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"Used to"is a verb. MEANING We use to talk about a past situation that is no longer true.

It tells us that
there was a repeated action or state in the past which has now changed.

FORMATION.It is always followed by the infinitive of the main verb. I used to visit my grandparents
once a week.

"Get used to," and "be used to" MEANING ‘’be familiar with’’ or be ‘’ accustomed to’’

FORMATION are phrases in which used to an adjective, to is a preposition, and is always followed by a
noun or a gerund.

1. Maria __ live in New York when she was a child.

2. Did you use to play the piano when you were younger? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.

3. We used to go camping every summer, but now we prefer staying in hotels.

4. It took me a while to __ the cold weather when I moved to Canada.

5. She’s used to waking up early because of her new job schedule.

6. After living in the city for years, now he __ the noise and crowds.

When I was younger, preteen, adolescent= teenager, adult

Infinitive with "to" and Gerund/verb+ing

1. I want (to go) to the beach this weekend.

2. She plans (to cook) dinner for her friends tonight.

3. We enjoy (to swim) in the pool after school.

4. He loves (to watch) movies in his free time.

5. They hate (to clean) the house on weekends.

6. We enjoy (to travel) to new places.

7. She wants (to learn) Spanish this year.

8. (To cook) is her favorite hobby.

9. I enjoy (to read) mystery novels.

10. (To play) soccer is fun.

11. She doesn't mind (cleaning) the kitchen. To wash up dishes, to lay the table, to clear the table)))

12. I feel like (to go) to get ice cream.

Gerunds after Prepositions

1. She is good at (cooking) Italian dishes.
2. They are interested in (learning) new languages.
3. He apologized for (be) late to the meeting.
4. We talked about (go) on a trip together.
5. She insisted on (pay) for dinner.
6. They are excited about (visiting) the new museum.
7. He is tired of (listen) to the same songs every day.
8. I am looking forward to (see) you tomorrow.
9. She is afraid of (swim) in the ocean.
10. We are considering moving (move) to a new city.

Test: Lie (Not to Tell the Truth) lied, has lied, To Lie (Recline) Yesterday I lay late, I have
always lain late. , To Lay a table, to lay a book on the table, laid, laid

Lie-lied-lied regular, lying I look at him, and I see that he’s lying.

Lie-lay-lain, I’m lying now.

Lay-laid-laid, my mom is laying a table. I’m laying your keys on the table.

Instructions: Choose the correct form of the verb to complete each sentence.

1. She __ about her age to get into the club last night.
● A) lied
● B) lay
● C) laid
2. The cat likes to __ in the sunbeam during the afternoon.
● A) lie
● B) lay
● C) laid
3. Yesterday, I __ to my friend about forgetting her birthday.
● A) lay
● B) lied
● C) laid
4. The books __ scattered across the floor.
● A) lie
● B) are lying
● C) lay
5. He always __ his head on the pillow when he sleeps.
● A) lies
● B) lays
● C) lied
6. She __ to her parents about where she was going.
● A) lied
● B) lay
● C) laid
7. The picnic blanket is __ under the tree.
● A) lying
● B) laying
● C) lied
8. They __ on the beach all yesterday afternoon, enjoying the sun.
● A) lay
● B) lied
● C) laid
9. Please __ the book on the table.
● A) lie
● B) lay
● C) lied

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