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A arN NG (Skill of Explaining)

aIG OI 342B (Meaning of Skill)

NTG 4T4 (Parts of the Skill)

Statements)E 21 ¢Y EY HYT YI yfJH I quf

(a) qufHE Fy

(b) 3ftH HA (Interpretive Statements) HE1 n

(c) #rRU qGTÀ Tà FUA (Reasons Giving Statements)

I Tco (Components of the Skill)

ATI FTIG BT (Components of Skillof Explaining)

(Desirable behaviours) (Undesirable behaviury

3. 3TGYTo faq30 3. yatfaoI I 34H14|

4. aT-ytey|

afod dEIY (Desirable Behaviours)

Beginning and Concluding
1. G4Yd yRte sr fApá FY0 I Yrm (Using Appropriate.

2. reN gi 1 Tn(Using Explaining Links) th 1

q 479
(Covering Essential Points) f) y uf 1

s t NdER (Undesirable Behaviour)

. ARRI ARGY OI 3TA (Lacking Continuity in Statements) Aor

*. SgyH YGTT, AE Ya sr YEIqR0 DI VN (Using InappropriateqTt i
¢ 3qTtd 34Eyc6 AER
Vague Words and Phrases) 3H YOR

nfèoi 15.2
Scalefor the Skill of bzplaning,
(Observation Schedule Cum kating


(Component of behaviour)
Aterv (Tallies (yualtutive wulwaun,
and specific
(Desirable behuviour)
(Lztremely weat escelen,

3. e g0 (Links)61 T
4. 3HT49q faqi 4 1 2 3 4

5. q-qA 2 3 4

(Undesirable behaviour)
2 3
2 3

2 3 4
Bi/TI 3. gaifahcll 1 3HH
2 3 4

2 3
2 4

(Micro-Teaching Plan or Practising Skill of Explaining)

(Galaxies in the LUniverse)

Milky Wan)

Questions put by the teacher) (Pupil s Answers)

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