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● referred to as “AGI”
● Machine much like a human being
● Unlike narrow AI designed to do specific task, AGI would have the capacity to
adapt wide range of tasks (art, medical field, etc.)
● “Reinforcement learning”
● Can surpass human intelligence
● Automate complex tasks
● Could enhance their own algorithm creating superAI

2. CRISPR Gene Editing

● Technique in biotechnology
● Altering cell
● Modifying, correcting genetic code
● Could also help agriculture

● “Qubit” unit of quantum computing. It is able to exist in multiple states
● Process vast number of possibilities at once
● Achievement of “quantum supremacy” by google. Can perform impossible
calculation. “Sycamore” of google performed it
● IBM developing the world’s fastest quantum computers.
● Could evolve cryptography
● Solve complex optimization problems


● Minimally invasive interface that connects brain to computers
● Concern primarily with medical such as helping those with medical problems like
paralysis, vision, hearing, parkinsons, etc.
● Enhancing human cognition
● Can share information telepathically
● Brain-computer interfaces in education and skill formulation

● Resemble and mimic humans
● Use combination complex algorithms
● Improvement in AI and machine learning enable humanoid robots to interact
● Can assist in healthcare like assisting in surgery and psychiatric aid, disaster
● Can assist in homes, schools, workplaces and can serve as companions for
families and assistants in work.

● Branch of Artificial Intelligence
● Natural language processing AI like OpenAI
● Image generation and editing AI
● Can identify and replicate patterns
● Integration of generative AI

7. STARLINK Satellites and Internet

● High speed internet access in remote areas
● “Dishy” - small satellite dish
● Expansion of satellite network including in polar regions and hard to reach areas
● Integration with SpaceX venture such as living in Mars

● Aka “Exowombs”
● Support premature babies outside human bodies
● Neonatal care
● Infertility solution

● Manipulation of matter in an atomic or molecular scale
● Controlling materials at a nanoscale
● Advancement in the field of medicine such as targeting cancer cells
● Creation of nanomaterials arrange in a honeycomb structure
● “Nanobots” for diagnostic and therapeutic
● Could help water and air purification

10. Internet of Things (IoT)

● Growing network of interconnected devices that can collect data connected to
● Could communicate real time data
● Integration of AI
● Ex. smartthermostat, Industrial Iot
● Improve of Concept of Smart Cities
● Wearable devices and smart censors could help in health field

11. Autonomous Vehicles

● Aka “Self driving cars”
● Navigate without human input through sensors, AI, etc.
● Widespread car sharing
● Reducingtraffic congestion
12. Space Tourism
● Focus on suborbital flights, 62 miles above Earth’s surface
● Spacecraft follows parabolic trajectory
● Weightless feeling
● Development of space hotels

13. Smart Cities

● Significant advancement in urban dev’t. Utilizing technology enhancing life
● Optimize city function and drive economic growth while improving resource
management and citizen welfare
● Use of big data and AI
● Indication is when autonomous vehicle becomes rampant

14. Mixed reality

● Blends reality and digital world
● Overlaying digital content in the real world using mixed reality headsets and
● Apple and meta are on top of competition
● Improvement in voice and gesture recognition
● Could provide students with interactive learning experiences
● Impact in collaboration and telepresence (just like in avengers)

15. 3d Printing
● Aka Additive manufacturing
● Revolutionizing how objects are designed
● Expansion of printable materials
● Scientists are exploring with biomaterials for medical application
● Improve manufacturing capabilities

16. Solid State Batteries

● Promising alternative to lithium-ion batteries
● Composed of solid electrolytes eliminating risk of flammability
● Increase energy density
● Decrease time it takes to charge
● Can be a source of renewable energies making these resources efficient

17. Fusion Power

● Occurs when two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus
● Ex. fusion of lithium and deuterium “quest of mini sun”
● Development of high temperatures magnets
● achievement of net energy gain
● Clean energy source
18. Blockchain
● Aka as the backbone of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin
● Decentralized digital ledger that records transactions across multiple computers
ensuring security, transparency, and immutability.
● Each blocks contains transaction record added to every participants ledger
● Impossible to historical records
● Used for supply chain management
● Development in the field of smart contracts
● Personal identity security

19. Smart homes

● Devices and systems linked together
● Such as smart thermostats, smart sensors and camera, connected to devices
● Sophisticated home assistance like AI assistants
● Energy management systems

20. Lab grown meat

● “Cultured meat”
● Cultivating meat from animals reducing the need to kill animals by extracting cells
encouraging to multiply and form meat tissue
● Cultured in large bio reactors
● Lead to development in culinary field

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