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Lab Exercise 1 – Deadline: 13/5/2024
Question 1:
Create a mobile application that will consist of three activities:

 Home Activity: This will be the starting point of the app. It will display a
heading (e.g., "Welcome!") and two buttons.
 Activity 2: This activity will display a different heading (e.g., "This is Activity
2") and two buttons to navigate back to the Home Activity and forward to
Activity 3.
 Activity 3: This activity will display a final heading (e.g., "Congratulations!
You reached Activity 3") and two buttons to navigate back to Activity 2 and
return to the Home Activity.

Question 2
Suppose you're tasked with designing a new social media app that allows users
to share photos and connect with each other. The app's homepage features three
key buttons:

 Attach Picture: Clicking this button opens your device's photo gallery,
allowing you to choose an image to share on your social media profile.
 Make a Call: This button initiates your device's dialing app, enabling you
to directly call someone from your contact list within the social media
 Visit My Website: Clicking this button launches your device's web
browser and automatically loads your personal website for easy access by
other users.

Please submit this exercise by recording a short video for each Question.
The video should cover two main parts:

 Code Explanation: Walk us through the source code line by line,

explaining what each line does and how it contributes to the overall
 App Demonstration: Put the code into action! Show how the app works
by running it on a device or simulator. Demonstrate all features you have
implemented in the app.

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