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1. When do you need to be focused?
That is when I have to complete a tough and time-consuming assignment. At that
time, I have to be mentally alert(1) and any distractor(2) like a deafening (3) noise can
make my blood boil(4).
1. Mentally alert: tinh thần tỉnh táo
2. Distractor: vật cản
3. Deafening: gây điếc tai
4. Make my blood boil: giận dữ
2. Can you concentrate on work during the noise?
I simply can’t. I will be on the warpath(1) if there is any ear-piercing(2) noise
disturbing(3) me when I am concentrating on my work. I used to get a very low mark on
my final exam just because of the noise of the construction work next to my school. It is
hard to concentrate and once distracted, I cannot bring back the flow of ideas(4).
1. On the warpath: tức giận, có thể dẫn đến xung đột
2. Ear-piercing: gây điếc tai
3. To disturb (v): cắt ngang
4. The flow of ideas: dòng ý tưởng
3. Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
Yes, it is very hard. I need a very silent and peaceful ambience(1) to stay focused. At
that time, I can work efficiently and easily come up with(2) new ideas. I hate the noise of
the surroundings but a very small volume of jazz also can boost my productivity(3).
1. Ambience (n): ngoại cảnh
2. Come up with: nghĩ ra
3. Productivity: năng suất làm việc
4. What do you do to help you concentrate?
I think jazz or piano melodies can enable me to stay focused. I think I can work more
effectively when I listen to music while immersing myself in working.
Immerse myself in: đắm chìm
5. What is the best way to concentrate?
As I said before, music can be considered as the optimal measure(1) that helps me
stay focused. I can be an eager beaver(2) when listening to my beloved songs. I reckon
other people also share a certain similarity in the way of concentration.
1. Optimal measure: phương pháp tối ưu
2. An eager beaver: người làm việc chăm chỉ
6. What may distract you when you are trying to stay focused?
I think it would be the noises of flies buzzing around. It may leave a bad taste in my
mouth and it may take me an hour to get into the state of concentration.
Leave a bad taste in my mouth: gây ác cảm
7. When is it hard to concentrate?
It is when people are getting stuck in(1) a hectic pace of life(2). Like when I was in
a hurry, it is nearly infeasible(3) to stay completely focused on doing one certain thing, and
at that moment, I also easily made wrong decisions.
1. Get stuck in: mắc kẹt
2. Hectic pace of life: nhịp sống nhộn nhịp, nhanh nhảu
3. Infeasible: không thể
8. In what situation do you need to concentrate?
That was when I had a very tough and important assignment to deal with. After that
period, I was often exhausted and needed some days to put my feet up.
Put my feet up: thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi
9. What do you do to improve concentration?
Firstly, I will set an achievable goal and a small present that I can honor myself after
completing the mission. Then I just put away all the unnecessary technological devices and
turn off all notifications. Finally, all I need to do is roll up my sleeves(1) to hit the big
1. Roll up my sleeves: chuẩn bị làm việc cật lực
2. Hit the big time: thành công
10. Is it easy for you to do two things simultaneously?
Honestly, I am not a multitasking(1) person who can do several different things
simultaneously(2). I used to try to multitask but I failed. When trying this, I recognised that
I was easier to make mistakes and completely ruined(3) two projects of mine.
1. Multitasking: đa nhiệm, có thể làm nhiều việc tại cùng một thời điểm
2. Simultaneously: cùng một lúc
3. Ruin: phá hủy
Describe something that can help you concentrate on work or study.
You should say:
• What it is
• How it helps you
• How effective it is
And explain what you think about it.
I’m going to talk about a technique(1) that I’ve been using in order to remain
calm(2) and collected(3) in any situation, especially when I’m dealing with stressful times
at work. That technique is to take slow and deep breaths when you need to concentrate.
To do this, all you need to do is to sit still(4) and relax your muscles. Then you start
inhaling(5) deeply and you should feel the air travelling to your lungs. When the air has
filled your lungs, hold your breath for a few seconds then release. You can exhale through
your mouth. Repeat this for a few times and try to spend the same amount of time for each
bout. Another thing I do this technique when I have many things coming at me at the same
time. At those times, I often get distracted(7) by my anxiety(8) and my thoughts are not
However this technique helps me to clear my head and calm down. Only then can I
think forward towards the solutions for my problems. I highly recommend this for anyone
who works in a high-stress environment.
1. Technique (n): kỹ thuật
2. Remain calm: giữ bình tĩnh
3. Collected (adj): tập trung
4. Sit still: ngồi yên
5. Inhale (v): hít vào
6. Exhale (v): thở ra
7. Get distracted: bị làm phân tâm
8. Anxiety (n): sự bồn chồn lo lắng
1. Is it important to keep concentrating on something?
I think that staying focused is the key to success(1) in life. Regardless of(2) what
you do or how talented you are, staying focused helps you achieve the best possible results.
These results could potentially lead to better opportunities or promotions.
1. Key to success: nhân tố dẫn đến thành công
2. Regardless of: không bàn tới
2. What can be done if there is too much noise around?
I’m inclined to(1) say that if you can afford to soundproof your room, that’s what
you should go for. However, I realised that not everyone, myself included, has this kind of
luxury(2). Besides, you cannot bring your room to your workplaces or cafes. So, another
affordable choice would be to purchase
noise-cancelling headphones(4) or earbuds.
1. Be inclined to: nghiêng về/ có xu hướng
2. Luxury (n): thứ xa xỉ
3. Affordable (adj): hợp túi tiền
4. Noise-canceling headphones: tai nghe chống tiếng ồn
3. What is the ideal time to concentrate on working or studying?
Speaking from experience, after a good night's sleep, about 7 or 8 hours, I can focus
on my work most effectively. I often feel refreshed(1) and rejuvenated(2) in the morning.
Surprisingly, at around 10 and 11pm, when everything has quiet down, I find myself able to
have a longer attention span. So, I often read books before going to bed.
1. Refreshed (adj): sảng khoái
2. Rejuvenated (adj): tươi mới

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