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oflesfores st edition LIMBO Uncovering Self-Sabotage Signals Test TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE OF THE TEST TABLE OF CONTENTS ALL ABOUT THE TEST TEST ADMINISTRATION LETTER TO TEST USERS LETTER TO TEST TAKERS TEST PROPER TEST PROPER ANSWER SHEET ABOUT TEST DEVELOPER All About the Test “Limbo” the feeling or state of being in-between or stuck in a certain state. A feeling that many can relate but most cannot distinguish “Self-sabotage” a behavior that refers to an intentional action and inaction of a person that undermines the progress and prevent a person from accomplishing something. Limbo is a factor or a variable that may affect a person’s tendency to self-sabotage regardless of one's consciousness or awareness towards it Objective of the Test The aim is to assess and develop a solution or resolution towards better understanding on how the respondents can correlate or coexist with their self-sabotaging triggers in their romantic lives. Beneficiaries ofthe Test The test is intended to measure the late adolescents’ and young adults’ self-sabotaging tendencies, specifically in their romantic sections The test can be utilized to assess or test a persons’ tendency to self-sabotage that may or can affect their romantic relationship. TEST ADMINISTRATION This test is designed to be administered both individually and in groups, catering to late adolescents and young adults. The brevity and simplicity of the test ensure that time and effort required are minimal. Its versatility extends beyond school settings, making it accessible not only to students but also to anyone seeking insight into their self-sabotaging tendencies. When administering this test, it's essential to consider the comfort of the test takers. It should be conducted in an environment conducive to relaxed and focused responses. Formal procedures, such as introducing the test and providing clear instructions, are crucial for ensuring that the test takers understand what is expected of them. Concerns regarding cheating or seeking others’ opinions are negligible, as respondents will answer based on their unique perspectives and experiences. Therefore, whether administered individually or in groups, as long as the administrator or user understands its purpose and how to utilize it effectively, the test is adaptable to various contexts. TEST SCALING, SCORING, AND INTERPRETING. The test employs cumulative scoring to assess its various components. In the Selected Response Format (Part 1), a Likert Scale with five alternative responses is utilized (1-Never, 2-Rarely, 3-Sometimes, 4-Often, 5-Always). Scores are obtained by summing up the responses for each item. Interpreting the scores involves understanding the pattern of responses. Higher scores on "Never" and "Rarely" suggest that the corresponding items are less concerning or impactful to the individual. Conversely, higher scores on "Sometimes," "Often," and "Always" indicate that these items have a more pronounced effect across different aspects of the individual's self-sabotaging tendencies. Similarly, in the binary choice section (Part 2), points are accumulated for each "Yes" or "No" answer. Interpretation relies on discerning the tendency of responses. If the scores lean toward "No," it suggests that the items do not significantly affect the individual. Conversely, a tendency toward "Yes" indicates that these items have an observable impact on the individual, Multiple choice item (Part 3) Guttman scale is used for this part meaning that the order is arranged so that if a respondent agrees with a statement, they will also agree with all of the statements that fall below it in extremity. Point per statement: A-1 point B-2 points C-3 points D-4 points. TEST USERS This test can help you find out or assess attributes and variables that influence a persons’ self- sabotaging triggers. This test can also help the future researchers and educators to assess and identify an individual's self- sabotaging behavior. This test must be utilized and administered appropriately and objectively. This test does not allow you to judge, conclude, or decide one's future. This test does not justify the criteria in the DSM-5 and will not be used to clinically diagnose anyone. TEST TAKERS This test can help an individual assess or identify reasons and factors as to why a person self-sabotage, or how a person views themselves towards romantic relationship that they are engaged to. This test must be utilized and administered appropriately and objectively. This test does not allow you to judge, conclude, or decide one's future. This test does not justify the criteria in the DSM-5 and will not be used to clinically diagnose anyone. letter to Love Limbo: Uncovering Self-Sabotage Signals Test a test associated with intrapersonal communication, and other variables that tackles self- concept that produces positive and negative results. The purpose of this test is to explore an individual's tendencies towards self-sabotaging behaviors and ideology that may influence their romantic relationship. Gene! of your Communication Challenges, Perception of Partner, and Trust and Vulnerability. There are no right or wrong answers, but honest answers are encouraged. 1 Direction: This form contains questions that aim to measure your responses in terms PART 1. LIKERT SCALE For each statement, please indicate how much you experience the situation given by shading the appropriate number in the circle on the answer sheet provided to indicate your response. 1 — Never 2 - Rarely 3 ~ Sometimes 4 - Often 5 — Always 1.1 avoid discussing important topics with my partner to prevent conflict. GNever QRarely @Sometimes Often @Always 2. [held back my true feelings or thoughts from my partner out of fear of my partner's reaction. @Never @Rarely @Sometimes @Often Always 3. I doubt my partner's feelings for me, even when my partner expresses affection. @Never @Rarely @Sometimes @Often @Always 4. | felt jealous towards my partner’s accomplishments ot success. @Never @Rarely @Sometimes @Often Always 5. | questioned my partner’s loyalty or commitment without any evidence to support my doubts. @Never @Rarely @Sometimes @Often GAlways 6. | am willing to take emotional risks and be vulnerable with my partner, even if it means facing potential rejection or disappointment. @Never @Rarely @Sometimes @Often @Always PART 2. YES OR NO For each statement, please indicate how much you experience the situation given by marking the box containing Yes or No on the answer sheet provided to indicate your response. 7. When discussing disagreements, do you strive to find common ground and reach a compromise with your partner? a Yes oNo 8. Do you feel heard and validated by your partner when expressing your thoughts or concerns? aYes oNo 9. Do you find yourself comparing your partner to others or feeling insecure about your relationship? a Yes oNo 10. Do you believe that your partner has your best interests at heart and wants what's best for you? aYes oNo 11. Do you find it challenging to share your insecurities or vulnerabilities with your partner? aYes oNo 12. Do you believe that your partner respects your boundaries and privacy? aYes ONo Love Limbo: Uncovering Self-Sabotage Signals Test PART 3. COMPLETION To indicate your response please read each statement carefully and choose the BEST answer for the following questions. Write the letter in the blank provided on the answer sheet. When faced with a disagreement with my partner, I tend to: . Address the issue calmly and directly Avoid the conflict and hope it resolves itself Become defensive and escalate the situation |. Shut down and refuse to engage in discussion When my partner makes a mistake, I tend to: Offer support and understanding . Criticize or blame them for the mistake . Ignore the mistake and pretend it didn't happen |. Use their mistake as leverage in future disagreements . When my partner wants to discuss deeper emotions or fears, I tend to . Open up and share my own vulnerabilities . Listen attentively but remain guarded about my own emotions Change the subject to avoid discussing sensitive topics Shut down emotionally and withdraw from the conversation Love Limbo: Uncovering Self-Sabotage Signals Test Lyceum-Northwestern University Dagupan City, Pangesinan, Philippines Collegeof rts and Sciences Your Name Instruction to Examinee: Thisis fem test, reed each dizeetion questions written in your test peper. ‘There are no right or wrong answers in this the answered. Allof the test question + Useapenel + Mark ONE for exch question, + Put your answer inline with the number of questions. + Avoid putting unnecessary marks on this form. This form aims to measure your responses in terms of your Communication Challenges, Perception of Partner, and Trust and Vulnerability 7. oYesoNo 8. oYesoNo 9. 0YesoNo 10.9 Yeso No 11.0 Yes o No 12.0 Yes o No Signature Test Developer Lyceum-Northwestern University B.S. Psychology Major Meet Angel, a 22-year-old student with big dreams. While dealing with the ups and downs of college, she's set her sights on becoming a certified Psychologist. Angel's passion for psychology drives her forward, even in the midst of academic chaos. She believes that true resilience lies within, and she's determined to overcome obstacles on her path to achieving her goals in life - MA. ANGELICA BALLESTEROS -

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