Reading 1

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I. Read the passage, and then decide whether the statements that follow are True (T) or
False (F).
In my opinion, using the computer as your hobby can be harmful to both your health and
your social life. Firstly, sitting all day in front of the computer can cause health problems such as
eye-tiredness and obesity. Secondly you may get irritated easily. Besides, if you use the
computer too much, you will not have time for your family and friends. In short, computers
should only be used for a limited time.
1. Using the computer too much can make your eyes tired. 1. ________
2. Using the computer too much is not good for you. 2.________
3. We still can spend a lot of time with our family and friends. 3. ________
4. According to the writer, we can use the computer for a long time. 4.________
5. Computers should only be used for a limited time. 5. ________

II. Read the passage carefully.

I live in a village by Mekong River. Every day, like most of my friends, I walk to school. It is
three kilometers away. After class, I often help my mother to collect water from the river and
feed the chickens. At the weekend, the villagers often gather at the community hall where there
is a TV. The adults watch TV, but more often they talk about their farm work and exchange
news. The children run around playing games and shouting merrily. Laughter is heard
My father sometimes takes me to the market town nearby where he sells our home products
like vegetables, fruits, eggs... He then buys me an ice cream and lets me take a ride on the
electric train in the town square. I love those trips.
On starry nights, we children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to find
the Milky Way. We dream of faraway places.
Answer the following questions.
1. Does the boy like riding on the electric train in the town square?
Yes, he does
2. What do the children do on starry nights?
On starry nights, the children lie on the grass, looking at the sky and daring each other to
find the Milky Way
3. Do you like to live in the countryside or in the city? Why?
I like to live in the city. Because it is bustle
III.Supply suitable words to complete the following passage.
Our classes take place for three hours every morning from (1) Monday to
Friday.The maximum class size is (2) twenty and the average is ten. We use
modernmethods of teaching (3) and learning, and the school has a language
laboratory, a videocamera and recorder. You will only be successful in (4)
improving your English,however, if you work hard and practise (5) speaking English
as much as you can. Youwill take a short test (6) in English as soon as you arrive.
In this way, wecan put you in a class (7) at the most suitable level.
There are two classes at (8) the elementary level; one is for complete
beginnersand the other (9) is for students who know a only (10) English. In both
classes,you will practise simple conversations.

I.Read the text and fill in the blank with the suitable word.
The normal working day in Britain is (1) 9 a.m to 5 p.m, so mostoffices are
open 9-5. Schools usually start at 9 o’clock, too, but they (2) at about 3.30. Shops
usually (3) from 9 to 5.30 Monday to Saturday and (4) shops open
from 10 to 4 on Sunday, too. Restaurants (5) pubs usually open from 11 a.m to 11 p.m.
Some (6) come for a few hours in (7) afternoon. People
usually (8) a meal between 1 and 2 in the afternoon and between 7 and 9 in the
evening. Clubs don’t usually open (9) about 10 or 11 p.m and they close at 2 or 3
a.m. Museums normally open at about 10 a.m and (10) dose at 5 or 6 p.m.

II.Read the following passage and choose the correct answer for each gap.
I surf the Internet every day, but I’ve never (1) more than an hour at a time
online. I’ve got a laptop and also a smartphone, so I can (2) the Internet anywhere.
Today, for instance, I’ve been (3) three times.
Mainly I just (4) my friends. I read online magazines and I look (5)
information, too. I also compare prices of things, (6) I’ve never bought
anything online because I don’t think it’s safe.
I’m not an Internet addict, but some of my friends (7) . One friend of mine
always looks (8) because he spends all night online. Although he’s got a lot
of bad marks for the exams, he hasn’t (9) his habits.
In my experience, it’s very useful for people who use the Internet (10) .
1. A. spend B. spending C. spent
2. A. have B. use C. play
3. A. online B. Internet C. computer
4. A. write B. email C. send
5. A. at B. in C. for
6. A. because B. but C. although
7. A. is B. were C. are
8. A. tired B. hard C. happily
9. A. change B. to change C.changed
10. A. sensible B. sensibly C. sensibleness

III. Read the following passage and answer the questions.

Every four years people all over the world watch the Olympic Games. It is a time for all
kinds of people to unite in peace. Some of them join together to compete for gold medals.
Millions of other people watch them on television.
Why do we have the Olympics? How did they begin? The first Olympic Games were in
Greece in 776 B.C. There was only one event. People ran a race the length of the stadium. The
Games lasted one day.
Slowly people added more events. The Games were only for men, and women could not even
watch them. Only Greeks competed. They came from all parts of the Greek world. The time of
the Games was a time of peace, and the government let everyone travel safely. Kings competed
against common people. The winners became national heroes.
The first modern Games were in 1896 in Athens. The Greeks built a new stadium for the
competition. Athletes from several countries competed. Then there were Olympics every four
years in different cities in Europe and the United States until 1952. After that they were held in
Melbourne, Tokyo, Mexico City, and Montreal besides in European cities. Each year there were
athletes from more nations. The first Winter Olympics were in 1924. The athletes compete in
skiing and other winter sports.
Today there must be Olympic Games every four years. The Games must have at least fifteen
events, and they cannot last more than sixteen days. There is no age limit people of any age can
The competitors must not be professionals. They must be amateurs. The athletes compete for
gold medals. The winners are still national heroes, as they were in the early Olympic Games in
In 1956, Egypt, Iraq, and Lebanon boycotted the Games. They did not compete in the Games
because several countries took the Suez Canal from Egypt that year. Other countries boycotted
the Games in 1964 and 1976. In 1980, the United States and other countries boycotted the Games
in Moscow. In 1984, the Soviet Union and other countries boycotted the Games in Los Angeles.
How can the nations of the world solve this problem? Maybe the Games should be in Greece
every year, where they began. Then athletes from all over the world could compete without any

1. What was the only event in the first Olympic Games?
2. How many nations played in the first Games?
3. What is the age limit?
4. Are the competitors professionals or amateurs?
5. Where and when is the next Olympic Games?

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