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Modernization theory originated from the ideas of German sociologist Max Weber (1864–1920).
Modernization is a process by which modern scientific knowledge is introduced in the society with the
ultimate purpose of achieving a better and more satisfactory life in the broadest sense of the term
accepted by the society concerned.


1. It emphasis on science and technology, reason and rationality, belief in progress and human
development, control over environment and avoidance of superstition and orthodoxy.
2. Help to rise of secular democratic polity, universal adult suffrage, and democratic values.
3. In relation of education, it involves literacy, emphasis on knowledge, trained skill and the like.
4. Economic Characteristics include changing over to commercial agriculture, use of machines and
advanced technology in agriculture, growing industrialization and urbanization, improvement in
commerce, industry and growth of Market etc.


1. It has introduced structural changes in social institutions like marriage, family, caste etc. The
concept of joint families is rapidly decreasing; everyone wants to remain aloof from others.
2. There are some eliminative changes like the disappearance of cultural traits, behavioral
patterns, values etc.
3. Emergence of new forms because of the synthesis of old and new elements. For example,
nuclear family in structure but functioning as joint.
4. Modernity assumes that local ties and parochial perspectives give way to universal
commitments and cosmopolitan attitudes.
5. The truths of utility, calculation, and science take precedence over those of the emotions, the
sacred, and the non-rational.
6. Westernization leads to migration where people migrate in search of better amenities and jobs.

Criticism of modernization

1. Modernization of social and economic institution may create conflict with the traditional ways
of life
2. Family values may diminished
3. Marriage become more contractual
4. Create evil effect on environment
5. Contrary views among the new and old generation

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