Shooting Script Tuesday Shots On Stairs and Outside D81-3

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Shooting Script Tuesday Shots on stairs and outside D81-3

1. INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR - NIGHT It's early evening and there is still some light. A girl of seventeen follows a boy of similar age along a corridor. They are both holding 7-11 carrier bags and wearing Halloween costumes - she is a witch and he's a vampire. INT. media corridor - night The boy in the vampire costume - MARK - enters the corridor and heads straight to one of the classroom doors. A large sign on the door reads "D83". He is just about to turn the handle when he turns and notices that the girl - EMMA - has stopped at the entrance to the corridor. EMMA I'm not sure about this. MARK Don't worry - we'll have a great night. EMMA What if we get found? Mark spreads his arms wide and grins. MARK By who? It's Focus Week - the school's completely empty. He opens the door to the classroom. MARK (CONT'D) Come on. She hesitates and looks around, but then relents and walks over to the room.

Scene 2: Classroom Scene (Mark & Emma only) (D83 if smoke alarms allow or otherwise drama studio) INT. CLASSROOM - NIGHT Emma is standing still in the middle of the empty room, but Mark moves about quickly, carefully shutting the door and then closing the curtains fully. Only then does he turn on the lights. See? MARK It's perfect.

His phone starts to RING and he pulls it out of his pocket and answers. MARK (CONT'D) Hi gorgeous. (beat) No, we're here already. (beat) A bottle of vodka. (beat) She's fine. Don't worry. (he grins at Emma) I'll look after her. Emma looks uncomfortable. MARK (CONT'D) See you soon. (beat) Me too. OK. He hangs up. MARK (CONT'D) She'll be here in fifteen minutes. Emma just nods. He pulls two bottles of alco-pop and from his carrier bag. MARK (CONT'D) Drink? She hesitates, but then accepts one. Wednesday

3. INT. cLASSROOM - lATER Mark and Emma are watching horror films in D81. whilst holding a drink. As they talk, an SIS horror film is playing in the background. (Framed top-left) MARK How unrealistic is this? I mean how do these characters just walk into the traps and get killed. If theyre that stupid then they deserve to die huh? and At that moment the door to the room opens they both freeze. A teenage girl dressed as an angel walks into the room. THE ANGEL You should see your faces. Marks LAUGHS and walks over to the angel. name is KATIE. They hug and kiss. Hi. MARK What took you so long? Her

She holds out a black carrier bag. KATIE You can't have a Halloween party without a few props. EMMA Are you sure about this Katie? Relax. KATIE No one knows we're here.

Changed scene (But still in classroom)

4. INT. CLASSROOM - nIGHT The three teenagers are now sat in the middle of the room, Katie & Mark sat together, Emma the point of the triangle. They have moved the desks back against the wall and turned the lights off. Cheap Halloween decorations are visible in the candlelight.

An iPod dock plays music, while a horror film plays silently on the whiteboard. All of them are laughing as they drink. KATIE No way. MARK I promise. He did. They all break into laughter again, and as Emma reaches for another drink Mark catches Katie's eye, smiles, and they share a moment.

3rd Classroom scene (In film after Katie gets back to classroom with murderous intent) 5. INT. CLASSROOM - NIGHT It is the party room. Both Emma and Mark are still in there - and very much alive and well. They are not injured, and they are pulling away from a kiss. MARK It's not what it looks -KATIE Don't. She is standing with her hands behind her back. He notices the blood on her top. MARK You're bleeding. She pulls the knife from behind her back and absentmindedly scrapes it across her own chest. KATIE I know. She steps towards them.

6. Classroom (Flash forwardshots) -- Emma lying on the floor, bleeding heavily. -- A blade swings in a vicious arc.

-- Mark's face as he's being stabbed. Mark looks up at a figure in the doorway, half concelaed in the shadows cast by the candles. -- The knife blade being opened. -- Mark is struggling with both hands to stop an arm holding a knife. He manages to twist it back towards the attacker's body. -- A thrust to the chest. -- A cut to the arm. -- Emma's face and torso twist as a blade comes down into her back.

THURSDAY Corridor Scene

7. INT. SCHOOL CORRIDOR - NIGHT A long, dark corridor. A figure appears at the far end, running. are wearing white. They

As she gets nearer we see that it's Katie and she's crying hard - and her white dress is covered in blood.

Corridor 2 Scene/s (After call to operator in film) 8. INT. SCHOOL CORRIDORS - NIGHT The corridors are like a maze, each looking the same as the last. Katie creeps down them as quickly as she can, desperate to not make a sound. Halfway down one corridor, a noise spooks her. She drops down into a squat and freezes. Her head darts in all directions but she doesn't see or hear anything. Standing back up she hurries on even faster than before.

School Office Scene

9. EXT. SCHOOL OFFICE - NIGHT Katie almost slams into the office door as she reaches for the handle. She fumbles several times trying to turn the handle. INT. SCHOOL OFFICE - NIGHT 10. Katie tumbles into the room and slams the door behind her. She collapses against it, eyes shut - but only for a few seconds. Her eyes snap open and rake the room for a phone. She rushes to it, grabs the receiver and hammers in three numbers. After a couple of RINGS the call is answered. Operator Emergency services, what's the nature of your -KATIE (cutting her off) Help me. I need a police... an ambulance. Police. OPERATOR I just need to confirm your -KATIE We need help now. are... My friends

Back TO SCENE KATIE ... oh god. OPERATOR I have to take some details from you, but I promise that this won't delay the ambulance or the police. OK?

KATIE I think they might be... OPERATOR What's your name? KATIE Katie. OPERATOR And can you confirm the address you are calling from Katie? KATIE South Island. South Island School. OPERATOR Is that where the incident has happened? KATIE He just lost it. He was crazy.

OPERATOR Has somebody has been hurt? Katie is just crying hysterically. OPERATOR (CONT'D) I know this is very difficult for you, but I need you to tell me exactly what has happened. Can you do that for me? KATIE He... he had a knife.

BACK TO SCENE OPERATOR Who has been stabbed Katie? KATIE Emma. Mark. My boyfriend. friend. My


Who attacked them? KATIE It was dark. I don't...

BACK TO SCENE OPERATOR What happened? KATIE I know we shouldn't have been here, but we just wanted somewhere to have a party. She twists and twists the phone cord as she forces herself to speak. OPERATOR Are you with them now? KaTIE No. I had to run. phone. I left them. To find a

OPERATOR Were they still breathing? KATIE I left them. She becomes more agitated. KATIE (CONT'D) I left them. OPERATOR Where is the attacker now? KATIE Oh god, I've left them. OPERATOR You need to listen to me. is the attacker now? KATIE I... I don't know. Where

OPERATOR If you knew where to go - would he? Katie suddenly looks around her and notices for the first time that the room is lined with windows. She looks about wildly for anyone approaching. KATIE Oh god. OPERATOR You have to find somewhere to hide. The police will be there in five minutes - but you must find somewhere to hide. Katie ducks down. OPERATOR (CONT'D) Do you understand me? KATIE Yes. Then go. OPERATOR Now.

Katie drops the phone and hurries to the door. She pauses to steel herself and then opens it.

Next Episode Montage Shots 11. The white buildings of a large school stand out against the darkening sky. All the windows are dark. Katie walks down the front steps of the school in the glow of the flashing police lights. 12. Katie wrapped in a blanket, being hugged by a woman. We see her face over the woman's shoulder - and it's cold and emotionless. 13. The witness creeps towards the back gate of the school, away from the lights of the police.

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