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Revision questions The Second Spanish Republic

1.-What event led to the proclamation of the Second Republic in 1931?

A) Municipal elections
B) Monarchy referendum
C) Civil war

2.-Who was the prime minister of the provisional government formed after the proclamation
of the Second Republic?

A) Niceto Alcalá-Zamora
B) Manuel Azaña
C) Alfonso XIII

3.-Which period of the Second Republic is known as the Reformist Biennium?

A) 1931-1933
B) 1933-1936
C) 1936-1939

4.-Who promoted the drafting and approval of the new Constitution in 1931?

A) Manuel Azaña
B) Niceto Alcalá-Zamora
C) Alfonso XIII

5.-What was significant about the 1931 Constitution of the Second Republic regarding

A) It granted universal suffrage for men only

B) It granted universal suffrage for women only
C) It granted universal suffrage for both men and women

6.-What right did the government recognize regarding private property?

A) Right to expropriate property for public interest

B) Right to private property
C) Right to nationalize all property

7.-What was the purpose of the military reform under the Republica-socialist government?

A) To increase the number of officers

B) To reduce the loyalty of the military
Revision questions The Second Spanish Republic

C) To guarantee loyalty of the military to the new regime


8.-What was the Agrarian Reform aimed at achieving?

A) Redistributing land ownership

B) Increasing land prices
C) Promoting industrialization

9.-What were some of the laws passed to improve the work conditions of laborers under the
Republica-socialist government?

A) Reduction of social insurance

B) Increase in working hours
C) Social insurance and reduction of the working day

10.-What type of education reform was promoted under the Republica-socialist government?

A) Private education
B) Religious education
C) Public, secular, mixed, compulsory, and free education

11.-What were the main parties opposed to decentralisation and secularisation of society
during the Conservative Biennium (1933-36)?

A) Left-wing parties
B) Conservative and monarchist parties
C) Socialist and communist parties

12.-What event in Cádiz in January 1933 led to uprisings against the government due to
slow reforms?

A) Casas Viejas incident

B) Asturias uprising
C) Catalonia proclamation

13.-What economic event contributed to the radicalisation of social tensions during this

A) Worldwide economic depression of 1929

B) Industrial revolution
C) Technological advancements
Revision questions The Second Spanish Republic

14.-Who was elected as the prime minister in 1933 with the parliamentary support of CEDA?

A) Manuel Azaña
B) Alejandro Lerroux
C) Gil Robles

15.-Which region declared a social revolution and occupied the mining area during the
uprisings in 1934?

A) Asturias
B) Catalonia
C) Madrid

A. Who formed the Frente Popular in 1936?

The left-wing parties (mainly communists, socialists and left wing republicans) It was
a coalition to present a united candidature to the elections of 1936.

B. Who became president after the Frente Popular won the elections in 1936?
Manuel Azaña became the president of the 2nd Spanish Republic.

C. What were the goals of the new government appointed in 1936?

The new government appointed the following goals:
To reinstate the reforms adopted by the first government of the Republic in a more
profound manner, especially in agriculture.
To grant amnesty to those condemned for the events of 1934 in Asturias and
To re-establish Catalonia's Generalitat and start the process to form governments in
the Basque Country and Galicia.
To move military officers suspected of planning a coup (Franco, moved to the Canary
Islands, Mola, Sanjurjo and Goded) far away from Madrid.

D. When did the main military coup leaders meet? What was their objective?
On the 8th of March 1936 at the home of the stockbroker José Delgado. They
planned to make a coup d'état so they could solve the instability of the republic that
was seen as a threat to the unity of the homeland. They planned on making with the
lead of the exiled Gral. Sanjurjo

E. What were the objectives of the coup according to General Sanjurjo's letter in July
A government run by military officials, not by politicians, a revision on legislation is
needed, especially in religious and social matters and that government’s effort should
focus on structuring the country and ending the current liberal parliamentary system.
Revision questions The Second Spanish Republic

F. What event marked the start of the Civil War in July 1936?
The coup d'état of the 17th july 1936 on Africa and Canary Islands that the very next
day extended to the peninsula.

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