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Tsabita Aqila Husna is 3rd years of undergraduate student from Universitas Sebelas Maret which majoring in Urban and Regional
Planning and passionate about Urban Development, Urban Planning, Transportation Planning, Urban Sustainability, and Urban Design.
As a planner student having a big enthusiasm for urban planning and sustainabilty development, Tsabita is a goal-driven and
collaborative individual with a track record of quality and excellent achievements.

Work Experiences
Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Feb 2022 - Jul 2022
Urban Planner Internship
INSPIRING (Internship in Spatial Planning for Regional and National Growth) is an activity within a certified internship designed to
complete the RDTR product backlog. This internship have collaboration with the PPSDM Ministry of ATR/BPN, the Association of
Indonesian Planning Schools (ASPI), the Higher Education Leadership Forum in the Field of Geography and Geography Education
Generate 12+ new client leads and business opportunities
Involve in Create and analyzed preparation of the RDTR and produce the output of the analysis of the preparation of RDTR
Help develop the instutional's business concept for business growth
Formulate the conception of zoning regulations that produce basic rules in the form of ITBX tables/matrixes which are equipped with
ITBX provision

Architectural League and Urban Design Forum of New York - Jan 2022 - Mar 2022
New York, United States (Remote)
Academic Researcher Fellowship
Develop of five critics from underrepresented backgrounds through guest lectures and workshops, research guidance, mentorship
opportunities, networking, and production of new critical projects in Urban Omnibus and other leading publications.
Create creative innovative projects and be a urban design forum role for 3 months. Chosen from 1000+ registrants (TOP 15%),
representatives of the Indonesia (0.3%) and successfully attended >3 classes in the last 3 months.

Education Level
Universitas Sebelas Maret - Surakarta, Indonesia Jul 2019 - Jun 2023 (Expected)
Bachelor Degree in Urban and Regional Planning, 3.71/4.00
Honors : The Most Outstanding Student Faculty Of Engineering 2022, The Most Outstanding Student Urban and Regional Planning
Academicc Assignment : Planning Process Studio for Special Interest Tourism of Bayat Klaten in 2020, City Planning Studio for the
Capital Region of Surakarta (RDTR) in 2020, Bosuka Metropolitan Region Planning Studio (Boyolali-Sukoharjo-Karanganyar) in 2021,
Urban Design of Sukoharjo Settlement Area in 2021, Urban Design of Sukoharjo Mixed Use Development in 2021, Urban Design of
Pekalongan Sorogenen Park in 2021
Relevant Coursework : EdX and DelftX For Co-Creating Sustainable Cities, OxfordX From Poverty to Prosperity: Understanding
Economic Development
Actively participates in more than 10+ campus events, such as competitions, webinars, and skills training workshops

Organisational Experience
Ikatan Mahasiswa Perencanaan Nasional Indonesia 2022-2023 - Jakarta May 2022 - Mar 2023
Minister of Studies and Science
Responsible for all of the organization’s studies and science to ensure the organization perform optimally
Build organization’s studies and science standard operational procedure resulted in improvement of efficiency by 85%
Collaborate across multi-departments to support events and several work in each departments
Manage 6 team members to achieve goals of studies and sciences ministry

BEM UNS - Surakarta Nov 2019 - May 2022

Staff Of Ministry of Advocacy Social Community
Created a multidisciplinary and comprehensive study analysis involving professional organizations and student organizations
Analyzed and Implementation of an discussion space (consolidation, discussion, study, hearing, etc.) in guarding joint issues by
involving elements of students and the community.
Conducted knowledge-based studies and analyzes of strategic issues is developing regionally.
Released academic analysis documents on problems, conflicts as well as disputes that are happening in the community.
Promoted and did the agitation for influenced public opinion to respond to the issues being advocated.

BEM FT UNS 2021 - Surakarta Feb 2021 - Feb 2022

Coordinator of Strategic Issues and Action Researches Department
The Department of Strategic Studies and Action is a department that exists with the aim of developing students' critical power,
reasoning power, and concern for national and international issues.
Created the study report of national issues in Indonesia
Held and development a national competition

Himpunan Mahasiswa Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota FT UNS Aug 2019 - Sep 2020
Vice Of External Department
Established a relationship with 10+ group ormawa within the scope of the UNS campus
Created a means of exchanging information and innovation regarding organization and others
Maintained communication and collected 100+ aspiration student with the head of study program Urban and Regional Planning

Skills, Project & Achievements

Achievements (2021): 1st Winner Place in National Planology Competition

Achievements (2021): Top 10 Winner of Scientific Writing Competition 2021 By Ikatan Ahli Perencanaan Indonesia

Soft Skills: Analytical Thinking, Critical Thinking, Logical Thinking, Leadership, Teamwork, Integrity and Project Management

Projects: Academic Researcher (, Project Manager (HMPWK Universitas Sebelas Maret)

Certification (2021): EdX and DelftX For Co-Creating Sustainable Cities From Technische Universiteit Delft

Hard Skills: ArcGIS, Sketch Up Pro, QGIS, Microsoft Office

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