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A* Our Class

By:Chalani Wijesurendra
Bsc. Msc. (UoC)

Practical – Acid-Base Titration (acid with known concentration and alkali with
unknown concentration)
A group of students named Jinuka, Mayon, Denuwan, Nuhansa, Yunal, Dilitha, Pabalu and
Akein is given a sample of a sodium hydroxide solution named T and asked to determine the
concentration of it.
They were provided with a 5.00 moldm-3 Phosphoric acid, called solution R, which they dilute to
make solution S.
The solution S is made by making the original 25cm3 of R up to 250cm3 with distilled water.
Then, The students titrate solution T with solution S.
25.0 cm3 of T is transferred into a conical flask. A few drops of “We-made” Turmeric indicator
are added to the conical flask.
Turmeric indicator is orange in alkaline solution and yellow in acid solution.
S is put into a burette and added to the solution in the conical flask until an end-point is reached.
(a) What is the colour in the conical flask

° before S is added,
° at the end-point?

(b) Calculate the number of moles of R in 25cm3 of the original sample.

_____________mol [1]

(c) Calculate the concentration of phosphoric acid in solution after dilution S.

____________moldm-3 [1]
A* Our Class
By:Chalani Wijesurendra
Bsc. Msc. (UoC)

The students do five titrations.
(Use your real results to fill in the table below)

1 2 3 4 5
Titration number

Final burette
Initial burette
reading/ cm3
Volume of S
added/ cm3
Best titration

Tick the best three titration results.
Using these results, the average volume of S used in

____________cm3 [1]

(e) Calculate the number of moles of S that reacted with 25cm3 of T.

________mol [1]
(f) Write the balanced equation for the reaction between phosphoric acid and sodium
hydroxide. [1]
A* Our Class
By:Chalani Wijesurendra
Bsc. Msc. (UoC)

Using the answer to (d) and the equation, deduce the number of moles of sodium
hydroxide in 25cm3 of T solution.

_________mol [1]

(h) Using your answer to (e), calculate the concentration of the sodium hydroxide solution,

_________moldm-3 [1]

(i) Students made sure the measuring cylinder was washed and the contents were added
to the volumetric flask before diluting the acid. Give the reason for this action.


(j) One student suggested to wash the conical flask with the sodium hydroxide solution
before transferring the measured volume to it.
What is your point of view on this suggestion?

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