Lesson Plan in Science Cot 2 Sungahid

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Comprehensive Sexuality Education


Lesson Plan in Science 5

Quarter 2
(Time: 9:00 am – 9:50 am)

I. Learning Competency
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to describe the
reproductive system and their Functions
I.2 Identify the female reproductive system parts and functions

CSE Integration:
Describe the sexual and reproductive system (structure and functions) K1A1

II. Content/ Topic:

Female Reproductive System and their Functions
III. Learning Resources
 CSE Curriculum Guide
 CSE Reader
 Learning Resource Portal

IV. Procedures:
A. Engage
Say: In the previous lesson we learned about the journey of the sperm cell.
Today, we will learn also the counterpart which is the journey of the egg cell.
Did you know that the monthly bleeding of the female’s vagina signifies the
death of the egg cell?

Learners, at their young age, do not have enough idea about menstruation.
The teacher should explain or give a little information about it.

Task 1:”Fact or Bluff” (Class Task)

Direction: Say “Fact” if the statement is true and “Bluff” if it is a myth or false
1. A woman should not take a bath during menstruation period.
2. When you get your first bleeding as a teenager, wash your face with
the blood so you won’t get pimples. (False)
3. During the first menstruation a girl must walk around her house
three times so that her period will last for only three days. (False)
4. Stepping over a chicken dung or any kind of poop will make your
menses foul-smelling. (False)
5. Consult a doctor or an OB-GYN for an irregular menstruation cycle.
Guide Questions:

 What can you say about the pictures?

 When menstruation does happen?
1. What is menstruation?

Menstruation: Menstruation is a sign demonstrating that a girl

has started to ovulate and is able to conceive and have a baby.
When menstruation begins, it may be irregular but gradually
should stabilize to once a month. Menstruation normally lasts
between 3-7 days. Some girls may release a lot of blood during
their menstruation while others may release a little. The average
amount of blood loss during menstruation is 35 millilitres with 10-
80 millilitres considered normal.
A girl may start to menstruate at the age of 9 and there are also
girls whose menstruation only starts when they reach the age of
17 or 18. If a girl is 18 and has not experienced menstruation yet
she should consider seeing a doctor to get checked.

2. What organs are responsible for menstruation?

B. Explore
Divide the class into three. Let them arrange the puzzle pieces to complete the
picture. Assign a group presenter to share their insights on the completed picture.
If possible let them name each part of the picture.

C. Explain

What are the parts of the Reproductive System?

The reproductive system is composed of several parts which
include the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes, cervix and Vagina. These
organs are responsible in producing the egg cells and in the development
of fetus/ unborn baby inside the mother’s womb.


Fallopian Tube


Cervix Ovary

Brenner tumori jajnika - Tumor

The female reproductive system is similar to male reproductive system.

The male reproductive system produces sperm cells while the female
reproductive system produces egg cells. The ovaries are responsible in
developing and releasing the most matured egg and send it to the fallopian tube.
It is also responsible the releasing the female sex hormones, estrogen and
progesterone. The Fallopian Tube is the usual place where the sperm fertilizes
the egg and leads the fertilized egg to the uterus. The Uterus, also called womb
is a pear shaped like structure that holds and supports the development of the
unborn baby. The uterine lining or endometrium is very soft and smooth and
contains many blood vessels that will supply nutrients to the baby. This will break
in case fertilization will not take place. The Cervix is a narrow opening that
enlarges during a normal delivery. It serves as the passage way of the baby from
the uterus to the vagina. The Vagina or the birth canal is a hollow tube that leads
to the opening called vulva. It allows fluids to exit the body during menstruation.

D. Elaborate
Group 1
Directions: Using the following list, write the correct part of the female reproductive
system with their function.

Cervix Vagina Estrogen

Uterus Egg cell
Fallopian Tube Ovary

Organ Functions
1. The tubes that carry an egg from the ovary to the
2. Hollow muscular tube that leads to the opening called
3. Organs where all a female’s egg cells are stored
4. It is where the unborn baby is developed
5. Narrow opening between the uterus and vagina

Group 2
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is true and F if
the statement is false. Write your answers on your paper.

______ 1. The vagina produces egg cells and sex hormones.

______ 2. The uterus is where the unborn baby is developed.
______ 3. The oviduct or fallopian tube connects the rest of the system to the two
______ 4. The cervix acts as the passage through which the baby exits the uterus
into the
______ 5. The ovary is a usual place where the egg is fertilized by the sperm cell.

Group 3
Directions: Label the different parts of the female reproductive system.

E. Evaluate
A. Direction: Identify the part of the female reproductive system being described
in each sentence. Write your answers on the space provided before the

uterus cervix ovary

fallopian tube vagina testes

________ 1. Lies close to the ovary waiting for the egg to enter. (Fallopian tube)
________ 2. It serves as the passage way of the baby from the uterus to the
vagina. (cervix)
________ 3. It is a hollow tube that leads to the vulva and allows the menstrual
fluid to exit the body also called as the birth canal. (vagina)
________ 4. It produces egg cells and sex hormones, estrogen and
progesterone. (ovary)
________ 5. It thickens to prepare for the development of the fetus/ unborn baby.
F. Closure:
“The female’s body is not a toy for your pleasure, it’s a gift for you to treasure.”

V. Assignment
Directions: Draw the male and female reproductive organs on a sheet of paper.
Label the parts. You may use the following rubrics to score your work.

Criteria 5 3 2
Completeness All parts of the 3-4 parts of the 1-2 parts of the
of Parts female reproductive female reproductive female reproductive
organs were drawn organs were drawn organs were drawn
Accuracy All parts of the 3-4 parts of the 1-2 parts of the
(drawing & female reproductive female reproductive female reproductive
labels) organs were organs were organs were
correctly labelled correctly labelled correctly labelled

Prepared by :

Observed by:

Master Teacher III

Head Teacher I

VI. Reflections:

VII. Remarks:

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