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Know all men by these presents that I (student) Shri /Smti/Kumari .............................................
son/daughter of .................................. resident ................................... Village ......................................
...................................................................................... P.O. ..............................................................
District .............................................. and present address Village/Town
do hereby agree for myself, my heirs, executor and administrator to carry out and perform following terms
and conditions that is to say -

1. The said (student)........................................................................hereby of his own free will

consent testifies by the execution by him of these present, agrees with and to the Government of
Meghalaya and his successors in Office assigns that he, the said (student) ..................................................
shall well and faithfully undertake his study in (subject or subjects) ...........................
at the..............................................................where he has been awarded as Stipend by the Government

2. The said (student) ...................................................................... shall while prosecuting, his

studies in the said Institution ................................................................................ abide by the rules or
orders laid down or given by the authorities of the Institutions for the conduct of its students and shall
complete the course to the satisfaction of the authorities of the Institutions and to that of the Government
of Meghalaya.

3. The said (student) ........................................................................ shall after completing the

course for which Stipend will be awarded and if so required by the State Government of Meghalaya
serve the Government of Meghalaya within the State for a period of not less than 3 (three) years and
during the whole of such period diligently and efficiently do all acts and discharge his duties which may
be required to be done by him as an employee.

4. The Government of Meghalaya shall pay the said student a Stipend at the rates as
sanctioned by Government from time to time and during the course of study.

5. The said (student) Shri/Smti/Kumari.........................................................shall have to refund

to the Government of Meghalaya his successor in Office and assigns the total amount of the stipend
paid by Governor of Meghalaya in the event of negligence failure to complete the studies, idleness,
insubordination or misconduct, refusal to take up service under the Government of Meghalaya or under
the Aided Institutions concerned if any where offered by the Government of Meghalaya or leaving the
Institution before the expiry of the course of study or while in service breach of the condition herein
above convenanted on the part of the said (student).

Signature of the student ............................................ Signed and delivered by the said student in the

Presence of (Name in full) (1). ................................................................. and (2).


....................................................... on the ..........................................................................................

Signature in full of the two Officers with their designation :-

(1). ........................................................................... on the ........................................................................

Address ..................................................................... day of ..............................................................
(2). ........................................................................... on the ........................................................................
Address .......................................................................... day of ...................................................................

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