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SCENE 1 ( Friends ordering meals for breakfast)

: Finally we arrived. They all look delicious!

: _ Do you usually eat breakfast ?
:Yes I do, __? 1
:Yes I do too, I usually eat bread for breakfast. DO you like bread too?
: I like bread and eggs. 2
: What would you like to drink? Coffee
: Eeh, i dont like coffee. I want milk
: Okay milk it is. 3

: Welcome
: Hello, can we have 2 pieces of bread and one egg?
: Okay, 2 pieces of bread and one egg
: Would you like to drink anything?
: Yes, she would like to have milk , for me, I want coffee.
: Alright one coffee and one milk .

SCENE 2 ( Another group of friend looking for restaurant)

: I'm so hungry! Do you want to eat something?

: Me too, well, the restaurant right there is very delicious!
: Is that cafe?
: Yes is it, they have miso soup and sushi too!
: Sushi? Thats awesome! I love sushi! Let's go to that store!
SCENE 3 ( Meeting each other’s friend inside a restaurant)
: Oh! That’s Nieysha , Hello!
: Hello, Aish! How are you?
: I’m doing good , how about you?
:I’m fine too. Are you here to have breakfast?
:Yes, I’m with my friend.
:Hello, my name’s Nura, nice to meet you.
:Hello, I’m Neiysha’s friend, my name’s Norman. Hmm, what’s your name again?
: It’s okay, my name’s Aish. Are you a student?
: Yes I am a student at UiTM and my classmate’s Nieysha.
: I see.
Wait a minute, I’m going to order. Aish san, what do you want?
: I want to have sushi.
: You don’t like udon?
: I like udon but I don’t always eat them.
:Do you want fruits too?
:Yes I want to.
:Okay, one miso soup, two sushi, two fruits and rice.
SCENE 4 ( Asking about the picture in phone)
: (Norman putting his phone beside Neiysha and she saw the picture inside of his phone)
: Who is that? She/he so cute!
:Its my ____ . My family has ___ members . ___________ and me.
:What about you Neiysha?
: Is that right? I have ___ family members. _________and ___-and ____and me.
:What does your mother work for?
:She works as ________.
:What does your father work for?
: He works as __________.
SCENE 5 ( Meeting in a class )
: Good morning everyone. My name is Teacher Alif. Nice to meet you.
:Good morning teacher.
I will take attendance first. Do we have Nura?
: Yes.
: Okay, Nieysha?
: I’m here , teacher.
: Okay okay, then what about Aish?
: Here, Teacher Alif
: Is Norman absent?
: No, I’m here teacher.
: Have you eaten breakfast everyone?
Neisya-san, what did you have for breakfast?
: I had bread and eggs for breakfast. It was so delicious!
What about Nura and Aish?
:Uuum, ah! We had miso soup and also rice with oocha.
: Is that right? Alright, let’s turn to page 4.
: I’m sorry, can you please say it again?
: It’s okay, please turn to page 4 everyone. Aish can you please read page 4?
: Sure teacher . ” Family is everything”
:Teacher, what does “Family” means ?
:“family” means kaazoku. Do any of you want to share about your family?
: Me, (haha,chichi etc)
: Is that right? What about Aish?
: (insert family members info)
:Everyone , what do you want to be in the future ?
: I want to be an engineer . How about you Aish?
: I want to be a housewive.
:Eeeeh, do you have a husband already?
:No, but I want one.
:I want to be company employee.
:I understand. That’s good. Where are you from Norman?
:I am from Kedah. What about you teacher?
: I am from ____.
:Okay what about Aish?
:I am from _____ .
:What about your family members?
: They stay at ______.
:The class has finished . Sayoonara.

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