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Joebel Diawara Jr. BSED-Social

1. Looking back at your childhood days, who are the important persons around you
and what are the significant events that you have experienced? Make a narrative of
the important persons that you have encountered including your playmates and all
your memorable moments to these persons. Then describe how these circumstances
have influenced your attitudes, behavior and habits.

I have a memorable memories in the past and until now I always remember and
cherish those moments. When I was a child, I have a playmates named Jane Laika,
Airrolyn, Florence, and Aaliyah, we are in the same age that’s why we attended in the same
class together. I still remember when we first met, I didn’t forget those memories because
they give me light to my loneliness. First day of school, I was lonely at that time, without
friends and nobody knows me since I’m new to my school. I was a shy type of person that’s
why I’m nervous to talk to other people. However, there are four girls who sit beside me,
their names are Jane Laika, Airrolyn, Florence, and Aaliyah. They approach me first and
talk about anything, as the time goes by, we became friends. Every time, we played Piko,
Bahay-bahayan, Tago-tag-an, Lagsanay, and many more. For me, they are my important
friends that stays with me all the time. Next school year, I always in the corner of the
classroom and the only persons who I always interact with me is my best friends Jane
Laika, Airrolyn, Florence, and Aaliyah. One day, my classmates are playing outside the
classroom, however, I stay inside since I’m not comfortable to the people who are not
familiar to me. My best friends are in there, they are playing together with our classmates.
They are friendly and sociable that’s why it’s easy for them to interact with other people.
While they are playing, Jane Laika see me inside the classroom watching them and she go
to me. When she arrived, she say “Cleb, mahampang ka? Upod na, upod naton aton mga
classmates”, however, I reply “Sige lang kamo lang to”. For me, I’m not ready yet to socialize
with other people and I’m nervous around them. Every day, my best friends always asking
me to go outside and play with other people, but I refuse since I’m shy. One day, Jane
Laika, Airrolyn, Florence, and Aaliyah are talking to our classmates in the classroom, they
invited me to go there, I hesitate first but in the end, I go there. I’m shocked that my
classmates are talking to me, they asked me about myself and I also replied to everything
they asked. Time passes by, we go back to our respected chair since the class is going to
start. In the next day, they are playing in the playground, Jane Laika, Airrolyn, Florence,
and Aaliyah asked me to go there and I tried to play with my classmates. I tried to break the
barrier of being a shy type of person and I tried to step in the world of social interaction. In
this moment, I realized that I will not be a canary who always in the cage, instead, I will go
outside and try to socialize with other people. I will not only talk to the people who always
by my side, instead, I will try to discover outside the world wherein I can make friends to
everyone. From that day, I always interact with other people even though I didn’t know their
name, I smile to them and talk to them. Moreover, together with my best friends, we always
playing lagsanay and Piko in the playground. One day, we have a new transferee, he’s
sitting beside me, then, I talk to him first such as what’s his name, age, where he lives, and
many more. I’m not a shy person anymore and I graduated to become a timid person.
Indeed, Jane Laika, Airrolyn, Florence, and Aaliyah influenced me a lot, they influenced my
whole being. Moreover, we always create many memorable memories that I never forget
until now. It imprinted to my mind and heart.
These are the memorable moments or events that happened to me. Moreover, these
circumstances influenced my attitudes in a way that it gives me courage to step forward
and to be friendly. My shyness changed to be a friendly person and to have courage to
interact with other people. Also, I know to myself that I’m a shy type of person in the past,
however, my attitudes changes after those circumstances happened to me. My playmates
help me a lot to changed, they influenced me to step outside and look in a new world.
Furthermore, those circumstances influenced my behavior in a way that I become an
affable person wherein I’m ready to socialize with other people and learn new things. My
loner and shyness behavior became friendly and gregarious behavior, it changed because it
influenced by my experiences when I was young. I became confident to talk to other people.
In addition, it influenced my habits in a way that it gives me courage to interact with other
people. I can say it influenced me because when I go to any places, I always smile to other
people even though I didn’t know them and when we hang out together with my friends, I
am the one who open up the topic first. Unlike before, I didn’t open up the topic first since I
always stay quit. Indeed, my habits influenced after those circumstances that happened to
me. I have a habit now to smile to other people even though we don’t know each other. If I
didn’t talk and socialize with many people before, I always interact to others now and that’s
my habit, I do it regularly.

When I was a child, I always shy and not confident to face other people, however,
now, I am friendly and ready to socialize with others. This is due to some experiences or
memories that happened to me in the past. There are some people who influenced and
changed me a lot to be a better person, a person who will face and must interact to others
since it is good for my development as a human being. My playmates or best friends are the
one who help me to interact and socialized with other people that’s why I’m very thankful to
them. Moreover, I’m very thankful that I’ve changed since being shy is not good for me in
the future. However, being friendly and have confidence to face other people is good
because I know that I will encounter different people someday that’s why it’s a big help for
me to adjust and have courage to face any problems. There are many memorable moments
in the past that I never forget until now, these memories help me to be brave and to interact
with others. Moreover, these circumstances influenced me a lot when it comes to attitudes,
behavior, and habits.
2. Define scaffolding by reiterating your special skill/s you have now,. How you acquire it and
how you develop it? Who assisted you to learn this/ these skill/s? Describe what steps or
actions the person did in order to help you learn

When I was a child, I don’t have any skills or I didn’t know anything such as how to
knot my shoelace, how to read, how to cut onions or garlic, how to peel the skins of the
fruits, and many more. However, as the time goes by I know how to do it because of the
assistance of my parents. The support or assistance that given to me by my parents and
other people to the things that I didn’t know how to do it independently is called scaffolding.
My parents and other people assisted me first so that it’s easier for me to learn and acquire
skills, scaffolding is not about doing things while watching other people, instead it’s about
learning things while other people are supporting me and guiding me to complete the tasks.
Through this, I can move from the zone of actual to the zone of proximal development. For
example I learn now how to read, how to peel the skins of the fruits, how to fetch water,
how to put my shoes on my feet, how to cut fruits or vegetables, and many more. I acquire
these skills in a way that I was learning them since I was young. Moreover, I acquire these
through the help of my parents and other people. When I was young, I want to learn about
how to do things that’s why my parents are always teaching me, they are supporting me to
accomplish the task independently. In addition, it develop in a way that my parents are
always assisting me to do things right, they are teaching me so that in the future I can do it
on my own. Furthermore, because I have a will to learn something, I develop this skills by
practicing every day.

When I was young, I was learning how to do things and trying to discover about
something that I didn’t know. Some skills that I want to acquire before are how to peel the
skins of the fruits, how to fetch water, how to put my shoes on my feet, how to knot my
shoe, how to cut fruits or vegetables, and many more. As the time goes by, I already know
how to do these things by the help of my parents and my grandmother. They are the one
who assisted me to learn these skills. They are my supporters and my teachers in the past
where everything is new to me. It feels like they are my sunlight so that I could bloom to be
an amazing flower. Indeed, they are my supporters who assisted me to the times where I
didn’t know how to do things. The steps or actions that my parents and my grandmother
did in order to help me to learn is by assisting me first so that I could do it in the future.
For example, on how to fetch some water. They provide a small bucket for me so that it will
not be heavy. Also, the amount of water is not too much. First, my mother is holding the
bucket together with me and after a few seconds she released her hand so that I could do it
on my own. After a few days, I can fetch the water on my own without the help of others.
Another is on how to peel the skin of the orange. My grandmother peel the skin first just a
little and he let me do the rest. After that, I already know how to peel the skins of the fruits
independently. Indeed, they are assisting me and helping me so that I could accomplish the
task on my own in the future. They are the one who teaches me and support me to
everything so that I will be confident that I could accomplish the task without any
assistance. They give their hands to help me, that’s their action and steps so that I could
learn about everything. I’m very thankful to them because they are the one who teaches me
and assist me to the times that I didn’t know everything.

There are many skills that I acquire because of the help of my parents and my
grandmother. They assisted me and supported me to do things and to learn different
things. They are the first people who give hands to me so that I could accomplish the task
on my own. The support or assistance that given to me by my parents and other people to
the things that I didn’t know how to do it independently is called scaffolding. I acquire skills
by the support of the people such as my parents and my grandmother. However, if I only
watching them to learn, it is not scaffolding since scaffolding is about giving assistance to
me to accomplish the task that I cannot accomplish on my own. Some skills that I acquire
are how to read, how to peel the skins of the fruits, how to fetch water, how to put my shoes
on my feet, how to knot my shoe, how to cut fruits or vegetables, and many more. I acquire
them by the help of my parents and my grandparents. Moreover, I develop them by learning
them every day.

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