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I certify that this project was carried out by AJIBOLA AJARAT OLABISI , 21CN02/032.

__________________________ ___________________


(Project Supervisor)



Head of Dept.


This Project is dedicated to God Almighty who made it possible for me to start and finish well and

strong. This is also dedicated to my wonderful husband. Mr. Akorede Wasiu Ahmed.


All praises belong to Almighty God, for seeing me throughout the whole period of my study.

My special thanks goes to my supervisor in person of Dr. Awoyelu T.M who diligently used her

wide wealth of experience in making success out of this project work.

I am super grateful to my loving husband (Mr. Akorede Wasiu Ahmed) for his understanding and

support. My special and deep unreserved appreciation goes to my ever loving mother, Mrs

Funmilayo Ajibola for her care, love, support, prayer and assistance morally. A big thank you to

my darling son (Khalid Ahmed) for his cooperation throughout my study. Big thanks to Mrs Rofiat

Ahmed, Mr Oba Julius Olabanji, Mr Adedeji Ademola, Miss Abiola Williams, and Mr ABiola

Ibrahim. I am also grateful to my friends and Course mates, Olorunshola Damilola, Olafisoye

Oluwatobiloba, and Ibrahim Tolulope.

Thank you all.



Title Page

Declaration ii

Certification iii

Dedication iv

Acknowledgement v

Table of Contents vi

List of Figures And Tables ix

Abstract x



1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study 2

1.3 Scope of the Study 3

1.4 Statement of the Problem 3

1.5 Organization of the Project 4

1.6 Methodology 4

1.7 Definition of Terms 5



2.1 Healthcare and Technology 7

2.1.1 New Healthcare Technology 8

2.1.2 Electronic Databases 9

2.1.3 Doctors Adopting Flexibility 9

2.1.4 Technology in Healthcare refines Testing and Imaging 9

2.1.5 Search based trends 10

2.1.6 New Healthcare Technology helps avoid errors 10

2.2 University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan 11

2.2.1 Healthcare Technology in UCH, Ibadan 13

2.2.2 Navigational challenges in large healthcare institutions: A Case Study of UCH, Ibadan


2.2.3 Patient and Visitor Experiences in large Healthcare Institutions 16

2.2.4 Existing Navigation Initiatives in Large Healthcare Institutions: A Comparative Study with

Insights from UCH, Ibadan 17

2.3 Google Maps 17

2.3.1 Google Maps in Healthcare: Enhancing Navigation, Location Tracking, and Patient

Experience 18

2.4.1 Google Maps: Algorithms and Techniques 19 Dijikstra’s Algorithm 19 A* (A-star) Algorithm 20 Street View – Google Maps 21 Locating the position (of an object, person or place) using GPS and Geocoding 21 Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) 22

2.5 Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing a Hospital Location System 25

2.5.1 Challenges 25

2.5.2 Opportunities 25



3.1 System Design 27

3.2 Data Collection and Requirements 30

3.3 Programming Languages and Tools 32

3.4 Database Design 33



5.1 Summary 38

5.2 Conclusion 39

5.3 Recommendations 40



Table 2.1: UCH Wards 13

Figure 3.1: System Flowchart 28

Figure 3.2: System Architecture 29

Figure 3.3: Google Maps Architecture 31

Figure 4.1: UCH, Ibadan Map 34

Figure 4.2: The Map showing Children Out Patients, UCH Ibadan 35
Figure 4.3: The Map showing UCH Accident and Emergency Park 36
Figure 4.4: The Map showing University Laboratory, UCH Ibadan 37


The University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, Nigeria is a large medical institution with a

complex and multifaceted layout. This can present navigational challenges for patients, visitors,

and hospital staff alike. To address these challenges, this project implemented the development of

an online hospital location system that harnesses the power of digital mapping tools like Google


The successful implementation of this system will have a significant impact on the healthcare

experience at UCH. It will reduce navigation-related time wastage, anxiety, and missed

appointments for patients and visitors. It will also free up healthcare professionals from the burden

of providing directions, allowing them to focus on their critical patient care responsibilities.

Additionally, the system will enhance operational efficiency by providing real-time updates on

resource availability, enabling staff to optimize resource allocation and streamline processes.

Keywords: Online hospital location system, healthcare navigation, UCH Ibadan, digital

mapping tools, Google Map



1.2 Background of the Study

In the ever-evolving landscape of modern healthcare, the integration of technology has

revolutionized many aspects of patient care and hospital management. However, one fundamental

yet often overlooked facet of healthcare delivery is efficient navigation within the hospital

environment. Large medical institutions, such as the University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan,

often present intricate, labyrinthine layouts that can challenge even the most seasoned healthcare

professionals and leave patients and visitors disoriented and stressed. The consequences of this

navigational conundrum are far-reaching, impacting not only the individuals seeking medical care

but also hospital staff and the institution's overall operational efficiency. Muhammad WasimMunir

et al., (2015).

The University College Hospital, renowned for its medical excellence, serves as a paradigmatic

example of the complex and multifaceted challenges that exist within the domain of healthcare

navigation. Patients and visitors alike face the daunting task of locating specific wards and units

within the hospital, often leading to time wastage, anxiety, and, at times, missed appointments.

The situation is further exacerbated by the frequent interruptions healthcare professionals face

when asked for directions, diverting their attention from critical patient care responsibilities.

Moreover, the navigational challenges encountered within UCH can adversely affect the overall

patient experience, leading to reduced patient satisfaction and potentially influencing the

perception of UCH as a healthcare provider.

While technology has significantly transformed healthcare in numerous ways, the development

and implementation of a comprehensive online hospital location system have remained largely

uncharted territory. This study is grounded in the belief that technology can play a pivotal role in

mitigating the navigational challenges inherent to healthcare institutions. By introducing an online

hospital location system that harnesses the power of digital mapping tools like Google Maps, this

research seeks to address the complex issue of hospital navigation, enhancing the overall

healthcare experience at UCH and potentially serving as a model for other healthcare facilities.

The aim of this study is to develop an innovative online hospital location system that not only

assists patients, visitors, and hospital staff in finding their way within the UCH premises but also

optimizes resource allocation, streamlines operational efficiency, and ultimately contributes to the

enhancement of healthcare services. To this end, this research project will delve into the

development, implementation, and evaluation of the online hospital location system, with a focus

on its impact on user experience, operational efficiency, and the broader implications for

healthcare management.

1.2 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this research is to develop an online hospital location system to help users to get the

right directions to different wards and units of the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan

using Google maps. The specific objectives are:

i. conduct a literature review on applications of technology in healthcare.

ii. design a model and develop a communication platform for wards and unit search within

UCH, Ibadan.

iii. translate the model into an algorithm program and implement with Google maps to view

nearest wards and units within UCH, Ibadan by applying shortest route using Google map.

1.4 Scope of the Study

This research project focuses exclusively on developing an online hospital location system for

enhancing navigation within the University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan. The study will

concentrate on creating a web-based solution that provides clear directions to different wards and

units within UCH, Ibadan. Notably, the study's scope excludes broader aspects of hospital

management, such as staff and patient records, and financial operations.

1.4 Statement of the Problem

In the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, efficient navigation remains a significant

challenge for patients, visitors, and hospital staff. The sprawling UCH campus lacks a user-friendly

hospital location system, resulting in confusion, delays, and frustration when attempting to find

specific wards and units. This issue impedes the overall healthcare experience for those interacting

with the hospital. Patients and visitors are often faced with the daunting task of navigating the vast

UCH campus, leading to time wastage, increased stress, and sometimes missed appointments. The

absence of an effective hospital location system means individuals may require frequent assistance

to locate their intended destination within the facility.

The inefficiency in navigation not only affects patients and visitors but also disrupts the operational

flow within the hospital. Hospital staff are frequently interrupted to provide directions, diverting

their attention from essential tasks and potentially affecting the speed and quality of healthcare


Moreover, the lack of an integrated hospital navigation system has a detrimental impact on the

overall patient experience. Navigational difficulties contribute to reduced patient satisfaction and

may influence the perception of UCH as a healthcare provider. Despite advancements in

technology, UCH has yet to fully leverage digital solutions such as an online hospital location

system to enhance navigation and user experience. This research project aims to address these

challenges by developing an online hospital location system that utilizes Google Maps to offer a

convenient and efficient way for users to find their way to different wards and units within the

University College Hospital, Ibadan. By addressing these issues, the project seeks to improve

patient and visitor satisfaction, optimize resource utilization, and enhance the overall healthcare

experience at UCH.

1.5 Organization of the Project

Chapter one entails the introduction. This includes an overview of the study's objectives, the

significance of the language translation app, and the research problem that it aims to address.

Chapter two entails the Literature Review of language translation and related technologies. It

entails a comprehensive examination of prior research, providing a foundation for the current


Chapter three entails the System Analysis and Design which outlines the research approach and

the design of the language translation app. It entails a detailed description of the methods and tools

employed in the app's development.

Chapter four entails the System Implementation which is dedicated to the practical implementation

of the app.

Chapter five entails the Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendations.

1.6 Methodology

i. Literature Review: The methodology begins with an extensive literature review to explore the

existing knowledge and research in the field, providing a strong foundation for the study.

ii. Requirement Analysis: This involves a detailed analysis of the project requirements, including

technical specifications and user needs, ensuring that the development process aligns with the

project's objectives.

iii. Implementation: The implementation stage encompasses the actual development of the system,

translating the design and requirements into a working solution.

v. Testing and Assessment: Testing and assessment are conducted to evaluate the system's

functionality and performance, addressing any issues or bugs that may arise during the

development process.

vi. Deployment and User Evaluation: Once the system is refined and tested, it is deployed for real-

world use, and user evaluation helps gather feedback and insights for further improvements and


1.7 Definition of Terms

Health Care: Healthcare is a broad term that encompasses the maintenance, improvement, and

restoration of physical and mental well-being. It refers to a set of services, practices, and systems

designed to diagnose, treat, prevent, and manage illnesses, injuries, and other health conditions in

individuals or populations

Hospital: An institution that provides medical, surgical or psychiatric care and treatment for the

sick or the injured.

Communication: Communication is the process of exchanging information, ideas, thoughts, or

feelings between individuals or groups. It involves both verbal and non-verbal methods of

conveying messages, and it can occur through various channels, including speech, writing,

gestures, body language, and the use of technology.

Patients: This is any recipient of health care, a person receiving or registered to receive medical


Doctors: A physician, medical practitioner, medical doctor, or simply doctor is a professional who

practices medicine, which is concerned with promoting, maintaining, or restore health.

GPS: Google maps is a web mapping service developed by g=Google. It offers satellite imagery,

aerial photography, street maps, 3600, interactive panoramic views of street (street view), real

time, traffic conditions, and route planning for travelling by foot, car, bicycle or public


Google Maps: Google Maps is a widely used web-based mapping service and navigation tool

developed by Google. It provides users with interactive maps, real-time traffic information,

satellite imagery, street view imagery, and various location-based services

Hospital Wards: Hospital wards are specific sections or divisions within a hospital that are

dedicated to providing care for patients with similar medical conditions or needs. Wards are

organized to ensure that patients receive specialized care and attention based on their diagnosis or

medical requirements.

Hospital Units: Hospital units are specialized sections or departments within a healthcare facility

that focus on specific medical services or areas of treatment. These units are often structured to

provide comprehensive care for particular patient groups or conditions.

Location: Location refers to a specific point or area in physical space, typically defined by

geographical coordinates or an address. It is a fundamental concept in navigation, geography, and

various technologies, including GPS (Global Positioning System) and mapping systems.



2.1 Healthcare and Technology

The dynamic landscape of modern healthcare stands as a testament to the relentless advance of

technology, with profound implications for patient care, hospital operations, and healthcare

management. In the 21st century, technology has emerged as a pivotal force, redefining the

healthcare paradigm and ushering in an era of unparalleled innovation and transformation. (Pino,

and Salvo, 2013).

The pivotal role of technology in healthcare is underpinned by its ability to address longstanding

challenges and enhance the quality of care provided to patients. Technological interventions have

ranged from electronic health records (EHRs) that centralize patient data, making it readily

accessible to healthcare providers, to telemedicine platforms that extend the reach of medical

expertise beyond the confines of physical proximity. Diagnostic imaging tools and laboratory

automation have elevated the precision and speed of diagnoses, ensuring that healthcare decisions

are informed by the latest medical knowledge. In the broader context, technologies such as hospital

management systems have streamlined administrative processes and optimized resource

allocation, resulting in more efficient and cost-effective healthcare management.

The impact of healthcare technology on patient care is perhaps the most striking facet of this

revolution. Patients today experience a healthcare environment that is more patient-centered,

accessible, and personalized. Remote monitoring technologies enable the continuous tracking of

health parameters, offering a proactive approach to healthcare that can detect and address issues

at an early stage. Moreover, patient engagement platforms empower individuals to take an active

role in their healthcare journey, fostering a sense of agency and promoting adherence to treatment


Beyond patient care, technology has permeated every aspect of hospital operations. Hospital

management systems provide a comprehensive view of hospital resources, facilitating more

effective resource allocation and planning. The implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices

and real-time location systems (RTLS) enables efficient tracking of medical equipment, enhancing

their availability and reducing costs associated with replacements. Communication technologies

have revolutionized healthcare delivery by enabling seamless communication among healthcare

professionals, leading to more coordinated and patient-centric care. (Filipe, L., et al., 2015).

As we embark on this journey of exploration into the role of technology in healthcare, it becomes

increasingly evident that the integration of technology is not just a contemporary trend but an

essential pillar of modern healthcare delivery. It has redefined the patient experience, made

healthcare more accessible, and optimized the management of healthcare resources. Moreover, it

holds the promise of addressing the complex challenges of the healthcare sector, improving the

quality of care, and advancing healthcare outcomes. In the subsequent sections of this study, we

delve into specific areas where technology plays a pivotal role, particularly focusing on its

application in the context of the University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan.

2.1.1 New Healthcare Technology

Technology is the significant reason behind progress in healthcare research and treatments.

Diagnostic technologies have now entered a new phase of development in the 21st century. The

simple instruments used by the physicians have been replaced by advanced sensing machines and

technologies. This allows doctors to use new tools and find new and advanced ways to practice

medicine into the future. Healthcare technology is increasing the life expectancy of a person, and

helps the doctor in the early and efficient diagnosis of disease. (Bayramusta, and Nasir, 2016).

2.1.2 Electronic Databases

The huge pile of files containing patient’s medical records have completely vanished from the

doctor’s office, and those have been replaced by electronic databases. These are now helping to

store a large amount of information such as patient’s medical history, records of vital signs, lab

testing results, and prescription in the database which can be easily retrieved by the doctors and

nurses. The medical practitioners are regularly using hand-held computers to record significant

real-time patient data and then instantly update the electronic database. Patients can go through

their own information easily through a portal provided to them, and this enables them to understand

the treatment easily. This effective technology of collection and storage of information also proves

to be a large source of patient history for the scientists who are engaged in research for new

technological innovations. (Boulos Berry G (2012).

2.1.3 Doctors Adopting Flexibility

Because of portable gadgets like smartphones and tablets, doctors can easily access online medical

databases and other medical information over the internet from anywhere they go. Patients can

easily contact and consult doctors through different online apps and portals. Reports can be shared

easily via emails, messages or other chatting apps like WhatsApp, Telegram etc. This has proven

to be a boon for villages and remote areas. Second opinions can be taken from the specialists

without the need to move the patients. (Mutlag, et al., 2019).

2.1.4 Technology in Healthcare refines Testing and Imaging

The medical tests nowadays are highly advanced and capable of detecting critical illness in

relatively less time. We now have advanced screening, monitoring and imagining technologies

like ECG, digital X-ray, Sonography, MRI and CT scans, which enables the pathologist to detect

illness accurately without requiring any invasive surgeries. These approaches let doctors to even

create precise 3D images of the anatomical structures and then plan the treatment accordingly. As

a result of quick and accurate diagnosis, the critical illness can be controlled and treated at an early

stage. Calabrese, and Cannataro (2015).

2.1.5 Search based trends

Several medical websites are available on the internet. Nowadays it’s a trend that people search

their symptoms on the internet and self-diagnose their sickness before going to the doctor. By

gathering and analysing the searches of the users on the internet, search engines like Google can

predict trending symptoms, thereby helping the doctors to prepare and be ready for the treatment

of forthcoming epidemic of disease. Analysis of this search also helps to determine the demand

for the medicines and ensure its availability. This trend of self-diagnosis also has its drawback

because in most of the cases the patients misdiagnose their symptoms to be as critical as a brain

tumour when all they have is a simple headache. (Olaniyan, R., et al., (2018).

2.1.6 New Healthcare Technology helps avoid errors

Internet helps in reducing prescription medication errors that are responsible for the deaths of many

people. Technologies like special bracelets containing information about the treatment and

medication of the patients are linked to the hospital database. The hospitals are able to track the

dosage of medicine of the patient wearing the bracelet. The vital signs of the patients, especially

the elderly or people suffering from cardiological disorders can be monitored remotely by the

doctor with the help of monitoring devices worn by the patients.

2.2 University College Hospital (UCH), Ibadan

The University College Hospital, (UCH) Ibadan was established in August 1952 Act of

Parliament in response to the need for the training of medical personnel and other

healthcare professionals for the country and the West African Sub-Region. The establishment of

the Hospital followed a Visitation Panel in 1951 to assess the clinical facilities for the clinical

postings of medical students registered for M.B.B.S. degree at the University of London.

The visitation panel, led by Dr T.F. Hunt of the University of London rejected the

enhanced facilities provided by the Government/Native Authority Hospital at Adeoyo, Ibadan

following the establishment of a Faculty of Medicine in the University College, Ibadan (now

University of Ibadan) in 1948.

The physical development of the Hospital commenced in 1953 in its present site and was formally

commissioned after completion on 20 November 1957. The University College Hospital, Ibadan

was initially commissioned with 500-bed spaces. Currently, the hospital has 1,000 bed spaces and

200 examination couches with occupancy rates ranging from 65 to 70%.

The hospital, at inception in 1957, before the Act of Parliament, had two

clinical Departments (Medicine and Surgery). However, the hospital has evolved to accommodate

about 65 Departments among which is the first Department of Nuclear Medicine in Nigeria

commissioned by the former Honourable Minister of Health, Professor Eyitayo Lambo on 27 April

2006. The Hospital and the University of Ibadan, function in excellent symbiosis and it is

impossible to think of one without the other, in the areas of health workforce training, research

and clinical service. In addition to the undergraduate medical programme (Based in the College of

Medicine of the University of Ibadan), the UCH also provides for: Postgraduate Residency

Training Programmes in all specialties of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics &

Gynecology, Pediatrics, Otorhinolaryngology, Ophthalmology, Anesthesia, Orthopaedic Surgery

and Traumatology, Laboratory Medicine, Psychiatry, Community Medicine, Family

Medicine, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Neurological Surgery and Dentistry. The University

College Hospital also provides diploma /professional programmes in the School of Health Records

& Statistics, Environmental Health Officers Tutors Course; Primary Health tutors Course,

Nurse/Midwife/Public Health Nurse, Nurse Tutors Course, Post registration Courses in nursing

e.g. Peri Operative nursing and Occupational Health Nursing. (Wikipedia)

S/N Ward Name Specialty

1 OTCHEW Children Emergency

2 Adeoye Lambo Ward Psychiatry

3 West West Grand Psychiatry

4 West West 1 (W.W.1) ENT

5 West West 2 (W.W.2) Surgery

6 West West 3 (W.W.3 ) Unbooked Obstetrics

7 North West 1(N.W.1) NeuroSurgery

8 North West 2 (N.W.2) NeuroSurgery

9 North West 3 (N.W.3) Dialysis Ward

10 Owena Ward Dialysis Ward

11 West 1 Eye

12 West 2 Surgery

13 West 3 Medicine

14 West 4 Obstetrics and Gynaecology

15 South West 1 (S.W.1 ) Surgery

16 South West 2 (S.W.2) Paediatrics Ward

17 South West 3 (S.W.3) Medicine

18 South West 4 (S.W.4) Obstetrics and Gynaecology

19 East 1 Oncology Surgery

20 East 2 Medicine (Diabetes)

21 East 3 Medicine (Gastroenterology)

22 South East 1 (S.E.1) Orthopaedic Surgery

23 South East 2 (S.E.2) Paediatric Ward

24 South East 3 (S.E.3) Medicine

25 South East 4 (S.E.4) Obstetrics and Gynaecology

26 C1-2nd Paediatrics (Neonate)

27 C1-4th Obstetrics and Gynaecology

28 Labour Ward Delivery/Gynaecology

29 SCBU Special Care Baby Unit

30 Metabolic Research Ward Chemical Pathology / Obesity

31 Radiotherapy Ward Oncology

Table 2.1: UCH Wards

2.2.1 Healthcare Technology in UCH, Ibadan

The integration of technology into healthcare has emerged as a transformative force in modern

medical practice, offering innovative solutions to enhance patient care, streamline hospital

management, and improve overall healthcare operations. The University College Hospital (UCH)

in Ibadan stands as a prominent example of a healthcare institution that has embraced technological

advancements to meet the evolving needs of patients, staff, and healthcare delivery.

The historical trajectory of healthcare technology in UCH, Ibadan, is characterized by a gradual

but steady embrace of technological innovations. Over the years, the hospital has witnessed a

progression from manual and paper-based systems to a more digitized environment. The adoption

of electronic health records (EHRs), diagnostic imaging technologies, and communication tools

has significantly influenced healthcare practices within the institution. Boulos, Berry (2012).

At present, UCH, Ibadan, employs a range of technological solutions to support its healthcare

services. Electronic health records and hospital management systems have become integral to

patient data management, ensuring the availability of accurate and up-to-date medical information.

Furthermore, the hospital has harnessed telemedicine for remote consultations, offering increased

accessibility to healthcare services. The utilization of diagnostic imaging systems, such as MRI

and CT scans, has advanced diagnostic capabilities, while telecommunication technologies have

facilitated effective communication among healthcare professionals within the hospital.

The future of healthcare technology in UCH, Ibadan, holds promise for further advancement and

innovation. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning into diagnostic

processes could enhance the speed and accuracy of medical diagnoses. Additionally, the

implementation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices for patient monitoring and smart healthcare

facilities is anticipated to bring significant improvements in patient care and management. The

ongoing digitization and expansion of services within UCH suggest a strong commitment to

harnessing technology for the benefit of healthcare.

The integration of technology into UCH, Ibadan, has ushered in numerous benefits for patient care

and overall hospital operations. The accessibility of electronic health records has streamlined

patient data management, ensuring that healthcare providers have real-time access to crucial

medical information. Telemedicine initiatives have extended the reach of healthcare services,

enabling patients to receive expert consultations without the constraints of physical presence.

Diagnostic technologies have elevated the precision of medical diagnoses, contributing to better

patient outcomes. Furthermore, efficient communication tools have enhanced collaboration among

healthcare professionals, ultimately promoting more coordinated and effective care delivery.

2.2.2 Navigational challenges in large healthcare institutions: A Case Study of UCH,


i. Spatial Organization: The analysis begins with an exploration of the spatial organization within

large healthcare institutions, using the UCH, Ibadan, as a focal point. It examines how spaces are

allocated, structured, and interconnected to cater to the diverse healthcare needs and services

provided. The study encompasses the arrangement of departments, clinics, diagnostic facilities,

and support services, considering how the spatial organization influences the ease or complexity

of navigation.

ii. Distribution of Wards and Units: To gain a deeper understanding of the layout challenges,

we delve into the distribution of wards, units, and healthcare services within the healthcare facility.

This includes assessing the geographical spread of critical areas, such as emergency departments,

specialized units, outpatient clinics, and administrative offices. Analyzing the distribution patterns

is essential in identifying navigation pain points and areas that require optimized directional aids.

iii. Physical Attributes and Signage: A crucial component of layout analysis involves examining

the physical attributes and wayfinding aids within the hospital environment. This includes

assessing the effectiveness of signage, architectural design, landmarks, and other directional cues

in guiding individuals within the facility. Insights from the UCH, Ibadan, and similar healthcare

institutions provide valuable data on the impact of physical attributes on navigation. This

knowledge serves as the cornerstone for developing effective navigational solutions that can be

tailored to address the complexities of large healthcare facilities worldwide.

2.2.3 Patient and Visitor Experiences in large Healthcare Institutions

Navigational challenges can have a profound real-world impact, and it is imperative to explore the

broader experiences of individuals when attempting to locate specific departments, clinics, or

wards in these complex healthcare settings.

i. Difficulties in Locating Healthcare Services: Patients and visitors often encounter difficulties

when attempting to find their way within the labyrinthine layouts of large healthcare institutions.

These challenges encompass issues related to locating specific departments, clinics, diagnostic

services, and specialized units. This explores the diverse set of challenges individuals’ face, such

as finding the correct route, identifying the correct floor, or understanding the layout of the facility.

ii. Stress and Time Wastage: Navigational challenges within large healthcare institutions can

result in significant stress for patients and visitors. The anxiety stemming from the fear of getting

lost, coupled with the apprehension of missing appointments, can be overwhelming. Moreover,

the time wastage associated with prolonged navigation adds to the frustrations faced by

individuals, ultimately impacting the quality of their healthcare experience.

iii. Impact on Healthcare Appointments: The disruptions to healthcare appointments due to

navigational difficulties are a critical concern. Patients and visitors may experience delays, and in

severe cases, they may miss appointments altogether. These disruptions can have cascading

effects, affecting patient care, healthcare providers' schedules, and the overall efficiency of the

healthcare institution.

2.2.4 Existing Navigation Initiatives in Large Healthcare Institutions: A Comparative

Study with Insights from UCH, Ibadan

i. Traditional Wayfinding Solutions: Large healthcare institutions often rely on traditional

wayfinding measures such as static signage, directories, and information kiosks. This section

delves into the various types of signage used and assesses their clarity, placement, and

effectiveness. It explores how traditional wayfinding aids are integrated within the facility to assist

patients, visitors, and staff in navigating complex healthcare environments.

ii. Digital Navigation Aids: With the advent of digital technology, healthcare institutions have

adopted an array of digital navigation aids. These include smartphone apps, interactive kiosks, and

touch-screen directories. The study evaluates the functionalities and user-friendliness of digital

solutions and explores how they are incorporated into the overall navigational strategy within large

healthcare institutions.

2.3 Google Maps

Google Maps is one of the most sought after innovation in the history of technology. The advent

of this feature by the techgiant Google Inc. Google Map enables people to navigate and find the

shortest and most convenient route to their desired destination. According to a recent survey,

Google Maps has acquired almost 64 million users. Moreover, it has included new features like

street-view, location of hospitals, cafes, police-stations and many more helpful features. The

algorithms, techniques and technology used by Google Maps is cutting-edge and highly advanced.

The team of engineers at Google, preserve and analyze myriad datasets including historic and real-

time data, which is what makes Google Maps so progressive and accurate. The prediction models

continuous valued functions i.e., predicts new values. Also ML models can be used and applied

on traditional computing techniques to improve the existing accuracies

2.3.1 Google Maps in Healthcare: Enhancing Navigation, Location Tracking, and Patient


The application of mapping technologies, notably Google Maps, in healthcare has emerged as a

transformative trend, significantly impacting navigation, location tracking, and the overall patient

experience within healthcare settings.

i. Navigation in Healthcare: Google Maps has proven to be a powerful tool for enhancing

navigation within healthcare institutions. Its user-friendly interface and real-time location services

enable patients, visitors, and staff to effortlessly navigate complex hospital environments. Whether

it's finding the right department, clinic, or ward or locating essential amenities such as restrooms

and cafeterias, Google Maps simplifies the process and reduces the anxiety associated with getting

lost within a healthcare facility.

ii. Location Tracking: Beyond static navigation, mapping technologies have facilitated dynamic

location tracking of assets, patients, and even healthcare professionals. In the context of asset

management, real-time tracking of medical equipment ensures their efficient use, reducing

replacement costs and minimizing delays in patient care. Patient tracking systems based on

mapping technologies enhance safety and streamline care delivery, allowing healthcare providers

to locate and monitor patients, especially in large hospital complexes.

iii. Patient Experience Enhancement: Mapping technologies, including Google Maps, have a

profound impact on the patient experience. They empower patients by providing them with tools

to take control of their healthcare journey. Smartphone applications integrated with mapping

technologies enable patients to receive directions, track appointment schedules, and access

valuable information about their healthcare providers. This not only improves patient satisfaction

but also fosters a sense of engagement in their healthcare decisions.

2.4.1 Google Maps: Algorithms and Techniques Dijikstra’s Algorithm

Google maps employs Graph data structures for calculation of the shortest path from the source

(point A) to the destination (point B). Graph data structure comprises of various nodes and

multiple edges connecting these nodes. Dijkstra’s algorithm is an effective and proficient

algorithm proposed by Edsger.W. Dijkstra to navigate the shortest distance and path to reach a

given destination. The nodes of the graph are connected by weighted edges, which represent the

distance to be traversed to reach there. Thus Dijkstra devised an algorithm to find the shortest

route from the source to the destination.


1.1.1 Choose an initial node in the weighted graph which serves as a source node.

1.1.2 The distance of the other nodes is intialised as infinity with respect to the source node.

1.1.3 An empty set N containns the nodes to which the shortest path has been found.

1.1.4 The distance of the source node with respect to itself is zero. It is added to N and thus

termed as ‘active node’.

1.1.5 Consider the neighbouring nodes of the active node which are connected to it by a weighted

edge. Sum up the distance with the weight of the edge.

1.1.6 If the neighbouring nodes already have some distnace assigned, then update the distance if

the newly obtained distance in step 5 is less than the current value.

1.1.7 Now, choose the node which has the minimum distance assigned to it and insert it into N.

The newly inserted node is now the ’active node’.

1.1.8 Repeat steps 5 to 7 until the destination node is included in the set N or if there are no more

labelled nodes in N.

28 A* (A-star) Algorithm

A* algortihm is a flexible, more efficient and cutting-edge algorithm which Google Maps

currently utilises to find the shortest path between a given source and destination. It has a wider

range of contexts hence, it can deal with larger graphs which is preferable over Dijkstra’s

algorithm.A* is like Greedy Best-First-Search. A* algorithm is widely used since its mechanism

involves combining the pieces of information that Dijkstra algorithm uses (It favours the vertices

close to the source) and information that Greedy Best-First-Search uses (choosing nodes close to

the goal)

One of the difference between A* and Dijkstra’s algorithm is that A* algorithm, being a heuristic

algorithm, has two cost functions:

g(x) :- The actual cost to reach a vertex (same applies to Dijkstra)

h(x) :- Approximate cost to reach goal node from node n. ( This is the heuristic part of the cost


f(x) :- Total estimated cost of each node

The cost calculated by A* algorithm shouldn’t be overestimated, since it is a heuristic algorithm.

Hence, the actual cost to reach the destination node, from any given node n should be either

greater than or equal to h(x). This is called Admissible Heuristic.

Hence, one can represent the estimated total cost of each node by:

f (x) = g (x) + h (x).

A* algorithm terminates when the destination node has been reached ensuring that the total cost

of reaching the destination node is the minimum compared to all the other paths. It can also

terminate if the destination node has not been reached despite all the nodes being explored.

Unlike, Dijkstra’s algorithm, it does not explore all nodes possible, thus A* proves to be more

proficient. Owing to the high accuracy, flexibilty, ability to deal with mammoth graphs and its

stark advantages over Dijkstra’s algorithm, Google Maps has shifted to deploying A* algorithm

for obtaining the shortest path between the source and destination. Street View – Google Maps

In 2007, the Google Maps team introduced an outstanding feature called Street View. This

brilliant innovation proved to be a milestone in the history of navigation and GPS. Street View,

the newly introduced feature, provided a 3- dimensional, HD, Panaromic view of many

neighbourhoods, streets, avenues, and other such areas merely from one's mobile phone or

computer. Surprisingly, these images are manually taken by Google Maps team using a car

specially fitted with multi-camera rig and other necessary equipments for actually taking pictures

of the neighbourhoods they drive by. (Tom Simonite, 2019). The following images depict the cars

and cameras used to generate the street view. The development and creation of these panoramic

views is a strenuous task, involving image capturing from multi-camera setup called Rosette.

Subsequently, the manually captured images are blended and stitched using various computer

editing and blending algorithms and softwares. However, impediments like parallax,

miscaliberation of the Rosette camera geometry, time difference can destroy or adversely affect

the image-processing and blending. Despite such cautious procedure/steps, visible seams in

overlap-region can still occur. Locating the position (of an object, person or place) using GPS and Geocoding

Global Position System (GPS) is an outstanding innovation used for tracking an object using

satellite systems currently present in the space. This type of tracking can be used for military as

well as civilian purposes. Google Maps uses the civil GPS tracking and locates people and places.

The tracking system used by the Global Positioning System is the GNSS network (Global

Navigation Satellite System Network). This system not only stores the location, but also has the

memory to store the speed, direction, time and other parameters. (Patrick Bertagna, 2019). The

Global Positioning System comprises of 27 GPS satellites orbiting around the Earth, out of which

24 are operational and 3 are spare (To be used in case of failure). These revolve around the Earth

each 12 hours and emit civilian and military navigation data signals, on two L-band frequencies.

These signal are emitted in space and are gathered by the GPS receiver. Five monitoring stations

along with four ground antennas comprise the control of the Global Positioning System. Passive

tracking by GPS involves storage of the data obtained during tracking, while in active tracking

some information is relayed regularly through a modem within the GPS system unit (2-way GPS)

to a centralized database. The location tracking is based on a mathematical principle called

Trilateration. A GPS receiver is capable of gauging any given position accurately within three

meters, with the assistance of WAAS. It has been developed by the Federal Aviation

Administration (FAA) and the Department of Transport (DOT) to counteract the signal errors

caused as a result of disturbances in the ionosphere, time errors and satellite orbit errors. WAAS

is essential for obtaining the knowledge about the conditions of each satellite of the GPS network.

Google Maps uses this algorithm of Global Positioning System to detect and locate places on the

map. Thus the signals obtained from satellites in space and other such ground networks, towers

and other such facilities help in accurately locating the position of an object, place or person using

algorithms like Triangulation, Trilateration and other such complex algorithms. Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA)

The most basic and important criterion for Google Maps to estimate the time taken to reach a

particular destination is based on the route taken to reach the given destination from the source.

This is calculated using the A-star (A*) algorithm, which helps in obtaining the shortest route

from the starting point to the desired destination. (Techcoffees, 2019). This would be the shortest

path recommended by Google Maps without taking into consideration the real-time traffic, which

was a major drawback. To overcome this drawback, Google collects continuous data from all

cellular devices on that particular way and other routes possible. Manipulating this data, the

average speed of any user can be determined and the shortest path can then be decided. A user

can find a route adding a few halts, avoid freeways, avoid bridges and choose a location according

to their desire, despite the shortest path recommended by Google Maps. Before 2007, Google

Maps was only able to calculate the estimated time of arrival (ETA) by taking into consideration

the distance between two given points and the average speed of the object or person between the

source and destination. The flaw with this was that a very important criterion of traffic was

overlooked. (Kay Ireland, 2019).

Today, Google Maps considers the current traffic condition on the selected route, which often

prove to increase the commute time. It provides the user with two ETA – one is at the average

optimal conditions and the other is under current traffic conditions, which helps the user estimate

the time required to reach any particular destination. A former Google engineer Richard Russell

wrote, answering a question on Quora - “These things range from official speed limits and

recommended speeds, likely speed derived from road types, historical average speed data over

certain time periods (sometimes just averages, sometimes at particular times of day), actual travel

times from previous users and real-time traffic information. They mix data from whichever

sources they have and come up with the best predictions they can make.” Moreover, the collection

of the data like average speed of users travelling on the same paths, officially recommended

speeds, comparison between optimum average speed and the current real-time speed due to traffic

conditions help the engineers and analysts at Google to calculate the estimated time of arrival

(ETA) from point A to point B. Historic data also helps the engineers analyze the current traffic

scenarios at a certain point between two places, which contribute towards the fluctuation of the

ETA. (Zach Epstein, 2019). As rightly stated by former Google engineer Richard Russell, the

companies who have the best, most accurate and highly advanced real-time data usage tend to

come up with best forecasts in the medium and long term. Thus, in the modern time, myriad

factors apart from average speed of the user on a specific route, the shortest path and distance

between two points have to be taken into consideration in order to determine and compute the

estimated time of arrival. However, Google Maps cannot take into consideration a user’s personal

speed, but can only determine the approximate time of arrival by taking into consideration factors

like distance remaining, average speed due to real-time traffic conditions, historic data and

officially recommended speed. They can thus predict the approximate time needed to reach the

destination using any desired mode of transport (car, walking, train, cycle and other available

modes). The average speed of a person in each of these modes are recorded and used for

determining the ETA. The technology giant Google is one of the best company at collecting,

manipulating, analyzing data and drawing very accurate conclusions about ETA, shortest path

and other such real-time data. Since it has so much access to data through cellular devices and the

data signals emitted by them, Google Maps can almost correctly and efficiently predict the time

taken by the user to reach his destination. (Patrick Bertagna, 2019).

2.5 Challenges and Opportunities in Implementing a Hospital Location System

2.5.1 Challenges

i. Integration with Existing Systems: One of the primary challenges lies in integrating the hospital

location system with existing hospital systems, including Electronic Health Records (EHR) and

patient management systems. Ensuring seamless data exchange and compatibility can be complex.

ii. Data Accuracy and Maintenance: Maintaining accurate maps and location data is a challenge,

as hospital layouts and services often evolve. Outdated or incorrect information can lead to

navigational errors, causing confusion and frustration among users.

iii. User Adoption: User adoption of new technology can be a hurdle. Patients, visitors, and even

hospital staff may need time to become familiar with the system. Training and user support are

essential to overcome this challenge.

iv. Privacy and Security: Hospital location systems involve tracking and transmitting data, raising

concerns about patient privacy and data security. Ensuring compliance with healthcare data

regulations is crucial.

2.5.2 Opportunities

i. Efficient Navigation: The foremost opportunity is the ability to provide efficient navigation,

allowing patients and visitors to reach their destinations quickly and with minimal stress. This

enhances the overall healthcare experience.

ii. Patient Empowerment: The system empowers patients and visitors to take control of their

healthcare journey. They can access real-time information, appointments, and directions, fostering

a sense of engagement and independence.

iii. Resource Optimization: Hospitals can optimize resource allocation by tracking the flow of

patients, staff, and equipment. This leads to improved resource management, reduced waiting

times, and enhanced operational efficiency.

iv. Data-Driven Insights: The system generates valuable data on navigation patterns, congestion

points, and user preferences. Hospitals can leverage this data for better decision-making, facility

planning, and service enhancements.

v. Personalized Healthcare: Through the hospital location system, hospitals can deliver

personalized information and services to patients. For instance, patients can receive tailored health

education materials based on their location or medical history.

vi. Healthcare Access for All: The system can be designed to cater to the needs of all users,

including those with disabilities. This fosters inclusivity and ensures equitable access to healthcare




3.1 System Design

The high-level design of the online hospital location system for the University College Hospital

(UCH) in Ibadan encompasses a well-structured architecture and an array of interconnected

components that collaboratively enable seamless navigation. The system's primary focus is on

addressing UCH's unique navigation needs, encompassing a vast and complex hospital layout,

real-time resource management, patient appointments, and accessibility. The system's architecture

is anchored by key components, including a user-friendly interface for patients and visitors, a

comprehensive database management system, a sophisticated mapping and navigation engine,

mobile compatibility for on-the-go access, user profiles tailored to staff and visitors, and real-time

updates on resource availability. Together, these components form a coherent system designed to

simplify navigation and enhance the healthcare experience at UCH. The system functions as a

digital guide, providing real-time directions and essential information to users navigating the

intricacies of the hospital. It enables patients and visitors to effortlessly locate wards, units, clinics,

and other vital healthcare service points. Furthermore, the system aids staff in managing resources

effectively and maintaining patient appointment schedules. Its purpose is to streamline navigation

within the complex UCH environment, offering precision, efficiency, and accessibility, ultimately

contributing to the hospital's mission of delivering high-quality healthcare services. In the

following sections, we will delve into the methodologies used to bring this design to life.

Figure 3.1 shows the system flowchart of the online hospital location.

Figure 3.1: System Flowchart

Figure 3.2: System Architecture

3.2 Data Collection and Requirements

The successful development of the online hospital location system for the University College

Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan is contingent on defining specific data requirements. These

requirements encompass crucial information essential for the effective functioning of the system.

This encompasses spatial layout data, real-time resource availability, patient appointments and

data, accessibility information, and data privacy and security protocols. Data collection methods

involve a combination of on-site surveys, collaboration with existing UCH data sources, user-

generated data through feedback mechanisms, and external geospatial data sources. This approach

ensures that the system has access to accurate and up-to-date information. Data privacy and

security measures are implemented in accordance with UCH's stringent standards and healthcare

regulations to safeguard sensitive patient information. In the subsequent sections, we will delve

into the methodologies used to process and utilize this data effectively.\

Figure 3.3: Google Maps Architecture

3.3 Programming Languages and Tools

The programming languages, development tools, and software selected for the development of

the online hospital location system at the University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan were

carefully chosen to align with the project's objectives. Python, known for its versatility and rapid

development capabilities, was chosen for its capacity to efficiently integrate with various data

sources, libraries, and manage geographical data. JavaScript, specifically in the form of Node.js,

was selected for creating the web-based user interface, enabling real-time updates and


The development environment chosen is Visual Studio Code, offering a comprehensive set of

features for coding, debugging, and version control, promoting effective collaboration among

developers. Geographic Information System (GIS) software, QGIS, was adopted for geospatial

data processing and mapping due to its compatibility with geographical data sources and its

support for the creation of accurate maps.

The database management system of choice is PostgreSQL, owing to its robust support for spatial

data and open-source nature, ensuring seamless integration with the system's geographical data.

The web development framework React.js was employed for creating an interactive and

responsive user interface, aligning with the project's goal of user-friendly navigation.

The selections align with the project's objectives by providing the flexibility and functionality

required to develop a robust and user-centric online hospital location system. These tools and

programming languages support the project's goal of enhancing healthcare services at UCH while

seamlessly integrating with the hospital's existing systems. In the subsequent sections, we will

explore how these tools are implemented in the development process.

3.4 Database Design

The database design for the online hospital location system at the University College Hospital

(UCH) in Ibadan is meticulously structured to meet the specific data storage and management

requirements of the healthcare context. The design encompasses a range of data tables,

relationships, and storage mechanisms, accommodating spatial layout data, real-time resource

availability, patient appointments, accessibility information, and data privacy and security

protocols. The Entity-Relationship Model (ERM) is employed to define relationships between

various data entities, ensuring a structured representation of the interactions between patients,

appointments, healthcare resources, and spatial data. The database management system chosen is

PostgreSQL, recognized for its robust support for spatial data. This selection aligns with UCH's

stringent data integrity and security standards. Data encryption and security measures are

integrated into the design to safeguard sensitive patient information, ensuring compliance with

healthcare data regulations. In the upcoming sections, we will explore how this database design

is realized and integrated into the overall system.



Figure 4.1: UCH, Ibadan Map

This map shows the location of various buildings and departments at University College Hospital,

Ibadan. Users and patients can navigate this map to find their way around the hospital.

Figure 4.2: The Map showing Children Out Patients, UCH Ibadan

By using the search button on the map, users can find their way in the hospital. The map will
guide them to the actual location according to navigation on Google Maps.

Figure 4.2: The Map showing UCH Accident and Emergency Park
By using the search button on the map, users can find their way in the hospital. The map will
guide them to the actual location according to navigation on Google Maps.

Figure 4.2: The Map showing University Laboratory, UCH Ibadan

By using the search button on the map, users can find their way in the hospital. The map will
guide them to the actual location according to navigation on Google Maps.

5.1 Summary

The University College Hospital (UCH) in Ibadan, Nigeria is a large medical institution with a

complex and multifaceted layout. This can present navigational challenges for patients, visitors,

and hospital staff alike. To address these challenges, this project, the development of an online

hospital location system that harnesses the power of digital mapping tools like Google Maps.

The system was designed to assist users in finding their way within the UCH premises, optimize

resource allocation, streamline operational efficiency, and enhance the overall healthcare

experience. It will feature a user-friendly interface, a comprehensive database management

system, a sophisticated mapping and navigation engine, mobile compatibility, user profiles tailored

to staff and visitors, and real-time updates on resource availability.

The system will function as a digital guide, providing real-time directions and essential

information to users navigating the complexities of the hospital. It will enable patients and visitors

to effortlessly locate wards, units, clinics, and other vital healthcare service points. Furthermore,

the system will aid staff in managing resources effectively and maintaining patient appointment


The overall goal of the system is to streamline navigation within the complex UCH environment,

offering precision, efficiency, and accessibility, ultimately contributing to the hospital's mission

of delivering high-quality healthcare services.

5.2 Conclusion

The development of an online hospital location system for the University College Hospital (UCH)

in Ibadan, Nigeria is a timely and innovative initiative that has the potential to revolutionize

healthcare navigation within the hospital. By leveraging the power of digital mapping tools like

Google Maps, the system will provide users with real-time directions, essential information, and

resource availability updates, streamlining navigation and enhancing the overall healthcare


The successful implementation of this system will have a significant impact on patients, visitors,

and hospital staff alike. For patients and visitors, the system will reduce navigation-related time

wastage, anxiety, and missed appointments. For hospital staff, the system will free up time and

resources, allowing them to focus on their critical patient care responsibilities. Additionally, the

system will enhance operational efficiency by optimizing resource allocation and streamlining


This project has the potential to serve as a model for other healthcare facilities, demonstrating how

technology can be leveraged to mitigate navigational challenges and improve the overall

healthcare experience. As healthcare delivery continues to evolve, the development and

implementation of innovative solutions like the online hospital location system will play a pivotal

role in enhancing patient care and optimizing healthcare operations.

5.3 Recommendations

i. Conduct user research to understand the specific needs and preferences of patients, visitors,

and hospital staff in terms of hospital navigation. This will help to ensure that the online

hospital location system is designed to meet the unique needs of the UCH community.

ii. Collaborate with hospital staff to gather accurate and up-to-date information about the

hospital layout, resources, and services. This will ensure that the system provides accurate

and reliable information to users.

iii. Implement a robust feedback mechanism to collect user feedback and suggestions. This

will help to identify areas for improvement and ensure that the system is constantly

evolving to meet the needs of users.

iv. Explore the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to enhance

the capabilities of the online hospital location system. For example, AI and ML could be

used to develop personalized navigation routes for users based on their individual needs

and preferences.

v. Develop mobile and wearable app versions of the online hospital location system to provide

users with on-the-go access to navigation and information.

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.leaflet-top .leaflet-control {
margin-top: 10px;
.leaflet-bottom .leaflet-control {
margin-bottom: 10px;
.leaflet-left .leaflet-control {
margin-left: 10px;
.leaflet-right .leaflet-control {
margin-right: 10px;

/* zoom and fade animations */

.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-popup {
opacity: 0;
-webkit-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
-moz-transition: opacity 0.2s linear;
transition: opacity 0.2s linear;

.leaflet-fade-anim .leaflet-map-pane .leaflet-popup {
opacity: 1;
.leaflet-zoom-animated {
-webkit-transform-origin: 0 0;
-ms-transform-origin: 0 0;
transform-origin: 0 0;
svg.leaflet-zoom-animated {
will-change: transform;

.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-zoom-animated {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1);
-moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1);
transition: transform 0.25s cubic-bezier(0,0,0.25,1);
.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-tile,
.leaflet-pan-anim .leaflet-tile {
-webkit-transition: none;
-moz-transition: none;
transition: none;

.leaflet-zoom-anim .leaflet-zoom-hide {
visibility: hidden;

/* cursors */

.leaflet-interactive {
cursor: pointer;
.leaflet-grab {
cursor: -webkit-grab;
cursor: -moz-grab;
cursor: grab;
.leaflet-crosshair .leaflet-interactive {
cursor: crosshair;
.leaflet-control {

cursor: auto;
.leaflet-dragging .leaflet-grab,
.leaflet-dragging .leaflet-grab .leaflet-interactive,
.leaflet-dragging .leaflet-marker-draggable {
cursor: move;
cursor: -webkit-grabbing;
cursor: -moz-grabbing;
cursor: grabbing;

/* marker & overlays interactivity */

.leaflet-pane > svg path,
.leaflet-tile-container {
pointer-events: none;

.leaflet-pane > svg path.leaflet-interactive,
svg.leaflet-image-layer.leaflet-interactive path {
pointer-events: visiblePainted; /* IE 9-10 doesn't have auto */
pointer-events: auto;

/* visual tweaks */

.leaflet-container {
background: #ddd;
outline-offset: 1px;
.leaflet-container a {
color: #0078A8;
.leaflet-zoom-box {
border: 2px dotted #38f;
background: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);

/* general typography */
.leaflet-container {
font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;

font-size: 12px;
font-size: 0.75rem;
line-height: 1.5;

/* general toolbar styles */

.leaflet-bar {
box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.65);
border-radius: 4px;
.leaflet-bar a {
background-color: #fff;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;
width: 26px;
height: 26px;
line-height: 26px;
display: block;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
color: black;
.leaflet-bar a,
.leaflet-control-layers-toggle {
background-position: 50% 50%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
display: block;
.leaflet-bar a:hover,
.leaflet-bar a:focus {
background-color: #f4f4f4;
.leaflet-bar a:first-child {
border-top-left-radius: 4px;
border-top-right-radius: 4px;
.leaflet-bar a:last-child {
border-bottom-left-radius: 4px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 4px;
border-bottom: none;
.leaflet-bar a.leaflet-disabled {
cursor: default;
background-color: #f4f4f4;
color: #bbb;


.leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar a {
width: 30px;
height: 30px;
line-height: 30px;
.leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar a:first-child {
border-top-left-radius: 2px;
border-top-right-radius: 2px;
.leaflet-touch .leaflet-bar a:last-child {
border-bottom-left-radius: 2px;
border-bottom-right-radius: 2px;

/* zoom control */

.leaflet-control-zoom-out {
font: bold 18px 'Lucida Console', Monaco, monospace;
text-indent: 1px;

.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-zoom-in, .leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-zoom-out {

font-size: 22px;

/* layers control */

.leaflet-control-layers {
box-shadow: 0 1px 5px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);
background: #fff;
border-radius: 5px;
.leaflet-control-layers-toggle {
background-image: url(images/layers.png);
width: 36px;
height: 36px;
.leaflet-retina .leaflet-control-layers-toggle {
background-image: url(images/layers-2x.png);
background-size: 26px 26px;
.leaflet-touch .leaflet-control-layers-toggle {

width: 44px;
height: 44px;
.leaflet-control-layers .leaflet-control-layers-list,
.leaflet-control-layers-expanded .leaflet-control-layers-toggle {
display: none;
.leaflet-control-layers-expanded .leaflet-control-layers-list {
display: block;
position: relative;
.leaflet-control-layers-expanded {
padding: 6px 10px 6px 6px;
color: #333;
background: #fff;
.leaflet-control-layers-scrollbar {
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
padding-right: 5px;
.leaflet-control-layers-selector {
margin-top: 2px;
position: relative;
top: 1px;
.leaflet-control-layers label {
display: block;
font-size: 13px;
font-size: 1.08333em;
.leaflet-control-layers-separator {
height: 0;
border-top: 1px solid #ddd;
margin: 5px -10px 5px -6px;

/* Default icon URLs */

.leaflet-default-icon-path { /* used only in path-guessing heuristic, see L.Icon.Default */
background-image: url(images/marker-icon.png);

/* attribution and scale controls */

.leaflet-container .leaflet-control-attribution {

background: #fff;
background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
margin: 0;
.leaflet-control-scale-line {
padding: 0 5px;
color: #333;
line-height: 1.4;
.leaflet-control-attribution a {
text-decoration: none;
.leaflet-control-attribution a:hover,
.leaflet-control-attribution a:focus {
text-decoration: underline;
.leaflet-attribution-flag {
display: inline !important;
vertical-align: baseline !important;
width: 1em;
height: 0.6669em;
.leaflet-left .leaflet-control-scale {
margin-left: 5px;
.leaflet-bottom .leaflet-control-scale {
margin-bottom: 5px;
.leaflet-control-scale-line {
.leaflet-tooltip-left:before {
right: 0;
margin-right: -12px;
border-left-color: #fff;
.leaflet-tooltip-right:before {
left: 0;
margin-left: -12px;
border-right-color: #fff;

/* Printing */

@media print {
/* Prevent printers from removing background-images of controls. */
.leaflet-control {


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