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Title: My Grandma: The Heart of My Inspiration and


Some people touch us deeply, leaving an everlasting imprint

on our hearts and minds. For me, that person is my beloved
grandma. She isn't just a grandma; she's my everything.
She's been my guide, first teacher, mother figure, rock, friend,
the one I trust with my secrets, and soul of my being. Who I
am today is so deeply intertwined with her love, wisdom, and

Ever since I can remember, my grandma has been there,

lighting the path for me. Her life experiences have given her
a wisdom that always shows me the way forward. Whether
it's school projects or life's tough moments, her words have
this magical power to lift me. Her genuine concern for my
happiness and success has fueled my inner drive to always do
my best.

What makes our bond so special is the trust we share. I can

share my deepest thoughts and fears with her without any fear
of being judged. Knowing that her love for me is
unconditional and that her advice comes from a place of pure
wisdom gives me the courage to face life's challenges head-

Besides being my mentor, my grandma is like a sturdy

pillar of support. Her unwavering presence during difficult
times has been my anchor, helping me stay strong and
resilient. A simple hug or a few encouraging words from her
can work wonders, filling me with renewed determination to
overcome obstacles.

But what truly sets my grandma apart is her love, which is not
just words but actions. Every meal she cooks, every gift she
gives, speaks volumes about her thoughtfulness and care.
Her kindness and generosity have taught me the importance of
compassion and giving back to others.

Moreover, my grandma's childlike joy and positivity remind

me to cherish life's simple pleasures and to face challenges
with a smile. Despite the hardships she may have faced, she
greets each day with grace and optimism, showing me the
strength that resides in embracing life with gratitude.

My grandma means everything to me, and her impact on my

life is immeasurable. I've always known how special she is,
realizing early on that her love and guidance shaped me in
profound ways. She wasn't just a presence in my life; she
was the rock that held everything together, guiding me
through challenges and nurturing me into the person I am

Losing her was like losing a piece of myself, leaving a void

that can never be filled. The pain and longing I feel are like a
constant companion, a reminder of her absence that echoes
through my days. Her absence isn't just about missing her;
it's about feeling incomplete without her wisdom, her love,
and her comforting presence.
What made my grandma even more remarkable was her
passion for writing. Despite not having a formal education,
she had this deep desire to express herself through words. She
often talked about writing a book, sharing her life experiences
and the lessons she learned along the way. It was her way of
leaving a legacy, of sharing her journey with the world.

I remember our conversations vividly, the way her eyes would

light up when she spoke about her dreams. That sparkle in
her eyes fueled my promise to her: I would be the one to
tell her story, to ensure that her voice and wisdom are
never forgotten. It's a promise that has become a driving
force in my life, shaping my career goals and my perspective
on storytelling.

For me, writing isn't just a hobby or a career choice; it's a

tribute to my grandma's dreams and aspirations. Each
time I write, I feel her presence guiding me, infusing my
words with the essence of her spirit. It's my way of honoring
her and keeping her memory alive so that others can be
inspired by her journey and the impact she had on my life.

In essence, my grandma's love for writing wasn't just a

personal hobby; it was a reflection of her desire to make a
lasting impact. Through my dedication to fulfilling her dream,
I hope to share her story with the world, ensuring that her
legacy of resilience, wisdom, and love continues to inspire
Receiving an assignment about my career aspirations wasn't
just another academic task; it felt like a profound opportunity
to pay homage to my beloved Dadi Ami and acknowledge the
profound impact she has had on shaping my life's journey.
How could I possibly overlook the woman who has been my
guiding light, my pillar of strength, and my source of
unwavering love and support?

Reflecting on her journey, her resilience in the face of

adversity, and her boundless affection fills me with an
immense sense of gratitude and responsibility. Her life story
is not just a narrative; it's a roadmap of courage and
determination that has guided me through every twist and
turn in my own path.

During moments of doubt or uncertainty, when the weight

of the future feels daunting, I find solace in her
photograph. That captured moment of her beaming smile,
especially during times like when she prepared for Umrah, is
a reminder of her unwavering faith and positivity. It's a visual
anchor that brings me back to a place of calm and
determination, reminding me that her dreams and aspirations
are intertwined with mine.

When I whisper to her image, acknowledging that her dreams

are now mine too, it's a deeply personal affirmation of our
shared journey. Her legacy isn't just a story of the past; it's
a living legacy that continues to shape my present and
future aspirations. Her voice, though now a memory, echoes
in my mind during moments of self-doubt, reassuring me that
the strength to overcome challenges lies within me, just as it
did within her.

Writing about her isn't merely fulfilling an assignment; it's a

heartfelt tribute to the essence of who she was and continues
to be in my life. It's a way of saying "thank you" for all the
love, wisdom, and inspiration she bestowed upon me. With
each word I pen down, I feel her presence alongside me,
cheering me on as I navigate the complexities of life,
striving not just for my dreams but to honor hers as well.

The passing of time hasn't dulled the significance of my Dadi

Ami's presence in my life. Even though it's been almost six
years since she left us, her impact on me is as vivid and
deep as ever. She's not just a memory; she's an integral part of
my daily life, influencing my thoughts, actions, and feelings
in profound ways.

During those quiet moments before sleep and upon waking, I

feel her essence surrounding me. It's like she's right there,
offering the same warmth and wisdom that she did when she
was physically with me. Whenever life throws challenges my
way, and everything feels overwhelming, my instinct is to turn
to her for comfort and guidance. In those heartfelt moments,
I find myself reaching out to her, saying, "Dadi Ami,
please save me. You understand everything; your Lado
Rani needs your strength."

This connection with her isn't limited to tough times; it's a

constant presence in every part of my life. I carry her
teachings, her love, and the strength she instilled in me
wherever I go. Even in moments of joy and celebration, her
memory enriches those experiences, reminding me of the
resilience she taught me and the capacity for happiness even
amidst hardships.

It's not just a longing or a mental exercise; it's a real and

tangible bond that guides my decisions and shapes how I see
the world. Her memory acts as a guiding light, fueling my
ambitions and reinforcing the enduring impact of love and
family ties.

In essence, my Dadi Ami's influence transcends the

boundaries of time and space, remaining a constant source of
comfort, guidance, and motivation. Her legacy isn't confined
to mere memories; it lives on through the way I navigate
life's challenges, always carrying her spirit within me as a
cherished companion on this journey of life.

Her words echo in my mind, a constant reminder of the

values she held dear and instilled in me. "You have to do
something bigger for others," she would say, emphasizing
that our purpose in life extends beyond personal comforts.
It's about taking a stand for others, making every possible
effort to ease their burdens, and speaking out against
injustices like violence.

Despite enduring so much domestic-mental violence herself,

her unwavering faith in Allah Almighty was awe-inspiring.
She would often express that when she spoke to Allah
alone, her faith reached a profound level. It's a testament to
her resilience and belief in something greater than herself,
something that transcends earthly struggles.

Her prayers were like a protective shield around me. In

every prayer she made for herself, there was a heartfelt
plea for my well-being. She never ceased to praise me in
front of others, always referring to me as 'my princess,' a term
of endearment that carried immense love and pride. Her
fervent prayers were not just about asking for material
comforts but Allah's divine protection from hardships and

These sentiments are deeply intertwined with the essence of

who she was and the impact she had on my life. Her
teachings about standing up for others and relying on faith
during trials resonate deeply with me. They serve as a
moral compass, guiding my actions and decisions with
empathy, courage, and a sense of purpose beyond self-interest.

In a world often filled with challenges and uncertainties, her

teachings remind me of the power of kindness, compassion,
and standing up for what is right. It's a legacy that continues
to shape my aspirations and fuels my determination to
make a positive difference, just as she envisioned.

After my grandmother's passing, life took on a new and

arduous dimension. Coming to terms with her absence has
been akin to grappling with the loss of a vital part of myself.
It feels as though the very rhythm of my existence, my
heartbeat, departed with her. The weight of coping with her
absence has manifested physically, leading to a significant
loss of weight, a tangible reflection of the emotional turmoil
within me. The fragility of my emotional state has resulted in
bouts of panic attacks, moments when the overwhelming grief
and emptiness seem insurmountable.

Despite these profound struggles, I've chosen to carry the

weight of my emotions alone, shielding them from others.
This solitary journey has left me grappling not only with the
immense sorrow of her loss but also with the practical
challenges of everyday life. My appetite has dwindled a
physical manifestation of the emotional turmoil within.
Balancing multiple responsibilities without adequate
support has further added to the burden, testing my
resilience and strength in ways I never imagined.

One poignant ritual that has become a nightly solace is

visiting her room. In the quiet solitude of that space, I allow
myself to release the pent-up emotions, shedding tears as I
confront the stark reality of her absence. The depth of
longing and yearning for her presence is indescribable, a
longing that seems to grow with each passing day.

The dynamics within our family have also shifted

dramatically, veering towards division and discord. This
added layer of complexity has made the journey of grieving
even more challenging, as I navigate not only personal grief
but also familial tensions.
Each day unfolds as a delicate dance between managing
responsibilities, grappling with emotions, and honoring her
memory. It's a journey marked by deep sorrow,
introspection, and the gradual process of acceptance,
knowing that while her physical presence may be gone, her
spirit and love remain eternally intertwined with mine.

My Dadi Ami's teachings have had a profound impact on my

outlook towards life, particularly in understanding the
importance of prioritizing one's values over seeking external
validation. She instilled in me the belief that pleasing Allah
Almighty should be the cornerstone of my actions, rather
than trying to meet societal expectations. This shift in
mindset has brought me a sense of freedom, liberating me
from the constant pressure to conform and please everyone
around me.

Reflecting on her life, especially her journey through marriage

and motherhood, has been enlightening. Despite facing
numerous challenges and feeling constrained by societal
norms, she exhibited remarkable patience and resilience.
Her unwavering dedication to the well-being of her children,
even amidst adversity, serves as a testament to her strength of
character and unwavering principles.

Through her experiences, I became acutely aware of the

struggles that many women endure in societies where their
voices are stifled, and their rights are disregarded. This
disparity between the rights women inherently deserve and
what society allows them to have is a glaring reality that
cannot be ignored. Women often find themselves
marginalized, denied basic freedoms, and lacking the
respect and agency they rightfully deserve.

This realization has fueled my determination to advocate

for women's rights and empowerment. I am committed to
challenging societal norms that perpetuate inequality and
hinder women from living with dignity and freedom. In
honoring my Dadi Ami's memory, I strive to contribute to
creating a world where every woman can freely express
herself, exercise her voice, and live a life of equality and

My deepest inspiration stems from a desire to empower

women who find themselves in precarious situations,
longing for safety, independence, and the opportunity to
fulfill their dreams. These women, often overlooked and
marginalized, are a testament to resilience and inner strength.

Many women face challenges within their homes, where

safety and security should be guaranteed. For them, home
is not a sanctuary but a place of fear and oppression.
These are not just modern women but individuals who
seek basic human rights and dignity, yearning to break
free from societal constraints and dependencies on men.

My vision is to create a platform that serves as a beacon of

hope and guidance for these women. It's about more than
just encouraging them to step into society; it's about
empowering them to reclaim their voices, follow their
aspirations, and defy the limitations imposed upon them.
This platform would provide resources, support networks, and
mentorship opportunities aimed at nurturing their self-
confidence and resilience.

Education and awareness play a pivotal role in this

endeavor. By enlightening women about their rights,
encouraging them to dream big, and providing them with the
tools to achieve those dreams, we can spark a transformational
journey towards independence and self-worth. It's about
instilling courage, fostering a sense of pride in their
accomplishments, and creating a community where they
uplift and support each other.

Central to this initiative is the idea of breaking free from

the fear of so-called societal norms and male dominance.
Women should not be afraid to step up, take charge of
their lives, and contribute meaningfully to society. By
empowering these women, we not only elevate their lives
but also pave the way for a more equitable and just world
where every individual, regardless of gender, has the
opportunity to thrive and fulfill their potential.

In conclusion, the journey of my career aspirations and

personal growth is intricately woven with the legacy of my
beloved Dadi Ami. Her love, teachings, and unwavering
support have been the guiding forces shaping my aspirations
and values.

Through her wisdom, I've learned the importance of

prioritizing values over external validation, of standing up
for what is right, and of seeking empowerment not just for
myself but for others, especially women who face
challenges and constraints in society.

My career aspiration is not merely about individual success;

it's about creating a positive impact, advocating for women's
rights, and empowering those who long for safety,
independence, and the chance to fulfill their dreams. My goal
is to build a platform that serves as a beacon of hope and
support, nurturing self-confidence, resilience, and a sense
of purpose among women who deserve to live with dignity
and freedom.

With every step forward in my career journey, I carry the

spirit of my Dadi Ami with me, ensuring that her legacy of
love, courage, and empowerment continues to inspire and
uplift not just me but countless others who benefit from her
wisdom and compassion.

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