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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904





Important Information for Tenants

This Agreement creates an assured shorthold tenancy Agreement regulated by the Housing Act 1988.
It sets out your rights and duties as a Tenant of this Property, and your Landlord's rights and duties to

By signing this Agreement you will be entering into a legally binding contract.

You should read the Agreement carefully. If you do not understand or agree to any of the obligations
contained in this Agreement we strongly suggest that you contact the Citizens Advice Bureau or a
solicitor for the benefit of legal advice before signing.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


The following definitions apply in this Agreement:

Agent means the person, firm or company who has been instructed on behalf of
the Landlord to manage the Property or carry out an instruction with the
Landlord's authority;

Agreement means this contract you are entering into with the Landlord that contains
both you 's and Landlord's obligations;

Deposit is any money paid to the Landlord or Agent to be held during the Term as
security for the performance of your obligations under the Agreement. Within
30 days of receipt the Deposit will be registered with The Tenancy Deposit
Scheme (TDS) operated by The Dispute Service Ltd, a company authorised
by the government to run an insurance and custodial based tenancy deposit
protection scheme;

Deposit Holder is the person, firm or company who is a Member of The Tenancy Deposit
Scheme and holds the Deposit under the terms of the scheme;

Fixtures and Fittings include all of the Landlord's furniture, furnishings, appliances, floor and wall
coverings, white goods and anything else listed in the Inventory;

ICE is the Independent Case Examiner of The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS)
who will determine any dispute referred to TDS;

Inventory is the document prepared (usually at the start of the Term) by the Landlord
or someone acting on their behalf that details the condition of the Property
and lists all of the Landlord's possessions in it. The Inventory will be used to
compare the condition of the Property, Fixtures and Fittings at the end of the
Term. It is important that you read and agree the document. If you have any
issues with the Inventory please ensure you notify the Landlord or
Landlord's Agent within a reasonable period of time;

Landlord is the person, company or organisation making this agreement with you
(and anyone who later owns the Property) that has a right to possession of
the Property on termination or expiry of the Term. If the Landlord changes
during the Term it will not affect your tenancy and you will be notified of the
new Landlord's name and address;

Member is the Landlord or the Agent who is a registered member of TDS;

Property is the dwelling house as described in the main terms below and any parts
that form the letting as agreed between the Landlord and Tenant. Where
the tenancy is part of a larger building, the Property includes the use of
common access ways and facilities;

Relevant Person is any other person, company or organisation who has paid the Deposit on
behalf of you (e.g. a parent);

Stakeholder refers to the way the Deposit is being held by your Landlord or Agent. This
means you and the Landlord must agree any deductions from the Deposit
before any money can be released to either party;

Tenant includes reference to 'you' or 'your' in this Agreement and is the person who
is allowed to reside in the Property under this Agreement. If there are two or
more Tenants you will be jointly and severally liable. This means you will
each be responsible for all of the amounts due under this Agreement, even if
you have paid your share but other Tenants have not;
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Term is the fixed term of this Agreement, any extensions, renewals, continuation
and any statutory periodic tenancy which arises after the end of the fixed
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


Date of this Agreement: 19th Day of December 2022

Property: Flat 1, 46A Lothian Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 0EQ

Landlord: Mr Kamaldeep Mangat

Landlord's Address For Service:West London Property Management, 32-34 High Street, Sutton, SM1

Landlord's Agent: haart lettings Hayes

Note: Where you have been informed that the Agent is managing the
Property you must ensure all contact is made through them in respect
of any issues concerning the Property

Agent's Address For Service: 462 Uxbridge Road Hayes UB4 0SD
Telephone: 0208 5613130

Email address:


Tenant: Mrs Jayashri Prabu

Tenant's Address: 84-86 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AB
Telephone Number: 07442125968
Email Address:
The Fixed Term: The Tenancy will be for a Term of 12 months from and including 28th
December 2022 to and including 27th December 2023.

Commencing on: 28th December 2022

Expiring on: 27th December 2023

Rent: £750 (Seven Hundred And Fifty Pounds) for each month of the
Tenancy payable in advance. The first payment shall be made on the
28th December 2022.

Rent Payment date: 28th

Deposit: £865.35 payable on the signing of this Agreement to the Landlord or

their Agent and held in accordance with the rules of The Tenancy
Deposit Scheme.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904



1.1. The Landlord lets the Property to you for the Term.


2.1. You will pay the first payment of rent on or before signing this Agreement. All subsequent payments must be
paid by standing order as directed by the Landlord or their Agent to the account details provided to you.

2.2. If any person other than you pays the rent, it will be treated as being paid on your behalf.

2.3. If you fail to pay the rent lawfully due in full before the end of the period of 14 days from the Rent Payment
Date you will pay interest at an annual percentage rate of 3% above the Bank of England base rate to the
amount of rent that remains unpaid for each full day the payment is outstanding.

2.4. If the Property is unfit for occupation and use you will not have to pay the rent for any day the Property is
unable to be used. If only part of the Property is unfit for occupation and use the rent will be reduced
accordingly taking into account the part of the Property that you are unable to use. If you or one of your
guests or visitors causes the Property to become unfit for occupation and use as a result of wilful actions,
negligence or default this clause will not apply and you will be liable for the rent.


3.1. You will pay the Deposit to the Agent on or before signing this Agreement to be held as security for the
performance of your obligations under the Agreement.

3.2. The Deposit is held by the Agent as Stakeholder. The Agent is a member of the Tenancy Deposit Scheme.

3.3. Any interest earned on the Deposit will belong to the Agent.


4.1. The Deposit has been taken for the following purposes:
4.1.1. Any damage, or compensation for damage, to the Property its Fixtures and Fittings or for missing
items for which you may be liable, subject to an apportionment or allowance for fair wear and tear, the
age and condition of each and any such item at the commencement of the Term, insured risks and
repairs that are the responsibility of the Landlord.

4.1.2. The reasonable costs incurred in compensating the Landlord for, or for rectifying or remedying any
breach by you of your obligations under the tenancy Agreement, including those relating to the
cleaning of the Property, its Fixtures and Fittings.

4.1.3. Any unpaid accounts for utilities or water charges or environmental services or other similar services
or Council Tax incurred at the Property for which you are liable.

4.1.4. Any rent or other money due or payable by you to the Agent or the Landlord under the Agreement of
which you have been made aware and which remains unpaid after the end of the Agreement.


5.1. As soon as is practicable at the end of the Agreement, the Member should inform you whether any
deductions are proposed. If there is no dispute, the Deposit will be allocated according to the deductions
agreed. If agreement cannot be reached, any of the parties can refer the matter to the Tenancy Deposit
Scheme for adjudication.


6.1. If there are multiple Tenants, each of them agrees with the other(s) that any one of them may consent on
behalf of all the others to use alternative dispute resolution through a tenancy deposit protection scheme to
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

deal with any dispute about the Deposit at the end of the Term.


7.1. You and all occupiers agree to provide the documents as requested to satisfy the Landlord's obligations
relating to right to rent checks.

7.2. If you sublet, part with or share possession of the Property, with or without the Landlord's consent, it will be
your responsibility to check all occupiers have a right to rent before allowing them to move into the Property.
You will be liable for a civil penalty if it is found that any occupiers do not have a right to rent.


8.1. During the Term you agree to pay the council tax and to pay for all services and utilities for the Property
including but not limited to supplies of water, sewerage, gas, electricity and any other fuels.

8.2. You agree to pay for the television licence throughout the Term and to renew at the appropriate time.

8.3. You agree to pay for all of the communication services throughout the Term including for the provision of
telephone, internet, cable television or satellite television services.

8.4. If any sums payable in this clause relate to the Property together with any other property, you shall pay the
proportion due in respect of the Property.

8.5. Where you allow any utilities or other services to be withdrawn or cut off, either during the Term or at the end
of the Agreement, you will pay the costs of reconnecting or resuming those services together with any unpaid

8.6. You agree:

8.6.1. To notify the local authority and suppliers of services and utilities of your contact details at the start of
the Term;
8.6.2. To apply for the accounts to be sent to and payable by you;
8.6.3. To notify the local authority and suppliers of services and utilities about the end of the Agreement and
to pay all final accounts due until the last day of the Term;
8.6.4. To provide your forwarding address to the local authority and suppliers of services and utilities. If you
fail to do so and, if there are unpaid charges that were your responsibility to pay, you agree that the
Landlord or Agent may send your forwarding address and other contact details to them;
8.6.5. To refill the tank to the same level as at the beginning of the Term if the Property is heated by oil or

8.7. You agree to notify the Landlord or Agent of any change of suppliers or the method of payment (such as the
installation or removal of prepayment meters) and to return all accounts to the original supplier and payment
method at the end of the Agreement where it is reasonably practical to do so.

8.8. If any supplier is changed you agree to provide the name, address and account number of the new supplier
to the Landlord or Agent within a reasonable period after the transfer.

8.9. The Landlord will not be responsible for any loss or inconvenience suffered as a result of a failure of supply
or service to the Property, supplied by a third party, where such failure is not caused by an act or omission on
the part of the Landlord or their Agent.

8.10. You shall comply with all laws and recommendations of the relevant suppliers relating to the use of those
services and utilities.


9.1. The Landlord or Agent is responsible for organising an Inventory at the start of the Agreement and a check
out at the end of the Agreement.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

9.2. If you breach any obligations under this agreement or fail to fulfil any obligations under this agreement, you
agree to pay any reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord in remedying the breach or in connection with
enforcement of your obligations.

9.3. You will pay all reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord or Agent in respect of keys to or other security
devices giving access to the Property that are lost during the Term.


10.1. You agree not to cause blockage to the drains, pipes, gutters, sewers and channels in or around the

10.2. You agree to regularly flush through all water systems in the Property including running the taps and shower.

10.3. You must not keep any dangerous or flammable goods, materials or substances in or on the Property apart
from those required for general household use.

10.4. You must not leave the Property unoccupied for more than 28 days without providing the Landlord or the
Agent with reasonable notice (as this could invalidate the Landlord's insurance and encourage squatters).

10.5. You agree to take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage occurring to any pipes or other installations
to the Property that may be caused by frost, provided the pipes and other installations are kept adequately
insulated by the Landlord.

10.6. You will not use the Property for any illegal or immoral use.

10.7. You will not use the Property or allow others to use the Property in a way that causes damage to
neighbouring, adjoining or adjacent properties; or a nuisance or an annoyance to the owners or occupiers of
these properties. This includes any excessive noise that may cause a disturbance.

10.8. You agree to look after and maintain the garden (if any) to the same standard as at the start of the
Agreement. This includes cutting the grass regularly in the growing season, maintaining the hedges and
weeding the garden. However, you must not otherwise remove any trees, plants, hedges or bushes without
the Landlord's or Agent's consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

10.9. You will ensure that all rooms are properly ventilated and heated to prevent condensation and mould growth.

10.10.You agree to keep the windows clean.

10.11.You agree to have the chimney swept regularly (if any).

10.12.You must not keep any pet or any kind of animal at the Property without the Landlord's or Agent's written
consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

10.13.You agree not to smoke or allow any guests to smoke in the Property without the Landlord's written consent,
such consent to be given or declined at the Landlord's absolute discretion.

10.14.You must only use the Property for residential purposes. No business activity including trade is permitted in
the Property.

10.15.You must test the smoke alarms and change the batteries regularly.

10.16.You agree not to fix any aerial, satellite dish, or any type of board in or on the Property without obtaining the
Landlord or Agent's consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Such consent may be
withdrawn at any time, upon reasonable notice and with reasonable grounds.

10.17.You agree not to hang anything to the walls including pictures by whatever means including (but not limited
to) blue tac, sticky tape, nails, screws or glue without the written consent of the Landlord or Agent, which will
not be unreasonably withheld or delayed. The Landlord agrees that a reasonable number of commercial
picture hooks can be used. You agree to remove the picture hooks at the end of the Tenancy and make good
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

any damage caused to the walls or any wood or other surface.

10.18.If applicable, where the Property is served by a cesspit or septic tank you are responsible for arranging and
paying to have the services emptied regularly.

10.19.If a burglar alarm is provided at the Property you will be provided with the code and instructions on how to
set it. You agree to set the burglar alarm as instructed and not to change the code without the written
consent of the Landlord or Agent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed and, if given, you will
provide the new code to the Landlord or Agent promptly.

10.20.You agree to fasten all locks and bolts on the doors and windows of the Property when it is empty and at

10.21.You agree not to change or install any locks in the property or to make additional copies of any keys supplied
without the Landlord's or Agent's written consent which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

10.22.You agree to take necessary steps to keep the Property free of any infestations such as vermin. Where it is
found that the infestation is as a result of you not taking the appropriate action, you may be liable for the
Landlord's reasonable costs of any necessary steps to eradicate the infestation including fumigation and

10.23.You must not remove any of the Landlord's belongings without first obtaining the consent of the Landlord or
Agent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

10.24.You agree to park only in the space/s or garage allocated to the Property (if any) and to keep any vehicles
kept at the Property fully taxed and in a roadworthy condition.

10.25.You must obtain written consent to store or leave on the Property or any communal car parking space any
commercial vehicle, caravan or boat, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed.

10.26.You agree to regularly remove all rubbish from the Property and to place it in the proper receptacle/s for
storage and disposal by the local authority.


11.1. If there is a superior lease, you agree to perform and observe at all times during the Term any conditions it
contains that were notified to you at the commencement of the Term. The superior lease or head lease
governs the terms that you and your Landlord must abide by otherwise action can be taken to terminate the
Landlord's lease.

11.2. You agree to comply with any rules and regulations reasonably required by the Landlord or the Agent from
time to time for the proper management or improvement of the Property. The Landlord or Agent will discuss
any new rules and regulations with you before they are introduced and will take reasonable account of your

11.3. You agree not to cause any obstructions to the common areas of the building. If you cause any obstructions
to the common areas the Landlord or Agent, acting reasonably, will provide you with 14 days' notice to
remove the obstructions (unless in an emergency). If you fail to do so, the obstruction will be removed and
you may be charged for the cost of removing it and any reasonable storage costs.


12.1. You agree to keep the Property and contents in good repair and in the same condition as contained in the
Inventory. You will not be responsible for fair wear and tear or any repairs covered by the Landlord's
obligations or insurance (less any excess payable under the Landlord's policy) unless you or one of your
visitors or guests invalidates the Landlord's insurance.

12.2. You will replace all broken glass promptly with the same quality glass, where you or one of your visitors or
guests causes the breakage.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

12.3. You will replace any light bulbs, fluorescent tubes and batteries during the Term with replacements of a
similar quality and type.

12.4. You will inform the Landlord or the Agent promptly (and, where possible, in writing) as soon as any defects to
The Property come to your attention or notice. In the case of an emergency and if safe to do so, you may
take reasonable steps to prevent any further damage. You will be reimbursed for costs reasonably incurred
provided the repairs fall within the Landlord's repairing obligations and provided the repairs were required in
an emergency.

12.5. You will comply within a reasonable time with any notice from the Landlord or Agent advising you of the need
to attend to any items of repair or maintenance for which you are responsible. If you fail to carry out the work
you agree that the Landlord or Agent or workman appointed by them can enter the Property upon 24 hours'
notice in writing (or without notice in an emergency) and carry out the works and you will be responsible for
reimbursing the Landlord the reasonable cost of such works.

12.6. You will not carry out any alterations or additions to the Property including redecorations without the Landlord
or Agent's written consent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


13.1. The Landlord will insure the Property and any contents that belong to the Landlord. You must comply with
any conditions imposed by the Landlord's insurance that are notified to you.

13.2. The Landlord's insurance does not cover your possessions. You are advised to consider the need for
Tenants Insurance, which could include cover for your own contents and for accidental damage to the
Landlord's items. You are required to have sufficient means to cover your liability to the Landlords fixtures
and fittings as set out in this Tenancy Agreement. The Landlord will not be responsible for any damage
caused to your belongings unless it is caused by an act or omission by the Landlord or Agent, which
invalidates any insurance you do have.

13.3. You or your guests, visitors or contractors shall not do or allow anything to be done which may cause
damage to the Property or the Fixtures and Fittings or invalidate the insurance of the Property or the building
or cause the Landlord's insurance premium to increase.

13.4. You will be liable for any reasonable increase in insurance premium and excess as a result of a claim being
made by the Landlord due to breaches of this Agreement by you, your guests or visitors.

13.5. You agree to notify the Landlord or Agent, Police and any relevant local authorities of any thefts, attempted
thefts, vandalism or any other damage promptly and where possible obtain a written report to enable the
Landlord to consider whether to make a claim under any insurance policy.


14.1. You agree to allow the Landlord, the Agent, their authorised contractors and professional advisers, any
superior Landlord or their agent or contractors to enter the Property at all reasonable times upon giving 24
hours' notice in writing (or without notice in an emergency) to:

14.1.1. Inspect, repair or redecorate the Property or Fixtures and Fittings;

14.1.2. Take utility meter readings and carry out gas safety checks;

14.1.3. Carry out any inspections or works required by law or under this agreement;

14.2. You agree to allow the Landlord or Agent, or any person acting on their behalf, access to view the Property
with prospective tenants or purchasers. You will be given at least 24 hours' notice and visits will take place
during normal working hours and at reasonable times at weekends. The Landlord reserves the right to
display at the Property "for sale" signs at any time and "to let" signs in the last two months of the fixed term
or at any time after the end of the fixed term.

14.3. The Landlord or Agent reserves the right to retain a set of keys to the Property to be used with your prior
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

consent, except in an emergency.


15.1. If applicable, the Landlord will carry out an annual gas safety check in accordance with the Gas Safety
(Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 and Gas Safety Regulations (Installation and Use) – (Amendment)
2018 (The Regulations) and ensure that the electrical supply and appliances included in the Fixtures and
Fittings in the Property are safe in accordance with the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994.

15.2. The Landlord will ensure, where appropriate, that any of the Fixtures and Fittings comply with The Furniture
and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended).

15.3. Sections 11-14 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (as amended) apply to this Agreement. They require
your Landlord to keep in repair the structure and exterior of the Property and to keep in repair and proper
working order the installations in the Property for the supply of water, gas, electricity, sanitation and for space
and water heating. You must notify the Landlord or Agent within a reasonable time of any repairs required
under this obligation.

15.4. The Landlord will maintain any contents listed in the Inventory to a reasonable working standard. However,
you are responsible for ensuring you look after the Property, its contents and Fixtures and Fittings in a
'Tenant like manner,' which includes complying with your obligations under this Agreement and looking after
anything that is yours. You will pay the reasonable cost of any repairs or replacement (allowing for fair wear
and tear) for any item belonging to the Landlord if a breakdown, breakage or lack of repair is caused by the
negligence or misuse by you, your guests or visitors.

15.5. The Landlord will carry out a risk assessment of all water systems in the Property at the commencement of
the Tenancy and no less than every two years thereafter during the Tenancy or whenever a situation
changes to control the risk from exposure to legionella bacteria.

15.6. Before the commencement of the Tenancy the Landlord will carry out a right to rent immigration check on
you and any occupiers in the Property over the age of 18 living in the Property as their only home. The
Landlord will also conduct any follow up checks as necessary.

15.7. If applicable the Landlord has complied with the requirements under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use)
Regulations 1998 and you have been provided with a copy of the gas safety certificate before the
commencement of the Tenancy. The Landlord shall be permitted to provide the same by email where an
email address has been provided by you.

15.8. You have been provided with the current Energy Performance Certificate and the How to Rent; checklist for
renting in England, as published by the Department for Communities and Local Government, that has effect
for the time being. The Landlord shall be permitted to provide the same by email where an email address has
been provided by you.

15.9. The Landlord will ensure that the property and any common parts are fit for human habitation at the time the
tenancy is granted and that it remains fit for human habitation during the term of the tenancy in accordance
with the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018.


16.1. You are asked to inform the Landlord whether you intend to leave at the end of the fixed Term or wish to
renew this Agreement. If you remain in the Property after the expiry of the fixed Term you will be required to
give at least one rental period's notice to start on a rent payment date unless the Landlord agrees in writing
to accept your surrender at an earlier date.

16.2. You agree to return all the keys of the Property to the Landlord or Agent on the agreed termination date or
the end of the Term. You also agree to pay for any reasonable charges incurred by the Landlord or the Agent
in securing the Property against re-entry where all sets of keys are not returned.

16.3. You will make good all damage and breakages to the Property and its contents, Fixtures & Fittings that have
occurred during the Term, which are your responsibility (with the exception of fair wear and tear). If
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

applicable, this includes the cost of removing and making good any satellite dish and aerial.

16.4. You agree to wash and clean all items (including but not limited to windows, walls, floors, kitchen and
bathroom surfaces and appliances, fittings, curtains, carpets, furniture, appliances, bedding and soft
furnishings) that may have become soiled during the Term.

16.5. You agree to remove all your belongings, personal effects and equipment, clear the Property of all food and
rubbish, and leave the oven in the same state of cleanliness as stated in the Inventory.

16.6. You will be responsible for meeting all reasonable removal and/or storage charges when items are left in the
Property. The Landlord will remove and store them for a maximum of one month. The Landlord or Agent will
notify you of this at your last known address. If the items are not collected within one month, the Landlord
may sell or dispose of the items and you will be liable for the reasonable costs of sale or disposal. The costs
may be deducted from any sale proceeds or the Deposit and if there are any costs remaining they will be
your liability.

16.7. The requirement to remove and store items left at the Property shall not extend to any perishable, disposable
or dilapidated items or such items that, in the reasonable estimation of the Landlord or Agent, the cost of
removal and storage is greater than the value of those items. The Landlord or Agent may dispose of such
items without further reference to you.

16.8. The Landlord agrees to carry out a check out at the end of the Term either by himself, the Agent or an
inventory clerk. You will allow access to the Property for this purpose upon the Landlord or Agent or
inventory clerk providing reasonable notice.

16.9. You shall provide the Landlord with a forwarding address at the end of the Term.

16.10.You agree to pay all the rent, utilities or other costs due in accordance with this Agreement. If you fail to do
so, you agree that the Landlord or Agent can release your personal information to interested third parties
such as utility suppliers, debt collectors and credit agencies. If you comply with the terms of this Agreement
then your personal information will not be disclosed to any third party except in accordance with the law.
However, as the Agent's principal the Landlord is entitled to all information retained by their Agent about you.


17.1. You will be allowed to surrender or give up this Agreement before it could otherwise lawfully be ended
provided that:

17.1.1. You obtain the Landlord's or the Agent's prior written consent; and

17.1.2. You satisfy any reasonable conditions that may include paying the Landlord's reasonable costs and
losses associated with re-letting the Property; and

17.1.3. You or the Agent obtain a suitable replacement Tenant.

17.2. If you vacate the Property without following the procedure above you will remain liable to pay the rent and
any other sums due under the Tenancy until the Term expires or the Property is re-let, whichever is the
earlier. The Landlord will use reasonable endeavours to re-let the Property to a suitable replacement tenant
and you will be liable for all reasonable costs incurred by the Landlord or Agent in seeking to re-let the

17.3. You must not assign, underlet, part with or share possession of the whole or any part of the Property without
the written permission of the Landlord or Agent, which will not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.


18.1. The Landlord may bring the Tenancy to an end and recover possession of the Property by following the
proper legal procedure if:

18.1.1. You are at least 14 days late in paying the rent or any part of it, whether or not the rent has been
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

formally demanded; or

18.1.2. You have broken any terms of this Agreement; or

18.1.3. You are declared bankrupt under the Insolvency Act 1986; or

18.1.4. You are deceased.

18.2. If any of grounds 1 - 17 of Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 1988 (as amended) as listed in Schedule 1 of this
agreement, apply, the Landlord may bring the Tenancy to an end and recover possession of the Property by
following the proper legal procedure. The Landlord is required to serve notice on you and cannot enter the
Property (except in the case of a surrender of the Agreement) or evict you without a court having first made
an order for possession. The Agreement will end when a court bailiff enforces a possession order granted by
the court (or by earlier surrender). Any other rights or remedies that the Landlord may have will remain in

18.3. If the Property is completely destroyed or becomes unfit for use and occupation, then this Agreement will end
immediately and you will be required to vacate the Property promptly. This does not prevent enforcement of
the Landlord or Tenant's rights against each other as a result of something done prior to the Agreement
ending. The Landlord will be entitled to claim against you or a visitor or a guest if you failed to comply with
any of the obligations under this Agreement. The Landlord will not be under any obligation to re-house you
but will refund you the portion of any rent you paid in advance, in accordance with clause 2.4 that was
intended to cover the period after the Property was destroyed or became unfit for occupation and use.


19.1. Any notice to either party concerning this Agreement must be served in writing.

19.2. Any notice from the Landlord can be served by:

19.2.1. Handing it personally to you or your agent; or

19.2.2. Leaving it at the Property; or

19.2.3. Sending it by 1st class post or recorded delivery to the Property; or

19.2.4. Sending it by email to your email address stated above.

19.3. Any notice from you can be served by:

19.3.1. Handing it personally to the Agent or, if no agent is instructed, to the Landlord; or

19.3.2. Leaving it at the Agent's or the Landlord's address for service above; or

19.3.3. Sending it by first class post or recorded delivery to the Landlord's or the Agent's address for service

19.4.4. Sending it by email to the Agent's email address stated above.

19.4. If a notice is served personally, emailed or delivered by hand to the Property or to the Landlord's, Tenant's or
Agent's address for service on a working day it will be deemed served that day or the next working day if
delivered on a weekend or bank holiday. If a notice is served by post it will be deemed served on the second
working day after it was sent.

19.5. For the purposes of section 48 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987, the Landlord must provide you with an
address in England and Wales for service of any notices including court proceedings. Any notices and court
proceeding concerning this Agreement may be served on the Agent or Landlord whose address is provided
in the Main Terms section of this Agreement above.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

19.6. You agree that any notices, communications or orders affecting the Property must be forwarded to the Agent
promptly and you will not take any action regarding such notices, communications or orders without the prior
consent of the Landlord.


20.1. If you or the Landlord disputes the contents of this Agreement, any dispute or claim arising out of or in
connection with it or its formation will be governed by and construed in accordance with the law of England
and Wales.

20.2. If the court decides that any term of this Agreement is not valid or enforceable it will not affect the validity or
enforceability of the rest of the Agreement.

Signatures of the Landlord and the Tenant agreeing the Rights and Obligations of the

Signed by haart lettings Hayes

462 Uxbridge Road Hayes UB4 0SD for and on behalf of
Mr Kamaldeep Mangat

Signature [s7.6f11ee2c9e484fd895cb81681b3ff359]

Date: [s7date.6f11ee2c9e484fd895cb81681b3ff359]

Signed by the Tenant:

1: [s7.6c739a0187db4045999d90731b810e0f]

Date: [s7date.6c739a0187db4045999d90731b810e0f]

Mrs Jayashri Prabu

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904



Grounds for possession

1. Landlord occupied the property as its only principal residence before the tenancy started or
landlord requires the property back to live in as its only principal residence (no prior occupation is
required for this alternative).

2. - Mortgagee requires possession of the property because of mortgage arrears on the property.

2A. Mortgagee of a tenancy granted by a fully mutual housing association of a dwelling in Wales
requires possession. This ground was introduced by section 138 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014,
but is not yet in force.

3. Tenancy is for a fixed term not exceeding eight months and was occupied as a holiday let during
the 12 months before the tenancy started.

4. Tenancy is for a fixed term not exceeding 12 months and was let by an educational
establishment during the 12 months before the tenancy started.

5. Property is held for the purpose of being available for occupation by a minister of religion as a
dwelling house from which to perform his duties and is required for occupation by a minister of

6. Landlord intends to demolish or reconstruct the whole or a substantial part of the property or
carry out substantial works which cannot be carried out with the Tenant there.

7. Previous tenant has died and the tenancy has passed to a new tenant under a will, but the new
tenant is not entitled to the tenancy under the law of succession. This applies to periodic tenancies
and also, following an amendment made by the LA 2011, certain types of fixed term tenancies in
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

7A. Any of the following conditions are met:

A Tenant, or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling house:

● Has been convicted of a serious offence committed (i) wholly or partly in or in the locality of
the dwelling house or (ii) against someone with a right to reside in or in the locality of the
dwelling house or (iii) elsewhere against the landlord.

● Has breached a provision of an injunction under Section 1 of the ASBCPA and the breach
occurred in (a) the dwelling house or its locality or (b) elsewhere and the provision breached
was intended to prevent conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to someone
with a right to reside in the dwelling house or accommodation in its locality or to the landlord.

● Has been convicted of an offence under section 30 of the ASBCPA. Refer to ground 7A of
Schedule 2 of the HA 1988 for details of offences that qualify.

● The dwelling house is or has been subject to a closure order under section 80 of the
ASBCPA and access to the property has been prohibited for a continuous period of more
than 48 hours (either under section 80 or under a section 76 closure notice).

● A Tenant, or a person residing in or visiting the dwelling house has been convicted of an
offence under section 80(4) or section 82(8) of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 (EPA
1990) and the nuisance in question was noise constituting a statutory nuisance for the
purposes of Part 3 of the EPA 1990.

If the landlord wishes to rely on any of the above conditions, it must do so within the time limits
specified in section 8(4C) of the HA 1988.

Inserted by section 97 of the ASBCPA.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

7B. Both of the following conditions are met:

● The Secretary of State has given a notice in writing to the landlord or, in the case of joint
landlords, one or more of them identifying the Tenant or in the case of joint tenants, one or
more of them, or one or more other adult occupiers of the dwelling-house as a person or
persons disqualified from occupying the dwelling-house under the tenancy as a result of
their immigration status.

● The person or persons named in the notice are both of the following:
● The Tenant or, in the case of joint tenants, one or more of them, or are one or more
other adult occupiers of the dwelling house; and
● disqualified as a result of their immigration status from occupying the dwelling house
under the tenancy.

This ground only applies to property in England from 1 December 2016.

8. Rent is unpaid at the time of the service of the section 8 notice and at the date of the hearing:

● If rent is paid weekly or fortnightly, at least eight weeks' rent is unpaid.

● If rent is payable monthly, at least two months' rent is unpaid.
● If rent is payable quarterly, at least one quarter's rent is more than three months in arrears.
● If rent is payable yearly, at least three months' rent is more than three months in arrears.

(The level of arrears in ground 8 were amended to the above levels by section 101 of the HA 1996.)

9. Suitable alternative accommodation is or will be available for the Tenant when the possession
order takes effect.

10. Rent was unpaid by the Tenant when the section 8 notice was served and has not been paid by
the time possession proceedings are begun.

11. The Tenant has persistently delayed paying rent, regardless of whether the rent was in arrears
on the date that possession proceedings began.

12. Any obligation of the tenancy (other than non-payment of rent) has been broken or not

13. The Tenant, or anyone living with the Tenant, has allowed the property or parts of it (including
common parts) to deteriorate.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

14. The Tenant or anyone living with or visiting the Tenant:

● Is guilty of conduct that has or is likely to have caused a nuisance or annoyance to

● Is guilty of conduct that has or is likely to have caused a nuisance or annoyance to the
landlord or the landlord's managing agent.
● Has been convicted of using or allowing the property to be used for immoral or illegal
● Has been convicted of an arrestable offence committed in the area of the property.

14ZA. The Tenant or any adult living at the property has been convicted of an indictable offence
which took place at a riot in the United Kingdom. (This ground only applies to a property in

14A. The property was occupied by a couple who are, or were living together as, a married couple
or civil partners and

● one or both of them is the Tenant,

● the landlord is a social or charitable housing landlord,
● one partner has left the property because of violence or threatened violence by the
other partner towards
● that partner, or
● a member of that partner's family who was living with that partner
immediately before that partner left, and
● the court is satisfied that the partner who has left is unlikely to return.

15. The condition of any furniture at the property has deteriorated due to ill treatment by the Tenant
or other person residing at the property.

16. The property was let to the Tenant as part of its employment with the landlord and the Tenant is
no longer employed by the landlord.

17. The landlord was induced to grant the tenancy by a false statement made knowingly or
recklessly by either the Tenant or a person acting for the Tenant.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904



Housing Act 2004

This information is prescribed under the Housing Act 2004. That means that the two parties to the
Tenancy Agreement must be made aware of their rights during and at the end of the contract
regarding the protection of and deductions from the Deposit.

A.1 Address of the Premises to which the tenancy relates:

Flat 1, 46A Lothian Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 0EQ

Details of Deposit Holder(s)

Name: haart lettings Hayes
Address: 462 Uxbridge Road Hayes UB4 0SD
Telephone Number: 0208 5613130
Email address (if any):

Details of Tenant(s)

A.3 Name(s)

(1)Name: Mrs Jayashri Prabu

Address: 84-86 Welford Road, Leicester, LE2 7AB
Telephone: 07442125968

Contact details for the Tenant(s) to be used at the end of the tenancy

(1)Name: Mrs Jayashri Prabu

Address: 84 Welford Road , Leicester LE2 7AB
Telephone: 07442125968
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Please provide the details for each Tenant and for other relevant persons (i.e. agent, relative or
guarantor paying the Deposit etc)

The Deposit

A.4 The Deposit is:


A.5 The holder of the Deposit will register the Deposit with and provide other required
information to the Tenancy Deposit Scheme within 30 days of the commencement of
the Tenancy or the taking of the Deposit whichever is earlier and provide proof to the
Tenant of compliance. If the holder of the Deposit fails to provide proof within 30 days
the Tenant should take independent legal advice from a solicitor, Citizens Advice
Bureau (CAB) or other housing advisory service.

A.6 A leaflet entitled What is the tenancy deposit scheme?, explaining how the Deposit is
protected by the Housing Act 2004, is attached to this document for the Tenant by the
person holding the Deposit being the Agent.

At the end of the Tenancy

A.7 The Deposit will be released following the procedures set out in the deposit clauses of
the Tenancy Agreement attached.

A.8 Deductions may be made from the Deposit according to the clause of the Tenancy
Agreement attached titled The Deposit. No deductions can be made from the Deposit
without written consent from both parties to the Tenancy Agreement.

A.9 The procedure for instigating a dispute regarding deductions from the Deposit
at the end of the Tenancy is summarised in What is the tenancy deposit
scheme?, which is attached to this document. More detailed information is
available on:

A.10 TDS are specifically excluded under Statutory Instrument from adjudicating where,
despite making reasonable efforts to do so, the Landlord or the Agent are unable to
contact the Tenant, or the Tenant is unable to contact the Landlord or the Agent.
Under these circumstances, the Agent must do the following:
· make every practical effort, over a reasonable period of time but for no longer than it
would take for the ICE to resolve a dispute, to contact the former-Tenant or the former
Landlord using information readily available.
· determine damage, losses for other breaches of the Tenancy, Rent arrears and any
other prospective deductions from the Deposit as they would normally do
· allocate the Deposit, pay the party who is present as appropriate, and transfer the
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

amount due to the absent Tenant or the absent Landlord to a suitably designated
“Client Suspense (bank) Account”

A.11 A formal record of these activities should be made, supported by appropriate


A.12 Following sufficient time (usually at least six years) having elapsed from last contact
from the absent Tenant or the absent Landlord the Agent may then donate the amount
allocated to them to a suitable registered charity; subject to an undertaking that any
valid claim subsequently received by the Agent from the beneficial or legal owner
would be immediately met by the Agent from its own resources.

A.13 Should the absent Tenant or the absent Landlord return within that period and seek to
dispute the allocation of the Deposit, the ICE may offer to adjudicate.

The Landlord confirms that the information provided to the Agent and the Tenant is accurate to
the best of his knowledge and belief and the Tenant has had the opportunity to examine the

The Tenant confirms he has been given the opportunity to examine this information. The Tenant
confirms by signing this document that to the knowledge of the Tenant the information above is
accurate to the best of his knowledge and belief.

Signed by the Tenant(s)

Tenant 1: [pi.6c739a0187db4045999d90731b810e0f]

Date: [pidate.6c739a0187db4045999d90731b810e0f]

Mrs Jayashri Prabu

Signed by Mark Hurdle and Antony Lark

Directors and authorized signatories of Spicerhaart Residential Lettings Limited for and on
behalf of

Mr Kamaldeep Mangat
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

The Deposit is safeguarded by the Tenancy Deposit Scheme, which is administered by:

The Dispute Service Ltd

PO Box 1255

Hemel Hempstead



phone 0845 226 7837



fax 01442 253193

The Dispute Service Ltd also offers a service for enabling a dispute relating to the deposit to be
resolved without having to go to court.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Annex 2

You acknowledges that the Landlord or Agent has provided the following documents prior to the
execution of the Tenancy Agreement copies of which are annexed to this agreement.

1. EPC
2. Gas Safety Certificate
3. How to Rent: Checklist for renting in England
4. Electrical Safety Report

Signed by haart lettings Hayes

462 Uxbridge Road Hayes UB4 0SD for and on behalf of
Mr Kamaldeep Mangat

Signature [an.6f11ee2c9e484fd895cb81681b3ff359]

Date: [andate.6f11ee2c9e484fd895cb81681b3ff359]

Signed by the Tenant:

1: [an.6c739a0187db4045999d90731b810e0f]

Date: [andate.6c739a0187db4045999d90731b810e0f]

Mrs Jayashri Prabu

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904



Please note it is your responsibility to ensure that you correctly set up your standing
order to pay your rent. This form may assist you in this process.

To: The Manager

(x)...............................................................................................Bank/Building Society


(x)...................................................................................Post Code..............................

I/we authorise and request you to pay to the credit of


HSBC Bank Plc. Spicer Haart Residential Lettings Client Deposit Account

Sort Code: 40-12-03

Account No: 43664171


The sum of £750 (Seven Hundred And Fifty Pounds)

commencing with effect from ………………………………………

and thereafter on ……………………………day of every month until further notice.


SUBMISSIONS Flat 1, 46A Lothian Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex, UB4 0EQ
Account Number to Charge (x)………..………………………………………….

Sort Code (x)…………..……………………………………….

Names on Account in Block Letters (x)........................................................................

Signature(s) of Account Holder(s) (x)........................................................................



DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Information on your Standing Order

You have been asked to sign a standing order with this agreement for payment of
your rent. You should retain a copy of this signed form and hand in to
your bank immediately, in order for them to set up the standing order

If there is more than one tenant, the standing order reference your bank will be
asked to quote will be in the name of one tenant only, this is not an error. Please
use this reference in any future communications with your bank.

We have asked that you date your standing order for payment to commence by
your bank at least four days prior to the anniversary date of your tenancy, e.g. if
you sign on the 19th of the month your anniversary date is the 19th. The date of
your standing order should commence from is therefore the 16 th. This will allow
time for your payment to reach us on the correct due date.

Even when the bank has received and receipted the order to us we have often
experienced a delay or non payment of the first month's rent resulting in rent
arrears. Please would you check with your bank near the commencement date of
the first order to ensure that the payment will be made on schedule.

We must also remind you that as this is a standing order you must
contact your bank at the end of the tenancy to stop the payment to us.

We would like to thank you in advance for your cooperation with the above to
ensure your rent is paid on time.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Tenancy Deposit Scheme

What is the
Tenancy Deposit
An advisory leaflet for landlords and tenants

What is TDS?
The Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS) is run by The Dispute Service Ltd. It is an insurance-
backed tenancy deposit protection scheme authorised by the government.

TDS has two main roles:

● To protect deposits.
● To help resolve disputes about deposits.

What is tenancy deposit protection?

Tenancy deposit protection applies to all deposits for assured shorthold tenancies that
started in England or Wales on or after 6 April 2007. By law, a landlord or agent who
receives a deposit for such a tenancy must protect the deposit.

Most residential tenancies in the private rented sector are assured shorthold tenancies,
with some exceptions. For example, a tenancy cannot be an assured shorthold tenancy if:
● the tenant is a company;
● the rent is more than £100,000 a year;
● the tenancy is for a holiday let; or
● a university or college rents the accommodation to its students.

Tenancy deposit protection means:

● protecting a tenant's deposit with a government-authorised scheme such as TDS;
● providing the tenant with prescribed information about where their deposit is being
protected and how it will be managed.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Tenancy deposit protection schemes can be one of two kinds:

● Custodial – this is where the scheme itself holds the deposit during the tenancy.
● Insurance backed – this is where the landlord or agent holds the deposit during the
tenancy, but must give it to the scheme at the end of the tenancy if there is a
dispute. The scheme is insured because this guarantees that tenants will always get
back the money to which they are entitled. TDS is an insurance-backed scheme.

Each tenancy deposit scheme has its own rules setting out in detail how it
operates. The TDS Rules are available from the TDS website and on request.

What are the legal requirements?

These are contained in sections 212–215 of, and Schedule 10 to, the Housing Act 2004
(as amended). Tenancy deposit protection applies to money received by a landlord or
agent that is meant to be held as security in case a tenant does not comply with their

The landlord or agent must comply with the initial requirements of an authorised tenancy
deposit protection scheme within 30 days of receiving the deposit. To protect a deposit
with TDS, the landlord or agent needs to belong to the scheme, register the deposit on the
TDS tenancy database, and pay a membership subscription or deposit protection charge.

A TDS member (landlord or agent) must also give the tenant 'prescribed information'. This
information is set out in the Housing (Tenancy Deposits (Prescribed Information) Order
2007. It must also be given to anyone who paid the deposit on the tenant's behalf.

The prescribed information includes the contact details of the landlord and tenant, the
rented property's address, the deposit amount and this leaflet. The landlord or agent must
also specify which tenancy agreement clauses say how the deposit can be used.

Tenants must be given the opportunity to:

● check any document the landlord provides containing prescribed information; and
● sign it to confirm the information is accurate.

What if the landlord or agent does not comply?

A landlord or agent should protect the deposit in an authorised scheme and provide the
tenant (and any sponsor) with the prescribed information within 30 days of receiving the
deposit. If they don't do so, then the tenant (or the person who paid the deposit) can take
the landlord or agent to court. The court can order the landlord or agent to protect the
deposit or repay it to the tenant. The court can also order the landlord or agent to pay the
tenant compensation of between one and three times the deposit's value.

A landlord who has not correctly protected a deposit cannot serve a notice to end the
tenancy and regain possession of it under section 21 of the Housing Act 1988. The
landlord can only serve such a 'section 21 notice' after the deposit has been repaid or
after any court case about the deposit has ended.

A landlord who has not given the tenant prescribed information within 30 days must not
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

issue a section 21 notice until the prescribed information has been given. If this takes
place more than 30 days after the landlord or agent received the deposit, the tenant can
still apply to court for compensation of between one and three times the deposit's value.

TDS cannot award compensation to tenants if a landlord or agent fails to comply with the
law relating to tenancy deposit protection. This can only be dealt with by the courts.

Is my deposit protected?
Tenants can check if their deposit is registered with TDS by visiting If
tenants have received a Tenancy Deposit Protection Certificate, they should enter the
code number from that certificate. Alternatively they can enter their surname, the deposit
amount, the tenancy postcode, and the date their tenancy started.

If a member informs TDS that the protection of a deposit should be ended, TDS will make
reasonable efforts to inform the tenant before ending the protection.

If the tenancy has not ended, the tenant (or one of the joint tenants) can object to the
ending of deposit protection by phoning the TDS customer contact centre.

If the tenancy has ended and the tenant is not satisfied with the proposed split of the
deposit, then the tenant can ask TDS to resolve the dispute within three months after the
end of the tenancy.

What happens to the deposit after the landlord or agent receives it?
The landlord or the agent will hold the deposit during the tenancy. The tenancy agreement
should state who receives any interest it makes.

What happens to the deposit at the end of the tenancy?

If there is no dispute about the return of the deposit at the end of the tenancy, the landlord
or agent must pay the deposit to the tenant without delay, less any deductions that the
tenant has agreed.

If there is a dispute about the return of the deposit or about proposed deductions, the
parties should try to reach agreement without delay. Most disputes are resolved informally
in this way. But if the deposit has not been returned to the tenant within 10 days of the
tenant asking for it, any of the parties can ask TDS to resolve the dispute.

If there is a dispute, what happens to the deposit?

The landlord or agent can make a payment from the deposit if:
● both landlord and tenant have agreed; or
● the court has ordered the deposit to be paid; or
● TDS directs them to send the money to TDS.

Once TDS has been asked to resolve a deposit dispute, the landlord or the agent must
send the disputed amount to TDS. By this time, the landlord or agent should have paid the
tenant any part of the deposit that is not an agreed deduction or in dispute.

If whoever is holding the deposit does not send the disputed deposit amount to TDS, TDS
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

will take legal action to recover it. This will not delay TDS in resolving the dispute. If the
deposit holder cannot pay the disputed amount, for example because it has become
insolvent, TDS will arrange the adjudication, pay the tenant the amount awarded by the
adjudicator and make a claim to its insurers. The law requires TDS to guarantee only that
the tenant receives the amount they are entitled to.

How are disputes resolved?

The person who wishes to send the dispute to TDS can do this online or by completing a
Dispute Application Form giving details of the dispute, and any relevant supporting

The deposit holder must then send the disputed amount to TDS. It will copy the dispute
details to the other parties and give them 10 working days to consent to TDS resolving the
dispute, respond to the claim, and send in their evidence.

If all the parties agree to TDS resolving the dispute, TDS will appoint an impartial
adjudicator to make a binding decision, normally within 28 days of receiving the parties'
consent to resolving the dispute. If landlords and agents do not reply, they are treated as
consenting. In all these cases, the adjudicator will normally make a decision within 28
days after the deadline for giving evidence.

Within a further 10 days of the adjudicator's decision, TDS will pay the amount due to
each party.

The adjudicator's decision will be based only on the evidence sent to TDS – there will be
no hearing or visit to the property.

The adjudicator's decision is final. There is no right of appeal to TDS or to the government
department in charge of the tenancy deposit protection schemes.

Further details are set out in The Tenancy Deposit Scheme Rules for the
Independent Resolution of Tenancy Deposit Disputes at

What if the landlord or tenant can't be contacted at the end of the tenancy?
TDS cannot resolve a dispute if it cannot contact the parties to get their consent to TDS
being involved. In these circumstances, the deposit holder must do the following:

● Make every practical effort – over a reasonable period of time but not for longer than
it would take TDS to resolve a dispute – to contact the (ex)-tenant/landlord using
information readily available.
● Assess any damage, rent arrears and any other likely deductions from the deposit as
they would normally do.
● Split the deposit, pay the party who is present the appropriate amount, and transfer
the amount due to the absent tenant/landlord to a suitably chosen 'Client suspense
(bank) account'.

The deposit holder should make a formal record of these activities and support it with
suitable documents.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

After enough time (usually at least six years) has passed from the last contact with the
absent tenant/landlord, the deposit holder may then donate the absent party's share to a
suitable registered charity – subject to a binding promise from the deposit holder that it
would immediately pay from its own pocket any valid claim it later received from the
beneficial or legal owner.

If the absent tenant/landlord returns within that time and seeks to dispute the allocation of
the deposit, TDS may offer to adjudicate.

Is adjudication better than going to court?

Deposit disputes need to be resolved quickly and cheaply. Tenants usually need the
money as a deposit on their next property, and landlords need to know how much will be
available to spend on things like redecoration, damage or repairs. Going to court takes
time and can be expensive and stressful.

If TDS protects a deposit and the dispute goes to court, the disputed amount must be sent
to TDS. TDS will distribute the deposit once it receives a final court order showing what is
to happen to the deposit.

TDS can only resolve a dispute if the deposit has been registered with TDS. If a deposit
has not been registered, the parties will have to go to court if they cannot agree a

Sometimes landlords or tenants prefer to go to court. It might be better for a landlord to go

to court if they have a big claim that is well above the deposit. It might be better for a
tenant to go to court if they have a counterclaim – say if they had to pay for boiler repairs
because the heating did not work for several weeks. TDS cannot deal with counterclaims.

Where TDS cannot accept a dispute for adjudication, TDS will notify any other party to the
dispute that this has happened. The other party to the dispute may then choose to go to
court or rely on the agent's judgment if the agent is holding the deposit.

What can TDS deal with?

Using the TDS dispute resolution service is not compulsory. If either the landlord or tenant
does not agree to use the service, one of them could choose to go to court.

TDS can only deal with disputes about the deposit itself, and cannot make awards that are
for more than the disputed deposit. If a larger amount is disputed, you may need to go to
court. TDS cannot deal with counterclaims by tenants – such as a claim for disrepair. If
you are a tenant and you wish to bring a counterclaim against your landlord, you will need
to go to court.

TDS cannot deal with disputes between individual tenants, or between landlords and their
agents. TDS does not act as a regulator and cannot order changes in trading practices,
close down businesses, or prosecute landlords or agents. However, it does try to raise
standards in the private rented sector by educating tenants, landlords and agents about
the cause of disputes and how to avoid them.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

How much does it cost?

TDS is funded by the membership subscriptions and deposit protection charges that
letting agents and landlords pay. All these fees are on the TDS website.

TDS makes no charge to tenants for protecting the deposit – although landlords or agents
may pass on their subscriptions to their tenants as part of the tenancy costs. There is no
charge to landlords, tenants or agents for having a dispute resolved.

Who can join the Tenancy Deposit Scheme?

The Tenancy Deposit Scheme is open to landlords and letting agents offering residential
property for rent. They will be asked to provide relevant information – as set out in the
TDS Rules – to TDS before it decides whether they can be accepted as a member, and
what their subscription will be.

Our guarantee of impartiality

TDS is overseen by a Board, which is responsible for operating and financing the
business. The Board, and the TDS management, have no role in resolving disputes and
cannot intervene in decisions about disputes. The scheme's Head of Adjudication is
responsible for resolving disputes. The most usual method for resolving a dispute through
TDS is to use adjudication but the scheme may suggest negotiation, mediation or other

Adjudicators work fairly and impartially. All TDS adjudicators belong to the Chartered
Institute of Arbitrators and comply with our Adjudicator Code of Conduct, which is
available on the TDS website. The adjudicators make decisions without favour, based on
the issues in dispute and the evidence provided.

TDS publishes breakdowns of awards in its Annual Reports. These give an overview of
how awards are split between tenants, landlords and agents. You can see the
adjudicators' decision-making guidelines and some example case studies at

Data Protection
TDS will not use landlords' or tenants' personal data for any purpose except to operate the
scheme (this includes compiling statistical data) and resolve disputes. From time to time,
TDS may invite landlords or tenants to participate in surveys. If you do not wish to be
contacted for survey purposes, please inform TDS by letter or email to the contact details
given in this leaflet.

Contact details
Tenancy Deposit Scheme operated by
The Dispute Service Limited
PO Box 1255
Hemel Hempstead
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Herts HP1 9GN

Tel: 0845 226 7837

Fax: 01442 253 193
Web: Email:
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


Protect your property

and investment, quickly,
easily and for less
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

We’re on a mission to
get your property let.
So we have unique technology
to market your property, and
agents who will find you the
best tenant and manage the
tenancy brilliantly.
Think haart.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

We’ve put together

a suite of products
We’re here to protect from industry-leading
providers to safeguard
your property everything from
your property and its
Ensuring that your property, and your contents, to your rental
investment in it, are fully protected is income
all-important. It’s a responsibility we’re
very serious about.

1 Landlord's buildings and contents cover

Reliable protection for your rental property
and contents.

2 Rent and legal protection

Cover your rental income with an interest in
our Rent and Legal Protection Policy.

3 flatfair
Benefit from 10 weeks of protection, free.
Faster payouts and reduced voids.

4 Energy bridge
Taking the worry out of between-tenancy
energy bills.

Advanced protection 01
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

When renting
you need peace
of mind that you
have cover for the

Buildings and What’s covered?

Specialist buildings insurance
contents cover • Includes cover as standard for a rebuild
value of up to £500,000
Letting a property involves • Covers the cost of repair or rebuild against
some risks that standard fire, flood, theft, subsidence, collision and
escape of water
household insurance often • Covers for loss of rent or re-lettings costs
doesn’t cover. Plus, when you after an insured event
take out a buy-to-let mortgage • Provides emergency assistance cover
you may have to take out • Gives £5m property owner’s liability and
specialist insurance. £10m employer’s liability

We work with HomeLet to introduce their

Landlord’s Building & Contents Insurance.

Policies are underwritten by Ageas Insurance Limited.

Spicerhaart Residential Lettings Limited are an Introducer Appointed Representative of HomeLet, a trading name of Barbon
Insurance Group Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance distribution.

02 Advanced protection
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Contents insurance for unfurnished Contents insurance

• Gives you new-for-old replacement on your
• Provides up to £5,000 to cover your carpets, contents
curtains, blinds, light fittings and your
• Covers your kitchen fixtures and fittings,
kitchen white-ware
and bathroom sanitary-ware if your
• Includes replacing your locks if the keys property is leasehold
have been lost or stolen
• Provides cover to £500 for contents in your
• Covers for loss of rent or re-lettings costs garden
after an insured event
• Contents are covered if they are
• Contents are covered up to £1,000 if they temporarily removed from the property
are temporarily removed from the property
If you’d like to know more, simply contact the
team at your local haart office.

Advanced protection 03
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Rent and legal protection

We work hard to find you the best quality
tenants but unfortunately, life happens
- tenants can lose their jobs or have
relationship break-ups.

As a haart landlord, you can have your interest

noted in our rent and legal protection cover,
which can help you if a tenant falls into arrears.
What’s covered? Get covered quickly and competitively
• Cover for the total monthly rent, subject to Being part of a national network gives us
satisfactory references. clout, so we can provide an interest in our rent
and legal cover at a competitive rate.
• Monthly rent paid for up to 15 months,
or until vacant possession is received, The cost of an interest in our policy is 3.98%
whichever is sooner. of your monthly rent.
• 75% of the monthly rent for 3 months We’ll offer you a 12-month interest in our
following vacant possession being obtained. Rent and Legal Protection cover when you
appoint us as your agent. We’ll send you
• Legal expenses up to £100,000 to cover
notification of your interest in 7 days.
eviction costs if your tenant doesn’t pay
their rent, or fails to leave the property
upon expiry of a Section 21 notice. Covers
eviction of any unauthorised occupiers.
04 Advanced protection
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Being part of a
national network
gives us clout, so
we can provide an
interest in our Rent
and Legal cover at a
competitive rate

How it works…
• If your rent is £500 per month, you
will pay £19.90 per month, which
would cost you £238.80 over 12
months and £477.60 over 24 months.
• If your rent is £1,000 per month, you
will pay £39.80 per month, which
would cost you £477.60 over 12
months and £955.20 over 24 months
NB: No taxes are due on these amounts.

Advanced protection 05
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flatfair We want you to

Security deposits are the traditional way have best pick of
for a landlord to protect their investment tenants for your
property, which is
in the event of damage to their property
why we use flatfair
and are capped at 5 weeks’ rent. They
are a significant expense for tenants and
they typically do not give landlords the
protection they require.

As its name suggests, flatfair offers What are the benefits of flatfair?
a more common-sense alternative.
• Double protection: Up to 5 weeks additional protection when
Instead of a deposit, tenants pay an
compared to a traditional deposit, which is capped at 5 weeks
affordable membership fee to flatfair
at the start of the tenancy, and they • Extra protection: For charges greater than 10 weeks’ rent, you can
remain liable for damages and rent appoint flatfair as your recovery agent at no extra cost.
arrears at the end of the tenancy. • Satisfied tenants: flatfair gives tenants more financial freedom and
Through flatfair, landlords receive up to stronger trust in the end of tenancy process.
10 weeks' protection, double that of a
traditional deposit. • Faster payments: If a tenant fails to pay promptly, you may sell us
established charges of up to 10 weeks' rent.
• Fewer voids: Lower up-front costs for tenants and faster pay-outs
for established charges enable you to re-let your property quicker.
06 Advanced protection
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Your questions answered How can I join flatfair?

How much does a flatfair cost? Contact your local haart office if you’d like
your tenants to be offered the opportunity to
It’s free for you, the landlord. The tenant pays
take flatfair. We’ll advertise your property as
an upfront membership fee rather than a
‘available with a deposit free option’ and we
traditional security deposit.
will arrange for your tenancy to be protected
Is flatfair an insurance scheme? by flatfair once an offer has been agreed.
No. As with a deposit, tenants remain fully Further info?
liable for any sums owed under the tenancy
Please see
for further information.
How does flatfair make payments easier?
Cutting-edge technology enables flatfair to
pay out faster, leading to a quicker turnover
and fewer voids. By providing up-front
monies for any damages or rent arrears, you'll
stay in pocket.

Advanced protection 07
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Energy Bridge is
designed to protect you
against these unwanted
Energy Bridge costs by providing a
streamlined process for
As a landlord, you don’t want your managing energy bills
property to be empty for long – if between tenancies
nothing else, you can end up facing
unexpected bills.

Why choose Energy Bridge? Make the switch to Energy Bridge

• The standing charges for the property are We include Energy Bridge as a standard part
covered for up to 45 days after the tenancy of our Full Management and Rent Collection
end, meaning it is likely that the vacant services. That means you don’t need to
period will cost you nothing. do anything, just sit back, relax and, when
your tenancy comes to an end, we’ll handle
• When your new tenants move in, The
everything for you.
Tenant Shop – our partner for Energy Bridge
– will help them to get set up with their
bills. You can be confident that you won’t be
liable for their energy use.
• The service is free to set up.

08 Advanced protection
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

This is to certify that

Spicerhaart Residential Lettings Limited

Trading as

is part of the Propertymark Client Money Protection scheme

Main Scheme Member

Scheme Ref: C0002243

Valid to

Please note there is a £50,000 individual claim limit and an annual

aggregate limit. See for further details and exclusions.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


Helping you in
having a stress-
free and enjoyable
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Welcome to your
new home...
Thank you for choosing us to
help you find your new home.

We have provided you with this tenancy

handbook so that whether or not we are
managing your property, you will have as
much information and guidance as possible to
aid you in having a stress-free and enjoyable

This booklet contains guidance on:

• Who to contact during your tenancy
• Setting up utility bills
• Tenant’s Insurance
• Setting up rental payments
• Rental arrears
• Tenant responsibilities
• Making changes to the property
• Information for sharers
• Gas safety
• Emergency repairs
• Reporting maintenance issues
• Property maintenance guidance
• What to do when your tenancy is
• Your security deposit (includes info for
tenants renting deposit-free )
• Customer care

We hope that you will soon be settled into

your new home.

haart Lettings

Tenancy handbook 01
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Make sure you save the

key contact numbers,
either for your property
Who to contact during management team or
your landlord, dependant
your tenancy on service, into your
phone so you always
Who you contact during your tenancy have access to them
depends on the service requested by
your landlord.

We offer three main services; see what this • If you use our deposit-free renting scheme,
means for you: the landlord will submit any necessary
claims through the flatfair portal (www.
Fully managed service at the end of the tenancy
• We are your main contact during your
Let only service
• The landlord is your main contact during
• We organise property maintenance on
your tenancy
authorisation from the landlord
• The landlord organises property
• We collect the rent
• We will help mediate security deposit
• The landlord collects the rent
negotiations at the end of the tenancy
• The landlord will negotiate directly with
• If you use our deposit-free renting scheme,
you in regard to your security deposit at
we will submit any necessary claims
the end of your tenancy
through the flatfair portal (www.flatfair. at the end of the tenancy • If you use our deposit-free renting scheme,
the landlord will submit any necessary
• We carry out at least one property visit,
claims through the flatfair portal (www.
where we will review the condition of the at the end of the tenancy
property and check that the conditions of
the tenancy agreement are being met Details of your contact during the tenancy
Rent collection service are:
• The landlord is your main contact during
your tenancy
• The landlord organises property
maintenance Service
• We collect the rent
• The landlord will negotiate directly with Name
you in regard to your security deposit at
the end of your tenancy Phone


02 Tenancy handbook
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Setting up utility bills

Unless it is agreed and specifically
included in your tenancy agreement,
it is your responsibility to ensure that
you contact the utility suppliers
(e.g. gas/electricity/water) and set
up payments.

How to identify who the current suppliers are:

Call the ‘M number enquiry line’ on
0870 608 1524

Contact your local electricity distribution
company. If you are not sure who your
local electricity distribution company is, see
the National Grid website:

Contact the Consumer Council for water on
0121 345 1000 or 0845 039 2837 or view their

Tenancy handbook 03
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

If you haven’t already

Tenants insurance arranged your tenants
insurance, our partners
We strongly advise that you take out at Homelet can help.
Speak to your local
Tenant’s Insurance, to ensure that your branch and we’ll arrange
possessions are covered in the event of for Homelet to contact
loss or damage, in addition to any of the you as soon as possible
property’s fixtures, fittings or furniture.

Although your landlord is responsible for

the structure of the property, they are not
responsible for any accidental damage you
may cause to their property’s fixtures, fittings
or furniture during the tenancy, nor any loss
or damage to your possessions in the event
that something goes wrong.

Please contact your local branch team at any

time to find out more about how best to be
covered, whether we manage your tenancy
or not.

It is also important to ensure you have done

the following:

• Pay for or update your TV licence

(one is required per property, see

• Ensure your council tax payments have

been set up
(Contact your Local Council with
dates, and names of who has moved in
and when)

• Contact HM Revenue & Customs

(for National insurance and other loan
& benefit purposes:

04 Tenancy handbook
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Setting up your rental

It is your responsibility to set up a
standing order with your bank to pay
your rent.

Please ensure your rent is set up to leave

your account 3-5 days before the money is
due, allowing plenty of time for the banks to
process and send the funds to us.

The payment reference should be set as the

first line of the property address, plus your

Please send your rental payments to:

Account No.

Sort code
Your rent is paid by a
standing order that
you set up. You should
check this is ready to
go a few days before
your first months rent
is due so you don’t fall
into arrears

Tenancy handbook 05
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Rental arrears
We recognise that certain situations
may lead to your rent being received by
us later than it is due. At any point an
amount of rent is late, this is referred to
as ‘rental arrears’.

If we have not received your rent within two

days after it would normally be due, we will
contact you to find out the reason behind the
delay. We will also work with you to try and
resolve this as swiftly as possible, to help you
keep on track with the contractual obligations
of your tenancy agreement and minimise any
concern from your landlord.

Should any rent remain outstanding, we

must begin our formal process to obtain the
outstanding sum. There are four stages to our
procedure and we will send both you and your We know that even the
landlord written notifications at each stage
that is required. We will continue to work with
best tenants can run into
you throughout this process in an effort to unexpected circumstances
resolve the arrears. which might cause a delay to
Although we know that personal rental payments. If you think
circumstances can change, it is important this may happen, speak to us
to remember that it is your obligation as a so we can work with you to
tenant to ensure that rent is paid on time. resolve the situation
If we reach the end of our formal procedure
and any rental amount remains unpaid, your
landlord may have little option but to serve
notice and bring your tenancy to an end.

06 Tenancy handbook
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Tenant responsibilities
Listed here are some key tenant

The below information are not exhaustive and • Do not make any property alterations
you should ensure to read and understand unless you have written permission; costs
your tenancy agreement in full to check to rectify unauthorised alterations may
for any other agreements or assumed be deducted from your security deposit
responsibilities. at the end of the tenancy. If you are using
our deposit-free renting scheme, we will
• Abide by the terms of the tenancy
submit claims for these costs through the
agreement; and your head lease if there
flatfair portal (
is one; if the terms are broken, you could
forfeit your rights as a tenant. • Report any damages or required repairs; if
these deteriorate or are left until you leave,
• Remember you are jointly and severally
costs may be deducted from your security
liable; every adult listed in the agreement
deposit at the end of the tenancy. If you are
is equally responsible for the full rent and
using our deposit-free renting scheme, we
property condition. If you have a guarantor
will submit claims for these costs through
they also carry this responsibility.
the flatfair portal (
• Pay your rent in full and on time; your
• Allow access for repairs/inspections;
landlord may seek possession of the
24 hours notice should be given by your
property if you fail to pay your rent.
agent/ landlord.
• Pay all other bills; utilities, council tax,
• Keep the property secure; do not cut extra
TV licence, TV/phone/broadband charges
keys unless permission is given and keep
unless included in the rent.
windows and doors locked when vacant.
• Look after the property and keep it in a Do not change the locks without express
good condition; damage or dilapidation permission.
costs may be deducted from your security
• Inform your property manager/landlord
deposit at the end of the tenancy. If you are
if the property will be unattended for 14
using our deposit-free renting scheme, we
days or more; this will affect the landlord’s
will submit claims for these costs through
insurance policy.
the flatfair portal (
• Do not sublet; this is not permitted and
would cause a breach of the tenancy
agreement. Only those adults listed on the
agreement may reside in the property.

Tenancy handbook 07
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Making changes
We understand that in making your
property your home, there may be
various changes you wish to undertake.

You may wish to make changes to improve

your enjoyment of the property (including
decoration). However do not make any
property alterations unless you have written
permission; costs to rectify unauthorised
alterations may be deducted from your
security deposit at the end of the tenancy.
If you are using our deposit-free renting
scheme, we will submit claims for these costs
through the flatfair portal.

If we manage your property and you request

permission to re-decorate, we will usually ask
you to submit a colour chart to indicate which
rooms are to be painted in which colours. We
will then forward this to your landlord for
Thinking about painting
Please note the costs of any changes you the spare bedroom?
make will not be off-set against any rental
Make sure your landlord
payments or dilapidation charges at the end
of the tenancy. is happy for you to do
so, otherwise you could
Most landlords will understand that you
may wish to decorate and grant permission face a charge to your
subject to a satisfactory finish and neutral deposit at the end of
colours. However this cannot be guaranteed your tenancy
and if the landlord declines permission, no
changes are to be made.

08 Tenancy handbook
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Information for sharers

Advise for those sharing their home.

Paying rent

If we are collecting your rent, you must

ensure that it is paid in one full sum, from one
bank account. You may wish to set up a joint
account between all sharers, or organise the
individual payments between you.

Changing who is on the tenancy agreement

(‘Change of Sharer’)

If you wish to change the names on the

tenancy agreement, contact us immediately.
We will need to explain the process in full to
you, speak with the landlord and negotiate a
new contract.

Tenancy handbook 09
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Gas safety
Gas safety is of paramount importance.
Every year thousands of people are
diagnosed with carbon monoxide
poisoning, which can be fatal.

An annual gas safety test must be carried If you think you smell gas you should do the
out on all gas appliances, pipe work and flues following:
in the property in line with the Gas Safety
• Open all the doors and windows
Installation and Use Regulations 1998.
• Shut off the gas supply at the meter control
If we manage your tenancy, we will instruct
our Gas Safe contractor to contact you to
arrange an appointment time to carry out • Call National Grid’s gas emergency
the test. It is imperative that you allow us freephone number: 0800 111 999
prompt access to complete the safety test or
return any messages left for you regarding • Call your property manager/landlord
gas safety. • Do not use any sources of ignition
Should you be unable to attend an • For your own safety do not attempt repairs
appointment, we will arrange access to the on electrical or gas appliances, report them
property via our management keys. immediately
Should we be unable to reach you, we will
write to you with the date and time of the
appointment and access the property via our
management keys.

If you think you smell

gas, don’t hesitate.
Call National Grid
immediately and make
sure you open all your
doors and windows

10 Tenancy handbook
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Emergency repairs
If we manage your property and you
need to report an emergency repair,
please call us to avoid any delay in us
being able to assist.

Examples include:
• Burst pipe or flood/leak – where it cannot
be stemmed
• Fire/vandalism/natural disaster/the
elements – where the property is exposed
• Broken locks – where the property is
• Blocked drains – where the water/waste is
entering the property
• Blocked toilet – where there is no other
facility in the property
• No water

If you experience an emergency outside of our

property management opening hours, you
should take action in line with your tenancy
• For gas emergencies please contact
National Grid immediately on 0800 111 999
• For other emergencies, please contact a
qualified local tradesman to prevent any
danger to your health and safety and any
damage to the property

If we manage your property, please obtain a

receipt for any emergency contractor visits
and send this to us as soon as possible, so
we may discuss reimbursement with the
landlord. Please note, if the issue was not
deemed to be an emergency, your landlord
may not reimburse the full cost of the repair.

Tenancy handbook 11
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

You can report

Reporting maintenance maintenance issues
online 24 hours a day via
issues your LetTrak portal or
Any damages or issues in need of repair
must be reported to your landlord/
agent immediately; any costs incurred
due to delays in reporting will be your

Tenants’ responsibility You can also upload photos to allow us to

easily identify the issue and increase the
Some minor maintenance issues are the
speed of service from diagnosis to repair.
tenant’s responsibility to rectify. You do not
need to report these unless you are unable to We will aim to send a contractor to attend
address these yourself. the property within the below time frames to
ensure that you do not suffer any discomfort.
Examples include, but are not limited to:
However, it is important to note that we
• Changing light bulbs cannot instruct them to complete any works
• Replacing fuses without authorisation from your landlord.
• Tightening loose screws Emergency repairs - within 72 hours
• Replacing batteries in smoke alarms Routine repairs - within 15 days
• Unblocking a sink using an unblocking Planned repairs - within 30 days
If it is necessary to obtain parts, or if the
• Arranging chimney sweeping landlord has a warranty or insurance policy for
• Clearing gutters maintenance, this may prolong the time taken
• Maintaining the garden including borders to remedy the issue.
and hedges You should not instruct your own contractor
Reporting issues - if we manage your property to complete maintenance works without
permission, unless there is an emergency or
Any non-emergency maintenance issues the repair is the tenant’s responsibility.
may be reported to us using our online repair
reporting system. This is available 24/7 and in Any works instructed by you without
40 different languages, and can be accessed permission or where the repair is not classed
either through your LetTrak login or using the as an emergency will be undertaken at your
link below: own cost.

12 Tenancy handbook
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Property maintenance
The following pages offer advice and
guidance on various issues that may
arise during your tenancy. For your
own safety do not attempt repairs on
electrical or gas appliances.

It is important to remember to report any Issue: no heating or hot water

damage or issue to your property manager/ • Check the thermostat, radiator valves and
landlord immediately for advice, before taking time clocks are set correctly. If the room is
any further action. at the same temperature as the thermostat
Issue: the lights are not working the heating will not come on; turn the
• Check that there is not a fault with the thermostat up until it clicks to turn the
bulbs heating on
• Check that the trip switch in the fuse box is • Check the boiler has been turned on as
not down it may have been switched off by your
Issue: there is no electricity
• Check the pilot light is lit
• There may have been a power cut, please
check with a neighbour to see if they are Issue: frozen/burst pipes
experiencing the same issue; if so report • During the winter, burst pipes can
the issue to the national grid cause water damage to property and
• If the power has been restored, please possessions. This is usually caused by the
check the fuses water in pipes freezing, expanding and
fracturing the pipe work
Issue: the washing machine/dryer is not
working When weather is extremely cold:
• Please check the filter is clean and free • Turn off the stopcock if you are leaving your
from debris home overnight, or longer
Issue: the oven is not working • Keep your heating on, even if just a few
degrees to reduce the risk of water in the
• Check the oven is switched on at the mains
pipes freezing
• Check the settings and ensure the oven is
If the pipes have frozen/burst:
set at ‘manual’ and not ‘timer’
• Turn off the stopcock for the water supply
• Turn off the water heater
• Call your property manager/landlord
Tenancy handbook 13
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Issue: serious condensation • Keep work surfaces clean and tidy

Serious condensation can lead to mould • Ensure rubbish is regularly emptied
growth and damage to property and
possessions • Ensure the floors are well vacuumed and/
Reduce the moisture content of air by keeping or swept
rooms ventilated: • Mice do not like the smell of peppermint,
• Kitchen - when cooking, if there is no cayenne pepper and cloves
extractor fan to use, open the windows and
shut the door
Please bear in mind that the advice
• Bathroom - during & after use, keep the given in regard to property maintenance
windows open and the door shut until the is general guidance only: it does not
room is dry guarantee prevention or resolution and is
• Other rooms - keep windows slightly open not exhaustive. As a tenant, you are wholly
for regular periods responsible for any preventable issues.

• Dry clothes in a well ventilated room with

the door closed so vapor does not travel
into other rooms

• Keep all rooms heated to at least 10oC

when it’s cold outside

Issue: mould
Any sign of mould growth is an indication
of the presence of moisture and is caused
by condensation. If you are following
condensation prevention tips and mould
still occurs, this may mean that the heating,
structural insulation or ventilation may Our property management
require improvement. Contact your landlord/ teams receive specialist
property manager immediately. training in dealing with and
Issue: mice preventing maintenance
Unless mice were present when you entered issues arising, if you need
the property, mice are considered to be the
any guidance on these
tenant’s responsibility. To prevent infestation:
items please don’t hesitate
• Store all foods in air tight containers and do
not leave dishes unattended to give them a call

14 Tenancy handbook
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What to do when your

tenancy is ending
We will contact you approximately 3 months notice must be sent to your landlord. Please
before the end of your tenancy to remind you contact us immediately if you are unclear
that the fixed term is ending. We will have about your notice.
already spoken to the landlord to see if they
If you are moving out:
wish to extend the contract and under what
terms (rents in your area may have risen, so it • Contact the utility companies
may be the case that a slightly increased rent (you may need to take final meter readings)
is requested).
• Contact your local council
If we manage your tenancy and are unable (with dates and names of who is moving
to reach you via phone or email after a and when, for council tax purposes)
reasonable delay, we will assume that you
wish to terminate your agreement and serve • Check your rental payments have been
notice on behalf of your landlord to end the cancelled
tenancy at the end of the fixed term. (speak with your bank)

If the landlord wishes for the tenancy to end, • Ensure your post is redirected
we will let you know both by phone and you (ensure to change your address with
will receive formal notice to vacate in writing. companies that send you post. It is also
advised to contact Royal Mail to re-direct
If both you and the landlord wish to extend all post for a few weeks)
the tenancy, we will negotiate the terms
and create a new agreement for you to sign. • Ask about your security deposit or flatbond
Please ensure you send back the new signed (discuss the security deposit/flatbond with
agreement promptly. If we do not receive your landlord and property manager and, if
your new signed agreement promptly and we you are discussing a deposit, provide your
are unable to reach you, we will serve notice ban details)
and re-market the property. • Landlord reference
If you wish to leave the property before the If we managed your tenancy and you would
end of the contract, you must serve the like us to provide a landlord reference for
correct notice according to your tenancy a new tenancy application, we would be
agreement, which is two month’s written happy to do so.
notice in line with the break clause or to bring
the fixed term to an end. If we manage your
tenancy the notice must be delivered to us, if
your landlord is managing your tenancy, your

Tenancy handbook 15
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Your security deposit

Who do I discuss my security deposit with at • Ensure the garden (if applicable) is tidy and
the end of my tenancy? clear to the standard in which it was given
If we are your main tenancy contact, speak • Report any damages and offer to replace
with your property manager. any items that cannot be repaired
• Return all of the keys
If the landlord is your main tenancy contact,
you must discuss with them directly before What will happen if there are deductions?
contacting us, if we hold the deposit. We will advise you within 10 working days
According to security deposit regulations, that deductions are to be made. Should
we can only release a deposit once a final quotes be required for damages these will
agreement between tenant and landlord has then be obtained to allow us to finalise the
been made and both have confirmed the final value of the deductions. Once the final
amount to be released, in writing (email or deductions are calculated, we will contact you
letter). to discuss.

What may be deducted? What if I’m renting deposit-free?

Costs to make good any damages, If you’re using our deposit-free renting
dilapidations (except fair wear and tear) or scheme, provided through flatfair, we will
any outstanding rent may be deducted. The decide whether or not to submit claims for
check-in and check-out report and tenancy any damages to the property or outstanding
end rent schedule will be used to determine rent arrears.
any deductions. These documents will also be
As with a security deposit, if when you leave
submitted as evidence if no agreement can be
you are up to date with the rent and the
property is in (at least) the same condition as
How can I ensure the maximum amount is when you moved in, except for wear and tear,
returned? then there should be no reason for claims to
If when you leave, you are up to date with the be submitted. In this instance, your flatfair
rent and the property is in (at least) the same membership will expire with no costs owed.
condition as when you moved in, except for
If there is cause to submit claims, we will do
wear and tear, then there should be no reason
so via the flatfair portal (
for deductions to be made.
You will have 10 days to respond before
We suggest you consider the following before you are automatically charged for the total
you leave the property: amount.
• Allow plenty of time to remove all your
• Ensure the property is clean to the
standard in which it was given
(provide receipts if possible)

16 Tenancy handbook
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

What if I dispute the proposed deductions? For tenants renting deposit-free

Fair deductions are determined by a
As with a security deposit, the sum of any
comparison of professional check in/
claim submitted against you is determined
inventory and check out documents;
by a comparison of professional check
recorded differences in property condition
in/inventory and check out documents.
may be considered evidence for proposed
Recorded differences in property condition,
in addition to outstanding rent payments,
We understand that it can be frustrating if you may be considered evidence for a claim to be
are unable to reach an agreement with your submitted.
landlord in relation to your deposit, however
The flatfair portal allows you to counter any
please note that your deposit is protected
claim that you do not agree with. Should you
by one of the tenancy deposit schemes, we
choose to do this, sufficient evidence is best
cannot under any circumstances release a
provided to explain the suggested sum of your
disputed deposit.
counter claim. The original claim will remain
If after discussion with your landlord/ in negotiation until an agreement is reached
property manager you are still in between you and your landlord or agent.
disagreement, you or your landlord may
If an agreement cannot be reached, you
refer the dispute to the relevant deposit
may raise a dispute and have the claim go to
administration service (please see your
Independent Dispute Resolution, where an
tenancy agreement for details of which
independent adjudicator will make the final
scheme applies).
decision. Raising a claim costs £100 + VAT,
1) Tenancy Deposit Scheme is a scheme used however, this will be refunded if and when
by us. Your property manager is trained your claim is deemed to have been made in
to TDS standards so please contact them for good faith and of a scrupulous nature.
advice first. They will help if you need to raise
For more information visit flatfair
a dispute.
(our approved deposit-free scheme) at
2) Deposit Protection Service is used by some
private landlords.
You can contact the scheme by calling 0844
472 7000 or visiting the website at:

3) ‘mydeposits’ is used by some private

landlords. You can contact the scheme by
calling 0844 980 0290 or visiting the website

Tenancy handbook 17
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We work 24% more

hours than most
Customer care agents* so that we
are available to help
We aim to provide a first class service you when you need it
and to that end have a monthly
customer care award which is awarded
to the member of our team that has
provided the best service, based on
customer feedback.

If you have been given great service and Renting a new home?
would like to tell us about it we’d be keen to If you are looking to rent another property in
hear from you, please leave us a review on or out of the area, we have many properties
TrustPilot, Facebook or Google. available to rent and have a great network of
We receive very few complaints, however we branches, which could help you re-locate.
understand that sometimes things don’t go Buying a new home?
exactly to plan and can occasionally go wrong.
If this becomes the case, we would prefer If you are looking to purchase a property our
that you try to resolve the situation with the estate agency or financial services colleagues
member of our team you have been dealing would be more than happy to help you find
with or the lettings manager, but if they are the right property and discuss your finances
unable to resolve the situation, or you would Do not hesitate to contact your local branch
prefer to, you may write to our customer care who will put you in contact with the right
team at: people.

*We are available 8am - 10pm every day.

18 Tenancy handbook
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Energy Performance Certificate

46a, Lothian Avenue, HAYES, UB4 0EQ

Dwelling type: Semi-detached house Reference number: 8987-7925-0400-3811-3922
Date of assessment: 29 May 2013 Type of assessment: RdSAP, existing dwelling
Date of certificate: 29 May 2013 Total floor area: 128 m²
Use this document to:
• Compare current ratings of properties to see which properties are more energy efficient
• Find out how you can save energy and money by installing improvement measures

Estimated energy costs of dwelling for 3 years: £ 2,742

Over 3 years you could save £ 465

Estimated energy costs of this home

Current costs Potential costs Potential future savings
Lighting £ 189 over 3 years £ 189 over 3 years
Heating £ 2,265 over 3 years £ 1,932 over 3 years
You could
Hot Water £ 288 over 3 years £ 156 over 3 years save £ 465
Totals £ 2,742 £ 2,277 over 3 years
These figures show how much the average household would spend in this property for heating, lighting and hot
water and is not based on energy used by individual households. This excludes energy use for running appliances
like TVs, computers and cookers, and electricity generated by microgeneration.

Energy Efficiency Rating

The graph shows the current energy efficiency of your
The higher the rating the lower your fuel bills are likely to
The potential rating shows the effect of undertaking the
recommendations on page 3.
The average energy efficiency rating for a dwelling in
England and Wales is band D (rating 60).
The EPC rating shown here is based on standard
assumptions about occupancy and energy use and
may not reflect how energy is consumed by individual

Top actions you can take to save money and make your home more efficient
Typical savings
Recommended measures Indicative cost
over 3 years
1 Internal or external wall insulation £4,000 - £14,000 £ 332
2 Solar water heating £4,000 - £6,000 £ 133
3 Solar photovoltaic panels, 2.5 kWp £9,000 - £14,000 £ 706

To receive advice on what measures you can take to reduce your energy bills, visit or
call freephone 0800 444202. The Green Deal may enable you to make your home warmer and cheaper to run.

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46a, Lothian Avenue, HAYES, UB4 0EQ

29 May 2013 RRN: 8987-7925-0400-3811-3922 Energy Performance Certificate

Summary of this home's energy performance related features

Element Description Energy Efficiency
Walls Solid brick, as built, no insulation (assumed)
Cavity wall, as built, insulated (assumed)
Roof Pitched, 150 mm loft insulation
Thatched, with additional insulation
Floor Suspended, no insulation (assumed) —
Solid, insulated (assumed) —

Windows Fully double glazed

Main heating Room heaters, electric
Main heating controls Appliance thermostats
Secondary heating None —

Hot water Electric instantaneous at point of use

Lighting Low energy lighting in all fixed outlets

Current primary energy use per square metre of floor area: 281 kWh/m² per year

The assessment does not take into consideration the physical condition of any element. ‘Assumed' means that the
insulation could not be inspected and an assumption has been made in the methodology based on age and type of

Low and zero carbon energy sources

Low and zero carbon energy sources are sources of energy that release either very little or no carbon dioxide
into the atmosphere when they are used. Installing these sources may help reduce energy bills as well as cutting
carbon. There are none provided for this home.

Your home's heat demand

For most homes, the vast majority of energy costs derive from heating the home. Where applicable, this table
shows the energy that could be saved in this property by insulating the loft and walls, based on typical energy use
(shown within brackets as it is a reduction in energy use).

Heat demand Existing dwelling Impact of loft Impact of cavity Impact of solid
insulation wall insulation wall insulation
Space heating (kWh per year) 10,364 (267) N/A (1,698)
Water heating (kWh per year) 1,451

You could receive Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) payments and help reduce carbon emissions by replacing your
existing heating system with one that generates renewable heat, subject to meeting minimum energy efficiency
requirements. The estimated energy required for space and water heating will form the basis of the payments. For more
information, search for the domestic RHI on the website.

Stroma RdSAP Software (SAP 9.91) Page 2 of 4

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

46a, Lothian Avenue, HAYES, UB4 0EQ

29 May 2013 RRN: 8987-7925-0400-3811-3922 Energy Performance Certificate

The measures below will improve the energy performance of your dwelling. The performance ratings after
improvements listed below are cumulative; that is, they assume the improvements have been installed in the order
that they appear in the table. To receive advice on what measures you can take to reduce your energy bills, visit or call freephone 0800 444202. Before installing measures, you should make sure
you have secured the appropriate permissions, where necessary. Such permissions might include permission from
your landlord (if you are a tenant) or approval under Building Regulations for certain types of work.

Typical savings Rating after

Recommended measures Indicative cost
per year improvement

Internal or external wall insulation £4,000 - £14,000 £ 111

Solar water heating £4,000 - £6,000 £ 44

Solar photovoltaic panels, 2.5 kWp £9,000 - £14,000 £ 236

Financial Support and the Green Deal

Green Deal Finance allows you to pay for some of the cost of your improvements in instalments under a Green Deal
Plan (note that this is a credit agreement, but with instalments being added to the electricity bill for the property).
The availability of a Green Deal Plan will depend upon your financial circumstances. There is a limit to how much
Green Deal Finance can be used, which is determined by how much energy the improvements are estimated to
save for a 'typical household'.

You may also be able to obtain support towards repairs or replacements of heating systems and/or basic insulation
measures under the ECO scheme, provided that you are in receipt of qualifying benefits or tax credits. To learn
more about this scheme and the rules about eligibility, visit or call freephone 0800
444202 for England and Wales.

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

46a, Lothian Avenue, HAYES, UB4 0EQ

29 May 2013 RRN: 8987-7925-0400-3811-3922 Energy Performance Certificate

About this document and the data in it

This document has been produced following an energy assessment undertaken by a qualified Energy Assessor,
accredited by Stroma Certification. You can obtain contact details of the Accreditation Scheme at

A copy of this certificate has been lodged on a national register as a requirement under the Energy Performance
of Buildings Regulations 2012 as amended. It will be made available via the online search function at The certificate (including the building address) and other data about the building collected
during the energy assessment but not shown on the certificate, for instance heating system data, will be made
publicly available at

This certificate and other data about the building may be shared with other bodies (including government
departments and enforcement agencies) for research, statistical and enforcement purposes. Any personal data it
contains will be processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and all applicable laws and
regulations relating to the processing of personal data and privacy. For further information about this and how data
about the property are used, please visit To opt out of having information about your building
made publicly available, please visit

Assessor's accreditation number: STRO004947

Assessor's name: Mr Boota Gill DipDEA
Phone number: 07951 972627
E-mail address: EPC4U@HOTMAIL.CO.UK
Related party disclosure: No related party

There is more information in the guidance document Energy Performance Certificates for the marketing, sale and let
of dwellings available on the Government website at: It explains the content and use of this
document, advises on how to identify the authenticity of a certificate and how to make a complaint.

About the impact of buildings on the environment

One of the biggest contributors to global warming is carbon dioxide. The energy we use for heating, lighting and
power in homes produces over a quarter of the UK’s carbon dioxide emissions.

The average household causes about 6 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. Based on this assessment, your home
currently produces approximately 6.4 tonnes of carbon dioxide every year. Adopting the recommendations in this
report can reduce emissions and protect the environment. If you were to install these recommendations you could
reduce this amount by 2.2 tonnes per year. You could reduce emissions even more by switching to renewable
energy sources.

The environmental impact rating is a measure of a home's impact on the environment in terms of carbon dioxide
(CO2) emissions based on standardised assumptions about occupancy and energy use. The higher the rating the
less impact it has on the environment.

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RENT The checklist for

renting in England

Part of the How to Guides series

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1. Assured shorthold tenancies 3 5. Living in your rented home 11

2. Before you start 4 The tenant must… 11

The tenant should… 11
Key questions 4
The landlord must… 12
Ways to rent a property 5
The landlord should… 12
3. Looking for your new home 6
6. At the end of the fixed period 13
Things to check 6
If you want to stay 13
Licensing requirements 8
If you or the landlord want to end the
4. When you’ve found a place 9 tenancy 13

Check the paperwork 9 7. If things go wrong 15

Protection from eviction 16

8. Further sources of information 17

Please be aware that some advice in this guide may be affected by

the latest coronavirus (COVID-19) guidance for renting.
Please refer to guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities
reflecting the current COVID-19 outbreak.

The landlord, or the letting agent, should give the

current version of this guide to the tenant when a new Who is this guide for?
assured shorthold tenancy starts. There is no
requirement for a landlord to provide the document This guide is for people who are
again if the assured shorthold tenancy is renewed, renting a home privately under an
unless the document has been updated. assured shorthold tenancy, either direct from a
landlord or through a letting agency. Most of it
will equally apply if you are in a shared property
but in certain cases, your rights and
responsibilities will vary.

The guide does not cover lodgers (people who live

with their landlord) or people with licences (such
as many property guardians – see this specific
guidance) – nor tenants where the property is not
December 2020 their main or only home.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


1. Assured shorthold tenancies

When you enter an assured shorthold tenancy – the Take your time to read documents and contracts
most common type – you are entering into a carefully. When you rent a home, people sometimes
contractual arrangement. expect you to make a quick decision, or to sign
documents before you’ve had time to think about
This gives you some important rights as well as some them.
You shouldn’t feel forced into a decision and it is
This guide will help you to understand what your rights important to understand the terms and conditions of
are, what responsibilities you have and what questions any contract you are agreeing to before you sign it.
to ask.
Your landlord must provide you with a copy of this
This will help you create a positive relationship with guide, so use the checklist and keep it safe to
your landlord, but will also tell you how to get help if protect yourself from problems at every stage.
things go wrong.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


2. Before you start

Key questions
£ Is the landlord or letting agent trying to £ Are you are entitled to Housing Benefit
charge any fees? For example, for holding or Universal Credit? If so, you may get help
the property, viewing the property or setting with all or part of your rent. If you are renting
up a tenancy agreement? Since 1 June 2019, from a private landlord you may receive up
most fees charged in connection with a tenancy to the Local Housing Allowance (LHA) rate to
are banned. A charge to reserve a property is cover or help with the cost of rent. Check with
permitted but it must be refundable and it cannot this online calculator to see if you can afford to
equate to more than 1 weeks’ rent. Viewing fees live in the area you want. You should also look
and tenancy set-up fees are not allowed. See at this advice about managing rent payments on
‘Permitted fees’ below for more details. Universal Credit.

£ How much is the deposit? Since 1 June 2019, £ Which area you would like to live in and
there has also been a cap on the deposit that how you are going to look for a rented
the tenant is required to pay at the start of the home? The larger the area where you are
tenancy. If the total annual rent is less than prepared to look, the better the chance of
£50,000, the maximum deposit is 5 weeks’ finding the right home for you.
rent. If the annual rent is £50,000 or above, the
maximum deposit is 6 weeks’ rent. The deposit £ Do you have your documents ready?
must be refundable at the end of the tenancy, Landlords and agents will want to confirm your
usually subject to the rent being paid and the identity, immigration status, credit history and
property being returned in good condition, and possibly employment status.
it must be ‘protected’ during the tenancy. See £ Do you have the right to rent property?
‘Deposit protection’ below. Landlords in England must check that all people
£ How long do you want the tenancy for? aged 18 or over, living in their property as
The landlord must allow you to stay in the their only or main home have the right to rent.
property for a minimum of 6 months. Most Landlords must carry out this check before the
landlords offer tenancies for a fixed term of 6 or start date of your tenancy agreement. There
12 months. However, it is possible to negotiate are two types of right to rent checks; a manual
a longer tenancy. Alternatively, you could agree document-based check or a check via the Home
to a tenancy which rolls over on a weekly or Office online checking service. Your landlord
monthly basis. These tenancies have no fixed end can’t insist which option you choose but not
date, but the landlord must allow you to stay in everyone can use the online service.
the property for at least 6 months.
Further information on how to prove your right
£ What can you afford? Think about how to rent to a landlord can be found on GOV.UK.
much rent you can afford to pay: 35% of your
take-home pay is the most that many people £ Will you need a rent guarantor?
can afford, but this depends on what your Some landlords might ask someone to guarantee
other outgoings are (for example, whether you your rent. If you don’t have a guarantor, you can
have children). ask Shelter for advice.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


Ways to rent a property

Direct from the landlord Through a letting agent

£ Look for landlords who belong to £ Letting agents must be a member of a redress
an accreditation scheme. Accreditation scheme. You should check which independent
schemes provide training and support to redress scheme the agent is a member of in
landlords in fulfilling their legal and ethical case you have an unresolved dispute.
responsibilities. Your local authority can advise
you about accreditation schemes operating in £ If they receive money from you such as rent
your area. The National Residential Landlords payments, you should also check they are a
Association and the Guild of Residential member of a client money protection scheme.
Landlords run national schemes. See a list of approved schemes. By law, this
information should also be clearly visible to
you at the agent’s premises and on their

£ Reputable agents are often accredited

through a professional body such as ARLA
Propertymark, GPP , Safeagent,

Watch out for scams!

Be clear who you are handing
money over to, and why.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


3. Looking for your new home

Things to check
£ Deposit cap. Check that the tenancy deposit £ Smoking and pets. Check if there are any rules
you’re being asked for is not more than 5 weeks’ about them, as well as for other things such as
worth of rent (where annual rent is less than keeping a bike, dealing with refuse and recycling.
£50,000) or 6 weeks’ rent (where annual rent is
more than £50,000). £ Bills. Check who is responsible for bills such as
electricity, gas, water and council tax. You or
£ Deposit protection. If the landlord asks for the landlord? Usually the tenant pays for these.
a deposit, check that it will be protected in Advice on paying bills is available here.
a government approved scheme. Some schemes
hold the money, and some insure it. You may be £ Fixtures and fittings. Check you are happy
able to access a bond or guarantee scheme that with them, as it is unlikely that you will be able to
will help you put the deposit together. Contact get them changed once you have moved in.
your local authority for advice. £ Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide
£ You may be offered a deposit replacement detectors. Landlords must have at least one
product as an alternative to a cash deposit. smoke alarm installed on every storey of a
A landlord or agent cannot require you to use a property they let out. In addition, if you have
deposit replacement product but may allow it as solid fuel appliances like wood burning stoves
an option without breaking the Tenant Fees Act. or open fires, check carbon monoxide detectors
There are several different deposit replacement must be provided. If not, your landlord must
products available on the market. Depending on install them. They could save your life.
the product, you may be required to pay a non- £ Safety. Check that the property is safe to live in.
refundable fee up-front (often equivalent to one Use the How to rent a safe home guide to help
week’s rent) and/or a monthly payment for the you identify possible hazards.
duration of your tenancy. With most products
you will still be responsible for the costs of any £ Fitness for human habitation. Your property
damages incurred at the end of the tenancy must be safe, healthy and free from things that
or required to pay an excess on any claim for could cause serious harm. If not, you can take
damages or unpaid rent. It is strongly advised your landlord to court. For more information, see
to always check the terms and conditions and the tenants’ guide on using the Homes (Fitness
to see if it is regulated by the Financial Conduct for Human Habitation) Act 2018. You should also
Authority (FCA). check whether your tenancy agreement excuses
you from paying rent should the building become
£ Length of tenancy. There is usually a fixed unfit to live in because of, for example, a fire or
period of 6 or 12 months. If you want more flood.
security, it may be worth asking whether the
landlord is willing to agree to a longer fixed
period. Alternatively, you may be offered a
weekly or monthly assured shorthold tenancy
which does not last for a fixed period. Even with
those tenancies, however, the landlord must
allow you to stay in the property for a minimum
of 6 months.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


Check who your landlord is Permitted fees

Make sure you have the name of your landlord The government’s guidance on the Tenant Fees
and an address in England or Wales where the Act contains information about the fees that
landlord will accept service of notices, in writing. letting agents and landlords are prohibited to
Landlords are obliged to provide you with this charge tenants, as well as the fees that are
information and the rent is not ‘lawfully due’ until permitted.
they do so.
Permitted fees are as follows:
If the property is a flat, ask whether the landlord is
the owner or leaseholder of the flat, and ask £ rent
whether the freeholder, for example the owner of
£ a refundable tenancy deposit capped at no
the block, has agreed to the flat being let out. If
more than 5 weeks’ rent where the total
the landlord has a mortgage ask whether the
annual rent is less than £50,000, or 6 weeks’
mortgage company has agreed to the letting. The
rent where the total annual rent is £50,000
landlord may not need the freeholder’s consent
or above
but, if there is a mortgage, the lender’s consent
will always be needed. Be aware that you may £ a refundable holding deposit (to reserve a
have to leave the property if the landlord does not property) capped at no more than
keep up the mortgage payments. 1 week’s rent

If the property is a house, ask whether the £ payments associated with early termination of
landlord is the owner, whether the landlord has a the tenancy, when requested by the tenant
mortgage and whether the mortgage company
£ payments capped at £50 (or reasonably
has agreed to the letting. You may have to leave
incurred costs, if higher) for the variation,
the property if the landlord does not keep up the
assignment or novation of a tenancy
mortgage payments.
£ payments in respect of utilities,
If the ‘landlord’ is not the property owner – and communication services, TV licence and
they claim to be a tenant, a family member or a Council Tax
friend, be very cautious, as it could be an unlawful
sub-letting. £ a default fee for late payment of rent and
replacement of a lost key/security device
giving access to the housing, where required
under a tenancy agreement

All other fees, including the following, are


£ viewing fees, any charge for viewing

the property

£ tenancy set up fees, any charge for setting up

the tenancy or contracts

£ check out fees, any charge for leaving

the property

£ third party fees, any charge for anything that

is done by someone other than the landlord or
tenant but that the landlord must pay for
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


Licensing requirements

Houses in Multiple Occupation


HMOs are usually properties where three or more

unrelated people share facilities such as a kitchen
or bathroom.

Some HMOs must be licensed. Check that your

landlord has the correct licence. Landlords of
licensed HMOs must by law give tenants a
statement of the terms on which they live in the

Selective Licensing

Some single family dwellings may also need to be

licensed. Check with your local authority whether
the house is within a selective licensing scheme
area. Selective licensing enables a local housing
authority to require all landlords of privately
rented housing in a designated area to obtain
a licence for each individual property. It gives the
local housing authority powers to
inspect properties and enforce standards
to address specific property issues.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


4. When you’ve found a place

Check the paperwork
£ Tenancy Agreement. Make sure you have a £ Meter readings. Remember to take meter
written tenancy agreement and read it carefully readings when you move in. Take a photo
to understand your rights and responsibilities showing the meter reading and the date and
before you sign it. The landlord or agent usually time, if possible. This will help make sure you
provides one, but you can ask the landlord don’t pay for the previous tenant’s bills.
or agent to consider using a different version
instead. The government has published a model £ Contact details. Make sure that you have the
tenancy agreement which can be downloaded correct contact details for the landlord or agent,
for free. If you have any concerns about the including a telephone number you can use in
agreement, seek advice before you sign. If you case of an emergency. You are legally entitled to
are unhappy with the tenancy agreement, the know the name and address of your landlord.
Tenant Fees Act allows tenants to walk away £ Code of practice. Ask whether your landlord or
from unfair terms without forfeiting the holding agent has signed a code of practice, which may
deposit. give you additional assurance about their conduct
£ Inventory. Agree an inventory (or check-in report) and practices.
with your landlord before you move in and, as an
extra safeguard, make sure that you take photos.
This will make things easier if there is a dispute
about the deposit at the end of the tenancy. If
you are happy with the inventory, sign it and
keep a copy. From 1 June 2019, landlords/letting
agents cannot charge certain fees – see the
government’s guidance for more information.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


The landlord must provide you with:

£ A copy of this guide ‘How to rent: the checklist for renting in England’ when a new tenancy starts as a
printed copy or, if you agree, via email as a PDF attachment.

£ A gas safety certificate. The landlord must provide you with a copy of this certificate before you enter into
occupation of the property and must give you a copy of the new certificate after each annual gas safety
check, if there is a gas installation or appliance.

£ Deposit paperwork. If you have provided a deposit, the landlord must protect it in a government
approved scheme within 30 days and provide you prescribed information about it. Make sure you get the
official information from your landlord, and that you understand how to get your money back at the end
of the tenancy. Keep this information safe as you will need it later.

£ The Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). Your landlord must provide you with a copy of the EPC, which
contains the energy performance rating of the property you are renting, free of charge at the onset of
your tenancy. As of April 2020, all privately rented properties must have an energy performance rating of
EPC Band E or above (unless a valid exemption applies) prior to being let out. You can also search online
for the EPC and check its rating on

The landlord should also provide you with:

£ A record of any electrical inspections.

£ Under the Electrical Safety Standards in the Private Rented Sector (England) Regulations 2020, landlords
have to get their property electrics checked at least every five years by a properly qualified person. This
applies to new tenancies from 1 July 2020 and existing tenancies from 1 April 2021. The electrics must be
safe and your landlord must give you proof of this. For more information please see our guidance on
electrical safety standards in the private rented sector.

£ Evidence that smoke alarms and any carbon monoxide alarms are in working order at the start of the
tenancy. Tenants should then regularly check they are working.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


5. Living in your rented home

The tenant must… The tenant should…
£ Pay the rent on time. If your rent is more than £ Make sure you know how to operate the boiler
14 days late, you could be liable for a default and other appliances and know where the
fee. A default fee for late payment of rent is stopcock, fuse box and any meters are located.
limited by the Tenant Fees Act to interest on the
outstanding amount, capped at 3% above Bank £ Regularly test your smoke alarms and carbon
of England base rates. The landlord/agent cannot monoxide detectors – at least once a month.
charge any other fees. For more information, £ Report any need for repairs to your landlord. If
please read the Government’s guidance for you think there are any repairs that are needed,
tenants on the Tenant Fees Act 2019. Further, you should report these to your landlord.
you could lose your home because you have Failure to report the need for repairs could be a
breached your tenancy agreement. If you have breach of your tenancy agreement. In extreme
problems, GOV.UK has links to further advice. circumstances there may be a risk to your deposit
Check out these practical steps for paying your if a minor repair turns into a major problem
rent on time. because you did not report it.
£ Pay any other bills that you are responsible for £ Consider obtaining insurance for your contents
on time, such as council tax, gas, electricity and and belongings – the landlord will usually have
water bills. If you pay the gas or electricity bills, insurance for the property but it will not cover
you can choose your own energy supplier. anything that belongs to you.
£ Look after the property. Get your landlord’s £ Consider if having a smart meter installed would
permission before attempting repairs or save you money, if you are responsible for paying
decorating. It’s worth getting contents insurance the energy bills. Read guidance about your rights
to cover your possessions too, because the and information about how to get a smart meter.
landlord’s insurance won’t cover your things. We’d recommend that you tell your landlord
£ Be considerate to the neighbours. Anti-social before you get one.
behaviour may be a reason for your landlord to £ And don’t forget to register to vote.
evict you.

£ Not take in a lodger or sub-let without

checking whether you need permission from your
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


The landlord must…

£ Maintain the structure and exterior of the £ Seek your permission to access your
property. home and give at least 24 hours’ notice
of proposed visits for things like repairs and
£ Ensure the property is free from serious those visits should take place at reasonable times
hazards from the start of and throughout your – neither the landlord nor the letting agent is
tenancy. entitled to enter your home without your express
£ Fit smoke alarms on every floor and carbon permission.
monoxide alarms in rooms with appliances £ Get a licence for the property if it is
using solid fuels – such as coal and wood – and a licensable property.
make sure they are working at the start of your
tenancy. If they are not there, ask your landlord £ Ensure the property is at a minimum of
to install them. EPC energy efficiency band E (unless a valid
exemption applies).
£ Deal with any problems with the water,
electricity and gas supply.
The landlord should…
£ Maintain any appliances and furniture they have
supplied. £ Insure the building to cover the costs of any
damage from flood or fire.
£ Carry out most repairs. If something is not
working, report it to your landlord or agent as £ Check regularly to ensure all that products,
soon as you can. fixtures and fittings provided are safe and that
there haven’t been any product recalls. Help is
£ Arrange an annual gas safety check by a available at the Royal Society for the Prevention
Gas Safe engineer (where there are any gas of Accidents (ROSPA), Trading Standards and the
appliances). Child Accident Prevention Trust.
£ Arrange a five-yearly electrical safety check £ Ensure blinds are safe by design and they do not
by a qualified and competent person (this applies have looped cords. This is especially important
to new tenancies from 1 July 2020 and existing in a child’s bedroom. More information can be
tenancies from 1 April 2021). found at
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


6. At the end of the fixed period

If you want to stay If you or the landlord want to end
Should you wish to extend your tenancy after any initial the tenancy
fixed period, there are a number of important issues to
consider. Check Shelter’s website for advice. The government has announced that it plans to
put an end to ‘no fault’ section 21 evictions by
Do you want to sign up to a new fixed term? changing existing legislation. Landlords will still be
If not, you will be on a ‘rolling periodic tenancy’. This able to issue you with a section 21 possession
means you carry on as before but with no fixed term notice until new legislation comes into effect. If
– your tenancy agreement should say how much notice you receive a section 21 notice from your
you must give the landlord if you want to leave the landlord, seek advice from Shelter or Citizens
property – one month’s notice is typical. Shelter Advice. If you are eligible for legal aid, you can
publishes advice on how you can end your tenancy. also contact Civil Legal Advice for free and
confidential advice.
Your landlord might want to increase
your rent
There are things that both landlords and tenants must
Your landlord can increase your rent by agreement, or
do at the end of the tenancy:
as set out in your tenancy agreement, or by following
a procedure set out in law. Giving notice
It is a legal requirement for landlords to give you proper
The deposit cap introduced by the Tenant Fees notice if they want you to leave, and they can only
Act 2019 means you may be entitled to a partial legally remove you from your home with a court order.
refund of your tenancy deposit. The Normally, the landlord must allow any fixed period of
government’s guidance on the Act explains the tenancy to have expired, and they must have given
whether this affects you. you the correct period of notice, which varies depending
on the type of tenancy and the reason your landlord
wants you to leave.

If you have been served with a notice that your

landlord wants you to leave, you should read it at once.
The notice should contain helpful information. Acting
on it straight away may, in certain circumstances, allow
you to keep your home. If you are unsure how to
respond or worried that you will become homeless,
you should access advice and support as soon as
possible, for example through contacting Citizens
Advice and/or Shelter, who can provide free, expert
advice on your individual circumstances. If you are
eligible for legal aid, you can also contact Civil Legal
Advice for free and confidential advice.

For more information about your rights and

responsibilities when your landlord wants you to leave
your home, see Understanding the possession action
process: A guide for private landlords in England and
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


If you want to end the tenancy Clear up

Your tenancy agreement should say how much notice Remove all your possessions, clean the house, dispose
you must give the landlord if you want to leave the of rubbish and take meter readings. Try to leave the
property. One month’s notice is typical. If you want to property in the same condition that you found it in.
leave the property, you must give notice to your Check this against your copy of the inventory and take
landlord in writing – make sure you keep a copy of the photos that show how you have left the property.
document and a record of when it was sent. Please see
‘If things go wrong’ below if you wish to leave sooner Dispose of any unwanted furniture via a local collection
than the notice period set out in the tenancy service.
agreement. Return the keys
Rent Return all sets of keys that were provided. If you do not,
Make sure that your rent payments are up to date. Do the landlord may charge you for changing the locks.
not keep back rent because you think that it will be Inspection
taken out of the deposit.
Try to be present when the property is inspected to
Bills check whether any of the tenancy deposit should be
Do not leave bills unpaid. This might have an impact on deducted to cover damage. If you do not agree with
your references and credit rating. proposed deductions contact the relevant deposit
protection scheme.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


7. If things go wrong
Most problems can be resolved quickly and easily by £ If the property is in an unsafe condition and
talking to your landlord or letting agent. your landlord won’t repair it – contact your local
authority. They have powers to make landlords
There are often legal protections in place too for the deal with serious health and safety hazards.
most common problems that you may experience You can also report this to your local Trading
during the tenancy – the following links will tell you Standards.
what they are or where to look for help:
£ You may be able to take your landlord to
£ If you have a complaint about a letting court yourself if you think the property is not
agent’s service and they don’t resolve your fit for habitation, under the Homes (Fitness for
complaint, you can complain to an independent Human Habitation) Act 2018. The court can
redress scheme. Letting agents must be a make the landlord carry out repairs and can also
member of a government approved redress make the landlord pay you compensation. You
scheme. may also be able to take your landlord to court
£ If you wish to leave the property within the if they do not carry out some repairs. For more
fixed term, or more quickly than permitted information, please see the Shelter advice on
in the tenancy agreement you should discuss section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.
this with your landlord. If your landlord or letting £ If you have a serious complaint about the
agent agrees to end the tenancy early, you property and your local authority has sent
should make sure that this is clearly set out in a notice to the landlord telling them to make
writing and that you return all your sets of keys. repairs, your landlord may not be able to evict
If you do not, your landlord may make a court you with a section 21 notice (no fault eviction) for
claim against you, to obtain possession of the 6 months after the council’s notice. You can still
property. You could be charged if you want to be evicted with a section 8 notice if you break
end the tenancy early, although this fee must the terms of your tenancy.
not exceed the loss incurred by the landlord
or the reasonable costs to your letting agent if £ Failure to comply with a statutory notice
you are renting through them. Unless or until a is an offence. Depending on the notice, local
suitable replacement tenant is found, you will be authorities may prosecute or fine the landlord up
liable for rent until your fixed-term agreement to £30,000. Local authorities have powers
has ended or, in the case of a statutory periodic to apply for banning orders which prevent
tenancy, until the required notice period under landlords or property agents from managing and/
your tenancy agreement has expired. The or letting out property if they are convicted of
government’s guidance on the Tenant Fees certain offences. If a landlord or property agent
Act contains more information. receives a banning order, they will be added to
the Database of Rogue Landlords and Property
£ If you are having financial problems, or are Agents. There is a specific process for this, which
falling into rent arrears, speak to your landlord can be found here.
as they may be helpful, and are likely to be
more sympathetic if you talk to them about any
difficulties early on. Should you need further help
contact your local housing authority, Citizens
Advice or Shelter as soon as possible. If you are
eligible for legal aid, you can also contact Civil
Legal Advice for free and confidential advice.
Check out these practical steps for managing
your rent payments.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


£ If a landlord or letting agent charges you a Protection from eviction

prohibited payment (a banned fee according to
the Tenant Fees Act 2019) or unlawfully retains a Landlords must follow strict procedures if they want
holding deposit they could be liable for a fine of you to leave your home. They may be guilty of
up to £5,000 and if there are multiple breaches harassing or illegally evicting you if they do not follow
they could be liable for a fine up to £30,000 as the correct procedures.
an alternative to prosecution. Local authorities
Landlords must provide you with the correct notice
are responsible for issuing these fines. Landlords
period and they can only legally remove you from your
or letting agents cannot rely on giving notice
home by obtaining a court order for possession and
under section 21 to obtain a possession order
arranging for a warrant to be executed by court bailiffs
if they have not repaid any unlawful fees or
or sheriffs. See Understanding the possession action
deposits they have charged under the terms of
process: A guide for private residential tenants in
the Act.
England and Wales.
£ If your landlord is making unannounced
visits or harassing you – contact your local
authority, or if more urgent dial 999.
Rent Repayment Orders
£ If you are being forced out illegally contact your
local authority. Shelter and Civil Legal Advice
Rent Repayment Orders require a landlord to
(see Help and Advice below) may also be able
repay a specified amount of rent to a tenant and/
to help you. If your landlord wants you to leave
or a local authority, where there has been, for
the property, they must notify you in writing,
example, an illegal eviction or failure to licence a
with the right amount of notice. You can only
property that requires licensing.
be legally removed from the property if your
landlord has a court order for possession and a Rent Repayment Orders also cover breach of a
warrant is executed by court bailiffs or sheriffs. banning order or failure to comply with certain
£ If you live with your partner and you separate, statutory notices. Where a Rent Repayment Order
you may have the right to carry on living in your is made, local authorities may retain the money if
home. the tenant’s rent was paid by state benefits.
Where a tenant has paid rent themselves, the
£ If you are concerned about finding another money is returned to them. If benefits covered
place to live, then contact the Housing part of the rent, the amount is paid back pro-rata
Department of your local authority straight away. to the local authority and the tenant.
Depending on your circumstances, they may have
a legal duty to help you find accommodation and
they can also provide advice. The local authority If you are reading a print version of this guide and need
should not wait until you are evicted before more information on the links, please contact us or on
taking action to help you. 0303 444 0000 or at 2 Marsham Street, London,
If you are concerned about finding another place
to live, then contact the Housing Department of
your local authority straight away.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904


8. Further sources of information

Read further information about landlords’ and tenants’
Help and advice
rights and responsibilities.

Read the government’s guidance on the Tenant Fees £ Citizens Advice – free, independent,
Act. This includes: confidential and impartial advice to everyone
£ what the Tenant Fees Act covers on their rights and responsibilities.
£ Shelter – housing and homelessness charity
£ when it applies and how it will affect you
who offer advice and support.
£ helpful Q&A £ Crisis – advice and support for people who are
homeless or facing homelessness.
£ Your Local Housing Authority – to make a
Tenancy deposit protection schemes complaint about your landlord or agent, or
about the condition of your property.
Your landlord must protect your deposit with a £ Civil Legal Advice – if you are eligible for legal
government-approved tenancy deposit scheme. aid, you can access free and confidential advice.
£ Money Advice Service – free and impartial
£ Deposit Protection Service
money advice.
£ MyDeposits £ The Law Society – to find a lawyer.
£ Tenancy Deposit Scheme £ Gas Safe Register – for help and advice on gas
safety issues.
£ Electrical Safety First – for help and advice on
electrical safety issues.
Client money protection schemes
£ Marks Out Of Tenancy – information for
current and prospective tenants.
Your agent must protect money such as rent
payments through membership of a government
approved client money protection scheme. Also in this series

The government’s How to rent a safe home guide

Letting agent redress schemes helps current and prospective tenants ensure that a
rented property is safe to live in.
Every letting agent must belong to a government The government’s How to let guide provides
approved redress scheme. information for landlords and property agents
about their rights and responsibilities when letting
£ The Property Ombudsman out property.
£ Property Redress Scheme The government’s How to lease guide helps
current and prospective leaseholders understand
their rights and responsibilities.

Homes (Fitness for Human The government’s How to buy a home guide
provides information to home buyers.
Habitation) Act 2018
The government’s How to sell a home guide
provides information to those looking to sell
Guide for tenants their home.
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Your TDS guide to:

What is the
An advisory leaflet for landlords and tenants
TDS Scheme Leaflet. 6th Edition, Revised April 2018
Rebranded 2017 © TDS

There is a printer-friendly version of this leaflet on our website.

This leaflet
deals with the
Insured scheme
only. There
is a separate
leaflet for TDS
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

What is TDS? 03
What is tenancy deposit protection? 03
What does tenancy deposit protection mean? 04
What are the legal requirements? 05
What if the landlord or agent does not comply? 06
Is my deposit protected? 07
What happens to the deposit after
the landlord or agent receives it? 08
What happens at the end of the tenancy? 08
If there is a dispute, what happens to the deposit? 09
How are disputes resolved? 10
What if the landlord or tenant can’t be
contacted at the end of the tenancy? 11
Is adjudication better than going to court? 12
What can TDS deal with? 13
How much does it cost? 13
Who can join the Tenancy Deposit Scheme? 13
Our guarantee of impartiality 14
Data protection 15

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

What is TDS?
The Dispute Service Ltd operates two tenancy deposit protection
schemes, authorised by the government: Insured and Custodial.
This leaflet deals with the Insured scheme only. There is a separate
leaflet for TDS Custodial.

TDS has two main roles:

l To protect deposits; l To help resolve disputes about deposits.

What is tenancy
deposit protection?
Tenancy deposit protection applies Most residential tenancies in the
to all deposits for assured shorthold private rented sector are assured
tenancies that started in England or shorthold tenancies, with some
Wales on or after 6 April 2007. exceptions. For example, a tenancy
cannot be an assured shorthold
tenancy if:
By law, a landlord l t he tenant is a company;
or agent who
l the rent is more than £100,000
receives a deposit
a year;
for such a tenancy
must protect l the tenancy is for a holiday let; or
the deposit. l a university or college rents the
accommodation to its students.
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What does tenancy

deposit protection mean?

l  rotecting a tenant’s deposit with a government-authorised scheme such as TDS;

l Providing the tenant with prescribed information about where their deposit is
being protected and how it will be managed.

Tenancy deposit protection schemes can be one of two kinds:

Custodial – this is where the scheme itself holds

the deposit during the tenancy.

Insurance backed – this is where the landlord or agent

holds the deposit during the tenancy, but must give it to the
scheme at the end of the tenancy if there is a dispute. The
scheme is insured because this guarantees that the tenants
will always get the money back to which they are entitled.

Each tenancy deposit scheme

has its own rules setting out in
detail how it operates.

The TDS Rules are available

from the TDS website and
on request.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

What are the

legal requirements?
These are contained in sections 212 to 215 of, and Schedule 10 to, the
Housing Act 2004 (as amended). Tenancy deposit protection applies
to money received by a landlord or agent that is meant to be held as
security in case a tenant does not comply with their obligations.

The landlord or agent must comply with the initial

requirements of an authorised tenancy deposit protection
scheme within 30 days of receiving the deposit.

To protect a deposit with TDS, The landlord or agent must also specify
the landlord or agent needs to: which tenancy agreement clauses say
l belong to the scheme; how the deposit can be used.
l register the deposit on the Tenants must be given the opportunity to:
TDS tenancy database;
l check any document the
l pay a membership subscription landlord provides containing
or deposit protection charge. prescribed information; and
A TDS Member (landlord or agent) l sign it to confirm the information
must also give the tenant ‘prescribed is accurate.
information’. The information is set
out in the Housing (Tenancy Deposits
(Prescribed Information) Order 2007. It
must also be given to anyone who paid
the deposit on the tenant’s behalf.

The prescribed information includes:

l the contact details of the landlord
and tenant
l the rented property’s address
l the deposit amount
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What if the landlord or

agent does not comply?

A landlord or agent should protect the deposit in an authorised

scheme and provide the tenant (and any sponsor) with the
prescribed information within 30 days of receiving the deposit.

If they don’t do so, then the tenant (or can only serve such a ‘section 21
the person who paid the deposit) can notice’ after the deposit has been
take the landlord or agent to court. The repaid or after any court case about
court can order the landlord or agent the deposit has ended.
to protect the deposit or repay it to
the tenant. The court can also order A landlord who has not given the
the landlord or agent to pay the tenant tenant prescribed information within
compensation of between one and 30 days must not issue a section 21
three times the deposit’s value. notice until the prescribed information
has been given. If this takes place
A landlord who has not correctly more than 30 days after the landlord
protected a deposit cannot serve a or agent received the deposit, the
notice to end the tenancy and regain tenant can still apply to court for
possession of it under section 21 of compensation of between one and
the Housing Act 1988. The landlord three times the deposit’s value.

TDS cannot award compensation

to tenants if a landlord or agent fails
to comply with the law relating to
tenancy deposit protection. This can
only be dealt with by the courts.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Is my deposit protected?
Tenants can check if their deposit
is registered with TDS by visiting

If tenants have received a Tenancy

Deposit Protection Certificate, they
should enter the code number from that
certificate. Alternatively they can enter
their surname, the deposit amount, the
tenancy postcode, and the date their
tenancy started.

If a member informs TDS that the

protection of a deposit should be
ended, TDS will make reasonable
efforts to inform the tenant before
ending the protection.

If the tenancy has not ended, the

tenant (or one of the joint tenants)
can object to the ending of deposit
protection by phoning the TDS
customer contact center.

If the tenancy has ended and the tenant

is not satisfied with the proposed split
of the deposit, then the tenant can ask
TDS to resolve the dispute within three
months after the end of the tenancy.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

What happens to the

deposit after the landlord
or agent receives it?
The landlord or the agent will hold the deposit during the tenancy.
The tenancy agreement should state who receives any interest
it makes.

What happens
to the deposit
at the end of
the tenancy?
If there is no dispute about the return of the deposit at the end of the tenancy,
the landlord or agent must pay the deposit to the tenant without delay, less any
deductions that the tenant has agreed.

Who raises a dispute if there is no agreement about the deposit return?

If there is a dispute about the return of the deposit or about proposed
deductions, the parties should try to reach agreement without delay. Most
disputes are resolved informally in this way. But if the deposit has not been
returned to the tenant within 10 days of the tenant asking for it, the Housing Act
2004 allows the tenant to ask TDS to resolve the dispute.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

If there is a dispute, what

happens to the deposit?
The landlord or agent can take a payment from the deposit if:
l both landlord and tenant have agreed; or
l the court has ordered the deposit to be paid; or
l TDS directs to send the money to TDS.

Once TDS has been asked to resolve a deposit dispute, the

landlord or the agent must send the disputed amount to TDS.
By this time, the landlord or agent should have paid the tenant
any part of the deposit that is not an agreed deduction or
in dispute.

If whoever is holding the deposit does

not send the disputed deposit amount
to TDS, TDS will take legal action to
recover it. This will not delay TDS in
resolving the dispute.

If the deposit holder cannot pay

the disputed amount, for example
because it has become insolvent,
TDS will arrange the adjudication,
pay the tenant the amount awarded
by the adjudicator and make a claim
to its insurers.

The law requires TDS to guarantee

only that the tenant receives the
amount they are entitled to.
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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

How are disputes resolved?1

The tenant will ask TDS to resolve the dispute by going online at and completing a Dispute Application Form
giving details of the dispute.

The deposit holder must then send the disputed amount to TDS. TDS will copy
the dispute details to the agent or landlord who is to respond to the dispute and
give them 10 working days to do so. The agent or landlord will need to confirm
that they want TDS to resolve the dispute, and send in their evidence. After this
the tenant will also be given 10 working days to respond to the agent’s/landlord’s
evidence, and send in any evidence that they also wish the adjudicator to consider.

If all the parties agree to TDS resolving the dispute, TDS will appoint an impartial
adjudicator to make a binding decision, normally within 28 days of receiving the
parties’ consent to resolving the dispute and receiving the evidence they wish to be
considered. If landlords and agents do not reply, they are treated as consenting to
TDS resolving the dispute. In all these cases, the adjudicator will normally make a
decision within 28 days after the deadline for receipt of evidence.

Within a further 10 days or less of the adjudicator’s decision, TDS will pay the
amount due to each party.

The adjudicator’s decision will be based on the evidence sent to TDS – there will
be no hearing or visit to the property.

The adjudicator’s decision is final. There is no right of appeal to TDS or to the

government department in charge of the tenancy deposit protection schemes.

Further details are set out in The Tenancy Deposit Scheme Rules
for the Independent Resolution of Tenancy Deposit Disputes at

1 If a Letting Agent or Landlord is using TDS DIRECT only the tenant can raise a dispute. Agents and landlords cannot
raise a dispute if they are using TDS DIRECT. TDS may at its discretion allow an agent or landlord to raise a dispute, where
this has been agreed in advance as part of that agent or landlord’s membership of the scheme. Where this is the case, the
agent/landlord will send in their evidence at the same time as completing a Dispute Application Form giving details of the
dispute. After this the tenant will be given 10 working days to respond to the agent’s/landlord’s evidence, confirm that they
want TDS to resolve the dispute, and send in any evidence that they also wish the adjudicator to consider.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

What if the landlord or

tenant can’t be contacted
at the end of the tenancy?
TDS cannot resolve a dispute if it cannot contact the parties to get their
consent to TDS being involved. In these circumstances, the deposit holder
must do the following:

 ssess any damage, rent arrears and any other likely deductions from
1 the deposit as they would normally do;

s plit the deposit, pay the party who is present the appropriate amount,
2 and transfer the amount due to the absent tenant/landlord to a suitably
chosen ‘Client suspense (bank) account’;

3  ake a formal record of all actions taken, supported by

appropriate documentation.

After enough time (usually at least six years) has passed from the last contact
from the absent tenant/landlord, the deposit holder may then donate the absent
party’s share to a suitable registered charity – subject to a binding promise from
the deposit holder that it would immediately pay from its own pocket any valid
claim it later received from the beneficial or legal owner.

If the absent tenant/landlord returns within that time and seeks to dispute the
allocation of the deposit, TDS may offer to adjudicate.

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Is adjudication better
than going to court?

Deposit disputes need to be resolved quickly and cheaply. Tenants

usually need the money as a deposit on their next property, and
landlords need to know how much will be available to spend on
things like redecoration, damage or repairs.
Going to court takes time and can Sometimes landlords or tenants prefer
be expensive and stressful. to go to court. It might be better
for a landlord to go to court if they
If TDS protects a deposit and the have a big claim that is well above
dispute goes to court, the disputed the deposit. It might be better for a
amount must be sent to TDS. TDS will tenant to go to court if they have a
distribute the deposit once it receives counterclaim – say if they had to pay
a final court order showing what is to for boiler repairs because the heating
happen to the deposit. However if a did not work for several weeks. TDS
tenant or landlord does not take their cannot deal with counterclaims.
dispute to the County Court within 6
months of refusing consent for TDS Where TDS cannot accept a dispute
to resolve the dispute, TDS may at its for adjudication, TDS will notify any
discretion return the disputed deposit other party to the dispute that this
it is holding to the other party who did has happened. The other party to the
not refuse consent. dispute may then choose to go to
court or rely on the agent’s judgment
TDS can only resolve a dispute if the if the agent is holding the deposit.
deposit has been registered with TDS.
If a deposit has not been registered,
the parties will have to go to court if
they cannot agree a settlement.

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

What can TDS deal with?

Using the TDS dispute resolution TDS cannot deal with disputes between
service is not compulsory. If either the individual tenants, or between landlords
landlord or tenant does not agree to use and their agents. TDS does not act as
the service, one of them could choose a regulator and cannot order changes
to go to court. in trading practices, close down
businesses, or prosecute landlords or
TDS can only deal with disputes about agents. However, it does try to raise
the deposit itself, and cannot make standards in the private rented sector
awards that are for more than the by educating tenants, landlords and
disputed deposit. If a larger amount is agents about the cause of disputes and
disputed, you may need to go to court. how to avoid them.
TDS cannot deal with counterclaims by
tenants – such as a claim for disrepair. If
you are a tenant and you wish to bring a
counterclaim against your landlord, you
will need to go to court.

How much Who can join

does it cost? the Tenancy
TDS is funded by the
membership subscriptions and
deposit protection charges that
letting agents and landlords pay.
All these fees are on the TDS Scheme?
website. TDS makes no charge to
tenants for protecting the deposit. The Tenancy Deposit Scheme
There is no charge to landlords, is open to landlords and letting
tenants or agents for having a agents offering residential property
dispute resolved. for rent. They will be asked to
provide relevant information – as
set out in the TDS Rules – to TDS
before it decides whether they can
be accepted as a member, and
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what their subscription will be.

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Our guarantee of
TDS is overseen by a Board, which is responsible for operating
and financing the business. The Board, and the TDS management,
have no role in resolving disputes and cannot intervene in decisions
about disputes.

The scheme’s Director of Dispute Resolution is responsible for resolving disputes.

The most usual method for resolving a dispute through TDS is to use adjudication
but the scheme may suggest negotiation, mediation or other methods.

Adjudicators work fairly and impartially. All TDS adjudicators belong to the
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and comply with our Adjudicator Code of
Conduct, which is available on the TDS website.
The adjudicators make decisions without favour,
based on the issues in dispute and the
evidence provided.

TDS publishes breakdowns of

awards in its Annual Reports.
These give an overview of how
awards are split between
tenants, landlords and agents.

You can see the adjudicators’

decision-making guidelines and
some example case studies at

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

Data protection
TDS will not use landlords’ or tenants’
personal data for any purpose except
to operate the scheme (this includes
compiling statistical data) and
resolve disputes.

From time to time, TDS may invite

landlords or tenants to participate
in surveys. If you do not wish to be
contacted for survey purposes, please
inform TDS by letter or email to the
contact details given in this leaflet.

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

0300 037 1000

Tenancy Deposit Scheme

1 The Progression Centre,
42 Mark Road, Hemel Hempstead,
Herts, HP2 7DW

DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

A. Details of the Client/Person Ordering the Report B. Reason for Producing this Report
Client: Mr.K.S.Mangat Purpose of this report:

Safety Report
Address: 75
Raynton Drive
UB4 8BG Date(s) on which Inspection:
and testing was carried out

C. Details of the Installation which is the Subject of this Report Domestic Commercial Industrial
Description of
Installation: UB4. premises: N/A N/A
Occupier: Tennants Other:
Address: 46 A
Lothian Avenue Estimated age of wiring system: 5 yrs
HAYES Evidence of alterations If yes
or additions: N/A estimated Age N/A
Date of previous
Record of N/A Records held By: N/A 21/05/2013
Installation available:

D. Extent and Limitations Inspection and Testing

Extent of Electrical Installation covered by this report: Agreed limitations including the reasons (See regulation 634.2)
Fixed wiring in common area and rooms covering all sections 1 Sockets and light switches
--See Additional Page--

Agreed with name
Operational Limitations including the reasons (See page No N/A )


This inspection and testing detailed in this report and accompanying schedules have been carried out in accordance with BS7671:2008 (IET Wiring Regulations) as amended
to July 2015
It should be noted that cables concealed within trunking and conduits, under floors, in roof spaces, and generally within the fabric of the building or underground, have NOT
been inspected unless specifically agreed between the client and inspector prior to the inspection. An inspection should be made within an accessible roof space housing
other electrical equipment.

E. Summary of the Condition of the Installation General condition of the installations (In terms of electrical safety)

Working O.K.

Overall assessment of the installation Satisfactory *An unsatisfactory assessment indicates that dangerous (code C1) and/or potentially dangerous (code
C2) conditions have been identified.

F. Recommendations
Where the overall assessment of the suitability of the installation for continued use above is stated as SATISFACTORY , I recommend that any observations classified as
'Danger present' (code C1) or 'Potentially dangerous' (code C2) are acted upon as a matter of urgency.
Investigation without delay is recommended for observations identified as 'further investigation required' (code FI).
Observation classified as 'Improvement recommended' (code C3) should be given due consideration.
Subject to the necessary remedial action being taken I recommend that the installation is further inspected and tested by 17/06/2023

G. Declaration I , being the person(s) responsible for the inspection and testing of the electrical installation (as indicated by My signatures below), particulars of
which are described above, having exercised reasonable skill and care when carrying out the inspection and testing, hereby declare that the
information in this report, including the observations and attached schedules, provides an accurate assessment of the condition of the electrical
installation taking into account the stated extent and limitations in section D of this report.
Blue Electrical Services,
Trading Title
and address PartP Registration Number 605603
Balliol Way,
Owlsmoor, Branch No. (If Applicable) N/A
Berks, GU47 0QN
Inspected and tested by:
Name G S Thind Position Inspector Signature Date 18/06/2018
Report authorised for issue by:
Name G S Thind Position Inspector Signature Date 18/06/2018

H. Schedule(s) The attached schedule(s) are part of this document and this report is valid only when they are attached to it.

Page(s): 8 - 20 (even) Schedule(s) of inspection and 9 - 21 (odd) Schedule(s) of test results are attached

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NA000002893 -- Master

I. Supply Characteristics and Earthing Arrangements

Number and Type of Live Conductors Nature of Supply Parameters Supply protective device
TN-S a.c. d.c. N/A Nominal U 230 V BS(EN)
1361 Fuse HBC
1-Phase 1-Phase 2 Nominal U0 230 V
TN-C-S N/A (2 wire) (3 wire) N/A Wire
N/A Voltage

Nominal (1)
f 50 Hz Type
2-Phase 3 frequency
TN-C N/A N/A Wire
(3 wire)
Prospective lpf (2) 1.38 kA 1
fault current
TT N/A 3-Phase N/A 3-Phase N/A Other N/A External loop Nominal
(3 wire) (4 wire) Ze
0.20 Ω 100 A
impedance current rating

IT N/A Other N/A Number of Short circuit

supplies 1 16.5 kA
Confirmation of supply polarity (Note: (1) by enquiry, (2) by enquiry or
by measurement)

J. Particulars of Installation Referred to in the Report

Means of earthing Details of installation Earth Electrode (where applicable)
Distributor's Type (e.g. rod(s), N/A N/A
facility tape etc.)
Installation Resistance to
earth electrode Earth
Method of
measurement N/A
Tick boxes and enter details as applicable
Main Protective Conductors
Material Copper csa 16 2 Connection and Continuity Verified
Conductor mm

Main protective Material Copper csa 10 2 Connection and Continuity Verified

bonding conductors

Bonding of Incoming Service

Maximum Demand (Load)
Water installation Gas installation Structural Lightning
pipes pipes Steel protection 80 Amps
Oil installation
Please State Protective measure(s) against electric shock
Other incoming ADS

Main Switch / Switch-Fuse / Circuit-Breaker / RCD

if RCD main switch
Location Understairs Current 100 A
rating Rated residual
operation current,
N/A mA
Fuse/Device 100 A I n
rating or setting N/A ms
Rated time delay
Type BS(EN) 60947-3 No of poles 2 Voltage 230 V
rating RCD Operating N/A ms
Supply Supply time at, I n
Copper 25 2
Conductors Conductors mm
material csa

K. Observations
Referring to the attached schedule(s) of Inspection and Test Results, and subject to the limitations specified at the Extent and Limitations of the Inspection and testing section.

No remedial action is required. The following observations are made N/A

Item No Observations Code

One of the following codes, as appropriate, has been allocated to each of the observations made above to indicate to the person(s) responsible for the installation the
degree of urgency for remedial action.
C1 - Danger present. Risk of injury. Immediate remedial action required 0

C2 - Potentially dangerous - urgent remedial action required 0

C3 - Improvement recommended 0

FI - Further investigation required without delay 0

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NA000002893 -- Master
Note: this form is suitable for many types of smaller installations not exclusively domestic.

Acceptable tick Unacceptable State C1 Improvement State Further Not

Outcomes FI N/V Limitation LIM Not applicable N/A
condition condition or C2 recommended C3 investigation verified

Item No Description Outcome Comments

1.0 Condition/Adequacy of distributor's/supply intake equipment

1.1 Service cable No
1.2 Service head No
1.3 Distributor's earthing arrangement(s) No
1.4 Meter tails - Distributor/Consumer No
1.5 Metering equipment No
1.6 Means of main isolation (where present) N/A No
2.0 Presence of adequate arrangements for other sources (microgenerators etc)
2.1 Adequate arrangements where a generating set operates as a switched alternative to the public supply N/A No
2.2 Adequate arrangements where a generating set operates in parallel with the public supply N/A No
3.0 Earthing and bonding arrangements
3.1 Presence and condition of distributor's earthing arrangement No
3.2 Presence and condition of earth electrode connection N/A No
3.3 Confirmation of adequate earthing conductor size No
3.4 Accessibility and condition of earthing conductor at Main Earthing Terminal (MET) No
3.5 Confirmation of adequate main protective bonding conductor sizes No
3.6 Accessibility and condition of main protective bonding conductor connections No
3.7 Accessibility and condition of other protective bonding connections No
3.8 Provision of earthing and bonding labels at all appropriate locations No
4.0 Consumer unit(s)
4.1 Adequency of working space or access to consumer unit No
4.2 Security of fixing No
4.3 Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of IP rating No
4.4 Condition of enclosure(s) in terms of fire rating C3 (see section K) No
4.5 Enclosure not damaged/dereriorated so as to impair safety No
4.6 Presence of linked main switch No
4.7 Operation of main switch (functional check) No
4.8 Operation of circuit-breakers and RCDs to prove disconnection (functional check) No
4.9 Correct identification of circuits and protective devices No
4.10 Presence of RCD test notice at or near consumer unit N/A No
4.11 Presence of non-standard (mixed) cable colour warning notice at or near consumer unit N/A No
4.12 Presence of alternative or additional supply warning notice at or near consumer unit N/A No
4.13 Presence of replacement next inspection recommendation label No
4.14 Presence of other required labelling (please specify) No
Examination of protective device(s) and base(s); correct type and rating (no signs of unacceptable thermal No
damage, arcing or overheating)

4.16 Single-pole switching or protective devices in the line conductors only No

4.17 Protection against mechanical damage where cables enter consumer unit No
4.18 Protection against electromagnetic effects where cables enter metallic consumer unit/enclosure No
4.19 RCDs provided for fault protection - includes RCBOs No
4.20 RCDs provided for additional protection - includes RCBOs No
4.21 Confirmation of indication that SPD is functional N/A No
Confirmation that ALL conductor connections, including connections to busbars are correctly located in No
terminals and are tight and secure
5.0 Distribution/final circuits
5.1 Identification of conductors No
5.2 Cables correctly supported throughout their length No

5.3 Condition of insulation of live parts No

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NA000002893 -- Master
Note: this form is suitable for many types of smaller installations not exclusively domestic.

Acceptable tick Unacceptable State C1 Improvement State Further Not

Outcomes FI N/V Limitation LIM Not applicable N/A
condition condition or C2 recommended C3 investigation verified

Item No Description Outcome Comments

5.0 Final circuits (Continued)

Non-sheathed cables protected by enclosure in conduit, ducting or trunking (including

5.4 No
confirmation of the integrity of conduit and trunking systems)
Adequacy of cables for current-carrying capacity with regard to the type and nature of
5.5 No
5.6 Adequacy of protective devices; type and rated current for fault protection No
5.7 Presence and adequacy of circuit protective conductors No
5.8 Co-ordination between conductors and overload protective devices No
5.9 Wiring system(s) appropriate for the type and nature of the installation and external influences No
Cables installed under floors, above ceilings, in walls / partitions, adequately protected against
5.10.1 Installed in prescribed zones (see Section D. Extent and limitations) No
Incorporating earthed armour or sheath, or installed within earthed wiring system, or otherwise protected
5.10.2 No
against mechanical damage by nails, screws and the like. (see Section D. Extent and limitations)

5.11 Provision of additional protection by RCD not exceeding 30mA

5.11.1 for all socket-outlets not exceeding 20 A rating unless exempt No
5.11.2 for mobile equipment not exceeding a rating of 32 A for use outdoors No
5.11.3 for cables installed in walls or partitions at a depth of less than 50 mm No
5.11.4 for cables installed in walls / partitions containing metal parts regardless of depth No
5.12 Provision of fire barriers, sealing arrangements and protection against thermal effects N/A No
5.13 Band II cables segregated/separated from Band I cables No
5.14 Cables segregated/separated from communications cabling No
5.15 Cables segregated/separted from non-electrical services No
5.16 Termination of cables at enclosures (extent of sampling indicated in Section D of the report)
5.16.1 Connections soundly made and under no undue strain No
5.16.2 No basic insulation of a conductor visible outside enclosures No
5.16.3 Connections of live conductors adequately enclosed No
5.16.4 Adequately connected at point of entry to enclosure (glands, bushes etc.) No
5.17 Condition of accessories including socket-outlets, switches and joint boxes No
5.18 Suitability of accessories for external influences No
5.19 Adequacy of working space / accessibility to equipment No
5.20 Single-pole devices for switching or protection in line conductors only No
Isolation and switching (isolation, switching off for mechanical maintenance and
functional switching)
6.1 In general
6.1.1 presence and condition of appropriate devices No
6.1.2 correct operation verified No
6.2 For isolation and switching for mechanical maintenance only
6.2.1 capable of being secured in the OFF position where appropriate No
6.2.2 acceptable location - state if local or remote from equipment being controlled where appropriate No
6.2.3 clearly identified by position and/or durable marking(s) No
6.3 For isolation only
6.3.1 warning label(s) posted in situations where live parts cannot be isolated by the operation of a single device No
7.0 Current-using equipment (Permanently connected)
7.1 Condition of equipment in terms of IP rating No
7.2 Equipment does not constitute a fire hazard No
7.3 Enclosure not damaged/deteriorated so as to impair safety No
7.4 Suitability for the environment and external influences No
7.5 Security of fixing No

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NA000002893 -- Master
Note: this form is suitable for many types of smaller installations not exclusively domestic.

Acceptable Unacceptable State C1 Improvement State Further Not

Outcomes FI N/V Limitation LIM Not applicable N/A
condition condition or C2 recommended C3 investigation verified

Item No Description Outcome Comments

7.0 Current-using equipment (Permanently connected) (Continued)

Cable entry holes in ceiling above luminaires, sized or sealed so as to restrict the spread of fire. List number
7.6 No
and location of luminaires inspected (Separate page)

7.7 Recessed luminaires (downlighters)

7.7.1 correct type of lamps fitted No
7.7.2 installed to minimise build-up of heat by use of 'fire rated' fittings, insulation displacement box or similar No
7.7.3 no signs of overheating to surrounding building fabric No
7.7.4 no signs of overheating to conductors/terminations No
8.0 Location(s) containing a bath or shower
8.1 Additional protection by RCD not exceeding 30mA
8.1.1 for low voltage circuits serving the location No
8.1.2 for low voltage circuits passing through Zone 1 and Zone 2 not serving the location No
8.2 Where used as a protective measure, requirements for SELV or PELV are met No
8.3 Shaver sockets comply with BS EN 61558-2-5 or BS 3535 No
8.4 Presence of supplementary bonding conductors unless not required by BS 7671:2008 No
8.5 Low voltage (e.g. 230 volts) socket-outlets sited at least 3m from zone 1 No
8.6 Suitability of equipment for external influences for installed location in terms of IP rating No
8.7 Suitability of equipment for installation in a particular zone No
9.0 Other special installations or locations - Part 7s

9.1 List all other special installations or locations present, if any. (Record separately the results of particular inspections applied).

Inspected By

Name: G S Thind Date: 18/06/2018


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NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

Understairs Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases N/A Nominal Voltage N/A V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 1
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Heating A C 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

2/S Water heater A C 1 6 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

3/S Cooker A C 1 10 4.0 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

4/S Sockets kitchen A C 5 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Cooker A C 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

7/S Lights A C 4 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

8/S Lights A C 2 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

9/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

10/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

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NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop MEGGER 101460065 RCD MEGGER 101460065
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
MEGGER 101460065 N/A
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity MEGGER 101460065 Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .13 200 200 200 .33 39 17 NO

2/S .15 200 200 200 .35 39 17 NO

3/S .11 200 200 200 .31 39 17 NO

4/S .24 .24 .30 .14 200 200 200 .48 39 17 NO

5/S .20 200 200 200 .40 39 17 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7/S .35 200 200 200 .55 40 18 NO

8/S .33 200 200 200 .53 40 18 NO

9/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

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NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

Room-1 Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases 1 Nominal Voltage 230 V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 2
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Water heater A B 1 10 4 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

2/S Sockets A B 5 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

3/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S Heating A B 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Lights A B 3 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 8 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop MEGGER 101460065 RCD MEGGER 101460065
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
MEGGER 101460065 N/A
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity MEGGER 101460065 Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .15 200 200 200 .33 33 15 NO

2/S .23 .23 .30 .14 200 200 200 .32 33 15 NO

3/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S .22 200 200 200 .30 32 12 NO

5/S .35 200 200 200 .53 32 12 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 9 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

Room-2 Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases 1 Nominal Voltage 230 V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 3
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Water heater A B 1 10 4 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

2/S Sockets A B 5 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

3/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S Heating A B 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Lights A B 3 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 10 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop MEGGER 101460065 RCD MEGGER 101460065
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
MEGGER 101460065 N/A
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity MEGGER 101460065 Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .14 200 200 200 .32 34 14 NO

2/S .21 .21 .32 .15 200 200 200 .33 34 14 NO

3/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S .26 200 200 200 .44 32 13 NO

5/S .40 200 200 200 .58 32 13 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 11 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

Room-3 Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases 1 Nominal Voltage 230 V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 4
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Water heater A B 1 10 4 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

2/S Sockets A B 4 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

3/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S Heating A B 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Lights A B 3 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 12 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop N/A RCD N/A
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity N/A Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .18 200 200 200 .38 36 17 NO

2/S .23 .23 .34 .15 200 200 200 .35 36 17 NO

3/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S .16 200 200 200 .36 36 16 NO

5/S .42 200 200 200 .62 36 16 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 13 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

ROOM-4 Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases 1 Nominal Voltage 230 V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 5
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Water heater A B 1 10 4 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

2/S Sockets A B 4 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

3/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S Heating A B 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Lights A B 3 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 14 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop MEGGER 101460065 RCD MEGGER 101460065
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
MEGGER 101460065 N/A
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity MEGGER 101460065 Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .16 200 200 200 .36 34 11 NO

2/S .22 .22 .34 .14 200 200 200 .34 34 11 NO

3/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S .22 200 200 200 .42 34 12 NO

5/S .38 200 200 200 .58 34 12 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 15 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

Room-5 Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases 1 Nominal Voltage 230 V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 6
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Water heater A B 1 10 4 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

2/S Sockets A B 5 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

3/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S Heating A B 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Lights A B 3 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 16 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop MEGGER 101460065 RCD MEGGER 101460065
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
MEGGER 101460065 N/A
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity MEGGER 101460065 Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .10 200 200 200 .32 36 17 NO

2/S .31 .31 .45 .19 200 200 200 .44 36 17 NO

3/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S .23 200 200 200 .45 35 16 NO

5/S .40 200 200 200 .62 35 16 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 17 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

Room-6 Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases 1 Nominal Voltage 230 V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 7
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Water heater A B 1 10 4 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

2/S Sockets A B 5 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

3/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S Heating A B 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Lights A B 3 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 18 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop N/A RCD N/A
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity N/A Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .10 200 200 200 .32 33 13 NO

2/S .25 .25 .36 .15 200 200 200 .37 33 13 NO

3/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S .18 200 200 200 .40 32 12 NO

5/S .32 200 200 200 .54 32 12 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 19 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Details

Room-7 Supply to N/A Associated RCD (if any)

Location of
board is from BS(EN) N/A
No of phases 1 Nominal Voltage 230 V
RCD No of N/A
Overcurrent protective device for the distribution circuit Poles
Distribution DB 8
designation Type BS(EN) N/A Rating N/A A RCD Rating N/A mA

Circuit Details
Circuit Details
Overcurrent protective device RCD
Circuit per-
Circuit conductors csa mitted Max
Refe- No of Short
number Type of disc- per-
Circuit designation rence points circuit
and wiring onnec- Op. mitted
method served BS(EN) Type Rating capa-
phase Live cpc tion current Zs
No city
mm 2 mm 2 times kA I n
1/S Water heater A B 1 10 4 .4 60898 MCB B 40 6 30 0.87

2/S Sockets A B 5 2.5 1.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

3/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S Heating A B 1 4 2.5 .4 60898 MCB B 32 6 30 1.09

5/S Lights A B 3 1.5 1.0 .4 60898 MCB B 6 6 30 5.82

6/S SPARE - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wiring Code


PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables PVCcables

PVC/PVC in in in in PVC/SWA XLPE/SWA Mineral insulated
cables metallic non-metallic metallic non-metallic cables cables cables
conduit conduit trunking trunking

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 20 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904
NA000002893 -- Master

Board Tests
Board Tests

Zs ms Earth fault
N/A Operating At I N/A
n loop MEGGER 101460065 RCD MEGGER 101460065
times of
Ipf kA At 5I ms
N/A RCD (if any) n N/A Insulation Other
MEGGER 101460065 N/A
Correct supply Phase sequence confirmed
polarity N/A (where appropriate)
N/A Continuity MEGGER 101460065 Other N/A

Details ofof circuits
circuits and/or
and/or equipment
equipment vulnerable
vulnerable to damage
to damage when testing


Circuit Tests
Circuit Tests
Circuit Impedances p RCD operating
Insulation resistance

see continuation
Circuit All circuits l


Test button
number Ring final circuits only (At least one a At At

earth fault
and (measure end to end) column Live/ Live/ Live/ Earth/ r
loop I n 5I n
phase to be completed) Live Neutral Earth Neutral i
r1 (Line) rn (Neutral) r2 (cpc) (R1 + R2) (R2) y ms ms

1/S .14 200 200 200 .35 32 14 NO

2/S .23 .23 .30 .13 200 200 200 .37 32 14 NO

3/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4/S .22 200 200 200 .43 33 13 NO

5/S .47 200 200 200 .68 33 13 NO

6/S - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tested ByBy

Signature Position Inspector

Date of
Name G S Thind 17/06/2018

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd Page 21 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

NA000002893 - Master
Agreed limitations including the reasons, Continued. from page 1
2 Visible and accessible

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd

Page 22 of 22
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6033E649-8785-4E75-A76E-D71DC164D904

This report is an important and valuable document which should be retained for future reference.

1. The purpose of this Condition Report is to confirm, so far as reasonably practicable, whether or not the
electrical installation is in a satisfactory condition for continued service (see Section E). The Report should
identify any damage, deterioration, defects and/or conditions which may give rise to danger (see Section K).

2. The person ordering the Report should have received the “original” Report and the inspector should have
retained a duplicate.

3. The “original” Report should be retained in a safe place and be made available to any person inspecting or
undertaking work on the electrical installation in the future. If the property is vacated, this Report will provide
the new owner /occupier with details of the condition of the electrical installation at the time the Report was

4. Where the installation incorporates residual current devices (RCD) there should be a notice at or near the
device stating that it should be tested quarterly. For safety reasons it is important that this instruction is

5. Section D (Extent and Limitations) should identify fully the extent of the installation covered by this Report and
any limitations on the inspection and testing. The inspector should have agreed these aspects with the person
ordering the Report and with other interested parties (licensing authority, insurance company, mortgage
provider and the like) before the inspection was carried out.

6. Some operational limitations such as such as inability to gain access to parts of the installation or an item of
equipment may have been encountered during the inspection. The inspector should have noted these in
Section D.

7. For items classified in Section K as C1 (“Danger Present”), the safety of those using the installation is at
risk, and it is recommended that a skilled person competent in electrical installation work undertakes the
necessary remedial work immediately.

8. For items classified in Section K as C2 (“Potentially Dangerous”), the safety of those using the installation may
be at risk and it is recommended that a competent person undertakes the necessary remedial work as a
matter of urgency.

9. Where it has been stated in Section K that an observation requires further investigation (code FI) the
inspection has revealed an apparent deficiency which may result in a code C1 or C2, and could not, due to the
extent or limitations of the inspection, be fully identified could not, due to the extent or limitations of this
inspection, be fully identified. Such observations should be investigated without delay. A further examination
of the installation will be necessary, to determine the nature and extent of the apparent deficiency (see
Section F).

10. For safety reasons, the electrical installation should be re-inspected at appropriate intervals by a skilled
person or persons, competent in such work. The recommended date by which the next inspection is due is
stated in Section F of the Report under ‘Recommendations’ and on a label at or near to the consumer unit /
distribution board.

Copyright © Amtech Group Ltd 2016, FastTest v2016.1.1, Blue Electrical Services Ltd

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