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Revision Worksheet (CH 7, CH 8)

Q1. Answer in one word

1. Which property is used to underline the text on web page?

2. Write the correct code to get the following output?
Water: H2O
Ans- Water: H<sub>2</sub>O
3. Which type of properties are used to change the appearance of the text?
Ans-Text properties
4. Which tag is used to create a numbered list?
Ans <OL>
5. Which tag defines a row in a table?
Ans- <TR>
6. <DT> tag is used for________________.
Ans - Writing the terms that are to be defined

Q2) State True/False.

a) <P> tag is used to insert a paragraph in a HTML document. True
b) The heading tag has five levels. False
c) CSS enables to simplify the process of making web pages. True
d) HTML web page can be viewed using a web browser. True
e) <TR> tag is used to create cells in the table. False
f) Description list is used to create a bulleted list. False
g) <LI> tag is used to define an item in the list. True
h) <OL> tag has one attribute named TYPE. False

Q3. Very Short Answers

1. Complete the following sentences: -

a) The default player of the YouTube is developed using HTML 5.
b) Tags that are used to change the appearance of text are also known as Physical

2. Name the combination of three tags that are used to create the definition list.
Ans- <DL>, <DT>, and <DD> tags are used to create the definition list

3. What is use of <HR> tag?

Ans . The <HR> tag is used to divide the web page into different sections by drawing a
horizontal line in the web page.

4.Diffrentiate between <sup> and <sub> tag.

Ans –
Difference between<SUP> and <SUB> tags
The <SUB> tag is used to turn the enclosed text into a subscript like H2O whereas the
<SUP> is used to turn the enclosed text into superscript for example X2.

Q4. Answer in Short

1. Name the possible values that TYPE attribute can contain with the use of each.
Ans: - Type attribute can have the given possible values-
A- For Upper Case letters
A- For Lower Case letters
I- For Upper Case Roman numbers
i- For Lower Case Roman numbers
1- For Numbers

Q5. Answer in Detail

1. What are lists? Differentiate between ordered and unordered list with the help of an

Ans. A list is a collection of related items that can be used to represent information in pointed
Following are the differences between ordered and unordered list

Ordered List / Numbered List Unordered list / Bulleted List

each item is displayed along with the Each item is displayed with a bullet.
numbers or letters.
<OL></OL> let's tags are used to create it. <UL></UL> tags are used to create it.

Example: steps of an algorithm. Example: list of items available in bakery shop

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