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Poblacion, Danao, Bohol

Action Research of: Labrador, Danjelou C., Lofranco, Luiz Jay M.,
Jasmine Milloria B., Morgia, Kyle P., Nuňez, Jane
Grace E., Orapa, Aijean E., Paller, Riza Mae S.,
Paquibot, Jenny Ann M., Silagan, Princess Jane,
Trazo, Dustin Kim O.
Title: Exploring the effects of the abnormal rise in
temperature to agriculture


MIRAFLOR P. BUYAN ______________

English Teacher Date


Research Teacher Date



To the Almighty Father,

Who is the source of our strength
Whenever we stumble and fall; His love,
Inspiration and guidance make this work possible.

To our Alma Mater

Danao National High School
Poblacion, Danao, Bohol
As foundation of our knowledge.

To our beloved parents

Who are always there to support us,
Who show us their unconditional love
And who shower us their unending support
In everything we do.

The researchers would like to extend their deepest and immeasurable gratitude
to all the persons who were behind in making this work successful.

Above all, the wholehearted gratitude and countless thanks to Almighty Father,
the source of life and wisdom for giving the researchers courage, strength, will and
determination as they work towards the realization of the study, for without Him, this
work would not be possible.

Dr. Marie Madilyn V. Bautista, Principal of Danao National High School for approval of
this research study.

Mrs. Marian Mar Cepedoza, Research adviser, for giving her ample time in reading the
research, for correcting the research and for giving the researchers encouragement and
sharing the information that we need for the success of this research study.

Mrs. Miraflor P. Buyan, For giving her precious time to join us in this research.

To our parents who give their support and understanding , patience, love and
their guidance, advices.

To all friends and classmate for their words of wisdom and help in any possible

Thank you so much!


TITLE PAGE ……………………………………………………………….. i

APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………….. ii

DEDICATION………….…………………………………………………… iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………….. vii

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………… ix




Rationale……………………………………………………….. 1

Review of Literature and Related Studies ……………………



Statement of the Problem…………………………………… 3

Significance of the Study…………………………………… 4

Scope and Delimitation……………………………………… 5

Research Methodology

Research Design…………………………………….………. 5

Research Locale and Respondents…………………….... 5

Research Instrument………………………………………… 6

Data Gathering Procedure………………………………...... 6

Definition of Terms…………………………………………… 7

References………………………………………………….. 7

Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………. 8





This study aimed to determine the Effects of the Abnormal Rise in Temperature
to agriculture, this study sought to answer this following questions: 1.) What are the
effects of the abnormal rise of temperature that farmers face; 2.) What can the farmers
do in order to prevent such effects; 3.) How can the abnormal heat of our environment
affect the daily lives of farmers?

The study used simple random sampling and the researchers made a
questionnaire in gathering the data. The data collected were carefully observe and
analyze to make sure that no important details is overlooked. There were a total of 30
farmers respondents consisting of 10(10%)females and 20(20%)males. Based on the
responses of the respondents on the statements given to them pertaining to effects of
the abnormal rise in temperature to agriculture, it showed that most responses were
about their problem in pests and plant diseases, the perception of the farmers who’s
been going to their rice field.

Chapter 1


The Earth's climate is undergoing significant changes, with global temperatures
rising at an unprecedented rate. This abnormal rise in temperature, largely driven by
human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, is having far-reaching consequences on the
planet's ecosystems, economies, and human societies. Understanding the multifaceted
effects of this phenomenon is crucial for developing effective strategies to mitigate and
adapt to the challenges it presents.

This research paper seeks to determine the cause behind the rising temperature and
enumerate its effects.

The paper will begin by examining the underlying causes of the abnormal
temperature rise, including the role of human activities and the complex interactions
within the Earth's climate system. It will then delve into the cascading effects on
ecosystems, such as the disruption of biodiversity, the melting of glaciers and ice caps,
and the increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Furthermore, the
research will investigate the implications of rising temperatures on human health,
including the spread of vector-borne diseases, the exacerbation of heat-related
illnesses, and the potential for increased mortality rates. The impact on agricultural
systems and food security will also be analyzed, considering the effects on crop yields,
livestock production, and the availability of freshwater resources. Finally, the paper will
explore the socio-economic consequences of the abnormal temperature rise, such as
the displacement of populations, the disruption of infrastructure and economic activities,
and the potential for increased social and political instability. The research will also
highlight the disproportionate burden borne by vulnerable communities and the need for
equitable and inclusive solutions. By providing a comprehensive understanding of the
multifaceted effects of the abnormal rise in temperature, this research paper aims to
contribute to the ongoing discourse on climate change and inform policymakers,
stakeholders, and the general public on the urgency of addressing this global challenge.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (2021) established a "Heat Illness

Prevention Campaign" to raise awareness and provide education and resources for
farm employers and employees. It’s also worth nothing that many of today’s farm
employees may lack previous farm or other outdoor employment experience, so dealing
with weather-related conditions may be new to them, not to mention the difference
among individuals who may or may not be acclimatized to high heat conditions.
Particular employees - such as older workers, those who are overweight or have heart-
related medical conditions – may have an even lower-than-average sensitivity to heat
and require additional monitoring.

According to the Global Climate Risk Index (2022), India stands tenth in the
category of the most climate-affected countries in the world of 2022, with an average of
114 days of heat wave conditions recorded each year. Conforming to a met department
analysis, India is experiencing an increase heat wave days every 10 years. The
research reveals that, mostly in inland locations, the number of days with exceptionally
high temperatures is progressively increasing going from 413 in 1981-1990 to 575 in
2001-2010 and 600 in 2011-2020.
Climate change is causing a range of increasingly severe effects on the
environment. Desert areas are expanding, heatwaves and wildfires are becoming more
common, and the arctic is experiencing rapid warming, leading to the melting of polar
ice caps and sea ice retreat (Liu & Xue, 2020; Thomas & Nigam, 2018; Turco et al..,
2023). Higher temperatures also result in more powerful storms, droughts, and other
extreme weather events (Masson-Delmotte et al.., 2021). Rapid environmental changes
in mountainous regions, coral reefs, and the arctic have forced many species to change
behavior, migrate, or face extinction (Ellis et al.., 2019; Fretwell et al., 2023; Roffler et
al.., 2023; Roman-Palacios & Wiens, 2020). Even if there is success in mitigating future
warming, some impacts will persists for centuries, including ocean warming, ocean
acidification, and sea-level rise (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2018).

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC) Report

(2019): The IPCC reports highlights that climate change, including rising temperatures,
is already affecting food security and agricultural productivity globally. It that further
warming will negatively impact crop yields and livestock productivity, especially in low-
latitude regions.

There is an increasing body of evidence that shows that over the past 15 years,
the world has experienced a faster rate of warming than in the 1970s (Met Office Hadley
Centre, n.d.). Notably, this period also marks the beginning of the industrial era of
human civilization. Data collected from various sources and scientific organizations
consistently support this consensus and alignment of information (Met Office Hadley
Centre, n.d.).
However, Climate change denialism, also known as climate change denial or
‘’global warming denial,’’ involves the rejection of scientific evidence or the doubt cast
upon conclusions without sufficient basis. Naturally, proponents of this theory are at

odds with the scientific consensus on climate change. Climate change deniers assert
the climate change crisis is a hoax or a scam. They propagate conspiracy theories,
suggesting that the climate change crisis has been fabricated or, at the very least,
exaggerated by interest groups seeking control political and economic power
(Goldenberg, 2010; Readfearm).

Corey Lesk, Pedram Rowhani, Navin Ramankutty (2016) In recent years, several
extreme weather disasters have partially or completely damaged regional crop
production. While detailed regional accounts of the effects of extreme weather disasters
exist, the global scale effects of droughts, floods and extreme temperature on crop
production are yet to be quantified. Here we estimate for the first time, to our
knowledge, national cereal production losses across the globe resulting from reported
extreme weather disasters. We show that droughts and extreme heat significantly
reduced national cereal production by 9–10%, whereas our analysis could not identify
an effect from floods and extreme cold in the national data. Analysing the underlying
processes, we find that production losses due to droughts were associated with a
reduction in both harvested area and yields, whereas extreme heat mainly decreased
cereal yields. Furthermore, the results highlight ~7% greater production damage from
more recent droughts and 8–11% more damage in developed countries than in
developing ones.

Our findings may help to guide agricultural priorities in international disaster risk
reduction and adaptation efforts. Wolfram Schlenker, Michael J Roberts (2019). These
crops comprise two of the four largest sources of caloric energy produced and are thus
critical for world food supply. We find that yields increase temperatures are very
harmful. The slope of the decline above the optimum is significantly steeper than the
incline below it.

Asseng et al. (2015) Crop models are essential tools for assessing the threat of
climate change to local and global food production. Present models used to predict
wheat grain yield are highly uncertain when simulating how crops respond to
temperature. Extrapolating the model ensemble temperature response indicates that
warming is already slowing yield gains at a majority of wheat-growing locations. Global
wheat production is estimated to fall by 6% for each °C of further temperature increase
and become more variable over space and time.

Tack, J., Barkley, A., & Nalley, L. L. (2015) Climate change is expected to
increase future temperatures, potentially resulting in reduced crop production in many
key production regions. Research quantifying the complex relationship between weather
variables and wheat yields is rapidly growing, and recent advances have used a variety
of model specifications that differ in how temperature data are included in the statistical
yield equation. We find that the overall effect of warming on yields is negative, even
after accounting for the benefits of reduced exposure to freezing temperatures.

Feeding a growing global population in a changing climate presents a significant

challenge to society. The projected yields of crops under a range of agricultural and
climatic scenarios are needed to assess food security prospects. Previous meta-
analyses have summarized climate change impacts and adaptive potential as a function
of temperature. Without adaptation, losses in aggregate production are expected for
wheat, rice and maize in both temperate and tropical regions by 2 °C of local warming.
Crop-level adaptations increase simulated yields by an average of 7-15%, with
adaptations more effective for wheat and rice than maize. Yield losses are greater in
magnitude for the second half of the century than for the first. Consensus on yield
decreases in the second half of the century is stronger in tropical than temperate
regions, yet even moderate warming may reduce temperate crop yields in many
locations. Although less is known about interannual variability than mean yields, the
available data indicate that increases in yield variability are likely. Challinor, A. J.,
Watson, J., Lobell, D. B., Howden, S. M., Smith, D. R., & Chhetri, N. (2014). A meta-
analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation.

According to the C.R Lewis Theory (1970) Relating High Temperatures and
Overpressure, It is generally agreed that almost all of the heat flowing within the earth
comes from the core and moves outward to the surface where it is lost into space as
radiant energy. Wherever flowing heat meets an obstacle (an insulator) there is a build-
up of heat against its face. The temperature rises on this face until a higher temperature
gradient exists across the obstacle. Enough heat will then follow through the insulator to
balance the flow of incoming heat. It is clear that a higher temperature gradient must be
imposed across a heat insulator than across a heat conductor to achieve equal heat-
flow rates. Therefore, if we observe a very high gradient zone is an insulator. Our theory
is that high pressure zones are heat insulators; therefore, we expect abnormal
temperature gradients to exist across them.

Republic Act no. 9279 otherwise known as the ‘’CLIMATE CHANGE ACT OF
2009’’ Section 2. It is the policy of state to afford full protection and advancement of the
right of people to a healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
In this light, the state has adopted to the Philippine Agenda 21 framework which
exposes sustainable development, to fullfil human needs while maintaining the quality of
natural environment for current and future generations.


This study seeks to determine the cause behind the rising temperature and
enumerate its effects.

Specifically, this seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the effects of the abnormal rise of temperature that farmers face?

2.What can the farmers do in order to prevent such effects?

3.How can the abnormal heat of our environment affect the daily lives of farmers?



The study will help farmers understand the impact of rising temperatures on their
agricultural practices and crop yields.

It will provide insights into the challenges farmers may face, such as changes in
planting and harvesting schedules, the need for new crop varieties, and the potential for
increased pest and disease outbreaks.

The findings can assist farmers in developing adaptation strategies to mitigate

the effects of temperature changes, ensuring the sustainability of their agricultural

The study will inform local government officials about the specific challenges and
impacts that the abnormal rise in temperature can have on the agricultural sector within
their jurisdiction.

This knowledge will enable local authorities to develop and implement targeted
policies, programs, and infrastructure investments to support farmers and the
agricultural community.

The study can also help local governments identify areas that require increased
resources, such as extension services, irrigation systems, or disaster management
plans, to enhance the resilience of the local agricultural system.


The findings of this study can inform national level policymakers and government
officials about the broader implications of temperature changes on the agricultural

This information can be used to develop comprehensive national strategies and

policies to address the challenges posed by climate change, including the
implementation of adaptation measures, investments in agricultural research and
development, and the provision of support and resources to farmers.

The study can also contribute to the development of national level programs and
initiatives aimed at enhancing food security, promoting sustainable agricultural
practices, and mitigating the economic and social impacts of temperature related
agricultural disruptions.


This study will contribute to the growing body of research on the impacts of
climate change on agriculture, providing valuable insights and empirical evidence.
The findings can be used to inform and guide future research efforts in this field,
helping to identify knowledge gasp and areas further investigation.

The study can also serve as a foundation for interdisciplinary collaborations,

bringing together experts from various fields, such as agriculture, climate science, and
environmental policy, to develop comprehensive solutions to the challenges posed by
temperature changes in the agricultural sector.

Overall, the significance of this study lies in its ability to inform and empower
different stakeholders, from individual farmers to government officials, to better
understand and address the complex challenges posed by the abnormal rise in
temperature on agriculture. The insights gained can contribute to the development of
more effective and targeted strategies to ensure the long-term sustainability and
resilience of the agricultural sector.

Scope and Delimitation

The purpose of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis in various

impacts of the abnormal rise in temperature. Specifically, this study will be
conducted to 30 farmers in the Barangay Poblacion, Danao, Bohol.

Research Design
This study will utilize a qualitative research design to gather in-depth insights into
the effects of abnormal rise of temperature. The primary focus will be on the
experiences, perceptions, and behaviors of individuals in relation to temperature
changes where the respondents will answer the survey questionnaires that will be
provided by the researchers in order to determine the respondents opinion about the
effects of the abnormal rise in temperature. The results of the gathered data will be
analyzed using statistical methods, such as trend analysis, regression modeling, and
spatial analysis, to identify the patterns and correlations between temperature rise and
its impacts on ecosystems and human well-being.

The qualitative data from interviews and focus groups will be analyzed using thematic
analysis to identify key themes and insights that complement the quantitative findings.

Research Locale and Respondents

The locale of the study was in Poblacion, Danao, Bohol. The respondents of the

study were thirty (30) Farmers.

The primary research respondents for this study were thirty (30) farmers

from Poblacion, Danao area. The farmers were selected from poblacion, danao,
which has been identified as an area significantly impacted by the normal rise in
temperature over this prolonged period of high temperature.

Research Instrument

The researchers used an open-ended survey questionnaire as a

main tool in gathering the data. The questions are originated in the specific
questions that were stated in the statement of the problem. The
researchers planned it carefully with the help of their adviser. The
researcher utilized an interview transcript wherein the chosen farmers
were asked personally by the researchers to know what is the main effect
of the abnormal rise in temperature to their lives as a farmer.


The researchers will go first to the faculty office to ask permissions from the
teachers in regards to allowing each of us to conduct our research without any problem.
After the permission is granted, the designated researchers proceed with their assigned
task, which is collecting the data. The data were collected from the thirty farmers in
Poblacion, Danao, providing them with some questionnaires to get done in order to
make sure that no important details were overlooked.


vector-borne diseases-It is a disease from an infection transmitted to humans and

other animals by blood-feeding anthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas.

radiant energy-It is a physical energy resulting from electromagnetic radiation, usually

observed as it radiates from a source into the surrounding environment.

droughts-Is a prolonged dry period in the natural climate cycle that occur anywhere in
the world.

heat insulators-It is a substances through which heat cannot pass easily.

Over pressure-It is the pressure caused by a shock wave over and above normal
atmospheric pressure.
high pressure zones-Are places where the atmosphere is relatively thick.


Republic of the Philippines: Republic Act No. 9729 Section 2 the Declaration of Policy,

OSHA Publications: Heat Illness Prevention,


Liu, Y..,& Xue, Y. (2020). Expansion of the Sahara Dessert and shrinking of frozen land
of the ArcticScientific Reports, 10(1), 4109.

Readfearn, G. (2015). Doubt over climate science is a product with an industry behind it
The Guardian. Retrieved October 22 from

Goldenberg, S. (2010). US Senate’s top climate sceptic accused of waging ‘McCarthyite

witch-hunt’. The Guardian Retrieved October 2022 from

Jones, P. H.: ‘’Hydrodynamics of Geopressure in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin’’, J,

Pet. Tech, (July, 1969) 803-810.

Lesk, C., Rowhani, P., & Ramankutty, N. (2016). Influence of extreme weather disasters
on global crop production. Nature, 529(7584), 84-87
Schlenker, W., & Roberts, M. J. (2009). Nonlinear temperature effects indicate severe
damages to US crop yields under climate change. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, 106(37), 15594-15598
Asseng, S., Ewert, F., Martre, P., Rötter, R. P., Lobell, D. B., Cammarano, D., ... &
Aggarwal, P. K. (2015). Rising temperatures reduce global wheat production. Nature
Climate Change, 5(2), 143-147

Tack, J., Barkley, A., & Nalley, L. L. (2015). Effect of warming temperatures on US
wheat yields. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(22), 6931-6936

Challinor, A. J., Watson, J., Lobell, D. B., Howden, S. M., Smith, D. R., & Chhetri, N.
(2014). A meta-analysis of crop yield under climate change and adaptation. Nature
Climate Change, 4(4), 287-291.

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