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Kyla Katrinne Q.

Asenjo BSED 1

Based on my observation about Plato’s The Allegory of the Cave is that the allegory explores the
philosophical idea of truth and how people from different backgrounds or experiences may view it. For
those who watch the shifting shadows on the cave wall, there is neither stability nor consistency
provided, simply a fictitious reality. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave serves as a warning that not everyone
will support or understand your decision to alter your routines and perspective on life. You can
anticipate that friends and family will mock your fool ideas, just as the cave’s inhabitants reacted to the
prisoner who had escaped and returned. Through Plato, we can learn that everybody wants to be a part
of something greater, a transcendent reality, that’s what Plato taught his students, which binds
everything into a single harmonious whole. The world we perceive is merely a small fraction of this
transcendent reality. Plato defines the physical world as a “dark place” where humans can only perceive
things via their senses in the Allegory of the Cave.

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