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rnod azr8raua o1 op
nod op ]eqlA isa lasueqt SurzrS.raua daql a-re rto11
;8urop aldoad aseq] are ]eqlA 'o1oqd aql ]B {oo'I '€
;sla^el d8;aua zvrol ruory raJns o1 aldoad sasnel ]er{M 'Z
;pro lq8ru uosrad
Suru.rou e nod a.ry ld8;aua lsour aq] aleq nod op uaq1A 'I
'saleussel).rno( qllrvr suollsanb asaqt ssnf,sr6 V
aaldoed sazlE,rouo leqrul
'saleussel) rno/( qll/v\ uollsano lrun
aq] ssn)stp o] pJeog uotssn)sto aulluo aql ol og G u:!&Et? mt
'uolsuaqarduo) ,no^ I)aql uoqlpoour Jno/(
l)o#e ue) sa)!or{) pooJ }uala#!p Mor{ }noqe oap!^ aq} Ll)}p/n o} aulluo og c LW
ld1ar:os s,depol ur
daals q8noua 3ur]]a8 aq ]ou lq8rur eldoad suosear
Jer{}o aruos are }eqlA;sdepeznrou daals q8noua
Surua8 aldoad ],uare dqrnr'xr1ag ol Surp;omy '7
;1ou dqm
ro dq11 ;s8ulql erues eqt dq pazrE:aua nod a.ry
ixIIeC pue'eun 'snf,rery ,(qdog sazr8raua ]ur{M 'I
'suoglsenb asaq]
,oA sue ueql'aulluo wootssDl)O aL4ot ualsr-l g @
'slanat f6raua 6urlsooq ,o] spor.{lau aarq},o on }
EurzA;eue Aessa 1:a;;a pue osne) e aredard ol seapr pue
uolleulolur taqleg 'sawu )FoA A aN aq,t uorl ollllre snrrcg(go
ue pue 6tnqxa7e4 '$ aLU uorl al)rye ue peau IINN
Zeldoed sezr6reue leq/V\ I 8llNn 9ZZ
'porrad eu!] roEuol E relo (6.raua tsooq
ol s{ervr tsoq oA } oqt asooq)'(;alerpauur I6raua }sooq ol s{ean }saq
o^ l aql asoor.{)'3 I1;nr1ry uorJ s}lnsar rno{ areduo3'dnor6 e u!IroA S
4crle6reue oroLu loaJ
o] s{em om1{q1;eeL1 lseol oql orp r13lqM
4crle6reue orour
looJ ol sAenn om1 tsorqlleoq aql ore qllr16
'sorloos ouros ro req olelof,oqf, e le= LJE
'IOAM e SOUII rnOJ Ol OorLll OSrf,rOXf
'slnu pue ]rnrJ qsorJ lef t-I
'l{ep e roJeM ;o sesse;6 tr.{6!a >1ulrC tl
'ooJJof, IUUC tt
're6ns pesseco.rd plonv tl
'lq6!u e srnol,l lL.l6!a ol uo^os deel5
sreq f6reuo ]eo ro s>1urJp Abreue IUUC LI
'sroMor.trs plos olel m
I :'i
lea, ot asn no{ }eLl} spoq}au aLlt (,r') I)aq)'rr,"rro,rrJl*l"r::rHT ,
· •1r�,., READING

READING 1 A Healthy Lifestyle Can Reduce Fatigue,

Boost Energy
You are going to read a newspaper article from The St. Petersburg Times that
considers why many people often feel tired and worn out. Use the article to
gather information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. 1Q;j4!)1Jn1 What makes people feel tired and worn out? Check(✓) what
you think are the three most common reasons. What else might take
away people's energy?
D lack of sleep D financial problems
D too much work D poor diet
D too much stress D too much TV and too many video games

B. Gt•nii%hH What types of things negatively affect people's energy

levels? Write for 5-10 minutes. When you are finished writing, take a
couple of minutes to read over your ideas and choose the ones that
would go together in the most unified way. Remember to use this
section for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Work with a partner to find these words in the reading.

Circle clues in the text that help you understand the meaning of each
word. Then use a dictionary to define any unknown words.

alleviate (v.) fatigue (n.) protein (n.)

carbohydrate (n.) hormone (n.) refined (adj.)
digest (v.) immune system (n.) restore (v.) /'
dilemma (n.) metabolism (n.) stamina (n.)

j' Oxford 3000'" words

iQr,WM!ilj D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

"'1111111� I Reading and Writing 227

2eldoed sazr6raua leq6 I S IlNn gZZ
. lzE[ srxees leqt .(eru e ur pup JEruJou af,uelsqns ppbl e se pa:npord :palaJles
ueq] Ilmols alour,,r,r
lo .8u11:ua-r ,3ur.,rou :qsr8tn1s, z
(Surdouue ro luesealdun Surqlaruos dq l.llercadsa)
3ur11asdn ,ured Sursnet :InJsserlslp sraqurnu e8re1 u1 Surglauros .ro,(poqarubs punoriniol :a8arsaq,

rre JoJ Surdse8 ,Suuous pnof .uelsds d;o1e;rdsa.r aql /q zpalarfas ,auor.uJoq .auoruJoq
aq] uo ssatlsJo lunoure snopuauraJ] e ]nd pue ]q8ru qliwo.r8 sa:npo;d,(poq aqt uaq sr 1eq1 asn?raq
e saurrlJo spaJpunq Jo suazop Jnffo uel Surqtearq daals;o sa8els ralel aq] olur 1aB o11ue1.rodurr
ur sasned aql'spuof,as sr ]J 'alels ureaJp .ro daals daap e qllm palerlosse
0Z o] 0I luo{ 3u4se1 uago
'daa1s Sur;np suoqdn-r:a1ur Surqlearq drerodua] dq dluoruuor (ftAU ro .]ualuelour eda prde-r)
pez;rJel:eJep sr
eaude daalg .eaude daals uo-r;
]psar qgg ar{} rl}I^{ 'se8e}s e g seq daa1s.(1rpn} {
osle uef sruoldurds .{1ue; aqtr q q}eap ro (ssaJ}s ']qap pDueug s.rfarcos;no o1,sdus
IBiuJouge 'ssaullr ara^es e uel sc3 ellr{M s aq 'a1qe;edruof, ,.']qap daa1s,, se daals d1r1enb3o >1:e1
'Suru.roru aql ^rolloJ
ur oqsr83n1s 3ur1aa3 ueq] €lnJssarlsrp srq] ot s.ra;a: 'ielrdsoH suerele1 dapg .y sarue{ aqt
erorrr reJ sl r{lqn ,(SgC) auo.rpu.(s an8rlu; 1elsqer:ads daals e .u.&roJg uqo{ .rg .uorssa;dap
lruol{f, rrro{ raJns }q8ru notr.uertrsdqd e lpsuo: esnetr pue slelel uorleJluefuof, .rnod apadur
o] ]ue,l\ 1{3rur nod ,(ep aq} Sulrnp,(8raua;o >1ce1 ue: daals3o {3e-I 'asrf,Jexa og .r. aldoad ur,(lpnadsa
IeurJouq? ue a:uar.radxe o] anurluof pue daals;o Slaslr arolsar pue anssq;redar dpoq aqt Burdlaq
Junorue IeuJou e 3o1 no,(;1 's,(es u.,no.rg ,,taqloue ut prluasse sl daals paldnualurun.rfiqen| ":
roJ aq 1ou lq8nu auo roJ alqeralo] pue alqeldacru
lelp pue .ssells
aq lq8rru 1eq r,, 'l{3ru qrea daalsSo srnoq
'daa1s :s1rrd1nr aeJrll uo aa.r8u,(leraua8 sgadxg
lq8ra o1 ualas paau d1p:rdfi sueunq ellqlA V
'ure8 1q8ra,,r pue an8rlu; Sursnu: .rusrloqeleu ldep moq-7zq)eeJo ]no arou
3uq:adxa .(1dru1s .ro,sa.r.1as:no
Jo aref, 3ur1e1 1ou
sra 4.ol ]rJo {rel V .s}eJ u,rtop 8ur1ea:q
tap;eq 3un1ro.,n, erv ;d3;aua q1!&r uorssasqo eq]
pue srseqlu.(s uralord Surpnlcur (rusqogulatu
,(q14 d8raua lno lsooq o1 asrruo;d teq] slrnpo.rd
relnllar Jo s1:adsu IIe s]raJe ,pue13 ,("re1rn1rd
JoJ slerf,Jeuuoc dq ,pa8arsaq aJe e,\,\ Japuo.^{ ap}l-I
'.rarsea,(ue ta8 ].usaop tr laplo
;{ep aqr Eu;.rnp qserf, ;ana; IB;aua lno{ sao6 ta8 no,,( se puy ..:sq]
op o1 dS;aua aq] ]eB I uef, auo
,{1uo aql aq nol.
ue3 'rud8 aqt }e nol. punoru i
arrroN ppreg fg
l(6.leu] ]soog
'on6ltel ocnpou ueC
ol^lsol;'I /(qlteoH V
e;doad sezlElaua teLl/v\ lnoqe uotleuroJu;.raqle6 pue olflue oql peou ,V (o
SftEEtrWXH 3[dt H&!&'t ]EH0dL{t
6ZZ oulUrAA pue 6urpeau I
,(8raua ssal re)iee-M :peul"rp I
lcarrocur ue ut Surqlauros PJe.tlo] patrfaJrp :pameIs 9
uraloJd Surutnsuo: pJe,\to] epa,\.e{s laIP ? sI enSI}eJ ar{} ul cpeulerp 1aa; d11e:ldd1 an8r1e; Ieuarpe
ef,ualJadxa snJo awos uoseal auo sderfled ]ng rl qllm eldoad 'an8rle; Ieuerpe 11e: s;auot1r1:e;d
d8raua;o errnos PerraJard s.dPoq ptrIpau auos leq] suoldruLs;o dno;3 e
<sJeq d3'raua o] peal d11en1ua,ta uef sItLL 'losluof, Jo uorllnpo;d
ar{} aJe sa}uJpdrloqJer xaldruo3 'f,}a
'slnu 'slln{ ueau I 's{leus dq P,rV 'uaa-\{}eq uI aql qll-tt dn daal o1dr] o1 a'rnssa;d snoluJoua
rapun pue13 Fuarpt aqt stnd dlarxue papualxg 6
s{leus 11etus q]llr.&p e slearu llseq aall] JapISuoJ
'srnol{ aaJI{} o} orntl d-la,ta 'dep aql lnoqSnoJqt 'uoltreJul pue plo) ]ri3g o1-&111qe s.,(poq aqt
sleelu iletus ]ea o] Jelleq sI 1I 'aq plnol{s }I aulqfeu Surssarddns allq,.r\ ]eJ leultuoPqe pue 's1a,ta1;e8ns
{ 1 poolq'alnssa.rd poolq uI eseaJful ue o18urpea1
palro-llarnl aL{} se uol}lunJ o} dpoq rnod -rog
'paur a3.re1 e JaUe perll IaaJ arnr dq,t,r. sl ]erll 'pooJ '<losryo)Jo;alo ue alnpul uef ssaJls
1sa81p pue ssarord o1L8-raua Sutsn a;e sue8ro pa8uolord 1ng 'rualsds aunurtul dqtleaq e ulelulelu
.rno,( su 'lalal runurlldo ue ]e uollfunJ o1 dlrpqe pue sse.Ils qlylt IeaP salpoq -rno dlaq o1 sr asod.rnd ]I
s1r;o dpoq -rnoL ure.rp 1nq Surqtou op IIp{ aslf,raxe s}I :/poq aq] o1lee]r{l e asod }ou saop 'xauof,
eroJeq 1sn[ 3ur1ea 1ng d8raua ul ilnl B pue 'lanJJo Ieuarpe aq] ul pa:npo.rd Slasll IosIuoO
Suru-rnq eql ul lpq e'usrloqelaru ur do-rp JelIuIS spap dpoq eq].&\oq ut lred Ierlllrl e sdeld losruor
e a:uarradxa a, A'sJnoq uales oJ aAU uala JoJ PooJ auoruJol{ aq}'s}lnPoJd asaq} asJopua }ou op I
]nor{}l^t oB a,,lt uaq.^A '}ua}xa ue }ear8 os }ou oJ .l allqlA 'loslttol pro.&t arl] Jo a lle^lrap auos apnlf,ul
.,'aPolu IBAIAJnS,, ]eq} s]lnpold ssoytq8ra,tt JoJ spe uaes al,no1
u-t\op ']noIJoM InJSSatrf,ns e Jo slgaueq aql dear pue
IIEr plnom nod 1eq.r,r. ur d1p:rleuerP
,/vtols plnol!{ lllslloqelalu s,dpoq aq] ,hr:re:s poo; lurlualod;nod q:ea; o] lFrUIp seluof,aq trI sselJ
ssaulg Jo uolssas Surgrpq8ra,tt e Sutrnp saIJJoM
;o sporrad Jo arulgalut,tt Sutrnp aAIAJns o] uelu
dpea,rog 'alJef,s aJour se^. poo; 'uery Pr{uapueeN r{}l1\\ Pa-ra}}nll sI pulul .rnoL;r }ng 'ssar}s e}uI^aIIB
ol dernr poo8 auo sI aslf,Jaxg 'daa1s;o >1ce1 'ualqord
;o sdep aql uI ']l ]noqe lurql nod uar{,l,r asues
1:a;-rad saleru 1l pue'VNC rno olut paurue-r8o-rd ]slg ai{l o} {leq sn sPeal uauo pue sn)oJ Jno ruoJJ
uaaq seq ]leJ ]EI{l d8raua alJasuof, pue u,/,rop sllBrlaP 'ura1s,(s auntutul aql sllqlqul ssarls {
d11e:rsdqd glasll slsaJluelu ssarls
lnqs o1 salpoq rno IIa] pooJ lnoqll,tr sporrad 3uo1
'1ea nod ]eI{.\{ sB s1a.,ra1d3.laua ;nod o1 luepodut aql pue Surdot erul] llnlgllp aJolu e el?rl atuos
se lsnf are 1ea noL uaryo,\{oq pue uaql Ii 'agr1 s.dpoqdJala ]fage sJolfeJ ssaJls uoururof,
']no {rolt o} d8raua .rado.rd utq a,tt8 plno,tr. }eq} esaq] alII{M dllerluauodxa puedxa sra}leur =
Sunlurqt rud8 aql o] slt{ uo IBaIU B paIJJnI{ Frlueug put,{pure;',ta. uaqru's{npe al[of aq
oqrra. uos.rad e 'es.IaAaJ aq+ (z Jo 'uoou punoJe a,tr Illun uurtuapp e saluof,aq ssarls '1U
Surdels pue sape.r8 poo8 3ur11a8 ueqt raqlo ]noqe
Iearu ]sel JIaq] peq Surrreq uoISSas ]no{Jo,^A
Sutua,ta poo8 e olur Suto8 (1 :are aleu aldoad d;rornt o1a{}iII se,l\ aral{} Sunod sB,\ I uerllA
aes I sa{e}slru 1sa83rq o,tt} aq} 'JauIeJ} e sV *i lno passarls
uollsnuqxa o1 ;lasrnor( 3u11eg 'auodue lf,aJE uef, uol1rpuof, aqt'{q8noroq} }sotu
'ssaupap?aqlq311 pue'splof, 's8urql Surraqruaua-t palpnls ueeq aler{ saptu a1tq,tL aseqo allq6'eaude
,(11nrgrp 'lq8ta,t't asol o] dlryqeur apnpul daals;o asnec ;ofetu euo sr dltsaqo 'uol]enrs aI{}Jo
sruolduds raqlo .(ep ge d8raua uI sllnl qll^{ a-reme seruolaq ]srg asnods e {1elrdd1 'eaude daals;o
'uoou Illun a{eMe d1n; 1aa3 },uoP pue Sururotu su8rs are Surddeu aurldep allssafxa pue'daa1s Surrnp
ialdoed sazrErauo leq^ I S ItNn otz
.]nolJo.&t Jnod Suunp
sPrnu aql o1 Jale,ry\ .L
lulJp plnoqs nod ,Sursro.rexa JaUV
'asrtrraxa due gels no.( aro;aq poo;
eq] o] eurr] dpoq rnod .trolle ppor{s no,( ,3ur1ea raUV .9
'Jallaq 1aa; no,( a{eu pue sassauflr rourruJo
suroldruds aq1 dlaq uer ]sarJo,Quald pue terp poo8 .g y
'uoqleftlu e unr o] alqB aq o] ]ol e peau no^ .,
'serlr^rlf,e err.rau dn Eurpaads
( suos.rad e lf,eJB uer .re8ns pue auregel rlf,nrrr ool .g
'a:e.r 8rq e ro;,(8;aua uraqt a,rf 'proM P asn o]
111,t,\ spooJ esaq] a^arleq,(aq] esnef,aq
.z uaqM apr)ap ol
Jo lol e qllr\{ spooJ Jer{}o Jo elsed 1ea sJauunJ etuos
u;ql;an 6u;1rom
-Jo o.ryr] areJaaq pue ua{rrqJ .I ale noI erua6 eql
Jo tol B ureluof, ]eq] spooJ pue'asn plnoqs
noX ralsrber aq1
1o; 6ur1um ale nor(
('u) eu!uels ('uJ uralo.rd ('uJ euouloq (a) lse6rp a)uarpne aq] leptsuo)
eJolsal ('uJ en6r1e1 ('u) 'fte;nqeton meu
f4 f'u, rustloqelel'u salelp[qoqler
uleal no{ sV'sa)toq)
(tpol pauget ('u) urals{s aunuu! f'4 euuelrp f4 alenelle proM eleudordde
6urleur lnoqe
paureol noI 2 lruq u1
'xoq aql uot, proM e qtlM a)ualuas
qrea a1a;duro3'1 6urpeau uorJ sprom aruos are Irlo$ou IIF{S
trEEEEEEE g frupqero4
s.ler{M 'uorlsa8rp ur u^rop {earq o} }lnlrJJrp
eJour aJe ,(aqt se 'spooJ paurJal :o passaco.ld
Jo aJe.^{eq 's-re8ns aldurrs ol uorlrppe uJ
'ualsds a.tlisa8p aqi qSno.rql qsnr
,(aqt.rage eJels (.r{seJl,, e se o} paJJaJaJ s.lerpr u1 ,(poq
aqt 3uptea1,(1pcrdft '1ary 3ur1se1-3uo1;o aunos poo8
e aplr.ord ]ou op ]nq xg,(8-raua ,s;eq
4:rnb e no,( a,nr8
,{puer puu sepos ut punoJ ,s-re8ns paugag d8:aua
paurelsns :o; poo8 are sale:pdqoqrur Ip ]ou :qllel
ar{} s,eJaH dS.raua arnpo-rd o} serpoq rno JoJ llnlgrp
aJoru r{rnru se{eru sa1e.rp,(qoq-rer,(1rpnb
I ;o
(la al relnlal e
{rel e }nq uo sarpoq rno aJo}sar pue
allsnur plnq spatu uralord-q8r11 'saqrluenb a8rel ur
8. Severe ____ _ _ _
_ can be caused by too much exercise or a poor
diet, resulting in the desire to sleep all the time.
9. Many adults face a _ _ _____ when they must choose whether
or not to take time away from work and family in order to exercise.

10. Stress can reduce the effectiveness of your _ ______ and make
it easier for you to become sick.
11. An area of the brain called the pineal gland produces a______ _
called melatonin that helps people get the right amount of sleep.

12. Soft drinks and candy bars often contain a lot of _ _ _ ___ _
sugar, which is not as healthy as the natural sugars in fruits.

iQr,>M@◄I C. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Circle the answer that best completes each statement.

1. The main causes of low energy levels are - ·-

a. carbohydrate-rich foods and refined sugars
b. poor sleep, too much stress, and bad diet
c. a lack of concentration and depression
d. working too hard and not taking care of ourselves
2 People need good-quality, uninterrupted sleep in order to_.
a. help the body repair tissue and restore itself
b. digest their food efficiently
c. stop producing growth hormone
d. have enough energy to exercise

3. Stress and energy levels are related because _.

a. exercise helps to get rid of stress
b. some people suffer from adrenal fatigue
c. too much stress has negative physical effects on the body
d. cortisol is not produced sufficiently when the body is under stress

4. When you eat, how often you eat, and what you eat__ .
a. affect the glycemic index
b. are not important for digestion
c. are programmed into your DNA
d. have a major effect on your energy level

I Reading and Writing 231

E. Correct these false statements with information from Reading 1. Write
the number of the paragraph in which the correct information is found.

1. It is better to eat large meals three times a day at breakfast, lunch, and
dinner. Paragraph: _ _

2. People feel tired and lose weight when they have enough growth hormone.
Paragraph: _

3. Exercise is a bad way to deal with stress if you are not too worried about
things. Paragraph: _

4. Food choices high on the glycemic index combat fatigue because they
release energy very quickly in the body. Paragraph: _

5. Sleep apnea can result from chronic fatigue syndrome. Paragraph: _

6. Going without food for several hours results in an increase in metabolism

and higher energy levels. Paragraph: _

7. Refined sugars provide long-lasting energy. Paragraph:_

8. High levels of cortisol have several positive effects on the body. Paragraph: _ _

F. Using your own words, complete these notes based on information

found in the reading.


1. Good quality sleep is important for _______________

2. Later stages of sleep are when _ _ ____ ____ ____

3. Human growth hormone affects ________________

232 UNIT 8 I What energizes people?

4. CFS can be caused by __________ ____ ___
5. Symptoms of sleep apnea include ___________ ___

1. Adults suffer more from stress because _________ ___

2. Stress affects ____ ___ _________ ____

3. Stress can be helped by __________________

4. Cortisol is _________ _____________

5. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include ______________


1. The two biggest mistakes people make are ____________

2. What people eat is as important as _______________

3. People feel tired after a large meal because ____________

4. It is better to eat _ _ _____________ ___

5. The glycemic index is _____ _____________

G. With a partner, respond to each of the following scenarios using

information found in the reading.

1. Sofia is feeling depressed, and she often has difficulty concentrating at

work. What would you suggest she do to improve her mood and ability to

2. Antwan has recently gained a lot of weight, and he has been feeling very
tired. What do you think might be the cause of his problems?
3. Nobuo suffers from increased blood pressure, high blood sugar levels, and
weight gain. He also catches a lot of colds. What advice do you have for
Nobuo to improve his health?

4. For the past few months, Min Yung has had a lot of difficulty waking up in
the morning, and she has been feeling very tired and lightheaded. What do
you think could be the cause of her problems?

5. Pei Chen has a lot of energy throughout the day. What kind of eating
schedule do you think she might be following?

6. Theodore loves eating candy, but he still feels really tired sometimes. Why
might that be happening?

I Reading and Writing 233

ialdoad sezr$roua leq1 I B ItNn VEe
1ra;e X.ran'ssausnonlau auta#el LllnLU ool
l)a#l asne)
(sda1s ,ro sluela esoi{} Jo s}1nsar aq}) s}laJJa eq} pue (ssa:ord e ur sdals aq} ro ,Lro1s
e ur sluale aq]) sasnul aql puelsrapun pue {puapl no,( sdlaq ueqlJo ad,Q s1q1
ueLl) ])a#a puP asneJ
auorpu(s an6r1e; ltuotL.l) sasne) eaude daa;s . 'I6taua saseal)ap
6urdaals uor.lm auoluroq qlnnor6 e:npord . daa;s {1r;enb }o ))el
sltelac seapt utew
'rer{}o aq} uo slre}ap luupodrur }soru aq} puu uer{f,
aqlJo eprs auo uo Surpear aq] ut suapr ureru aql prof,a6 'slelap pue seapr ureru
uea {}aq drqsuo4elar aq} pue}srapun pue,!puap1 nod sdlaq uerllJo ad.Q srq;
uPr.{) sltelap pue seapt utew
'op o1 ueld nod 8ur1r-r.,r,r3o adl+ aq] pue ]xalJo adfi aql uo Surpuadap asn uer no,(
sueqf, snorJel eJe aJaqI dessa ro poda; e JoJ ]xe1 e azrJeununs pue asetqdered
o] Jarsea ]l a{eru osle uef suur{J Jarsea Surdpnls sa{eru ueql e qcns Suqear3
'Surpea-r eruog suorlelouue pue selou ;no.( Surzruu8-ro ro; Iool InJesn e sr uEqJ V
'paureal aneq noI leqM lnoqe lulql no^ se Lzz a6ed uo a1r.r;y1>1)n6 tnor(
le 1oo1 'asuodsal ur qde.roeJed p allJM pup uorlsanb auo asooq)
l)pq .g
an'rles rro,, rarns aldoad dsnq oq,rril:l'ilJ;t'X##;X'X:# ,
,8urop aq no,( p1nol ro ,3urop
:sla^al dS.raua .rno,( lsooq o1
no-( ]er{M :op o} luem nod s8ulql aq} op o} dS.raua q8noua a,r.eq nol. oA .Z
;1ou dq.n .ro dq14 iplro./v\ qdepol ur aldoad roJ sla el dS;aua lsooq o1 sl.e,r,r.
rrls{eer .daa1s dlqenb q8noua 3ur11a8 .I
1arvr.3ur1ea pue 'sser}s Suuarwol erv
'dno.r6 e u! suo!]sanb asaql ssn)stO "br
HrutrF.Eg ffi#& &Wffieffi ffi.H$ffiffi
'uorsuaqarduor ;no{ rlr;.,1; pr;-*- i
auDwtoilad)Bafttv 6u!^otdtul arnralu! aurze6etu aql pear ol aurluo og .H
^ i**W we
Connections to the text chart
This type of chart helps you remember and understand the text in a more
meaningful way because you are connecting the text with something you
already know.
You can make connections between the reading and:
• things or events in your own life (text to self)
• other information you have read (text to text)
• issues, events, general knowledge in the world (text to world)

Ideas in Reading 1

One reason some of us Text to self: I always feel tired after eating a lot of
experience fatigue is
a diet skewed toward
protein-especially after eating a lot of meat.
' Text to text: I read an online article that said high­
consuming protein in
protein diets were unhealthy and might cause
large quantities.
kidney problems.

Text to world: High-protein diets are still popular

l with people who want to lose a lot of weight.

A. Write the number of each corrected statement from Activity E (page 232)
next to the main idea that it supports.

a. Good-quality sleep can reduce fatigue and boost energy.

b. Dealing with stress can reduce fatigue and boost energy.

c. Having a healthy diet can reduce fatigue and boost energy. 1,

B. Complete this cause and effect chart for Reading 1 with the missing
cause or effect.

1. quality uninterrupted sleep body repairs tissue and restores itself

2. lack of sleep

3. lower metabolism, fatigue,

weight gain

4. sleep apnea

5. sleep apnea

lil-m I Reading and Writing 235

Zeldood sazrEreua ]eqM I S IlNn gEZ
'lreq) e ur suo!]plouue pue salou Eurzrue6ro a)!l)erd ororu roJ T iWffig
"rii;; "D
:plroM o] ]xaI
:]xa} o]
'en6r1e; o1
:,las ol lxal speal la!p lood
:plroM ol lxal
:]xa] o] ]xal
'an6r1e; o1
:JIas o] ]xaI peal sla^al ssarls q6r;1
:plroM ol
:]xa] ol lxal
'en6r1e; o1
:Jlos ol lxaf spee; daa;s roo6
'1 6u;peag u! puno, uolletulolu!
aql ol aleu uef nol( suollreuuo) pltol -ol-txol pue,1xe1-ol-lxal
',las-ot-]xo1 6u;(1l1uap; {q ueqr }xa}-o}-suo!})auuo) aq1 alelduro) .)
sre6ns pauSaJ 'OL
an6r1e; ,6
srnoq ua^as o] a^g JoJ poo} ou
uor]laJut pue plo> tq69
o] rapreq jleJ leutuopqe pue'le6ns
poolq'alnssard poo;q ut aseal)ur .L
asr)raxa 6urrnp 6urllonn '9
READING 2 j A Jolt of Caffeine, by the Can
UNIT �J1111�. You are going to read a newspaper article from The New York Times that
discusses the growing popularity of energy drinks. Use the article to gather
information and ideas for your Unit Assignment.


A. 1Q;j\9i:(l;!j What do you think the article will say about the caffeine in
energy drinks? Check(✓) your answer.

D Energy drinks have about the same amount of caffeine as coffee.

D Energy drinks have much more caffeine than coffee.
□ Energy drinks have more caffeine than coffee but less than most sodas.
B. M•n◄ (l@;hii What types of food and drink boost people's energy
levels? Write for 5-1 O minutes. Take two minutes to read over what you
have written and revise or edit your ideas. Remember to use this section
for your Unit Assignment.

C. VOCABULARY Check(✓) the words or phrases you know. Then work with
a partner to locate each word or phrase in the reading. Use clues to help
define the words or phrases you don't know. Check your definitions in
the dictionary.

agitated (adj.) foster (v.)

bar (v.) I' minimal (adj.)
component (n.) I' mystique (n.)
concentration (n.) I' relative to (phr.)
contend (v.) take issue with (phr.)
disclaimer (n.) unfounded (adj.)
/' Oxford 3000 words

iQr,JMWill D. Go online to listen and practice your pronunciation.

I Reading and Writing 237

Zaldoad sozrEraua ]eLlM I S ItNn gEZ
rutf,rpaur ro IurrpJo pur) E (11er:adse Sursnure pue Surlnxa sr 1eq1 a/1s e Sur,teq :,ber
_ a
's8urqlJo JJnlxrtu Iensnun ;o aSuerls E :uorlf,otruof, 8uor1s pue 1se; (Llearlern8g) :1oq,(raa :prrrol
€ r
eroru ou a,\ei{ s}lnpord.rraq} pue uerplrr{f, o} }a1Jetu
]ou op daqt des srarn]f,eJnueu {urrp r(8.laug *
ilrls eJe sauoq alrq.&r papaeu
r{lnlu Ieteurlu e (tunrllEl Jo uor}aJf,xe aq} eseeJ)ur
o] u.t,t.ou{ sr pue uaJplrqr Suorue ssaussal}sel
pue,{}rlr}le,rad,(q asnef, uEf, aura}eJ 5
's.ra8euaal Suoure uorllrppe auragef, 8urralso;
T'L aJe s{urJp eseq},&s strr}rJf ,r{sng aurluueJpv
pue elllorql IInc a{II saureu .r(:u: qllvr
puv 'sssue^Ilrlppe rrar{t o} dlrrelndod rreq} 8ed
s1;adxa aruos pue (eposJo auragef, aql sarurl aaJq]
,(p8no; pue re8ns qlnru se aler{ s{urrp.(8raug
'parJJol!\ slsruorlrJlnu pue slsrluarfs sEr{ }eq} }ng
'$a&O aSonnag o18urp,ro::B (satels pellun
/aʊns/ eql ul .real. srq] luaxad 19 rprJJo] e u.,vro,r8 a,r.eq
'u?f, e €$ o] Z$ roJ IIas qtrIqM .s{urrp d8rauago
6 sa1e5 d;lsnpur a8e.ra,taq lrlseiuop uollllq €6$ aq]
Jo Jo]f,as t,rr^orff:]salseJ eql olut s{urrp.(8.raua
pateuragetr ladotd padlaq alerl erarqe) .rW
a{rl sraiuo}snr f,r}sersnqlua pue pdol e
'sal.a srq 3uruapr,r,r.
ar{ *,imod, a{ll s.}I ueql pup 3ur38erp
tu J alnuru aug 'dn aru sgrl ]J,, .euo ]noqlrm dep
aqt q8norqt ta8 lou ppo: dlqeqord aq all Z
'}no{Jo,{r srq aJoJeq Jeq}oue sul\op aq ,rud8
s aq] ot sao8 aq3r (ep aqt ur ralel '>1to.u, o1,(e.n
srq uo {ulrp ,(3.raua JeaC oN egos Jo uel e s{ulrp
'puelsl apoqu '<u,\{o}alpprw ul sa ll oq { trrueqfalu
olnu plo-rua l- tZ e'erarqeJ uro;,{ep,{ra,rg L
raurell ape1atr41,(g
uec oql /tq
'oulo#eC to ilof V
aldoad sezt6Jaue leq^ lnoqe uolleuroJul,aqle6 pue al)llre aql peau .U 1p
Srultrbr*H :EFl& f*&fiffi }EHffie&
6€z ourlul pue 6urpeas I EfW
slsr-r aq -(eur eJer{} asn?leq }r Surop
aroleq Surqlauros lnoq? d11n;arer /;a-t SuDIulq] :lradsunlrn u
'eBBSSatu ]e s{urrp l.3,raua pue slrods JoJ Jo})arlp
Ireu-a ue uI aloJm arl ,.'slualpe;3ut asagl
Jo lsolu JoJ ]saq }e a^IlBlnfads a;e ,\touI I leq^\ dno;8 ci]rJJaW,Lre14 'surtell JIarl] uI rlladsurnlJlf I
aJoru eJu 'Jala,ltot{ 'sJaJn}leJnueru JaI{}O 9r
ruoJJ pue'eura#ef,Jo asoq} o} paJeduol luullultu e
aJe sluarPeJSur ;aqlo Jo 'auo]f,?louoJnfnl8 ,,'IUsrloqBlaru aql selulnllllls,, puB .,'uorluJluef,uo)
'aur;ne1;o slgeueq Ieuolllppe duv,, :'i saseeJful,, ..'ule;1s Jo ssaJls paseaJtrulJo
']uauodruof, IerfnJf, aI{} se 4. aulanlef leq} papniruol sarurl Surrnp dlercadsa'af, uBtuJoJJad sa,t o;drut,,
eq tnq'efueuuoJJad pue poour 8ut,to;dut IIng pa6 ]eq}stseoq ellsqe^4. s,duedruo: aq1
]E e^I]laga eram sIulrp d8raua }eq1punoJ lluls 'rI I 'sluarpar8ut esaqlJo pualq relnlrl;ed s1r lnoqu
tead 1se1 iluansotnaN louotlt"qn1.I pu:no( Ieflpaur suoruassu snolllqrue saleru'IulJp dS.laua put8rro
arll q paqsrlqnd.(pn1s e uI 'slulrp d3-rauaSo arl] se{eu teql dueduroJ uelr}snv ar{l 'llng PaU
ssaua^IJf,aJs arll lse] o] peplf,sP 'uIelIJg uI IolsIJfl 'slgauaq luBplxollue a eq o] ples qJeq UeISY
3o d1rsra,r.ru61 aq] te d8oloq:dsd pluaur-radxa ue'Suasur8 pue :sprle ourluu aeJql'auJleaJl pue
yo luarugedap eq] uI Jaqf,Jeasal e 'llrus {uaH i.; 'aurur8re 'autllu.rel :uslloqBlaur ur pasn re8ns o
..'pua auos o] InJesn Jaqloue'asoqru-C :aulaJef suleluof, ]eril qJali
aq deru leq] sluelpa;3ur raqlo a,tuq daq] dldur uerlrzeJg e'euerenB :sluatpar8ul Iensnun Jaqlo
o1 d1.ra.r.ap pale{Jelu Suraq a;.daq1,,'sur4doi1 e^eq s{urJp d8raua'euo}f,Blouo;n:n13 pue auIJnE}
suqo{ 1e sqiUIJD JosseJoJd PIes ,.'sura}sds,fua,tr1ep o1 uorlrpp? u1'spunoduol esar{}Jo suol}eulqruotr JI
euragel 1sn[ asaql,, 'Ja]e,t re8ns paleurage: relnrrl;ed ar{} }e 8ul{ool sarpn}s.,\{eJ uaag a erl
'pa:udra.Lo;o 3ur1a1-reu p.&raJlls uer{} arou al}lll araq] leq] a8pal,nou4:e daqi ]nB'pepunoJun
o] slunorue anbrlsdu srql des slsllueltrs auos *r surafuol qrns leq] pue ePBrap e ueq] .
.,'s{urrp dS.raua }noge aroru JoJ plrom er{i punore paunsuol d1e;es uaaq
anbpsitu aloq,,\{ aqlJo 1:ed s,}1,, 'ples aqs ..'dn }l e ur{ s{urJp L8-raua des satueduo: a8e;a,Lag }L v
'rusrloqelau ur pesn pue sllar ueunq dq pacnpord
{ool puB {ro,,rtauroq rIaI{} op o1 aldoad a8e.rnocua SI
aM,, 'r{freaseJ op plnoqs daqt'sluatpar8ul }noqe sl ]eq];e8ns;o ad& e'auolrelouorn:n18 pue o
snorJnf, aJe sJaurnsuolJl ]eq1 s,(es 'sa8e.ralaq 'euunel prle oullue eq] 'auleJef, Jo uollleJeluJ
agos JoJ ueruo,{\se{ods e'IluIH I}sIJ) *t" aql lnoqe salluleualun PalI) sPlluo {}{eaq
' aurur8re '0002 ul IIng pau Pauueq afuerc ual{la'slelruo
pue 'aurleaJf 'aulJnel leq,\{ ?apl ou seq er{ s}IIlIpe g]leaq ueadorng;o uollua]te aqi patler]1e aleq C
erl ]nq'uer aL{}Jo dol aqi uo pa}slT'sluatpar8ur s{urJp,(8raua ur sluarpa-l3ut 3ut:uequa-r(3.raua l;
Surpunos-a8uerls seq JeeC oNJo uef, slq ]eq] dlpal.rodrnd rer{}o'eu1eger o} uor}rppe uI C{
U sa{II aq s-(es')Iueqfetu o}ne eq}'eJaJqEJ
'rW *l '€I Ja o auodue ro; aleudordde sr ltnpord srq a
,.'sluarpa;3ur aql 1eq1 sdes 'puerq relsuory relndod aql sllas qllq,lt 'PU
u?q] raqluJ Llqeuos;ad s,puetq aq] uo Sursn:o; 'uor1e-rod-ro) IeJnleNI uasueH eq] Jo elllnf axa 'al
'67 uer{} raplo asoq} }e
dq pue;q ;no 8ur1a4-reru uI a ellaq aM 'rual{} Jo Jarr{l 's{les '3l.aupog
due lnoqe surelf, ou eTelrr aM,, 'pIES III.IJaW'sl/d s1:npord Jrar{} iure daqt,{es rsda4 pue a{o3 'Juall
.,'aes o] ]ue,{r pu€ ltadxa o} aluo3 aluq sJalunsuo3 s-(e,np ]ou sr ,.uarpllql,,Jo uolllugap eq] lng trl
leq] stuelpa.r8ur uteluor sIuIJp L8raug,, il .,'euraJef, o] alrlrsues aldoad Jo 'uatuom ]ueu8ard
'aJeL{} llIeq} }ue^t sJaruo}snf, asnef,aq 'uarppqr JoJ papuauluofal ]ou,, sI aPISuI plnbll
sr aploJrll IInC ul Suasut8 pue'aullluref lzzg ayt leq] SuIuJeM 'Jaurrulf,slp Lrelunlo.t
'uue:en8'auunel uoseal aql sLes'elo3-eloJ e ltmc sJal{}o pue 'ra1suo1,rtr 'agoS Jo sueJ tt
Zeldoad sezr6raue req^ | B IINn OVZ
'lnJrurur{ aq deur ler{t s{urrp Sursn qro.g aldoad daa>1 o1 1ue.,vr daqt
asnef,eq s{urrp d8raua;o eles aq} slueruuJelo8 aruog '9
'peuuBq aq pFoqs s{urrp aq}
a arleq oq,,r aldoad s{urrp l.8.raua;o s.rasn.rep8ag'g
'sno^Jeu pue 'ssellsaJ
euof,eq uBf, aaJol r{lnru oo} IurJp oq,,nr a1doa6 .7
'saurf,rpaur u^,\oDI-eplII a{ll punos sluarparSur aql Suqeur dq
s{urrp rrar{} }noqe e alee:: sarueduror {ulrp dSlaug 'g
$lurrp dS.raua dueru;o luepodur auo aJB surruelr1 'Z
'eal puB aeJof, ur ]unolue
auraJef,Jo Junoue a8rel e rneluof, $lulJp lSraua atuos .I
(fpo) papunoyn ('u) enbrls{ru f'4 raurel)srp ('u) luauodtuo>
(tqd) q4lrt. onss!
e)el (fpo) puutttt (7) pueluo) (^) )eq
Qqd) o1a^lleler (r, ralsoJ ('u) uo!leJlua)uo) ([pa) pa]€46e
'l)alJo) {;;errler.uuuel6
a)ualuas aql aleu ol aselqd to pron aql Jo turo, aql ebueq> ol paau
(eu no1 'xoq aq] uro.l; aselqd Jo plo^ e qllm a)ualuas qrea e1a;duo3
'7 Eurpeag uor] saserqd pue sproM auos are rr"tt .g
.io;.(lrsour euop uoirre ue Luo,1 tr,r"riJti,l',J3ri1i iiitr,.
'palrqrqord sr uorssruuad uallrrn ssardxa lnorplu
]Erlalrr^{ aq}Jo uorsslusueJler roJ aser rad s.re11op pue srellop puads J plno.\r
ro 'uorlnqulsrper ,3ur,{dor ,8u1urrd aq1 .sa1els pal1u1l ar{tJo snel 1q8rildo3 aq+,,{q
pa1:a1o:d prie uorssruracl,{q pasn palrasar slq8rr 1y sarurl
1roi\ arll S00Z o .9002 dg11 's.raqto eql o] aalleler luarpar8ur deaqr
'tZ requeroN'saull llof, ilaN aW 1au:e11 aruelaytr (q ..a19:1ppy aqdeyg stgold {urr6
,{Eraug :uor1nr3 :ue3 aql,(q ,auiage.)Jo Io1y, uo4 ,:uE3 aql iq,aura.ge3;o 11o{ y,
e s,}I,, 'ples er{,,'auraJef aq} palqnop a^eq ppor I
'sales alouro;d o1 palue,u I JI,, '1I Jo eJour pappe
'prBS a^eq plnollr er{ 'auraJef, uo dn pallat sJaruo}snf,
..'rdlr1peaq e s.U,,
aq ,.'lnJJe \od aq o1 luem or{n aldoad o1 sa8erur 1aB dldrurs 01 aram rure srr{Jr }eq} sdes qres
3ur11as e.r.no1,, '3ur1a1.reru ql1.t{ op o18urq/ra,ta
..'Iulrp dS.raua ue qll,.t{ }f,aJa eru?s
seq'{rerulagJo o{rld 'ry,g s.(es ,teq} puv .0g'I$ o} aql1a31,uop nod leq] sl aruar-radxa JnO,, 'pres aq
I$ roJ peq aq uEl eposJo altloq af,uno-02 e uer{1!\ .,'dla8pg pue 'pa1u11tu '.{;a}}r( 1aB no.( eaJol {ulrp
uel e €g o1 76 a8-reqr o1 sraJnlfeJnueru ,t{olle }er{l nod uaq14,, 'euraJel Jo sruroJ Jaqlo ueql ,(8raua
sluarpa-r8ur a,Lrsuadxa a-rour ,raqlo aseq] sl ]I !-i
Jo ]srnq raqloorus e ra^rlap o] epetu
..;euraJef, ar{} slqnop pue s}ual eJorrr z sr Jalsuory sdes all 's8urpug asaq] qll/r enssl
ur 1nd 1sn[ ppo: I uaq/r sluarpa;8ur Jer{}o aseq} sa{e} 'a^r}nlaxa Jerr{l uasueH arl} .s{les .lw
7. Some people say that energy drinks improve their ________
so they can pay attention and think better.

8. People who criticize energy drinks ________ that the drinks

have too much caffeine in them.

9. Scientists caution that energy drinks can start or _ _ ____ an

addiction to the caffeine in the drinks.

10. The advertiser made claims that were _ _ _ __ , with no

research to support them.

11. For some people the effects are ________ , but others suffer
severe headaches during caffeine withdrawal.

12. Energy drinks often carry a _ _ _ _ _ on their label warning

that the drink is not suitable for children or pregnant women.

iQc,m!@il c. Go online for more practice with the vocabulary.

D. Read the statements related to the main ideas in Reading 2. Write T (true}
or F (false} beside each statement. Correct any false statements.

1. Beverage companies claim that energy drinks are safe and can have a
number of benefits.

2. Many scientists consider energy drinks to be a healthy and safe

alternative to coffee.

3. There are worries about the negative effects of high levels of caffeine
in energy drinks, especially for children.

4. Energy drinks are big business, and their sales are growing fast.

5. The benefits of taurine, glucuronolactone, and other ingredients in

energy drinks have been scientifically proven to be much greater than
those of caffeine.

__ 6. According to one study, the additional ingredients in energy drinks

have few benefits compared to caffeine, the most important ingredient.

I Reading and Writing 241

ealdoed seztEraua r.eq/V\ I g IlNn ZVZ
are slualpal6ut raqlo oll]
;ae; seruedr.uo) )uup X6lau3 'y
'sIuup {6raua ul
luarpet6ur lueltodr.ur lsor-u
aql sr
aura#e: (es slsrlual)S 'E
6ur:uequa-X6raua raqlo
ureluof s)uup {6rau3 '7
'sIUUp,{6raua o} pa}lt ppe
6uruo:aq aJe slaulnsuo) 'L
'slrelap lueyoduil tsou aql {;uo aluan o} laquauau
'6urpear aql Jo ued leug aq] uo salou lno^ pro)al ol treq) sL{} asn .l
'autaJle) Jo sla^al
]uornr q]lm sluUp X6raua;o ales oq1 paddols
eneq eurluabJv pue Xenntop ,)JeLuuaC ,oluell J
'uolplrrl) ur ulnt)le) Jo ssol
.o 'aura#el
pue 'ssaussa;]sat '{lrnlltetad(q sesne) outaJ}e)
Jo sla^al
'sla6euee] 6uoue uot])tppp q6rq ureluo:
aura;le) e6etno:ua s)utJp {6laua (es s>r1111 .p s)uup 16:au3 '7
'reeX auo ur ]ue:lad 99 ma.r6 sa;e5 ')
',(rlsnpur a6eranaq aq]
ro])as 6uranor6-]salseJ aql aJe s)uup {6rau3 .q
'{ep Xrane 're;ndod (ran are
s)uup X6laua oMl ro auo )uup a;doad auuo5 sluup I6reu3 '1
'punoJ aq ue) llelap q)ea alaq^ 7 Eurpeag ut Jaqrunu qdet6eled aql altr1 .:l
'eureJetrJo slunoure q8rq aql;o asnefeq pe]lrppe Suriuocaq
aJe sIurJp dS.raua IulJp oqrur aldoad ]eq] parrro,r\ ere slsrluarfs Z
G. Scan through Reading 2 for statistical information. Answer the questions.

1. How old is Tom Cabrera?

2. How many dollars is the domestic beverage industry worth?

3. How much do energy drinks sell for?

4. How many countries have banned the sale of energy drinks?

5. How much caffeine is necessary to produce dependency and withdrawal
6. How much caffeine does a can of energy drink contain?

7. How much caffeine is in an eight-ounce cup of coffee?

8. How large is a can of Pepsi's SoBe No Fear energy drink?

9. According to Coke and Pepsi, to what age group are their products marketed?

10. According to Rodney C. Sacks, what is an appropriate age to start

drinking Monster brand energy drinks?

11. In what year did France ban Red Bull?

12. What is the price of a 20-ounce bottle of soda?

H. Based on the information in Reading 2, what answers can you infer to the
following questions?

1. Why does Tom Cabrera drink one or two cans of energy drink every day?

2. Why are energy drinks such a fast-growing sector of the beverage industry?

3. Why are scientists and nutritionists worried about the increasing

popularity of energy drinks?
4. Why might some companies promote the addictiveness of their energy
drinks as a selling point?
5. Why might some companies put voluntary disclaimers on their drinks?

6. Why do energy drink companies add strange-sounding ingredients such

as taurine, glucuronolactone, and guarana to their drinks?

7. Why would an energy drink company avoid making claims about the
ingredients in its energy drinks and focus on a brand's personality instead?

8. What point is Mr. Sacks trying to make by explaining that caffeine is

much cheaper than the other ingredients in energy drinks?

Zaldoed sazroraua teq^ I S IlNn nVZ
'aurale) ol a^!l!suas are aldoad auos
'X;pno; 6uuous palrels uaqm I
eaude daa;s (ru ro ale^ e alrlefaq lstr; esnods 161 Jo OIEMP
'g; ;o a6e aLll Ja^o euolue lo1 aleudoldde
srIUup {6raua aq} s{es a^r}n)axa }olr.l) alll lo, aleudordde
'Llfleasal aulos op ue) quup {6taua ur
sluatpar6ur aLl] lnoqe snorJn) ate oL{M slaunsuo) ]noqe
uorlrsodatd + a^ll)afpv
'ZPue i s8urPeag
ur puno; suoqelol]ol uoluruof auros,uoqs sueql asar{J .uorsuaqa;druo:
Surpea; rnol. dn paads puu a1rr,u no,( se,{re.rn::e rnod asea;:ur uer su;a11ed
aseq] qll.t{ JerTrueJ Surag 'suo11ef,ollof, palpr aJE suor}eurqurof, uoururof,
asarlJ 'suorlrsodard urulJaf,,(q pa.,no11o; uago are sqJal puu sa,rlpa{pe aruog
i,(q.U,;7 Surpea6 ur se s{urrp 1 Surpeag
ur se sa8ueqr a1,,fisa;11 :ra;ard nod op dSlaua SuqsooqSo poqtetu qrlq6 .Z
ipeelsur s{urrp d8raua asn ol asoor{f, aldoad
eruos op dq.r,r 's1a,ra1r(8raua aseertrur o1 dlaq ]eq] salloql a1,!sa31 elqrsuas
are IIea 8ur1ea pue 'ssarls 8ur:npar 'daa1s qlq8ru poo8 e ]eq].uorr>l aldoad;1 .1
'asuodsal ul qdel6eled e alltrvr pue uorlsanb auo asooq) uaql.suollsanb
asaql ssn)s;p no( se 7 6ulpeau pue'1 Eurpeag ,oapln llun aql lnoqe lulrll .g
'uorurdo ;nod uleldxfl :s]leJa
rrar{} o} ro 8uqa4-reu o} anp dpreu $lurrp dS.raua;o,firrepdod aq} sI .E
;1ou dqr*.ro dq14 is{urrp esaq}Jo uorldrunsuot aq}
Iorluof pue ur dals plnoqs luauru.ralo8 eql {ulq} no,( oq 'euraJerJo slelal
g8rq qlWr $lurrp,(3.raua3o ales aq] .,ltolle ]ou op sarrlunorJo raqurnu y .Z
lnod ppo,,ur 'auo peu] ],ua^eq no,(;1
;1aa3 nod aleu 1r plp .troq 'sad;1 i{ulrpdS.iaua ue parr}.ra,r.a nod a^eH .I
'peuteal aneq no{ }eq^ }noqe lulLl} no{ se 4g7 a6ed
uo olrr1 l)ln[ lno( le l)eq Iool 'dnol6 e ul suotlsanb asaql ssn)sl6 .V
XzuTH& f?SA NVHfiN 3.I"IH'I'T
svz 6ur1ri11pue 6urpees I KK&
l$lurrp dS.raua uI PunoJ
sluarparSur Surpunos-a8ue.r1s aq] snorJnl sJarunsuof aJY '9
'auleJef, qlnlu oolJo
s]laJe er.{} '9
{nsal sr.ualqord p.rorrreqaq s,uaJpllqf, 'saun}auos
']sooq 4c1nb e ro; 8ur4oo1
are or{,\,\ stlnpe 8unol. palalrer.u uego aJB s>lulrp f,8nug 'y
'srseq dpup e uo
sFaru,(qfleaq 8ul1eu 1eap o] t1n)Ulp ]l pug aldoad dsng 'g
'rq31art asol o] alqe Sulaq tou pue
Surrreq se L{f,ns 'sualqord dueu llnsal uBf sseJls qlnlu ool 'z
'lqep deels e se daals dlllenb;o {rel e JaJaJ sJolfop auos 'I
'l)a#a ro asne) ssaldxa ol pasn suollP)ollo) qlyn sa)ueluas alll (,r') I)eq)
uaql'z pue 1 s6ulpeau ue)s ro xog ;1;15 (lelnqe)o1 aql1e 1oo1 'd;aq
paau no{;1 'uollgsoda.rd ale!.rdo.rdde aq} Lll!/v\ a)ua}uas q)ea alalduo) 'V
l)a}le aSnef
'sla^al Ibreua Mol ur sllnsal astlraxo Ll 6noua 6urua6 loN
osne) ira#a
i I
ruoJ1 llnseJ s1ana1 I6laua mo1
'3ur1rr.n fruapef€ uI uourtuof, IIE aJe r(ag1
'raga ssardxa o] pasn eft m llnsal pue
otr paa7'asner ssardxa o1 pasn arc ,(q pasna) aq pue wo,L{ l1nsat suol}Ef ollor aI{I
pa#a Jo asne)
'ssorls qll/vl leap sotpoq rno sd;aq losluo) Vllnn leap
'alels Llser) e se ol pallaJal
sr Llsnr re6ns lttnb p raue 6ut1aa; parl] aql o] raJar
'sluarparbur aLl] ueLl] laqler I]1;euoslad s,puerq
aq] uo sn)o, o1 a1r1 )ullp (6laua auuo5 UO snloJ
'sePer6 Poo6
6ur]la6 lnoqe (lronn s]uapnls {ltsrantun (uey1 ]noqe fironn
uorlrsodard + qran
8. Combine the phrases (cause, effect, and collocation) into one sentence.
Change the verbs and nouns as necessary to create a grammatical sentence.

1. not get enough quality sleep/ feel tired all the time/ result from
Feeling tired all the time results from not getting enough quality sleep.

2. be obese I sleep apnea/ can result from

3. high levels of caffeine/ France, Denmark, Norway, and Argentina bar the
sale of energy drinks / lead to

4. eat a large, high-protein meal/ feel tired/ can be caused by

5. companies spend a lot of money on marketing them/ an increase in sales

of energy drinks/ may be caused by

6. drink an energy drink/ feel wide awake and alert/ can result in

C. Find five new adjective+ preposition or verb+ preposition collocations

in Reading 1 and Reading 2. Then write a sentence in your own words for
each new collocation.

iQr,mfiW◄I D. Go online for more practice with adjective/verb+ preposition collocations.

246 UNIT 8 I What energizes people?

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