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AN OPEN LETTER TO GOD FROM A FATHER OF children with intellectual disabilities

Dear Heavenly Father,

My heart is heavy with both love and worry as I kneel before You. You have given me two
beautiful children, each one special and unique. They are both facing intellectual difficulties
that only a few people can really understand. They are my light, my reason for living, and
the personification of pure love and innocence.

There is no way to fully prepare for being a parent, but being a parent of a child with special
needs is often both hard and fulfilling. Sometimes their smiles make my whole world shine,
and sometimes the sound of their cries at night breaks my heart.

Oh my God, I see the world through their eyes, and it can be both beautiful and cruel. I see
them try to fit in places that aren't always open and accepting. The fear and confusion they
feel when they have to deal with a world that moves too fast and asks too much breaks my

I'm coming to You for strength, not just for myself but also for my kids. Grant us the
strength to be brave and determined as we face the days ahead. Give us the patience to get
through hard times and the knowledge to show my kids Your love and care.

May You help them reach their full potential as You guide them. Please keep them healthy,
let them enjoy small wins, and surround them with people who love them as much as You

God, I ask for a miracle. A miracle that will make their journey easier and let them into
places that don't seem open to them before. I pray that they grow and learn, that they have
times when they understand and are clear, and that they have the strength to keep fighting
for their proper place in society.

Help our family find peace in the middle of the unknown and hope in the difficulties we
face. Make us want to speak up for all people with intellectual problems, not just my kids.
Let us help people who are having a hard time being heard and shine a light on people who
feel like they are lost in the dark.

God, please keep my kids safe. Keep them safe, give them loving kindness, and hold them
when the world gets too hard. May they always know how much their Heavenly Father and
their human father love them.

Thank you for giving me these two lives to take care of. They've taught me more than I ever
thought possible about love and life. I think they will have a great future if You help them. A
future where they are loved, admired, and accepted.

With all my heart and love,

A Dad
Dear Heavenly Father,

I write to You with hands that talk and a heart that sings in silence. I was born into a world
of quiet and find myself in a sea of stillness where other people find noise. I am Your child,
and I have never heard the birds singing at dawn, the wind whispering, or the words of the
people I love. Still, even though it's quiet here, I can feel Your presence, a soothing constant
that doesn't need sound to be felt.

In this quiet, I deal with problems that most people can't see. I watch lips move but can't
understand what they're saying. When I see people laughing, I wonder what hidden joy
sounds like. I can feel vibrations, and I can only imagine the music they make. My world is
different, and it feels like a puzzle with pieces that don't quite fit together sometimes.

Still, I am strong. I've learned new ways to talk to people, to connect without hearing, and to
interact with a world that doesn't always get my silence. But God, there are times when the
silence is too much for me. I long to hear my mom's song or the simple "I love you" that
other people don't think twice about.

Dear God, I need your strength. Strength to face the problems I face, to look forward to my
trip, and to never lose sight of the potential I have inside me. Please be patient with me
when the world moves too quickly to understand and kind when my anger builds walls
instead of bridges.

Help me find my mission and be proud to share it with the world. This will show that even
though I can't hear with my ears, I can listen with my heart. Show me the way so that my
words can be heard clearly even when there is no one else around.

As long as it fits with Your plan, I pray for a miracle that will give me hearing. If, on the other
hand, my road is silence, I pray that I will be wise enough to learn from it and have the grace
to live a happy, full life.

To get ready for a bright future, please help me get healthy and fine. Let me shine a light on
people who live in quiet places to show them that our words can be heard even when there
is no sound.

Thank you for the love that can be shared in any language and the hope that doesn't need
sound to be shared. I feel Your love every time I pray quietly, and I know I'm never really

With faith in Your direction,

Your Deaf child

Dear Heavenly Father,

When I reach out to you, I do so with hope and dreams all over my mind. You have watched
over me even though I have never seen the sun or the faces of the people I love. I was born
in the dark and can't see the world You made, but I can feel its beauty in every breeze and
hear its wonders in every sound.

Every day, it's hard for me to live without sight. I sometimes feel alone in a world with things
I can't share. I trip and fall, and I'm afraid of the things I can't see, but I also learn, change,
and get through it. Things I touch, smell, and hear talk to me, and I'm learning to listen in
ways other people might not understand.

But God, it's hard sometimes. I want to see my mom smile, look at the stars, and read a
book with my own eyes. I want to be able to walk with confidence, without a cane or a
helping hand, and see the world like everyone else.

I want You to give strength to everyone who loves and guides me, not just me. Be brave
enough to face the problems and smart enough to value the unique gifts we have. Help us
be happy with the things You've made, and don't let what we lack define us. Instead, let
what we can give the world define us.

Dear God, I believe in miracles because I can feel Your love in every step I take. If it's Your
will, I pray that I can see again. But if I have to go through life without it, I ask that You
remain my guide and motivation. Help me get healthy and strong, with a strong mind and a
strong heart.

Thank you for giving me a good education that opens doors I can't see. Kindness and
understanding have touched my heart, and I want to do the same for other people. Help me
reach a place in my life where I can show that with faith, anything is possible.

God, I believe in Your plan for me. My heart knows that You will be with me whether I see
the world with my eyes or with my heart's eyes. Give me strength to be an example, to
shine a light in the dark, and to show that love is felt deeply in the soul, not just seen.

Thank you for hearing my prayers and giving me a life with lots of prospects. I believe that
my future will be bright and full of happy things because of Your love and help.

With hope and trust,

[Your Kid]

Dear Heavenly Father,

There are many things I want to say to You, but I can't. Please hear my hands. I am Your
child, and I was born deaf, so I have never heard the sound of my own voice or spoken a
word out loud. I think You still hear me, though.

My mind is full of beautiful sounds that I can't picture. I hear other people talk about their
happiness, sadness, and love, and sometimes, God, I feel so far away from it all. There's a
tune going on that everyone can sing along with except me.

I have trouble, God. When I want to share my thoughts, laughs, and tears, it's hard for me to
be understood. Sometimes I feel like I'm not seen because I can't speak up, and people don't
pay attention to me because they can't read my face and hands.

God, I have dreams. Lots of hopes and dreams. And I have hope—hope that one day, with
Your help, I'll be able to say what I want to say in a way that others can easily understand.
Thank you for your blessing. It will help me get healthy and strong so I can handle the
challenges of my silence with strength and grace.

People around me need to be patient and understanding, and I need people who can see
past my silence and get to know the real me. Teach them that my voice is not the words I
can't say, but the things I do and the love I give.

Please give me Your strength so that I can have a good future. Help me find ways to make
friends and make the world a better place in my own special way. You can help me make a
change with my intelligence, creativity, and drive.

I believe in magic because people who try to understand me are kind every day. Maybe one
day I'll also have a miracle—a solution that lets me talk to people like everyone else. I know
that You have a plan for me, though, even if it doesn't work out.

Thank you for hearing the prayers of a child who couldn't speak. Thank you for giving me a
chance to do many things, even when it looks like something is missing. Also, thank you for
the love that comes through stronger than words.

With hope and faith in Your heavenly help,

[Your Kid]

Dear God,

Hi, it's me. I'm just a kid and I don't know how to do this properly, but they say You listen to
everyone, so I hope You'll hear me out. My mom is very sick. The doctors say she has stage 4
cancer, and I'm not totally sure what all that means, but I know it's not good because she's
not like she used to be. She's tired a lot and sometimes she can't even get out of bed.

God, I'm scared. I see her trying to smile and be strong for me, but I can tell she's hurting.
She's my mom, my hero, and she's always been the one who makes everything better. But
now, I don't know how to make her better, and it feels like my heart is breaking.

I need her, God. She helps me with my homework, tells me stories, and knows exactly how
to tuck me in at night. She promised we'd go to the beach again and build the biggest
sandcastle ever when she gets better. I'm holding onto that promise because it's our special

Can You send a miracle for my mom? I hear about miracles in stories and if anyone deserves
one, it's her. Please make her cancer go away so she can be strong again. She has the most
beautiful laugh and the world needs it, I need it.

Please give me strength too. Sometimes I try to be brave like her, but I don't know how to
stop feeling afraid. I want to be someone she can be proud of, someone who believes in
miracles and hope, like she does.

And God, please help the doctors find a way to help her. They're really nice and they're
trying their best, but maybe they need a miracle too, to find new ways to make her better.

I also want to ask for help for me and my family to get through this. It's hard to see Mom
like this and not know what to do. Help us to be strong for her and for each other. We all
need Your love to cover us like a blanket.

I don't know what the future holds, but I know I want my mom in it. She's the best part of
every day. Please, God, I still need her for my future—for all the tomorrows we're supposed
to have together.

Thank you for listening, God. They say You're up in heaven, so maybe You have a big view
and can see everything that's happening. From up there, could You keep an extra close
watch on my mom? She's the one with the kind eyes and the gentle smile.


P.S. - I'll keep looking for rainbows after it rains. Mom says that's like You sending a hug to
the world. Maybe You could send one just for her too?

Dear Heavenly Father,

In the stillness of the night, when everything else seems to be asleep but my fears are still
awake, I pray to You. My child has stage 4 cancer, and I am fighting it as a mother. It is not
only a physical battle, but also a battle of the heart.

Feel the pain, the tears, and the fears that I keep hidden from the world. My child, whom
You made with love and breathed life into, is in pain. They aren't as strong as they used to
be because of their illness, and as their mother, every bit of their pain breaks my heart.

Father, I'm not just praying for healing. I'm also praying for the power that only Your divine
presence can give me. Please give us the strength to have hope every day, even when things
look bad. Fill my child's body with Your healing touch, and let Your magical hands do
amazing things that people can't.

While I see the scars from treatments and the side effects of medications on my child, I also
see the courage in their eyes, which is a sign of Your grace. I believe in miracles, love that
lasts, and faith that heals when I see their smile.

God, You are our safe place. We find peace that goes beyond our understanding in you. I'm
not only asking for healing for my body, but also for emotional comfort that can ease a tired
mind. In times of question, comfort us, and when the trials we face are too much for us, lift
us up.

I am just a mom who loves her kid very much. The trip is scary, and I feel so incompetent.
However, I know that You are with us because I can see Your love in every soft touch, every
kind action, and every prayer said for us.

Dear God, we really need your help right now. Let Your will be done, and may it bring
healing and show how merciful You are all the time. Doctors and nurses, bless their hands
and guide them with knowledge and kindness as they help people get better.

Most of all, Lord, wrap us in Your arms. It's hard to remember that You are close when the
night is long and the pain is sharp. Know that You are the God of wonders, days added to
life, and life added to days. Let Your comfort touch our hearts.

I put my fears at Your feet and believe in Your strong plan. Help us get through this storm
and find a safe place to rest and heal. Our journey should show how great You are and how
powerful faith can be.

We pray and put our trust in Your holy name.


To My Dear Son,

The world is reminded of the circle of life and death that beats like the heart of time as
dawn breaks on this sad day. Today is the anniversary of the day you were taken from us. It
has been a year since you last put on your uniform and gave your life for our country.

The empty space in my heart left by your departure is like a silent echo. Time can't fill it. No
words can describe how much I miss you. I miss you with every beat of my heart and every
breath I take. Remembering your laugh, your hopes, and your bravery is etched in my heart,
and it is still very clear today.

I talk to you when I have some alone time and tell you about the little things that happen in
my life, how the world has changed, and how your sacrifice has changed everyone who
knew you. I tell you about the hard times and the good times, but only you can hear me and
understand. But I really miss hearing your words and seeing the pride in your eyes again.

You were taken away from us way too soon, young fighter. You had a brave heart and a
strong spirit. Really, really proud of who you were and what you stood for. Even so, this joy
comes with a deep sadness because it means you aren't here with us.

This is the anniversary of the day you died. I'm writing you a word of love and praying to
God for you:

Please forgive me.

I come to You today with a sad heart because I lost my son and a thankful heart because I
got to spend time with him. You know the depth of my love and the pain of being apart
from you. God, thank you for giving me his life and all the special times we spent together. I
will always treasure the memories we made.

Lord, I pray that You keep him close, in Your heavenly embrace, where there is no more pain
or trouble. May he find peace and happiness in Your heavenly land, where there are no
more wars.

Dear Lord, please give me the strength to live this life without my son. Help me live a brave
and selfless life that honors his memory. People should be inspired and given hope by his

Allow him to feel the love that flows from my heart to wherever he is on this day of
remembering. Please know that I will never forget him and that I love and miss him.
Thank him and let him know that I think about him every day and that his sacrifice was not
in vain. He will always be my hero. It will help him to know that his family really misses him
and that his spirit lives on in all of us.

I pray in Your holy name.


With love,

Your Mom

To My Dear Wife,

I feel like I'm reaching across the line between life and death as I sit here in our home alone
and quiet. I want to share with you the worries and joys that have been on my mind since
you left. Your absence has been a hole that has been filled by the noise of life's constant

Today marks another year since you were called away to a place I can only imagine, where
the sky is painted by God and angels sing. Today, the anniversary of your death, is the day I
feel the weight of your loss the most. The threads of love, struggle, and victory that made
up our shared life now mark the beginning of my journey by myself.

There are a lot of unknowns in my life, stresses that make me strong, and issues that need
my full attention. But I still find myself whispering your name, looking for the direction that
always came from your gentle wisdom. Since you left this world, things have never been the
same. You were my friend during hard times and a part of my celebrations when I won.
Without you, every step feels heavy and every choice seems more difficult.

Every time I've had a small victory, I've missed seeing the joy in your eyes. When I've lost,
I've longed for the warmth of your touch. In spite of everything, I feel your love as a calm
presence in the chaos, a gentle reminder that I'm not alone.

As I move through life without you, I'm faced with a chance I never saw coming: the chance
to love again. This thought makes me feel guilty and hopeful at the same time. I feel guilty
for even thinking that my heart could love someone else, and I hope that one day I can find
joy again in the ashes of a lost love.

With fear in my heart and a deep appreciation for the holy bond we shared, I ask for your
blessing. I love you the same way I always have, but I'd like to ask your permission to let
someone else into my life. They won't be replacing you, but they will add a new part to the
story you and I started.

I offer a prayer during this time of thought and remembering:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today is a solemn day to remember my beloved wife, whose soul You have called to Your
side. I come to You with a heart full of memories and desires. Thank you for the wonderful
years we spent together and for her love, which still shines a light in my life.

Lord, give me peace of mind by knowing that she is safe and sound in Your loving arms. On
this occasion of her death, I ask that she continue to guide me from beyond the grave and
watch over me as I go through the ups and downs of life.
I pray for the strength to live a full and loving life in honor of her. Now that I'm thinking
about letting someone into my heart, I ask that they understand and that You bless me.
Here's hoping that this possible new love shows how the heart can always grow and accept
life's gifts.

May you give me the knowledge to honor the memory of my dear wife and move on in a
way that honors the past. Tell her that she will always be a part of my heart and that any
steps I take toward a new beginning are done with her blessing.


With love,

Dear Son,

As it has every day since you left, the sun rose today and the world went on. But today is
different. What a wonderful day it is that you were born today! You brought so much
happiness into our lives. Years may go by and book pages may turn, but time can't change
how much a parent loves their child.

Every year that goes by, I think about the special times we had together, the important
events we enjoyed, and the parts of your life that you should have lived but didn't. Love that
is as deep as the seas and as wide as the night sky hurts my heart. I miss you so much, my
dear son.

As I think about your laugh, your hopes, and the future that was taken from you too soon,
tears have been by my side. I miss hearing your words, seeing your smile, and being hugged
by you. Even so, when it's quiet, I feel your spirit with me. It's a soft presence that still leads
and comforts me.

We are celebrating your birthday today, so I am writing you a letter full of love and a prayer
to God on your behalf:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Today is a day that brings back such mixed feelings for me. I come to You with a sad heart
that is also thankful. Sorry for the death of my son, who You took home way too soon. But
I'm thankful for the gift of his life, which changed mine forever.

Dear Lord, today is his birthday. He's not here to make a wish or blow out the candles, but I
pray that he feels the same love and joy in heaven as we do here on earth. May Your
heavenly light and the warmth of Your perfect love wrap around him.

Please give him the love that's in my heart. Tell him you love and miss him all the time, not
just on this special day. May he be at peace in Your heavenly land, where there is only
happiness because You are there.

Please give me the strength to keep doing nice things for others in his memory. Help me live
in a way that would make him happy, by following the lessons he taught me through his
bravery and kindness.

May you bless my son on his birthday today. He lived a great life and touched many people
who loved him. May the heavens sing a chorus of praise for him.

I pray in Your holy name.


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