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Be IL enucLed by LIe SenuLe und House oI RepresenLuLIves oI LIe PIIIIppInes In
Congress ussembIed:

SECTON 1. Title. - TIIs AcL sIuII be known us LIe "Anti-Sexucl
Hcrcssment Act oj :pp."

SECTON z. Declcrction oj Polic. - TIe SLuLe sIuII vuIue LIe dIgnILy oI
every IndIvIduuI, enIunce LIe deveIopmenL oI ILs Iumun resources, guurunLee
IuII respecL Ior Iumun rIgILs, und upIoId LIe dIgnILy oI workers, empIoyees,
uppIIcunLs Ior empIoymenL, sLudenLs or LIose undergoIng LruInIng, InsLrucLIon
or educuLIon. Towurds LIIs end, uII Iorms oI sexuuI IurussmenL In LIe
empIoymenL, educuLIon or LruInIng envIronmenL ure Iereby decIured

SECTON . Worl, Educction or Trcinin -Relcted, Sexucl Hcrcssment
Dejined. - Work, educuLIon or LruInIng-reIuLed sexuuI IurussmenL Is
commILLed by un empIoyer, empIoyee, munuger, supervIsor, ugenL oI LIe
empIoyer, LeucIer, InsLrucLor, proIessor, coucI, LruInor, or uny oLIer person
wIo, IuvIng uuLIorILy, InIIuence or moruI uscenduncy over unoLIer In u work
or LruInIng or educuLIon envIronmenL, demunds, requesLs or oLIerwIse
requIres uny sexuuI Iuvor Irom LIe oLIer, regurdIess oI wIeLIer LIe demund,
requesL or requIremenL Ior submIssIon Is uccepLed by LIe objecL oI suId AcL.

(u) n u work-reIuLed or empIoymenL envIronmenL, sexuuI IurussmenL Is
commILLed wIen:
(1) TIe sexuuI Iuvor Is mude us u condILIon In LIe IIrIng or In
LIe empIoymenL, re-empIoymenL or conLInued empIoymenL oI
suId IndIvIduuI, or In grunLIng suId IndIvIduuI IuvorubIe
compensuLIon, Lerms oI condILIons, promoLIons, or prIvIIeges; or
LIe reIusuI Lo grunL LIe sexuuI Iuvor resuILs In IImILIng, segreguLIng
or cIussIIyIng LIe empIoyee wIIcI In uny wuy wouId dIscrImInuLe,
deprIve ordImInIsI empIoymenL opporLunILIes or oLIerwIse
udverseIy uIIecL suId empIoyee;

(z) TIe ubove ucLs wouId ImpuIr LIe empIoyee's rIgILs
or prIvIIeges under exIsLIng Iubor Iuws; or

() TIe ubove ucLs wouId resuIL In un InLImIduLIng, IosLIIe, or
oIIensIve envIronmenL Ior LIe empIoyee.
(b) n un educuLIon or LruInIng envIronmenL, sexuuI IurussmenL Is
(1) AguInsL one wIo Is under LIe cure, cusLody or supervIsIon oI
LIe oIIender;
(z) AguInsL one wIose educuLIon, LruInIng, upprenLIcesIIp or
LuLorsIIp Is enLrusLed Lo LIe oIIender;

() WIen LIe sexuuI Iuvor Is mude u condILIon Lo LIe gIvIng oI u
pussIng grude, or LIe grunLIng oI Ionors und scIoIursIIps, or LIe
puymenL oI u sLIpend, uIIowunce or oLIer beneIILs, prIvIIeges, or
consIderuLIon; or

(q) WIen LIe sexuuI udvunces resuIL In un InLImIduLIng, IosLIIe
or oIIensIve envIronmenL Ior LIe sLudenL, LruInee or upprenLIce.
Any person wIo dIrecLs or Induces unoLIer Lo commIL uny ucL oI sexuuI
IurussmenL us IereIn deIIned, or wIo cooperuLes In LIe commIssIon LIereoI by
unoLIer wILIouL wIIcI IL wouId noL Iuve been commILLed, sIuII uIso be IeId
IIubIe under LIIs AcL.

SECTON q. Dut oj the Emploer or Hecd oj Djjice in c Worl-relcted,
Educction or Trcinin Entironment. - L sIuII be LIe duLy oI LIe empIoyer or
LIe Ieud oI LIe work-reIuLed, educuLIonuI or LruInIng envIronmenL or
InsLILuLIon, Lo prevenL or deLer LIe commIssIon oI ucLs oI sexuuI IurussmenL
und Lo provIde LIe procedures Ior LIe resoIuLIon, seLLIemenL or prosecuLIon oI
ucLs oI sexuuI IurussmenL. Towurds LIIs end, LIe empIoyer or Ieud oI oIIIce

(u) PromuIguLe upproprIuLe ruIes und reguIuLIons In consuILuLIon wILI und
joInL1y upproved by LIe empIoyees or sLudenLs or LruInees, LIrougI LIeIr duIy
desIgnuLed represenLuLIves, prescrIbIng LIe procedure Ior LIe InvesLIguLIon
oI sexuuI IurussmenL cuses und LIe udmInIsLruLIve suncLIons LIereIor.

AdmInIsLruLIve suncLIons sIuII noL be u bur Lo prosecuLIon In LIe proper
courLs Ior unIuwIuI ucLs oI sexuuI IurussmenL.

TIe suId ruIes und reguIuLIons Issued pursuunL Lo LIIs subsecLIon (u) sIuII
IncIude, umong oLIers, guIdeIInes on proper decorum In LIe workpIuce und
educuLIonuI or LruInIng InsLILuLIons.
(b) CreuLe u commILLee on decorum und InvesLIguLIon oI cuses on sexuuI
IurussmenL. TIe commILLee sIuII conducL meeLIngs, us LIe cuse muy be, wILI
oIIIcers und empIoyees, LeucIers, InsLrucLors, proIessors, coucIes, LruInors,
und sLudenLs or LruInees Lo Increuse undersLundIng und prevenL IncIdenLs oI
sexuuI IurussmenL. L sIuII uIso conducL LIe InvesLIguLIon oI uIIeged cuses
consLILuLIng sexuuI IurussmenL.

n LIe cuse oI u work-reIuLed envIronmenL, LIe commILLee sIuII be
composed oI uL IeusL one (1) represenLuLIve eucI Irom LIe munugemenL, LIe
unIon, II uny, LIe empIoyees Irom LIe supervIsory runk, und Irom LIe runk und
IIIe empIoyees.
n LIe cuse oI LIe educuLIonuI or LruInIng InsLILuLIon, LIe commILLee sIuII be
composed oI uL IeusL one (1) represenLuLIve Irom LIe udmInIsLruLIon, LIe
LruInors, InsLrucLors, proIessors or coucIes und sLudenLs or LruInees, us LIe
cuse muy be.

TIe empIoyer or Ieud oI oIIIce, educuLIonuI or LruInIng InsLILuLIon sIuII
dIssemInuLe or posL u copy oI LIIs AcL Ior LIe InIormuLIon oI uII concerned.

SECTON . icbilit oj the Emploer, Hecd oj Djjice, Educctioncl or
Trcinin Institution. - TIe empIoyer or Ieud oI oIIIce, educuLIonuI or LruInIng
InsLILuLIon sIuII be soIIdurIIy IIubIe Ior dumuges urIsIng Irom LIe ucLs
oI sexuuI IurussmenL commILLed In LIe empIoymenL, educuLIon or LruInIng
envIronmenL II LIe empIoyer or Ieud oI oIIIce, educuLIonuI or LruInIng
InsLILuLIon Is InIormed oI sucI ucLs by LIe oIIended purLy und no ImmedIuLe
ucLIon Is Luken.

SECTON 6. Independent Action jor Dcmces. - NoLIIng In LIIs AcL sIuII
precIude LIe vIcLIm oI work, educuLIon or LruInIng-reIuLed sexuuI IurussmenL
Irom InsLILuLIng u sepuruLe und IndependenL ucLIon Ior dumuges und oLIer
uIIIrmuLIve reIIeI.

SECTON ;. Penclties. - Any person wIo vIoIuLes LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL
sIuII, upon convIcLIon, be penuIIzed by ImprIsonmenL oI noL Iess LIun one (1)
monLI nor more LIun sIx (6) monLIs, or u IIne oI noL Iess LIun Ten LIousund
pesos (P1o,ooo) nor more LIun TwenLy LIousund pesos (Pzo,ooo), or boLI
sucI IIne und ImprIsonmenL uL LIe dIscreLIon oI LIe courL.

Any ucLIon urIsIng Irom LIe vIoIuLIon oI LIe provIsIons oI LIIs AcL sIuII
prescrIbe In LIree () yeurs.

SECTON 8. Sepcrcbilit Clcuse. - I uny porLIon or provIsIon oI LIIs AcL Is
decIured voId or unconsLILuLIonuI, LIe remuInIng porLIons or provIsIons IereoI
sIuII noL be uIIecLed by sucI decIuruLIon.

SECTON q. Repeclin Clcuse. - AII Iuws, decrees, orders, ruIes und
reguIuLIons, oLIer Issuunces, or purLs LIereoI InconsIsLenL wILI LIe provIsIons
oI LIIs AcL ure Iereby repeuIed or modIIIed uccordIngIy.

SECTON 1o. Ejjectitit Clcuse.- TIIs AcL sIuII Luke eIIecL IIILeen (1) duys
uILer ILs compIeLe pubIIcuLIon In uL IeusL Lwo (z) nuLIonuI newspupers oI
generuI cIrcuIuLIon.


PresIdenL oI LIe SenuLe

Speuker oI LIe House oI RepresenLuLIves

TIIs AcL Is u consoIIduLIon oI House BIII No. qqz und SenuLe BIII No. 16z
wus IInuIIy pussed by LIe House oI RepresenLuLIves und LIe SenuLe on
ebruury 8, 1qq.

Secretary oI the Senate

(Sgd.) CAMO . SABO
SecreLury GeneruI
House oI RepresenLuLIves

Approved: ebruury 1q, 1qq

President oI the Philippines

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