Training Process of ACI Limited

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Training Process of ACI Limited: The training and development department of ACI

needs to design and conduct the training for two types of employees. Training module is
different for both.
Purpose of the training is to provide a foundation setup to do the basic responsibilities of the
job. Sales person got the training to get introduced with the products of ACI, how to work in
field and documentation culture of the company. Non sales person gets an orientation
program to get familiar with the working environment, reporting boss and subordinates. Also,
both category employees get the overview of organizational environment. Sales person gets
communication skill and presentations skill development training. Non sales person has the
choice to select needed training from 40 different training subject.
The company hires employees for a variety of positions, each with its own unique
requirements and responsibilities. The Training and Development department plays a crucial
role in defining the audience for each training program. Through careful analysis of job
descriptions, skills assessments, and potential performance gaps, they determine which
employees will benefit most from specific training initiatives. This targeted approach ensures
that employees receive the most relevant training to excel in their roles and contribute
effectively to the company's success.
The HR department take an exam after the training session to know how much a trainee
adopted the training. Performance feedback was being collected from the supervisor of the
trainee and matches the performance report of before and after training performance report.
The HR department designs an exam that tests the key concepts and skills covered in the
training session. Trainees take the exam after the training to assess their understanding and
retention of the material. By using both exams and supervisor feedback, the HR department
gets a more comprehensive picture of training effectiveness. Exams assess knowledge
acquisition, while supervisor feedback helps assess the transfer of knowledge and skills to the
There has a required training session after a candidate enters into the organization. A
foundation training has been given and some technological training to do the job. Also the
organization arranges training session multiple time and in any need. Sometimes the audience
are whole employees and sometimes the audience is a specific department employee. The
organization's commitment to continuous learning doesn't stop there. They offer additional
training sessions throughout the year, catering to both the entire company think company-
wide policy updates) and specific departments (focusing on specialized skills or new
software. This ensures all employees stay up-to-date and have the knowledge to excel in their

Training Content:
The training department design the content of the training to improve the participant’s skill
and abilities. In the onboarding training the basic communication skill, software introduction
and code of conduct is the content. After onboarding the department allow the employees to
enroll training program at their own choice. Employees can choose their required training
subject among 40 training subjects. After selection the department arranges the training
program when possible.
The training department has a multipurpose training center in their corporate office. The
training center can accommodate nearly fifty participants. It equipes air conditioner, projector
and standard quality sound system. They use digital platforms to make the training material
use digital multimedia for dynamic learning. The department has own trainer for different
training session. It also outsources the trainer from outside of the company with high skill and
most experience. The training material is a confidential and recommended not to share to any
other contact. The training center is well equipped with the necessary instrument. It is a
multimedia training center that allows the visual training.
The department is planning to bring virtual reality (VR) for most effective training at outside
of the corporate office. Beside corporate office the department arranges training session at 30
different distribution centers in the country. Trainers used to travel across the distribution
centers for conduct training. It consumes time and money. If the VR introduced in the
organization, the trainer will no longer need to visit the distribution centers. It will save
money and time.
Resource and Budget:
The organizations expend money to develop their employees and up to date with the market.
The management is very liberal to provide best trainer available in the budget. The
organization has permanent trainer for different subject, also the organization hires external
trainer for best learning. In the case of non – sales person it costs 7,000/- to 8,000/- per
employee and for the sales person it costs 4,000/- to 5,000/-.
The organization is well organized, it arranges every equipment for training. The training
department is consisting of 30 employee who are responsible for arrange training. There has
no shortage of manpower. The training roaster is being made to facilitate the training time
most effective. For the sales person training is being conducted on area distribution center to
avoid the collation with non-sales person training, though they have only one training center
in their head office.

Evaluation and Feedback:

The training department design the training program with all resources available to make the
session effective. Though the effectiveness will be measures after the training evaluation of
the trainees. The trainer must design the training program with an evaluation session. For the
training session there will be questionnaire survey about the training title, content, delivery
and the trainer. Trainees can mark number as an opinion. After a week later supervisor
evaluates the trainees related to training module. The supervisor mark as satisfactory, good
and bad. If the department arranges any workshop, after the session they arranges a
comprehensive exam on workshop to evaluate the immediate effectiveness. The supervisor
provides feedback of the trainee’s before and after performance, by ending the workshop.
The department uses multiple method to collect feedback from the participants. They uses
Survey: The department uses this method most of the time. Some questionnaires are being
provided and the participant provide the answer in strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and
strongly disagree.
Interview: The interview is taken by the supervisor after a certain time of the session. The
questions are related to the training module. Participants are allow to give their opinion about
the training session .
Trainers provides a survey form to each trainee and urges to fill the survey carefully. Trainer
ensures that the opinion will not affect the career. This opinion is very much important to
improve the gap of previous training session. The feedback improves in –
1. Trainer of the session
2. Includes more subjects in the training module.
3. Days allocated for the training.
4. Improves interaction in the session.
5. Identify more areas to improvement.
All the feedback is important for future training design. The department try to improve the
past training gap to make it more effective in the future.
After having all the resources, the training and development department still face challenges
to doing their job. The interviewee says “nothing is perfect”. The department is on the
process to overcome the challenges.
They face uncertainty in training center because the center uses for multipurpose objective.
Since the center is used for various purposes, it can be difficult to secure a dedicated time slot
for training programs. Scheduling conflicts with organizational meetings or other events can
lead to delays or disruptions. The availability of equipment, furniture, and technology might
be restricted if other activities are using the center. This can limit the department's ability to
set up the training environment most conducive to learning.
It is difficult to identify the expectation of the target audience. Employees will have different
needs and expectations from the training. A new salesperson might want to focus on closing
deals, while a customer service representative might prioritize communication skills.
Employees might not always articulate their exact needs clearly. They might focus on
immediate challenges rather than long-term skill development needs. The Training and
Development department needs to uncover these underlying needs to create a truly impactful
Conclusion and Recommendation:
Conclusion: ACI started their journey as a medicine producing company, but now it is
spreading their activities in multiple business sector. Training and development of their
human capital is so important to get the market in this competitive market. Technological
changes are the main concern in the market. Employees needs to up to date with the changes
in the market. The department of training and development is responsible for developing
human resource of the company. ACI Limited's commitment to training and development
programs fosters a competent and adaptable workforce. By strategically aligning training
with company goals and offering a variety of delivery methods, ACI equips its employees
with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed. The emphasis on feedback mechanisms
further ensures continuous program improvement, ensuring its effectiveness in achieving
both individual and organizational objectives. ACI's dedication to learning and development
positions it for long-term success in an ever-evolving business landscape. ACI Limited's
forward-thinking approach to training and development is crucial for navigating the dynamic
business environment. As the company expands into diverse sectors, fostering a competent
and adaptable workforce is paramount. Their strategic alignment of training programs with
evolving goals ensures employees possess the relevant skillsets to thrive. Furthermore, the
emphasis on feedback mechanisms guarantees continuous improvement, maximizing the
program's effectiveness in achieving both individual employee growth and overall
organizational success. ACI's unwavering commitment to learning and development positions
them as a frontrunner, well-equipped to conquer the challenges and reap the rewards of an
ever-changing market.
Recommendation: ACI Limited's ongoing expansion into diverse business sectors, this
report recommends a comprehensive approach to training and development (T&D) to equip
employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to thrive in this dynamic environment.
The recommendations focus mnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnolllllllllk0p- on strengthening onboarding
programs, expanding the range of training subjects, and ensuring targeted delivery through a
deep understanding of the training audience.
1. The department should focus and prioritize the onboarding training and it should
include more training subject. Include industry-specific skills relevant to ACI's new
ventures. This could involve training on new technologies, regulations, or business
practices within those sectors. Communication, collaboration, and problem-solving
are crucial in any industry. ACI can ensure a well-rounded foundation by
incorporating these soft skills prominently in onboarding.

2. Sales person needs more training in communication, decision making and other
marketing skills. Train salespeople to truly listen to customer needs and concerns.
This improves rapport, allows for targeted product recommendations, and helps
identify potential objections early on. Teach them to effectively utilize CRM tools to
track customer interactions, personalize communication, and build lasting

3. Training time needs to be increased for better effectiveness. Extend training time
across the board. Identify knowledge gaps or skill deficiencies and tailor the
additional time to address those specific areas. This ensures focused learning and
maximizes the return on investment. Consider incorporating bite-sized learning
modules that can be delivered in shorter bursts throughout the workday. This approach
caters to shorter attention spans and reinforces learning through spaced repetition.

4. The department should quick response on the result of need assessment. Standardize
the format for presenting needs assessment data. This allows for quicker identification
of key findings and facilitates communication with stakeholders. Charts, graphs, and
infographics can help present complex data in a clear and concise manner, enabling
faster comprehension of training needs.

5. They should deeply identify the target audience because sometimes same people are
taking the same training multiple time. Consider the specific tasks, responsibilities,
and current skill levels of individuals within those roles. This allows for a more
granular approach and avoids unnecessary repetition. Establish clear pre-requisites for
each training program. This could involve specific skill assessments or completion of
prior training modules. This ensures participants have the foundational knowledge
needed to benefit from the program and avoids redundancy. Utilize different
communication channels to reach specific audience segments. This might involve
targeted emails, departmental announcements, or personalized invitations based on
individual needs identified in the assessment.

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