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Broadband ultra-thin acoustic metasurface absorber with coiled structure

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Applied Physics Express 12, 114002 (2019) LETTER

Broadband ultra-thin acoustic metasurface absorber with coiled structure

Yifan Zhu*, Krupali Donda, Shiwang Fan, Liyun Cao, and Badreddine Assouar*
Institut Jean Lamour, CNRS, Université de Lorraine, F-54000 Nancy, France
Received September 10, 2019; revised September 25, 2019; accepted September 30, 2019; published online October 14, 2019

We theoretically and experimentally propose two designs of broadband low-frequency acoustic metasurface coiled absorbers (Sample I/Sample II)
for the frequency ranges of 460 Hz–972 Hz and 232 Hz–494 Hz (larger than 1 octave), with absorption larger than 0.8 (average is 0.87), and
having the ultra-thin thickness of 4.5 cm and 9 cm respectively (λ/17 for the lowest working frequency and λ/8 for the highest frequency). The
designed supercell consists of 16 different unit cells corresponding to 16 eigen frequencies for resonant absorptions. The coupling between
multiple resonances leads to broadband absorption effect in the full range of the targeted frequency spectrum. In addition, the coiling structure lead
to the ultra-thin thickness of the metasurface absorbers. Our conceived ultra-thin low-frequency broadband absorbers may lead to pragmatic
implementations and applications in noise control field. © 2019 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

ound absorption is important and even crucial in The schematic diagram of the designed AMA is shown in
many occasions, such as architectural acoustics, Fig. 1. Figures 1(a) and 1(b) show the three-dimensional (3D)
reducing noise that can arise from machines, vehicle, view and the top view of the AMA. The latter is a periodic
or large-scale computers. The emergence of acoustic meta- array whose supercell (marked by red dashed frames)
materials1,2) and acoustic metasurfaces3) provide new ways to consists of 4 × 4 unit cells. Figure 1(c) shows the 4 × 4
design acoustic functional devices. During the past several unit cells denoted as number 1–16. We first show the design
years, various acoustic metamaterial/metasurface-based of Sample I with the total thickness of 4.3 cm (considering
absorbers4) have been designed. Owing to the subwavelength the bottom thickness is 4.5 cm). The side length of the square
feature of the acoustic resonant unit, the acoustic metama- supercell is 2.4 cm. The unit cells are designed in pairs as the
terial/metasurface absorbers5–21) can be very thin compared blue dashed frames shows. A pair of unit cell is shown in
to conventional acoustic absorbers (such as porous and Fig. 1(d) with the structural parameters marked. The unit cell
fibrous materials), which provide great flexibilities in real- is a coiled tube (CT) with a “gluttonous snake” (zigzag)
world applications such as in architectural acoustics.22) structure. The CTs are designed in pairs as shown in
However, these designs based on coupled resonant Fig. 1(d), therefore the total length Ln of CTs has a geometric
systems5–13) or coiling-up-space structures12–19) usually limitation: Ln + L17−n ⩽ Ltotal with Ltotal ≈ 30 cm (the total
have limited (less than 1/3 octave) or discontinuous band- coiled length in the given space). In this design, we make the
widths. Some designs have coupled more resonant units to a pair of CTs (Ln and L17−n) nearly occupy the whole space
improve the bandwidths to be about 2/3 octave.20,21) with the size of 1.2 cm × 0.6 cm × 4 cm. The proposed
To further improve the bandwidth (larger than 1 octave) of geometry can make full use of the space in the unit cells.
the acoustic absorber, various metastructure designs are The incident acoustic wave will be coupled with different
proposed, such as using fractal structure23) or gradient CTs and dissipated inside. The thermal-viscous absorption is
structures.24) However, the sample thicknesses in sound very large (near to 1) at the Fabry–Perot (FP) resonant
propagating direction23,24) are comparable to the wavelength. frequency of the CTs. The resonant frequency is determined
Very recently, optimal sound-absorbing structures based on by the total length of the CT, viz. the total length of CT
multiple resonant tubes25) have been proposed to achieve corresponds to 1/4 of the resonant wavelength:25)
highly efficient absorption within about 350–3000 Hz fre- c
quency range, with the structure thickness also close to λ/10 Ln = 0 , (1 )
for the lowest working frequency. Another design26) using
gradient Helmholtz resonators has achieved bandwidth larger where c0 is the sound speed in the air, and fr is the FP resonant
than 1 octave with the similar sample thickness (λ/10 for the frequency of the air channel. In our design, we set 16 different
lowest working frequency). Ln of the CTs to achieve 16 different resonant absorption peaks
In this work, we propose a broadband acoustic metasurface to ultimately realize broadband absorption.25) Ln values are
absorber (AMA) having a deep-subwavelength thickness in ranging from 8.75 to 19.3 cm for the 16 unit cells as shown in
the full working bandwidth.3) Inspired by the optimal sound- Figs. 1(e) and 1(f). The parameters of Ln and corresponding fr
absorbing structures reported in Ref. 25, but different from are also shown in Table I. It is noted that, the maximum of Ln
them, we propose to use a coiling structure as the unit cell to is 19.3 cm, which is realized in 4.5 cm thickness, showing the
significantly decrease the thickness of the AMA.27) It can high space utilization (429%) of the proposed coiling structure.
minimize the occupied space of the thickness. We propose We then carry out numerical and experimental analyzes of
two ultra-thin designs (Sample I/Sample II) with thickness of the proposed AMA. For the convenience of measurement, we
4.5 cm/9 cm, (viz. λ/17 for the lowest working frequency, have fabricated the Sample I with 2 × 2 supercells. The
and λ/8 for the highest working frequency) for our designed photograph of the sample is shown in Fig. 2(a) with the
AMAs. The obtained absorption is higher than 0.8 (averaged size of 5.4 cm × 5.4 cm × 4.5 cm (Thickness is T = 4.5 cm).
absorption is near 0.87) within the frequency ranges of The size of the 2 × 2 supercells is 4.8 cm × 4.8 cm × 4.3 cm.
460 Hz–972 Hz/232 Hz–494 Hz, respectively. We have increased the outer wall thickness to make the

114002-1 © 2019 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

Appl. Phys. Express 12, 114002 (2019) Y. Zhu et al.

Fig. 1. (Color online) The schematic diagram of the designed acoustic metasurface absorber (AMA). (a) The top view of the AMA. The supercell is marked
by red dash lines. (b) The 3-dimensional view of the AMA. The supercell is marked by red dash lines. (c) The supercell consists of 4 × 4 unit cells denoted as
1–16. The side length of the supercell is 2.4 cm. (d) Structural parameters of a pair of unit cells. The unit cell is a coiled tube filled with air (CT). (e) Total
lengths of CT for 16 unit cells. (f) Structures of different unit cells (denoted as 1–16) with different total lengths.

Table I. The parameters of different CTs for Sample I. resonant mode at 444 Hz, 640 Hz, 800 Hz, and 980 Hz are
Unit cell number Eigen-frequency (Hz) Ln of CT (cm)
shown in the Fig. 2(c), which suggests that acoustic fields at
these frequencies are localized in the unit cells 16, 8, 4, 1,
1 980 8.75 respectively. The coupling between the unit cells in hybrid
2 920 9.32
resonant regions lead to continuous high absorption spec-
3 860 9.97
4 800 10.72 trum. The results suggest that the thickness of Sample I is λ/
5 760 11.28 17 for the lowest working frequency and is λ/8 for the
6 720 11.91 highest working frequency (being deep-subwavelength for
7 680 12.61 the full working bandwidth). For the full absorption, the
8 640 13.4
effective acoustic impedance at the surface of the sample
9 600 14.3
10 560 15.31 must be equal to the impedance of air, viz. Z = Z0 = ρ0c0.
11 534 16.06 Here, the average absorption is about 0.87. The reason why
12 508 16.88 the full absorption is not reached is that the narrow CTs has
13 492 17.43 impedance difference which deviates the effective acoustic
14 476 18
impedance from ρ0c0. It is worth to mention that the
15 460 18.64
16 444 19.3 simulated and measured sound absorptions out of the
bandwidth (<450 Hz, >1000 Hz) is not close to zero. This
is due to the fact that at the non-resonant (weak-resonant)
region, sound wave is partly dissipated in the narrow air
sample mechanically stiffer). The sample is fabricated from channels.
polylactic acid (PLA) material via 3D printer with the sound We propose another design with a lower frequency range
speed of c = 1200 m s−1, and the density of ρ = 1800 kg m−3. absorption. Figure 3 shows the numerical and experimental
The experimental setup is shown in Fig. 2(b). A lab-made results of Sample II. The supercell of Sample II (4.8 cm ×
acoustic impedance tube (inner size is 4.8 cm × 4.8 cm), two 4.8 cm × 4.3 cm) is enlarged proportionally from Sample I.
Brüel & Kjær 1/4 inch diameter microphones, and Brüel & Sample II is fabricated with one supercell with the size of
Kjær measuring module “Acoustic Material Testing” are used to 5.4 cm × 5.4 cm × 9 cm (Thickness is T = 9 cm). Total lengths
measure the absorption of the sample.28) The numerical Ln of CT for 16 unit cells are ranging from 17.5 to 38.6 cm as
simulations are done by COMSOL Multiphysics 5.4a. The shown in Fig. 3(b), which is designed for 16 resonant
sound speed in air is set as c0 = 343 m s−1, and the density of frequencies ranging from 222 to 490 Hz. Figure 3(c) shows
air is ρ0 = 1.21 kg m−3. the simulated and the measured results of acoustic absorptions
The simulated and experimental results for Sample I are within 150 to 600 Hz. The simulated (measured) absorption is
shown in Fig. 2(c). The simulated (measured) absorption is larger than 0.8 within 232–494 Hz (232–498 Hz). The simu-
higher than 0.8 within 460–972 Hz (464–976 Hz), showing lated (measured) averaged absorption within this bandwidth is
good absorption effect in about one octave bandwidth. The 0.878 (0.890). The results for Samples I and II suggest that the
average absorption within this bandwidth is 0.871 (0.882). center working can be freely adjusted for practical noise control
The broadband absorption effect is attributed to the connec- need by scaling up the sample, without affecting the bandwidth
tion of 16 resonant frequencies (from 444 to 980 Hz). The (larger than 1 octave).
114002-2 © 2019 The Japan Society of Applied Physics
Appl. Phys. Express 12, 114002 (2019) Y. Zhu et al.

Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) The photograph of Sample I with the size of 5.4 cm × 5.4 cm × 4.5 cm. (b) Schematic of the sound absorption experiment using an
impedance tube and two microphone technique. (c) The simulated and measured acoustic absorptions for the frequency range 300–1200 Hz. The simulated and
measured absorption is higher than 0.8 for the frequency range 460 Hz–972 Hz and 464 Hz–976 Hz respectively. The simulated (measured) averaged
absorption within this bandwidth is 0.871 (0.882). The resonant mode at 444 Hz, 640 Hz, 800 Hz, and 980 Hz are shown for the corresponding resonant
frequencies of the unit cell 16, 8, 4, 1 respectively.

Fig. 3. (Color online) (a) The photograph of Sample II with the size of 5.4 cm × 5.4 cm × 9 cm. (b) Total lengths of the CT for 16 unit cells. (c) The
simulated and measured acoustic absorptions for the frequency range 150–600 Hz. The simulated (measured) absorption is larger than 0.8 within 232–494 Hz
(232–498 Hz). The simulated (measured) averaged absorption within this bandwidth is 0.878 (0.890).

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Appl. Phys. Express 12, 114002 (2019) Y. Zhu et al.

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114002-4 © 2019 The Japan Society of Applied Physics

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