis of Major Health Disorders Through

Different Techniques
10.3.1 Alzheimer
Alzheimer disease (AD) is designated by a regular decrement in the
mental processes that include memory, attention, and ability to take
decisions, thinking and learning ability. AD is considerably increasing
among people of age group around 65 years or more. AD should set
apart from general age-related issues in cognitive function, as these are
not co-related with such drawback. This disease generally starts off with
benign indications and comes to end with serious damage to the brain
The physio-pathology of AD is associated to damage and death of neu-
rons, triggering the hippocampus brain region that actively takes part
in ability to memorize and learn, then re-absorption and breakdown of
tissues take place that affects the entire brain [18, 22]. AD is generally
not genetically inherited, but in 0.1% cases, which usually had an onset
before the age of 65, it was considered as some genes may act as risk fac-
tors [23].
As the patients gradually become impaired in cognitive functions,
they become helpless and depend on others for care [24]. So, the anal-
ysis and knowledge of AD is important and it will help us in curing
such disease [25]. In 2016, the first ever database was presented that was
concentrated on the examination of certain factors common to AD [26].
This extracted database is be used to find out the factors, indications
and possible treatment for the degradation of neurons through compu-
tational work.
In 2017, the probability of AD was examined using supervised learning
method on non-image data and computed the irregularity using measur-
able similarity indexes [27]. So, the proposed model works on numeri-
cal values as input. The use of MRI-based models can be continued by
researchers as a pre-processing step, in which numerical values can be
extracted as useful information from image data and used as inputs for
obtaining much more satisfactory results for the model. There have been
268 Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval



30 27.78

16.67 16.67

11.11 11.11

Decision Tree ANN Naive Bayes Random Forest SVM JRIP ARs

Figure 10.1 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to Alzheimer’s studies [12].

several researches on the Alzheimer’s disease in which different kinds of

data mining techniques and algorithms have been applied to study and
predict models (Figure 10.1; Table 10.1).

10.3.2 Dementia
Dementia is an ailment, significantly described by advanced decrement
in two or more mental domains that include loss of memory, inability to
understand or speak language and mental decline. This causes the person
to be unable to do the basic activities of daily life. The most common dis-
ease that causes dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. Reports show that AD
makes up at least 80% of all dementia analysis [40]. In accordance to the
world Alzheimer report of 2015, the dementia population throughout the
world was calculated 44 million in 2013 and is likely to upsurge up to 135
million in 2050 [41].
This has become a concern and so many motivational protocols are pro-
posed so that they can be adopted which can change their behavioural dis-
orders and also can adopt a healthy lifestyle. Present time treatments that
are feasible include Acetylchlinesterase inhibitors for people at any level
of dementia and memantic for patients with severe AD. These aids help to
upgrade the life standards but cannot change the span of the disease. Many
Table 10.1 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for Alzheimer’s Disease patient.
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Naïve Bayes Predictive model to identify possible Naïve Bayes can predict the conversion [8]
conversions from Mild Cognitive with a reasonably good AUC value after
Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease feature selection.
based on the Alzheimer’s Disease
Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI)
Machine Learning and In this, they proposed a model based on Genetic factors, diabetes, smoking and [28]
Neural Networks: classification of Alzheimer Disease age were discovered to be the most
Multilayer considering the threat factors that probable factors of AD.
Perceptron, Random influence the most. Many different The model based on classification was
Forest tree models were developed for the same. endorsed by many test cases.
The average accuracy for the same
was obtained around 99.25% with
multilayer perceptron and random
forest tree.
Voting Feature A new data mining framework was Bayes and VFI yielded better results in [29]
Intervals (VFI), developed combining the three different comparison to the SVM approach that
Bayes statistics, classifiers to obtain a computable index showed up as a unique way to identify
SVM of pattern that resembles the prediction regions of high discriminatory power
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health

analysis (MCI to AD). for Alzheimer Disease prediction and



Table 10.1 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for Alzheimer’s Disease patient.
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Association rules Proposed to come across the associations The classification accuracy of about [30]
in between the attributes that describe 94.87% was yielded by the proposed
introductory patterns, making them model (specificity = 100%, sensitivity =
available for the early AD diagnosis. 91.07%) mastering the methods that
were developed until that year for
Alzheimer Disease initial analysis.
SVM From resting-state functional resonance Revealed that early stages of AD can be [31]
images a bootstrapping-based feature distinguished at a 79% more accurate
extraction technique to diagnose rate than the others.
initial-stage Alzheimer Disease was
DT Represented a better direct in terms of Construction of an optimal tree with [32]
prediction model for AD. lesser nodes and branches was made
possible by the aid of Information Gain.
The system is devised to work and detect
Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

the situation of new patients in context

of AD.
Table 10.1 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for Alzheimer’s Disease patient.
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Naïve Bayes, DT J48, By the aid of several machine learning The evaluation technique Naïve Bayes [7]
Random Forest, techniques falling under the category of was found out to be the most accurate
JRip Data mining, diagnosis of diseases was and precise in terms of evaluation and
done. recalling and time consumption.

DT J48, SVM Proposed an automatic classification SVM was beat by DT J48 in the [33]
of patients through the EEG identification and accurate classification
(Electroencephalogram) signals which of CT and MCI with 90% accuracy and
are involved in the MCI and AD. 87% specificity, and is about 51 folds
higher in performance of all other
J48 beats SVM in the identification and
accurate classification of AD and CT
with 73% accuracy and 68% specificity,
leave-one-out cross validation (63-fold).
With respect to SVM, J48 obtains better
results of 80% accuracy and 79%
specificity in the distinguishing AD
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health

patients from MCI.

Table 10.1 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for Alzheimer’s Disease patient.
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Association Rule Presented techniques of data mining for Discovery of different patterns used in [34]
Mining, Clustering analyzing the dataset of Alzheimer data sets including patterns to analyze
Disease gene expression. interrelationship in between the
characteristics of the genes in stages of
Ensemble, Random Utilization of different data mining Through their intelligence to find missing [35]
Forest techniques in the decision of multiple values, handle data, and unequal
base classifiers mainly for accurate datasets, both the data techniques are
prediction of AD anomalies (absence/ proved to be efficient in this work.
Naïve Bayes, JRip, To find out novel evolving approaches in In comparison to JRip, Naïve Bayes and [36]
Random forest the AD diagnosis. Random Forest have delivered better
CNN Utilized a CNN in order to differentiate With convolutional neuronal network [37]
Alzheimer’s patient brain from a deep learning architecture (LeNet),
Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

healthy person’s brain. 96.86% accurate data was classified

distinguishing AD data from normal
Table 10.1 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for Alzheimer’s Disease patient.
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
DT, Quantitative To provide a deep knowledge of the Successful characterization of information [38]
Rules, Hierarchical biological functions and the gene for the study with the prior biological
Cluster expression patterns with higher knowledge was obtained and 90 genes
relevance. were discovered which were altered in
AD patients.
Adaboost, Random New Dataset consisting of genetic It reported that the Random forest and [39]
Forest, SVM, Naïve information referring to Alzheimer kNN classifiers gave results with ~82%
Bayes, kNN, DT Disease neurodegenerative disorder. accuracy in comparison to others.
SVM delivered ~94% accurate results with
CFM subset evaluation.
In gain ratio method, RF gave ~85%
CFS Selection of optimal features was
followed by implementation by DFS,
leading to Hybrid feature selection
technique creation, which ultimately
improves the accuracy and facilitates
early diagnosis.
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health

Source: Ref. [12].

274 Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval


62.5 62.5

40 37.5 37.5

12.5 12.5

Decision Tree ANN Naive Bayes Random Forest SVM Logistic Regression

Figure 10.2 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to Dementia’s studies [12].

studies are proposed so that data mining techniques can be implemented

to find out whether a person is suffering from AD dementia or is on the
verge of having it. The authors of Ref. [49] suggested an approach to anal-
yse the people with light cognitive disorders. This approach is up to 95%
effective but has a drawback as it can be applied to any type of raw mul-
tivariate time series. There have been several researches on patients with
Dementia disease in which different kinds of data mining techniques and
algorithms have been applied to study and predict models (Figure 10.2;
Table 10.2).

10.3.3 Depression
Being stated, depression is a mental condition which is indicated by a severe
feeling of individual being hopeless and inadequacy, which is in general
convoyed by a lack of energy and interest in one’s life (The Oxford English
Dictionary 2008). The most common psychotic disorder in the world is
depression. WHO predicted that this can attain the position of second
largest ailment in terms of morbidness. Today, 20% of women, 8.33% of
men, 2% of school children and 5% of teenagers are having depression and
most of them don’t even know about it [43–46].
Table 10.2 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for Dementia patients.
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Logistic Regression Investigation potential of parametric Delivered results depicting the efficiency [50]
images related to studies of FDG-PET of CMRGlc (cerebral metabolic rate
to support the classification of dementia of glucose consumption) in dementia
patients through techniques of Data patient’s classification with Data mining
mining. using the logistic regression model
and the voxel-level features with PCA,
turning out to be the best classification
Logistic Regression, Development of predictive model for A significant difference is not observed in [51]
DT C4.5 algorithm technology adoption of a video the performances by Logistic regression
transmission solution which is based model and DT (p = 0.894) is been
upon mobile phones techniques, for the reported by statistical tests. Being easy
dementia patients. to interpret and use, DT models are
more advantageous.
DT C4.5, kNN, SVM, Based on mobile phones a predictive Using seven characteristics, the k-Nearest- [51]
Neural networks, adoption model was developed for a Neighbor algorithm proved to be the
CART, Adaptive video transmission system for people most favorable classifier of the assistive
Boosting, Naïve suffering with dementia. technology adoption for patients of
Bayes Dementia possessing accuracy of
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health

prediction of about 0.84 ± 0.0242.



Table 10.2 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for Dementia patients. (Continued)
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Random Forest, DT, In Korean local communities, studies The significant predictors of MCI that [41]
Logistic Regression on Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) were noted include age, gender,
prediction model for older people were education level, income status,
performed. subjective health, marital status,
smoking and drinking rate, regular
exercise and hypertension. RF models
are more accurate than Decision Tree
and Logistic Regression model.
SVM, ANN, DT To improve the process of dementia To improve the process of dementia [42]
assessment, a global and systematic data assessment, a global and systematic data
mining model was developed. mining model was developed.
DT, Apriori, Neural Proposed the construction of A greater precision was obtained by the [9]
Network, SVM, sorting machine with objective use of k-means in which SSE cluster
K-means of distinguishing the two types of (Sum of Squared Error Cluster) is
dementia diseases: Lewy bodies and converted to larger means and takes in
Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

Parkinson’s disease. use of Neural Network considering the

SS means of the k-means.
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health 277

Most of the people still believe in some common myths about depres-
sion that it is some flaw in the personality, or one can fix it by oneself, or
by meditation, or something else. These myths are created by faith heal-
ers, or unqualified counsellors and non-medical experts for their own
benefit [47]. Detection depression as early as possible and having accu-
rate diagnosis will help people to choose a better treatment and improve
results [48]. The authors of Ref. [52] proposed a different method to know
the stress level of the patient using data mining techniques. They used a
logistic model trees to discern the factors affecting the mental health of
the person. Predicting stress and generated rules can act as a support tool
to aid the medical experts deliver proper treatment and tell the patient
to take certain precautions to avoid future issues. Also, it will reduce the
costs of many medical tests and will tell the patients to take preventive
measures in advance. There have been several researches on the patients
diagnosed or suspected with Depression in which different kinds of data
mining techniques and algorithms have been applied to study and predict
models (Figure 10.3; Table 10.3).



30 27.27 27.27 27.27

20 18.18 18.18 18.18


Decision Tree ANN Naive Bayes Random Forest SVM Logistic Regr. Linear Regre. kNN

Figure 10.3 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to depression studies [12].

Table 10.3 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for patients diagnosed with
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Ontologies, Bayesian Use of ontologies and data mining The results represent excellently the [53]
networks techniques for construction of organization structure of large complex
depression terminology and infer domains, while the Bayesian probability
depression probability. allows the assignment to any other
statement type.
AdaBoost based on Evaluated and developed a model that The results are significantly useful for [54]
DT classifier uses adolescent depression data to depression screening in adolescents.
compute and envisage depression based The time required for diagnosis is reduced
on momentum, with the help of feature within the completion of questionnaires
selection techniques. by the patients.
Association Analysis, Study of data mining techniques Establishment of various common [55]
Frequent Pattern application for analyzing the database symptoms of depressed patients, along
Tree for depression which consists of 5,964 with their scenarios.
records and the use of these techniques
Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

for obtaining efficient results.

Table 10.3 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for patients diagnosed with
depression. (Continued)
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Naïve Bayesian, kNN, Proposed the inter-relationship between Comparison of Linear and Logistic RA [56]
SVM, Logistic the reading habits and propensity of were performed to create prediction
regression, Linear the university students based upon models and ultimately selected the
Regression. results provided by the Mental Health Logistic Model to be proven with a
Questionnaires (MHQ) and the dataset better accuracy at low relative error.
of the university records.
Random Forest Amongst women generalized anxiety GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) [57]
disorder was predicted. can be predicted by the Random Forest
approach with above 0.9 accuracy level. In
terms of specificity, it shows consistency.
Greedy Stepwise These techniques based upon CFS Data was obtained that the GSW and kNN [58]
(GSW), Logistic were enforced for feature selection. perform optimally. Rather than the
Regression, SVM, (Correlation Features Selection) alpha and theta frequency bands, Beta
Random Forest, frequency band has an essential role in
Linear Forward the mild depression detection.
Selection (LFS), These results were predicted with an
Rank Search (RS), accuracy of 92% and AUC above 0.950
Bayes Net, Genetic for beta frequency bands of Emo_block
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health

Search (GS), kNN and Neu_block.

and Best First (BF)

Table 10.3 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for patients diagnosed with
depression. (Continued)
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Regression Tree, Proposed a censored regression approach Through multistage linear method, main [59]
Linear combination for prediction of the percent risk of the risk factors are identified which are not
of covariate patients which relapse after the initial only reliable for their findings about
remission from either one or multiple MDD patients but also deliver insights
stages of antidepressant treatment. over the techniques developed for
therapies which prevent this relapse.
Random Forest, Evaluation of neurophysiological The efficiency and accuracy for random [60]
SVM, Multilayer factors in the elderly who suffer from forest was obtained to be the most
Perceptron (MPL depression and neurodegeneration. accurate (95.5%) while the others
Network), Random Mainly the identification and ranged between 92.42 and 95.45%.
Tree correlation of depression
symptoms coexisting along with
the cognitive deterioration and the
neurophysiological factors with
geriatric depression combined with
cognitive impairment.
Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

DT C4.5, Neural Proposed a simple and discrete detection Neural Networks outshine the other basics [61]
networks, Naïve system which takes on use of passive which are then followed by C4.5 DT
Bayesian, SVM infrared sensors for scrutinizing day and are effective in identification of
to day activities of the elderly living by normal conditions and mild depression
themselves. with up to 96% accuracy.
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health 281

10.3.4 Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorders

Severe psycho-neurotic disorders that have some common signs and men-
tal deficits include Schizophrenia and Bipolar disorder. These disorders
are mainly caused by various biological and environmental factors [62].
Amongst all the mental ailments, these two disorders have a great impres-
sion on affected people and their families as they exhibit a very heavy
economic burden for the healthcare system. Disorders like GAD (gener-
alized anxiety disorder), PD (panic disorder) and many phobias fall under
Bipolar disorders [62].
The authors of Ref. [63] proposed a semi-automated system that helps
in the early detection and diagnosis among people with such disease. The
goal is not to make the classification process fully automatic, but to make
sure that this classifier is able to match the patient’s symptoms with all the
Cognitive Health ailments. The results reveal that this proposed system has
improved the organizational capacity of collecting information at a higher
rate with a lower cost and providing with the most accurate results. There
have been several researches on the people diagnosed with Schizophrenia
and Bipolar disorders, in which different kinds of data mining techniques
and algorithms have been applied to study and predict models (Figure
10.4; Table 10.4).




14.29 14.29

Decision Tree Adaboost kNN Random Forest SVM

Figure 10.4 Percentages of data mining techniques applied to Schizophrenia and bipolar
disorders [12].

Table 10.4 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for patients diagnosed with
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders.
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Recursive feature Framework for schizophrenia diagnosis This algorithm can successfully select [64]
elimination based on the Spectro-temporal the features from prediction space
technique patterns selected by a SVM from that is linked with the neuronal
(SVM-RFE) MEG (multichannel magneto- activity in a functional task, and these
encephalogram) recording in a verbal features can further be involved in the
working memory task. recognition of patients suffering from
Regression Tree, Investigation of functional Magnetic A set of classification rules have been [65]
Random Forest, Resonance images (fMRI) of 15 normal produced that basically predict the
k-Nearest Neighbor, controls along with 12 patients with disorder and it was concluded that
DT C4.5 schizophrenia by the construction of algorithm C4.5 has the most accurate
functional conectoma which takes in results.
use of image processing techniques,
filtering, temporal correlation and
Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

specifically realignment, etc.

Table 10.4 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for patients diagnosed with
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. (Continued)
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
DT C5.0 Analyzing through algorithms of Data 90% accuracy was observed through this [66]
Mining, many different parameters algorithm and it delivers an easy and
for detection and diagnosis of quick method for disease diagnosis and
neuropsychiatric diseases (including decision making by the doctors.
Schizophrenia) were identified.
k-Nearest Neighbor Proposal of application for pattern The proposed method resulted into the [67]
recognition technique which aids to distinguition of three mood states
classify the pathological mental states of such as hypomania, euthymia and
mental disorders by utilizing data from depression, with an average of inter-
electrodermal EC response. subject accuracy more than 82% and
intra-subject above 98%. This is done by
using a convolution-based approach.
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health
Table 10.4 Several study researches review in context to data mining techniques and algorithms for patients diagnosed with
Schizophrenia and bipolar disorders. (Continued)
Techniques and
algorithms Study proposal Results References
Random Tree, DT, Aim to build and study prediction models The algorithm AdaBoost with DT has [68]
AdaBoost, Bagging, through the data mining techniques for resulted with the highest values of
AdaBoost with DT, the patients who are readmitted with accuracy (98.11%), recall (98.79%) and
AdaBoost with Schizophrenia. F-measure (98.41%).
Random Tree,
Bagging with DT,
AdaBoost with
Random Forests,
Bagging with
Random Forest,
Bagging with
Random Tree,
Random Forests
DT C4.5 Using Linear and non-linear HRV This algorithm turned out to be the best as [69]
features (Heart Rate Variability), they it distinguished between stress and rest
Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

proposed a model to examine mental with 80% specificity, 78% sensitivity,

stress through the records of university and 79% precision.
students during an oral examination
(stress and rest).
Data Mining Intercessions in Mental Health 285

10.4 Conclusion
Analyzing patterns for prediction of data is essential in terms of under-
standing the concepts of data mining. To analyze recurring sequential as
well as structural patterns in data, various methods and algorithms have
evolved. These algorithms are used to find patterns in data, and simplify
the search of factors (whether genetic or environmental) involved and
how they dominate [70]. Most of the psychiatric disorders like Alzheimer,
dementia, schizophrenia, depression, Alcohol abuse withdrawal syndrome
and anxiety can be detected and diagnosed using Data Mining Techniques.
This has started a new era of research in this field. Presently, depression is
common in teenage and the suicidal cases of depression are intensifying
every day. Despite the fact that many effective treatments are available for
such Mental Health conditions, people who are suspects for mental disor-
der still look for a psychiatrist or primary medical care.
The results of several studies in 2017, features the merits of machine
learning specifically showing applicability in psychiatric health [71]. By the
use of online communities, researchers have come a step closer to offer
suggestions for people to live a better life by just observing and interpreting
them. For the making of health policies, predicting the factors affecting
mental health is very crucial [72]. In recent years, an increment in sui-
cidal cases has been reported. This aspect includes several variables such
as social, biological or psychological. Most of the suicidal cases present
psychiatric conditions such as depressive disorders, substance abuse and
psychosis. Studies have shown that apart from the social factors known,
social isolation and unemployment has been a major reason for high sui-
cide rates [73]. A major challenge occurs while making a predicting model
that what information should it be fed with. Brain and Genetic imaging
measures are practically possible but takes a lot of time and cost in data
collection and processing. Previously, predictors based on experience were
used to identify the treatment and the overall effect gradually [74].
Demonstration through a study in 2015 was done, that EEG signals can be
used to differentiate depressed and healthy people by applying data mining
techniques to it. This model was reliable for detecting depression and sup-
ports many studies that confirm the potential clinical utility of diagnosis of
depression (computer-assisted) using EEG signals [48]. Information technol-
ogies have the potential to change the way people are treated and can also help
us to grow our knowledge rapidly [70]. Highly personalised treatments for
patients can help them in making evidence-based decisions and the scientists
can move to the next level of acquiring knowledge that affects the mental
health and develop more effective approaches for treatment of the same.
286 Biomedical Data Mining for Information Retrieval

Taking into account the reviews of research studies, different data min-
ing techniques or algorithms, technologies used onto the mental health
field can significantly boost up the prediction process and appropriate
identification of diseases so that helpful precautions can be taken by the
patient reducing the risk factors associated. Furthermore, many trials are
still going on by the scientists or researchers to apply different prevention
strategies on mental health treatment.
Funding Agency: This research received no specific grant from any fund-
ing agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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