What Is Agile

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What is Agile?

| Agile Methodology | Agile Frameworks -

Scrum, Kanban, Lean, XP, Crystal | Edureka
00:13 Agile development emerged as a solution to the limitations of the traditional
waterfall model, aiming for rapid deployment of software in smaller, manageable
increments to adapt to changing requirements efficiently.

Comparison between waterfall and agile development models, highlighting
the shift from monolithic applications to smaller code chunks for better
adaptability and reduced risk of failures.
Challenges faced with the waterfall model, such as lengthy deployment
times and the need for scheduled maintenance, leading to the necessity of
agile methodologies for continuous delivery and reliability.

06:04 Agile methodology emphasizes rapid development and deployment by

breaking down software into small chunks, following microservices model, and
iterating on specific tasks, prioritizing working software over extensive
documentation and fostering customer collaboration over rigid contracts.

Breaking down software into small code chunks and working on them
individually ensures adherence to microservices model and minimizes
impact on the entire application during development.
Iterating on specific tasks in agile methodology allows for focused
development, prioritizing tasks, and working on separate services within the
application architecture.
Emphasizing people over processes and tools, working software over
extensive documentation, and prioritizing customer collaboration and
responsiveness to change characterize the values of agile methodology

12:07 Agile methodology allows for flexibility and continuous improvement in

project planning, unlike traditional methods that require starting over for any
changes. Scrum, a popular agile framework, involves a product owner, scrum master,
and a team for iterative software development.

Comparison of agile and traditional project planning methods showcasing
the benefits of flexibility and adaptability in agile approaches.
Explanation of the values and principles of agile methodology, emphasizing
customer satisfaction, adaptability, and continuous improvement in
software development.
Introduction to the Scrum framework within agile, detailing the roles of a
product owner, scrum master, and the development team for iterative
software development.

18:10 Product backlogs in agile development break down applications into smaller
tasks, allowing for iterative development and prioritization of user stories for
efficient sprint planning and execution.
Iterative development in product backlogs enables focus on smaller tasks
like front-end, email notifications, and payment processing, enhancing
efficiency and flexibility in software development cycles.
Prioritization of user stories by the product owner and scrum master leads
to organized sprint backlogs, ensuring logical task execution and effective
development team involvement.
Sprint planning, daily scrums, and sprint reviews are essential ceremonies
in agile development, facilitating communication, progress tracking, and
code verification for successful sprint completion and transition to new

24:13 Scrum methodology involves planning for tasks to be completed in 1 to 3

weeks, followed by daily meetings and a review at the end of each sprint, ensuring
shippable parts of the application every two weeks.

Extreme Programming, developed in 2001, focuses on agile development
with a set of best practices and principles, emphasizing rapid deployment
and customer input for iterative planning.
Lean programming aims to eliminate waste, amplify learning, empower
teams, and build integrity, emphasizing developer-centric and people-centric
practices for efficient project completion.
Cross-functional teams in Scrum ensure collaboration among team
members regardless of their roles, emphasizing shared responsibility for
task completion within the specified timeline.

30:17 Kanban is a continuous process where tasks move through different queues
like build, test, and ship, promoting agility in software development teams for rapid
feedback and deployment.

Agility in software development. Kanban promotes continuous task flow
through queues, ensuring rapid feedback and deployment, enhancing team
efficiency and satisfaction.
Netflix's agile deployment. Netflix deploys over 1,000 changes daily by
following agile practices, emphasizing rapid deployment and continuous
improvement in software development.
Three aspects of agility. Philosophical, technical, and software development
aspects work together to enhance team practices, code deployment, and
move towards microservices for better product management and user

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